Papers by Claudia Tania Picinin
Movimento (ESEFID/UFRGS), Aug 15, 2016
Licence Creative Commom Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo resenhar o livro Circus Maxi... more Licence Creative Commom Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo resenhar o livro Circus Maximus, de Andrew Zimbalist. Adotou-se o procedimento da resenha crítica. Constata-se, com a leitura do livro, que a realização de megaeventos, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento, em função das exigências impostas pelo Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI) e pela Federação Internacional das Associações de Futebol (FIFA), produz renda e faturamento muito abaixo dos valores despendidos com a organização dos Jogos Olímpicos e da Copa do Mundo FIFA. Conclui-se que a realização dos megaeventos é um mau negócio para as cidades e países que sediam os eventos.

RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218
O recebimento de receitas de royalties, oriunda de indenização financeira pela exploração de recu... more O recebimento de receitas de royalties, oriunda de indenização financeira pela exploração de recursos naturais, impacta diretamente nas políticas de desenvolvimento socioeconômico dos municípios que as recebem. A região Oeste do Paraná passou por intensa transformação após a construção da Usina Itaipu Binacional, como forma de indenização pelo alagamento de parte do território de quinze municípios da região Oeste, a Usina já distribuiu até 2018 centenas de milhares de dólares aos municípios lindeiros. Nesse sentido, este artigo propõe verificar a partir da análise de índices socioeconômicos, como está a aplicação dos royalties nos municípios lindeiros do Oeste Paranaense no período de 2010 a 2018. Para atingir esse propósito, foram selecionadas 11 variáveis socioeconômicas para cada um dos 15 municípios lindeiros, utilizou-se de teste de regressão linear. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que os royalties não interferem no resultado dos indicadores socioeconômicos estudados, pois nã...
Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida, 2013
The objective of this paper is to clarify the mechanism pre-established by the WHOQOL-HIV Group f... more The objective of this paper is to clarify the mechanism pre-established by the WHOQOL-HIV Group for the score calculation of WHOQOL-HIV and WHOQOL-HIV-bref instruments. For that, it was performed the textual transcription of the instruments syntaxes, describing in details the depuration of such syntaxes. It was proposed alternatives tools for the calculation of scores and descriptive statistics of such instruments. It concludes that the syntaxes interpretation difficulty and SPSS's utilization to calculate the WHOQOL's instruments results constitute limiting factors in its utilization and these can be suppressed by understanding of the syntaxes and utilization of alternative forms for the results calculation of such instruments.

The objective of this study is to identify the main Green Technology practices carried out in the... more The objective of this study is to identify the main Green Technology practices carried out in the countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS), through a systematic review without temporal delimitation. BRICS countries were chosen due to the high potential for impact on the environment, as well as the possibility of increasing the theoretical subsidy in discussions related to sustainable practices in these countries. The Methodi Ordinatio methodology was used to select and map the portfolio of relevant articles in the area, which allowed the identification of the main Green Technology practices used in the BRICS countries. The final portfolio was composed of 170 studies. The main Green Technology practices used in the BRICS are related to products, processes, and raw materials; a sustainable agriculture; water treatment and retention; waste management; green energy and energy reduction; carbon and biogas reduction; green buildings; and sustainability and ecocitie...

Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
This paper examines the phenomenon of strategic donation (including fundraising and intention to ... more This paper examines the phenomenon of strategic donation (including fundraising and intention to donate) through the lens of value co-creation before and after the outbreak of the COVID-19 in non-profit organizations (NPOs). The methodology was based on interviews and statistical analyses of online data. The qualitative results demonstrated that within NPOs, neither the marketing strategy nor the fundraising has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. NPOs employ a variety of strategies, including value co-creation activities (events), which is a key element in influencing engagement and donation. The quantitative findings showed that ''dialogue'' is the most frequent of the value co-creation elements (dialogue, access, risk sharing, and transparency-DART) in the media (posts) under consideration. In general, linear regression indicated that, after the beginning of the pandemic, these DART elements may predict online interaction and intention to donate. Shares and comments had a weak R 2 before the pandemic outbreak and a strong R 2 after it; that may be explained by the fact that people spent more time online after the outbreak.
E-health can be defined as a set of technologies applied with the help of the internet, in which ... more E-health can be defined as a set of technologies applied with the help of the internet, in which healthcare services are provided to improve quality of life and facilitate healthcare delivery. As there is a lack of similar studies on the topic, this analysis uses a systematic literature review of articles published from 2014 to 2019 to identify the most common e-health practices used worldwide, as well as the main services provided, diseases treated, and the associated technologies that assist in e-health practices. Some of the key results were the identification of the four most common practices used (mhealth or mobile health; telehealth or telemedicine; technology; and others) and the most widely used technologies associated with e-health (IoT, cloud computing, Big Data, security, and systems).
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
This study aims to profile the scientific retractions published in journals indexed in the Web of... more This study aims to profile the scientific retractions published in journals indexed in the Web of Science database from 2010 to 2019, from researchers at the top 20 World Class Universities according to the Times Higher Education global ranking of 2020. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and simple linear regression were used to analyze the data. Of the 330 analyzed retractions, Harvard University had the highest number of retractions and the main reason for retraction was data results. We conclude that the universities with a higher ranking tend to have a lower rate of retraction.

In many developing countries, the informal recycling sector is responsible for reducing the amoun... more In many developing countries, the informal recycling sector is responsible for reducing the amount of waste in landfills and supplying the needs of recycling industries. In the context of municipal solid waste (MSW) management, considering that developing countries aim to implement circular economy (CE) actions, it is essential to ensure the inclusion of waste pickers (catadores) in an adapted CE structure. This study analyzes the integration of recycling cooperatives in the formal management of municipal solid waste with recyclable potential (MSWRP) of a medium-sized municipality in Brazil, with the objective of ascertaining the contributions of cooperatives in an adapted CE structure and, at the same time, identifying a cooperative that can be used as a benchmarking option for other cooperatives, especially in relation to their organizational and operational practices. The results indicate that from this integration, cooperatives have legal responsibility in the management of MSWR...
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
With an increasingly competitive labor market and rising unemployment rates, inadequate working c... more With an increasingly competitive labor market and rising unemployment rates, inadequate working conditions such as: low wages, unhealthy environments, excessive noise and heat, accumulation of functions, excess working hours and regime in different shifts, are factors that may contribute to the emergence of mental and behavioral disorders. In order to carry out this study, a systematic literature review was carried out using the Methodi Ordinatio method, through the following steps: selection of databases; definition of keywords and their combinations; definition of search criteria; extraction of searches from databases; elimination of duplicate articles; definition and application criteria for the exclusion of articles that are not compatible with the proposed theme. It was possible to identify that there is a low number of scientific productions that address the themes of quality of life, anxiety and depression, and industry 4.0, which is an opportunity for future studies.
Pensar a Prática
O presente estudo objetivou analisar a produção técnico-científica dos bolsistas de produtividade... more O presente estudo objetivou analisar a produção técnico-científica dos bolsistas de produtividade da área da Educação Física no triênio 2010-2012. A relação de bolsistas de produtividade foi obtida por meio da página eletrônica do CNPq, tendo sido posteriormente buscado seus currículos na Plataforma Lattes e contabilizado por meio do software scriptLattes v8.07 sua produção bibliográfica, técnica e artística e orientações concluídas. Constatou-se que estes visam prioritariamente publicações em periódicos de Qualis A1, A2 e B1, bem como orientações de mestrado e doutorado. Conclui-se que os bolsistas de produtividade da área da Educação Física tendem a direcionar suas produções para atender aos requisitos estipulados pelo CNPq para manutenção/ascensão da bolsa de produtividade.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
Superior, CAPES) for the classification of Qualis 2017-2020 by tracing the path that led to the B... more Superior, CAPES) for the classification of Qualis 2017-2020 by tracing the path that led to the B3 stratification attributed to the journal Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (BABT). Data collection was based on the evaluation of articles published between 2017 and 2018 to obtain the Lattes curricula of the author(s). Other goals were to verify their participation in stricto sensu postgraduate programs recognized by CAPES; to identify the program's evaluation area according to CAPES; and to establish the association of authors/coauthors with their respective countries. Overall 199 articles were identified, with 897 authors/co-authors, 359 of which are associated with Brazilian institutions. A participation of at least one Brazilian author/co-author could be verified in 69 articles, out of which 60 had at least one professor affiliated to a stricto sensu postgraduate program recognized by CAPES. There was professors linked to 26 of the 49 CAPES evaluation areas, whereby the highest number of publications were Food Science and Agrarian Sciences I, both with 16 HIGHLIGHTS CAPES' proposed method for the Qualis classification of BABT was simulated.

O objetivo desta dissertação é relacionar os fatores listados na literatura com a percepção dos d... more O objetivo desta dissertação é relacionar os fatores listados na literatura com a percepção dos docentes inseridos na pós-graduação com nota 6 e 7 da Capes, da área de engenharias III no Brasil. A metodologia é dividida em duas partes, sendo que uma trata do método para a construção da revisão de literatura e a outra apresenta o método para aplicação da pesquisa e análise dos dados. A revisão da literatura consiste na busca de estudos nas bases Scopus e Web of Science. A aplicação da pesquisa foi realizada por meio de questionário enviado para 235 professores, distribuídos em dez universidades: ITA (39 docentes), UFRJ (12 docentes), PUC/PR (12 docentes), UFSC (43 docentes), UFRGS (30 docentes), UFPE (13 docentes), UFRGS (16 docentes), PUC/RIO (18 docentes), UFU (27 docentes) e UFRJ (26 docentes). Foram obtidos 61 retornos, que correspondem a 25,96% dos questionários enviados. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS, ver...
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies
The aim of this paper is to investigate the main practices of knowledge management (KM) employed ... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the main practices of knowledge management (KM) employed by BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) from 2001 to 2014 in relation to their economic complexity (EC). The research is constructed by employing The Atlas of Economic Complexity database and gathering data related to the BRIC countries' EC ranking and the projected global growth throughout 2024. The country with the best outlook of ascension regarding EC is India, which has the largest number of KM practices. Russia, having the least amount of KM practices, has the worst EC projection.
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management
Intermodal transportation is characterized by the transfer of goods from the origin point to a de... more Intermodal transportation is characterized by the transfer of goods from the origin point to a destination, involving two or more different modals of transportation. This paper aims to analyze modal road and rail transportation in the Campos Gerais region, as a form of concentrated cargos (storage and distribution) in this region. The empirical secondary data was obtained from federal agencies, such as the Ministry of Development and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). The modal choice emphasizes each specific characteristic and costs cutting. The Campos Gerais region presents significant exports, representing 41% of the state of Parana in 2004. The logistics junction of Campos Gerais region is focused on modal road-rail, centering on a large volume of cargo in this region.

Revista Gestão da Produção Operações e Sistemas
A Ergonomia e Segurança do Trabalho é uma área de muita importância para as atividades laborais, ... more A Ergonomia e Segurança do Trabalho é uma área de muita importância para as atividades laborais, procura oferecer ao trabalhador conforto ergonômico, físico e psicológico. Este estudo busca analisar de forma quantitativa a tendência de como se está desenvolvendo a produção científica nessa área, observando as diferenças existentes entre as subáreas que compõem o campo da Ergonomia. A amostra se tomou dos artigos publicados no período de 2010 a 2015 no SIMPEP. Para uma interpretação objetiva dos dados utilizaram-se os métodos estatísticos de correlação de Spearman, Anova e Kruska Wallis. Optou-se por esses métodos após verificar a linearidade dos dados. Os resultados mostraram que as produções de Ergonomia e Segurança de Trabalho têm uma tendência irregular, tal o caso das desigualdades existentes das publicações entre as subáreas de Biomecânica Ocupacional e Análise e Prevenção de Riscos e Acidentes, que mostram diferenças significativas (p=0,020). O artigo contribui para observar que é preciso um avanço em pesquisas na área de Ergonomia e que estas devem envolver todas as suas subáreas, para que esta disciplina científica se desenvolva de forma equitativa. Palavras-chave: Ergonomia. Segurança do Trabalho. Bibliometría. SIMPEP. Ergonomics and safety is an area of great importance for industrial activities, because they seek to offer the worker ergonomic, physical and psychological comfort. This study seeks to analyze quantitatively the tendency of how the scientific production in the area is developing, noting the differences within the sub-areas that compose the field of Ergonomics. The sample was taken from the articles published in the period from 2010 to 2015 in SIMPEP. For an objective interpretation of the data, the statistical methods of correlation of Spearman, Anova and Kruska Wallis were used. These methods were chosen after verifying the linearity of the data. The results showed that the production of ergonomics and work safety have an irregular tendency, such as the case of existing inequalities in the publications within the sub-areas of Occupational Biomechanics and analysis and prevention of risks and Accidents, which show significant differences (p = 0.020). The article contributes to observe that we need a breakthrough in research in the area of ergonomics and that this must involve all of its subareas, for this scientific discipline to develop in an equitable manner.
Papers by Claudia Tania Picinin