Papers by Claudia Cappelli
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, May 1, 2015
This paper´s main contribution is the description of the process and experience in developing Inf... more This paper´s main contribution is the description of the process and experience in developing Information and Communication Technology strategic planning at a Brazilian public higher education institution. Action research was used as the scientific method and each of its research steps are presented. It also presents the instruments that were built for assessing organizational needs, the institutional diagnosis form, the required adaptations in the SISP ICT strategic planning model, as well as the reflections about the ICT strategic development process for this particular organizational context. The results evidence the feasibility of use and adaptability of the SISP ICT strategic planning model, enabling the effective ICT strategic development in similar contexts.
This paper´s main contribution is the description of the process and experience in developing Inf... more This paper´s main contribution is the description of the process and experience in developing Information and Communication Technology strategic planning at a Brazilian public higher education institution. Action research was used as the scientific method and each of its research steps are presented. It also presents the instruments that were built for assessing organizational needs, the institutional diagnosis form, the required adaptations in the SISP ICT strategic planning model, as well as the reflections about the ICT strategic development process for this particular organizational context. The results evidence the feasibility of use and adaptability of the SISP ICT strategic planning model, enabling the effective ICT strategic development in similar contexts.

Business process models are artifacts used to support understanding of how to get a service or pr... more Business process models are artifacts used to support understanding of how to get a service or product, but as they are built with technical languages, they are not easy for citizens to understand. Therefore, a "citizen" process language needs to be used, however, it is unproductive for companies to model all their processes again using this new language, as the use of BPMN is more common. Therefore, an automated translation is necessary, and in this article, we describe the CAMELoT application that translates business process models semi-automatically into models in a citizen process language, which seeks to facilitate citizens' understanding. Modelos de processos de negócios são artefatos usados para apoiar o entendimento de como obter um serviço ou produto, porém, como são construídos com linguagens técnicas, não são de fácil compreensão pelos cidadãos. Por isso, uma linguagem de processos "cidadã" precisa ser utilizada, contudo, é improdutivo para as empresas modelar todos os seus processos de novo usando essa nova linguagem, uma vez que é mais comum o uso de BPMN. Logo, uma tradução automatizada é necessária, e neste artigo, descrevemos o aplicativo CAMELoT que traduz de forma semiautomática modelos de processo de negócio para modelos numa linguagem de processos cidadã, que busca facilitar o entendimento dos cidadãos.
Anais Estendidos do XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2022)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos a ferramenta Chart Lab para apoiar a criação de gráficos mais fáceis... more Neste trabalho, apresentamos a ferramenta Chart Lab para apoiar a criação de gráficos mais fáceis de serem entendidos principalmente por pessoas com baixo letramento. O sistema se baseia em regras da literatura da área de visualizações de dados e de práticas da técnica de Linguagem Simples. A partir de recomendações de alterações de componentes do gráfico são promovidas mudanças para melhoria na compreensão do leitor.

Este artigo apresenta como principal contribuição a descrição do processo e experiência de formul... more Este artigo apresenta como principal contribuição a descrição do processo e experiência de formulação de planejamento estratégico de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (PDTIC) em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES). A Pesquisa-Ação foi o método científico utilizado e as etapas do desenvolvimento da pesquisa são narradas. São apresentados os instrumentos construídos para levantamento das necessidades organizacionais, o formulário para diagnóstico institucional, as adaptações indicadas para o modelo de planejamento estratégico do SISP requerido pelos órgãos de gestão, assim como as reflexões sobre o processo de elaboração do PDTIC neste contexto. O planejamento estratégico de ICT resultante deste trabalho demonstra a viabilidade de utilização e adaptação do modelo de planejamento estratégico do SISP, permitindo a efetiva construção do planejamento estratégico de ICT em contextos similares.This paper's main contribution is the description of the process and experi...
This paper discusses the use of process models as an instrument to promote transparency and commu... more This paper discusses the use of process models as an instrument to promote transparency and communication between public organizations and their clients (citizens). It depicts a way to design public services process models aiming at increasing their understandability. The design is based on a catalogue containing characteristics, operationalizations and mechanisms for designing understandability on public service process models. The use of the catalogue by process analysts and the level of understandability acquired by the generated models were evaluated through case studies at a public educational organization. The results show that the proposed catalogue is applicable-process analysts were able to apply it in a reasonable time-and that more simple process models can be obtained, adequate for process explanation for citizens/users.
Anais do X Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico (WCGE 2022)
Gráficos se difundiram como um meio atrativo e comum de divulgar informações. Porém, também se po... more Gráficos se difundiram como um meio atrativo e comum de divulgar informações. Porém, também se popularizaram os exemplos de projeções incorretas, confusas ou até mesmo manipuladas. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma proposta de ferramenta, o Chart Lab, para construir gráficos melhor entendidos principalmente por pessoas com baixo nível de letramento. A ferramenta se utiliza de um conjunto de diretrizes e boas práticas da literatura da área de visualizações de dados unidas às práticas da Linguagem Simples. A partir disso são avaliados os componentes de um gráfico e recomendadas alterações fundamentais que impactam diretamente na compreensão do leitor.
Anais do Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico (WCGE 2020), 2020
Modelos de processos de negócios são artefatos usados para apoiar o entendimento de como obter um... more Modelos de processos de negócios são artefatos usados para apoiar o entendimento de como obter um serviço ou produto, porém, como são construídos com linguagens técnicas, não são de fácil compreensão pelos cidadãos. Por isso, uma linguagem de processos "cidadã" precisa ser utilizada, contudo, é improdutivo para as empresas modelar todos os seus processos de novo usando essa nova linguagem, uma vez que é mais comum o uso de BPMN. Logo, uma tradução automatizada é necessária, e neste artigo, descrevemos o aplicativo CAMELoT que traduz de forma semiautomática modelos de processo de negócio para modelos numa linguagem de processos cidadã, que busca facilitar o entendimento dos cidadãos.
This paper discusses the challenge of defining methodologies and technologies for public electron... more This paper discusses the challenge of defining methodologies and technologies for public electronic participation (e-participation) so as to make methodologies and technologies allies during the implementation of systemic strategies in governmental organizations.
Truthful information has been an important topic on transparency agendas. A considerable amount o... more Truthful information has been an important topic on transparency agendas. A considerable amount of work has been done on this theme, but transparency practices remain a challenge to society. This chapter presents the concept of transparency and discusses challenges and opportunities for research giving an overview about Information Systems applications in this area and progress that has been made in recent years.
This paper presents a study based on a systematic review about goal modeling and analysis methodo... more This paper presents a study based on a systematic review about goal modeling and analysis methodologies as a means to support business processes modeling. There are several proposals that aim to increase the adherence of intentions, goals and strategies to the work that is carried through business processes as a way to promote the understanding, alignment and improvement of work, given the expectations within and outside the organization. From an initial analysis of the existing proposals, requirements needed for structuring a goal modeling methodology integrated to process modeling are presented.
This paper presents the study on methodologies and tools for Simulation of Processes accomplished... more This paper presents the study on methodologies and tools for Simulation of Processes accomplished in Petrobras and analyzing the tool Aris Business Simulator in two fictitious cases and one real case.

Agile Governance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an area of research and pra... more Agile Governance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an area of research and practice on the rise, that which has been placed as an innovative proposal based on the principles and values of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. However, the adoption of practices in this area is still can be considered a challenging task, mainly due to relative insipience of the area. Given this context, it is important to define initiatives that support the adoption of a good Agile Governance in ICT in organizations. These initiatives can quote the MAnGve Maturity Model (M3): A maturity model for Agile Governance in ICT. This article presents the results of two evaluations carried out with alpha and beta versions of M3: a maturity model for Agile Governance in ICT. The evaluations were conducted through a survey with experts and focus group culminating in inputs that supported the evolution of the proposed maturity model for its version 1.0. Resumo. A Governança Ágil em Tecn...
Business Process Modelling is a practice adopted by several organizations at varied contexts all ... more Business Process Modelling is a practice adopted by several organizations at varied contexts all around the world. Despite its importance, it continues to be a costly and complex activity. Within this task, information gathering is one of the most important phases, able to compromise the entire process in case of failure. This study consisted of a bibliographic review about the recent advances about this topic at the areas of Process Elicitation, Knowledge Elicitation and Software Requirements Elicitation, in order to propose guidelines for a possible solution for the stated problem. The proposal will be applied on a real scenario, on a large brazilian oil and gas company.
The traceability between business process model and developed web services is important to ensure... more The traceability between business process model and developed web services is important to ensure control in a SOA approach. This work proposes a notation for modeling web services that allows keeping traceability between business process and the service implementations. In this approach, web services are classified in candidate services-the design of services candidates to implementation-and physical services-implemented services.
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO Av. Pasteur, 458, Urca-CEP 22290-240 RIO DE JANE... more UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO Av. Pasteur, 458, Urca-CEP 22290-240 RIO DE JANEIRO-BRASIL ii Este relatório foi elaborado no contexto de projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido pelo Núcleo de Pesquisa e Prática em Tecnologia NP2Tec-UNIRIO, com o patrocínio e apoio da PETRO-BRAS. iii Relatórios Técnicos do DIA/UNIRIO, No. 0028/2009 Abstract. Requirements elicitation is the first phase in the requirements engineering context, in which client's needs are identified. As such, it is a critical step, since it may impact the following development phases. This technical report presents the results of a literature review regarding the main problems cited in literature which may occur in this phase.

Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos, 2007
i-star (i*) modeling uses the actor concept to ground the intentions of a given Universe of Disco... more i-star (i*) modeling uses the actor concept to ground the intentions of a given Universe of Discourse. Our work contributes to the understanding of the actor concept as used in i*. We have used a collaborative approach to better understand the actor concept. The authors met 9 times to discuss the topic. The goal was to discuss i* meta-models, which was later specialized to discuss actor modeling. After the meetings and after one week of collaborative work using a collaboration based editor, "Writely", we have agreed on presenting our model from two different perspectives, but both using UML as the meta language. We understand that these models, designed by consensus, represent what we have labeled the SA Diagram or the Strategic Actor Diagram. The article presents the models we have arrived as well as the process we have used. We believe that making this process transparent will help to shed light not only on the concept of actor, but on the process of meta-modeling as well.
Jogos Digitais, como Sistemas de Informacao, influenciam a sustentabilidade social de um ambiente... more Jogos Digitais, como Sistemas de Informacao, influenciam a sustentabilidade social de um ambiente, de forma positiva ou negativa, a partir de seus requisitos funcionais ou nao-funcionais. Um dos aspectos destes sistemas e o comportamental, com enfase em seus usuarios e respectivas humanidades associadas. League of Legends e o jogo digital online com a maior quantidade de jogadores atualmente. Apos analisar que seus requisitos nao-funcionais esteticos habilitam sexismo, impactando negativamente na sustentabilidade social, este trabalho objetiva averiguar o aspecto humano, comportamental, atraves de um vies de Teoria Ator-Rede. Como a comunidade interage com sexismo? Como esta categoria de discriminacao e abordada? Como sao tomadas decisoes ao interpretar-se um fenomeno de sexismo? Quais as suas influencias?
This work presents the BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) pattern for service orchestrati... more This work presents the BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) pattern for service orchestration. It focus on presenting the descriptions of essential constructs for its use. The goal of this work is to be a tutorial that makes easy the use of BPEL pattern for developers that have not much experience in working with services. Besides, it is presented a literature review of recent works in orchestration subject.
One of the first questions in the initial phase of a process modeling project is how to estimate ... more One of the first questions in the initial phase of a process modeling project is how to estimate the effort to be spent for its implementation. A modeling project is very similar to a project of software development. This paper surveys the literature on estimates of effort to carry out projects of modeling business processes and software development seeking techniques and methods applicable to business processes modeling projects. The proposal will be applied on a real scenario, on a large brazilian oil and gas company.
Papers by Claudia Cappelli