Papers by Chutima Kranrod
Radioisotopes, 2009
Short term measurements of indoor radon concentrations were made in a dwelling in Okinawa, Japan,... more Short term measurements of indoor radon concentrations were made in a dwelling in Okinawa, Japan, in which high radon concentrations had been observed in a previous nationwide indoor survey. Measurements were carried out in 4 locations : the bedroom, living room and outdoors. In this study, anomalously high radon concentrations were observed in the 1st floor bedroom and the mean radon concentration averaged about 400 during the observation period, much higher than Japan's annual average of 15.5. A diurnal pattern of extreme fluctuation was found. Furthermore, there was a noticeable spatial distribution of indoor radon concentrations.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan 21, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Bangka Island with a history of more than 200 years of tin mining, has brought along the byproduc... more Bangka Island with a history of more than 200 years of tin mining, has brought along the byproduct of heavy minerals which contain radionuclide elements. There are some concerns about this byproduct material contributing to natural radiation in the environment. In this study, a car-borne survey was conducted, to give an accurate assessment of natural background radiation in Bangka Island. The measurement of indoor and outdoor ambient dose rates in 146 houses was also conducted for the assessment of radiation dose from external exposure received by the public. The soil samples were collected and measured by a gamma spectroscopy system to find specific radionuclide contributions to external terrestrial exposure. From 3790 measurement points during the car-borne survey, the highest ambient dose equivalent rate was measured at 596 nSv h−1 found in Muntok area, while the mean value was 101 nSv h−1 and the median value was 95 nSv.h−1. The ambient dose equivalent rate distribution map show...

Radiation Measurements, 2011
This paper described the establishment of lognormal distributions for the Jacobi room model param... more This paper described the establishment of lognormal distributions for the Jacobi room model parameters with a view to improve an existing method for long-term passive measurements of the equilibrium factor using LR 115 solid-state nuclear track detectors, namely, through the proxy equilibrium factor (F p) method. F p is defined as (C 1 þ C 3)/C 0 where C 0 , C 1 and C 3 are the concentrations of 222 Rn, and the airborne concentrations of 218 Po and 218 Po (or 214 Bi), respectively. The studied Jacobi room model parameters included the ventilation rate l v , the aerosol attachment rate l a , the deposition rate l d u of unattached progeny and the deposition rate l d a of attached progeny. The lognormal distributions generated more realistic distributions for the equilibrium factor F and the unattached fraction f p of the potential alpha energy concentration, and a much tighter relationship between F and F p , when compared with the traditionally used uniform distributions. With the new relationship between F and F p , the accuracy of the F p method to determine F from F p is significantly improved.
International workshop on radiation biology and radiation protectio
The First Meeting for the International Joint Research on Construction of Natural Radiation Expos... more The First Meeting for the International Joint Research on Construction of Natural Radiation Exposure Study Networ
The First Meeting for the International Joint Research on Construction of Natural Radiation Expos... more The First Meeting for the International Joint Research on Construction of Natural Radiation Exposure Study Networ
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2019
Natural background gamma radiation was measured along the main roads in the eastern, western and ... more Natural background gamma radiation was measured along the main roads in the eastern, western and southern regions of Thailand using a car-borne survey system with a 3-in × 3-in NaI (Tl) scintillation spectrometer. The system was able to quickly survey a large area and obtain outdoor absorbed dose rate in air from a gamma ray pulse height distribution. A total of 19 219 data of the outdoor absorbed dose rate in air were collected. The average outdoor absorbed dose rate in air in the eastern, western and southern regions were found to be 8–127, 16–119 and 16–141 nGy h -1 , respectively. The highest outdoor absorbed dose rate in air was detected in the southern region of Thailand. The corresponding average outdoor annual effective dose to the public ranged from 11.7 to 80.8 μSv.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Roi Et is one of the provinces with rice farming and exported to many countries around the world.... more Roi Et is one of the provinces with rice farming and exported to many countries around the world. In order to assess the radiation risk index from Jasmine rice cultivated soils, 175 samples in Roi Et province were measured using the gamma ray spectrometry technique for estimating the natural radioactivity levels. The specific activity of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K was found from 7.14 to 29.02 Bq/kg, 7.24 to 33.40 Bq/kg and 18.17 to 129.65 Bq/kg with a mean value of 16.92 ± 1.16 Bq/kg, 16.99 ± 2.24 Bq/kg and 46.95 ± 6.79 Bq/kg, respectively. However, the values of radium equivalent activity (Raeq), the external hazard index (Hex), the gamma-absorbed dose rate (D) and the annual effective dose equivalent (AEDEout) were also calculated to evaluate radiological hazards. The average values of Raeq, Hex, D and AEDEout were found to be 44.83 Bq/kg, 0.12, 20.03 nGy/h and 0.02 mSv/y, respectively. From the results can demonstrate that the natural radioactivity from soil are not affect to populatio...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The aim of this study is to create a database of radioactivity concentration and annual effective... more The aim of this study is to create a database of radioactivity concentration and annual effective dose of the naturally occurring radionuclides: 226Ra, 228Ra, 40K and 210Po in Thai medicinal herb plants. 99 types of popular Thai medicinal herb plants (total of 214 samples) such as Curcuma comosa Roxb., mucuna, white kwao krua, barbed grass, black galingale, lingzhi mushroom, Ginkgo biloba, jiaogulan, plu kaow, turmeric, ginger, safflower, moringa, gotu kola and garlic were randomly collected from drug stores and herbal fair. The activity concentration of 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K in all herb samples was determined by gamma-ray spectrometry while that of 210Po was determined by alpha spectrometry. The activity concentration was found to range from <0.20 to 89.92 Bq kg−1 for 226Ra, from <0.10 to 39.62 Bq kg−1 for 228Ra and from 4.83 to 2761.33 Bq kg−1 for 40K and from 0.32 to 47.13 Bq kg−1 for 210Po. The highest activities concentration of 226Ra, 228Ra, 40K and 210Po were found in th...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Content from this work may be used under th... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

Radiation Protection Dosimetry
A passive integrating discriminative radon-thoron monitor (Raduet) and a radon-thoron progeny mon... more A passive integrating discriminative radon-thoron monitor (Raduet) and a radon-thoron progeny monitor with a solid-state nuclear tracking detector were used for estimating indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in residential areas around the old mines of southern Thailand. Exposure to high background radiation levels from natural 238U and 232Th in the tin mine areas or active fault areas may increase the risk of lung cancer in the respiratory system when considering the health effects of the surrounding inhabitants. In this study, radon thoron and their progeny concentrations from inhalation in the study site have been assessed in dose at volunteer houses to confirm radiation effects. The annual effective doses due to inhalation of radon-thoron, radon progeny and thoron progeny using the ICRP latest dose conversion factors were estimated to be 3.0−4.6, 2.5–3.7 and 0.4–1.0 mSv, respectively, and as 5.9–9.0 mSv in total.

This paper presents the first measurement of the investigation of the health impacts of indoor ra... more This paper presents the first measurement of the investigation of the health impacts of indoor radon exposure and external dose from terrestrial radiation in Chiang Mai province during the dry season burning between 2018 and 2020. Indoor radon activity concentrations were carried out using a total of 220 RADUET detectors in 45 dwellings of Chiang Mai (7 districts) during burning and non-burning seasons. Results show that indoor radon activity concentration during the burning season (63 ± 33 Bq/m3) was significantly higher (p < 0.001) compared to the non-burning season (46 ± 19 Bq/m3), with an average annual value of 55 ± 28 Bq/m3. All values of indoor radon activity concentration were greater than the national (16 Bq/m3) and worldwide (39 Bq/m3) average values. In addition, the external dose from terrestrial radiation was measured using a car-borne survey during the burning season in 2018. The average absorbed rate in the air was 66 nGy/h, which is higher than the worldwide avera...
Papers by Chutima Kranrod