Papers by Christophe Delay
Le temps de l'enfance et les premières années de scolarisation : attentes et malentendus entre en... more Le temps de l'enfance et les premières années de scolarisation : attentes et malentendus entre enseignant-e-s et familles populaires autour du jeu Par Laure Scalambrin et Christophe Delay, HES-SO//HETSL, Lausanne vec l introduction du Concordât HarmoS , en 2009, uniformisant

Le rapport des classes populaires à l'école est devenu un objet "classique" en soci... more Le rapport des classes populaires à l'école est devenu un objet "classique" en sociologie. Mais, depuis plus de vingt ans, les classes sociales font l'objet d'un large déni dans les sciences sociales. Ce travail - fruit d'une immersion ethnographique dans une école d'un quartier populaire - vise à redécouvrir cet objet tombé en désuétude, montrant de manière fine et par le "bas" comment les inégalités scolaires s'ancrent au guichet "école" dans la rencontre entre deux cultures "antagonistes": la culture des classes populaires se confronte à la culture scolaire dans des rapports de domination et de normalisation et lui résiste, parvenant à se reconstituer des espaces d'autonomie. Recourant à l'approche historique, ce travail montre comment les familles populaires sont aujourd'hui mises en situation de "non-contemporanéité" par des groupes sociaux mieux dotés en capitaux et cherchant à s'en distinguer
Notre gratitude va également aux divers interlocuteurs qui ont accepté de passer un entretien ave... more Notre gratitude va également aux divers interlocuteurs qui ont accepté de passer un entretien avec nous et de nous parler de leur pratique quotidienne et/ou fait part de leurs analyses. L'accès donné à certaines pratiques sous la forme des dossiers confidentiels ...
Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres, 2013
Les attentes éducatives des familles La montée de la préoccupation scolaire des familles populair... more Les attentes éducatives des familles La montée de la préoccupation scolaire des familles populaires Le cas de la Suisse romande The increasing concern over schooling among working-class families.

This project examines the factors that determine support or rejection of welfare state measures, ... more This project examines the factors that determine support or rejection of welfare state measures, either based on individualised allowances (e.g. welfare or professional pension system), or on collective responsibility, which is institutionalised with egalitarian allowances (e.g. national pension system), or with granting of collective rights to groups (e.g. maternity leave). The project features a survey carried out with standardised face-to-face interviews on a representative sample (800 respondents) in four Swiss cities, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Bern and St.Gallen. The legitimacy granted to the welfare state should namely depend on recognition of minorities (e.g. immigrants, homosexuals, unemployed), on defence of national values, on awareness of structural inequalities (e.g. between men and women), on feelings of powerlessness, and on risk evaluations. Opinion differences between cities, social classes, age and gender groups will also be analysed.
Espaces et sociétés, 2014
Distribution électronique pour Érès. © Érès. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La r... more Distribution électronique pour Érès. © Érès. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Déviance et Société, 2013
Tensions et malentendus de classe entre familles et professionnels de l'encadrement (école, prote... more Tensions et malentendus de classe entre familles et professionnels de l'encadrement (école, protection de l'enfance)
Lectures, 2010
... 1Dans la lignée des travaux de Terrail1, Tristan Poullaouec s'interroge dans cet ouvrage... more ... 1Dans la lignée des travaux de Terrail1, Tristan Poullaouec s'interroge dans cet ouvrage à la fois : sur la manière ... littérature d'études monographiques portant sur divers aspects du monde ouvrier et ses transformations historiques (Hoggart, Willis, Wylie, Schwartz, Chombart de ...

This article revisits young people’s post-compulsory decisions regarding vocational training prog... more This article revisits young people’s post-compulsory decisions regarding vocational training programs. Based on an ethnographic study carried out in a lower secondary school in western Switzerland, it shows how, in this differentiated space, working-class specific habitus can explain these decisions regarding different vocational training options. These habitus are shaped by a range of principles that distinguish among the working classes themselves. The originality of this approach is to link young people’s decisions to teachers’ pedagogical work. In the Swiss education system, which is divided into different paths with little permeability between them, these teachers attempt to adjust young people’s subjective aspirations to their own perceptions of professional integration opportunities. This study raises questions about the sense and transformations of counter-school culture among working-class boys and girls.

EnglishThis article revisit youngsters educational choices in the field of post compulsory vocati... more EnglishThis article revisit youngsters educational choices in the field of post compulsory vocational training options. Based on an ethnographical study realized in a lowersecondary school located in French speaking part of Switzerland, it shows how working class specific habitus explain these choices in different vocational training options. These habitus are shaped by a range of principles differentiating working class among themselves. The originality of this approach is to link youngsters choices with teachers’ pedagogical work. In the Swiss educational system divided into different tracks with little permeability between them, they try to adjust youngsters subjective aspirations to their own perception of professional integration chances. This study raises question about the sense and change of counter-school culture among working class boys but as well among some girls. francaisCet article revisite la question des choix d'orientation post-obligatoires juveniles dans l'...
As many sociologists have noted, vast changes to family mores have occurred since the 1970s. Toda... more As many sociologists have noted, vast changes to family mores have occurred since the 1970s. Today, these changes relate primarily to the simultaneous emergence of a new family structure (a “relational” family based on strong emotionality where each partner has a high degree of autonomy) and of a new educational model (based on more flexible authority, which is negotiated between parents and children). Due to their unequal spread in society, these transformations can lead to misunderstandings in daily meetings between professionals from various educational institutions and working-class families with low cultural capital. Based on various empirical data (qualitative interviews, analysis of records), this paper attempts to shed light on these misunderstandings and to explain how they are structured by the social positions of the actors involved.
"In recent years, the family-school partnership has intensified in Geneva popular areas incl... more "In recent years, the family-school partnership has intensified in Geneva popular areas including the introduction of a social worker, mediator between the school and the families, and the establishment of school projects involving collaboration with families at the center of the concerns of the teachers. This article shows how popular families have adapted to this requirement based on their own cultural resources, their social history, their class ethos and the schooling of their children. In the end it is clear that if these past few have well internalized the need to meet with teachers, which is a sign of the rise of school concern in popular environments; collaboration remains aloof and relationship tinged with divided affects. Shouldn’t we therefore talk of habitus cleaved to characterize contemporary popular classes and their relationship to the school?"
The present research investigates certain psychosocial reactions to the feeling of material vulne... more The present research investigates certain psychosocial reactions to the feeling of material vulnerability. On the basis of theories stemming from the psychology of legitimacy and of sociological approaches to social precariousness, we want to underline a double dynamic of vulnerability. Results come from a representative study on the legitimacy of state intervention in Switzerland (N = 769). They show that on the one hand, vulnerability incites individuals to perceive a disorderly and dangerous society which leads them to support disciplinary state action. On the other hand, vulnerability contributes to the recognition of illegitimate structural inequality which calls for state regulation based on the redistribution of resources.

Resume En etudiant la construction des opinions sur l’assurance-maladie suisse, cet article prese... more Resume En etudiant la construction des opinions sur l’assurance-maladie suisse, cet article presente une analyse des attitudes a l’egard de la justice sociale selon l’approche des representations sociales. Les resultats d’une enquete nationale (N = 769) montrent que les prises de position des individus sur diverses propositions de revision de cette assurance, qui visent soit a en renforcer le principe egalitaire, soit a en reformer les modalites de retribution selon un principe d’equite, sont structurees par deux conceptions du vivre ensemble et de l’ordre social. La premiere, nommee ordre moral, se centre sur le conformisme normatif et la defense de valeurs dominantes, alors que la deuxieme, nommee inegalites structurelles, est basee sur la reconnaissance des inegalites economiques et de genre. Les resultats de l’enquete montrent egalement que les personnes qui occupent des positions subordonnees dans la societe (les femmes, les immigres, etc.) sont plus favorables que les dominant...

This article considers the structure of a contemporary urban reform in Geneva (as in other Europe... more This article considers the structure of a contemporary urban reform in Geneva (as in other European cities) concerning family gardens the status of which is now in competition with the recent increase of new forms of community gardens. It highlights the ecological, rationalistic, aesthetic and ethical criticisms of various public or private “reformers” with regard to family gardens, and in doing so, contributes to legitimating community gardens. While this reform is presented as a necessity, it is only welcomed with a certain reserve by the spokespersons of the family allotment associations. When taking a position “for” or “against” the reform, all the social actors tend to refer implicitly to different socially situated modes of gardening and of lifestyles and these differences reveal how much the “urban agriculture” in reality masks – behind the visible consensus of which it is the object – heterogeneous social meanings.
Papers by Christophe Delay