Papers by Christoph Clauß

This document is an example of one-page abstract for the book of abstracts of the Modelica Confer... more This document is an example of one-page abstract for the book of abstracts of the Modelica Conference 2011. The full conference proceedings will be only published electronically on a memory stick and on the Web. However, for the conference attendant’s convenience, a smaller book of abstracts will be printed and made available in the conference kit given to all participants. The goal of the book of abstracts is to provide the audience with some more information about the papers being presented, so they can choose which presentations to attend during parallel sessions. To this end, you can of course re-use the abstract provided when submitting the paper on the conference management system. However, consider that this page will be a sort of advertisement for your presentation, which will be read during coffe-breaks to decide if your presentation is worth listening to. Therefore, you can try to make it more attractive and informative. For this purpose, you can also include figures, such...

1 Einführung Für die Modellierung und Simulation mechatronischer sowie allgemeiner komplexer Syst... more 1 Einführung Für die Modellierung und Simulation mechatronischer sowie allgemeiner komplexer Systeme, die in der Regel mehr als eine Teildisziplin der Physik berühren, sind grundsätzlich zwei Wege möglich: • die Benutzung verschiedener, den Teildisziplinen entsprechender Modellierungs-und Simu-lationssysteme, die dann bei der Simulation durch Kopplung miteinander verbunden wer-den oder • die Verwendung eines einzigen Simulationssystems, das die Bearbeitung aller für die Auf-gabe erforderlichen Teildisziplinen erlaubt. Beide Wege sind praktikabel, haben ihre Berechtigung sowie ihre Vor-und Nachteile, die ent-sprechend des jeweils zu simulierenden Systems unterschiedlich ausfallen. Beim ersten Weg liegen Schwierigkeiten bei der Interaktion der Simulatoren, die von rein datenorganisatorischen Fragen bis hin zu Problemen numerischer Art reichen können [14]. Der zweite Weg ist durch Probleme der einheitlichen Modellierung der Systemkomponenten verschiedener Teildiszipli-nen gekennzeichne...
Modeling and simulation have been established as fundamental facilities in the development of ana... more Modeling and simulation have been established as fundamental facilities in the development of analog and analog-digital systems. Essential advances have been achieved by the usage of behavioral modeling languages. These languages can be considered as a link between the technical problem and the mathematical model that can be evaluated by computational methods. The paper outlines the various possibilities that are offered by the language VHDL-AMS – standardized by the IEEE to describe analog and mixed-signal systems – and the language Modelica. The underlying modeling approaches are compared. Last but not least, the potential to transform models written in one language into models of the other language is discussed.

In this paper, “continuous systems with structural dynamics” shall be understood as dynamical sys... more In this paper, “continuous systems with structural dynamics” shall be understood as dynamical systems con-sisting of components with continuous and/or discrete behaviour. (This notation should not be confused with the term “structural dynamics” in the context of Finite Element simulation). Continuous systems with struc-tural dynamics – or so-called “hybrid systems” – can often be investigated only by a so-called “hybrid simu-lation” which means a simultaneous simulation of continuous-time dynamics (modelled by differential equations or differential-algebraic equations (DAE)) and discrete-event dynamics (modelled e.g. by Boolean equations, finite state machines, or statecharts). To this end, an algorithm for numerical simulation of hybrid systems must be able to both solve a DAE system within a “continuous” time progression as well as to deal with event-driven phenomena. In the paper, the point of view is emphasized that the structure of a continuous system is closely combined to the...

Investigation of heterogeneous systems ("multi-nature systems" or "multi-domain sy... more Investigation of heterogeneous systems ("multi-nature systems" or "multi-domain systems") by simulating long time periods requires effective methods. If only si-nusoidal quantities with fixed frequencies occur in one of the involved domains then phasor analysis can be used to describe steady-state behaviour of this part of the heterogeneous system. But an analysis of only steady states is seldom of interest. Rather, it would be advantageous to investigate different steady states in form of a sequence and their interaction with the other parts of the complete system. In these cases, a coupling of phasor analysis and transient analysis is desirable. In the present paper, modelling of electrical AC sys-tems using the well-known phasor method is shortly repeated. The main focus of the paper is the coupling of such phasor domain-based models with transient mod-els of other domains (e.g. mechanical). Some simulation results of electric machines considered as electromec...

Globale Gebäude-Management-Systeme steuern undregeln die technische Gebäudeausrüstung ingewerkeüb... more Globale Gebäude-Management-Systeme steuern undregeln die technische Gebäudeausrüstung ingewerkeübergreifender Weise und ermöglichen soeinen optimalen Gebäude-Betrieb. Um den Entwurfeines solchen komplexen Systems zu vereinfachen,wird ein Simulationsmodell (Modelica) deskompletten Gebäudes einschließlich technischerAusrüstung, Wetter, Belegung und einerGüteberechnung (z.B. Energieverbrauch) verwendet.Aus den Anforderungen an das Gebäudeverhalten(Nutzerprofile) und den technischen Möglichkeitenwerden eine Spezifikation des Management-Systemsabgeleitet und in einer Statemachine Zustände derAnlage und Zustandsübergänge beschrieben. DieseStatemachine reagiert auf Größen des Gebäudes(Sensorwerte) und legt je Zustand Stellgrößen fest,die über parametrisierte Funktionen von denSensorwerten abhängen. Optimierungsrechnungenüber Jahressimulationen passen dieseFunktionsparameterso an, dass gewisse Gütemaßeverbessert werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wirddieser Ansatz an einer Raumregelung demonst...
In 2008 a physical device that contained a layer of titanium dioxide located between platinum ele... more In 2008 a physical device that contained a layer of titanium dioxide located between platinum electrodes became known as the HP-Memristor. Many models of this device, in different degrees of abstraction, were presented in the literature. This paper describes the simulation of some of these models, written in the object oriented language Modelica, with different numerical algorithms and gives an overview of their efficiency and stability. Furthermore, two analog circuits with memristors are shown and the usability of different memristor models within these circuits is discussed.

Functional Digital Mock-up (FDMU) stellt eine Erweiterung des in der Industrie etablierten Konzep... more Functional Digital Mock-up (FDMU) stellt eine Erweiterung des in der Industrie etablierten Konzeptes des Digital Mock-up (DMU) dar. Das Prinzip ist eine Kombination aus traditionellem DMU und Verhaltenssimulation. Innerhalb einer einheitlichen Plattform werden geometrische Eigenschaften und funktionale Aspekte gleichzeitig betrachtet. Das ermöglicht die geometrische Analyse/Kontrolle eines mechatronischen Systems ebenso wie die Überprüfung der stati-schen und dynamischen Funktionalität. Diese Verkopplung stellt einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung des ganzheitlichen Entwurfs von mechatronischen Systemen dar. Eine sehr interessante Eigenschaft von FDMU ist die mögliche Interaktion zwischen Visualisierung und numerischer Simulation in beiden Richtungen. Dadurch können nicht nur die Simulations-ergebnisse in einer 3D-Szene angezeigt werden, sondern der Nutzer kann eine aktuell laufende Simulation von Visuali-sierungstool aus aktiv beeinflussen. Die Kommunikation zwischen der Visualisier...

The investigation of large technical systems by simu-lating long time periods requires very effec... more The investigation of large technical systems by simu-lating long time periods requires very effective methods. If only sinusoidal quantities occur in the electrical domain, phasor analysis can be used to de-scribe the steady-state behaviour of this part of the physical system. In this paper, modelling of AC cir-cuits and electromechanical drives with electrical AC subsystems is presented using the well-known phasor method within Modelica. To this end, some funda-mentals concerning phasor description are repeated before a possible implementation of AC circuits with-in Modelica is proposed. This implementation uses a new Modelica-library which is still under construc-tion. The main content of this library is introduced. Furthermore, some statements are given concerning the library's usage when coupling with other domains or with transient submodels, or when switching be-tween transient and phasor analysis, respectively. Finally, three examples are presented.
Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 2013
The Web-based education methodology provides new chances and challenges to adopt interdisciplinar... more The Web-based education methodology provides new chances and challenges to adopt interdisciplinary expertise needed for mastering the design processes in key technologies as electronics and mi-cro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Simulation should be an integral part in teaching, under-standing and design of complex systems. In this paper four courses are presented which include Web-based simulation capabilities in different physical domains.
... Page 2. software, the integration of SystemC-AMS models into other tools via the available C-... more ... Page 2. software, the integration of SystemC-AMS models into other tools via the available C-interfaces, and the possibilities for IP-protection by pre-compilation, eg for customer models. ... Therefore, the entire system (hardware + software) was modelled in SystemC-AMS. ...
Proceedings of the 7 International Modelica Conference Como, Italy, 2009
Since the very beginning of the Modelica development ambitions for electronic simulation exist. T... more Since the very beginning of the Modelica development ambitions for electronic simulation exist. The electronic simulator SPICE, the SPICE models and the SPICE netlists grew to a quasi standard in electronics simulation for the last 30 years. That is why the wish arose to have SPICE models available in Modelica. This paper deals with modeling the SPICE3 models in Modelica directly extracted from the original SPICE3 source code. This courses the problem of transforming the sequential simulator-internal model descriptions of SPICE to the declarative description from Modelica. To solve this problem a way was developed and tested for some SPICE3 semiconductor models. The actual library is presented and further plans are shown.
Proceedings from the 8th International Modelica Conference, Technical Univeristy, Dresden, Germany, 2011
... In the actual Spice3 library for Mod-elica initial conditions are only available for the indu... more ... In the actual Spice3 library for Mod-elica initial conditions are only available for the inductor and the capacitance model of the basic package. ... The Mos2 model is suitable for a smaller chan-nel length. Actual tests of the model show, that it works correctly in principal. ...

Proceedings from the 8th International Modelica Conference, Technical Univeristy, Dresden, Germany, 2011
Functional Digital Mock-up (FDMU) and Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) are two keywords arising... more Functional Digital Mock-up (FDMU) and Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) are two keywords arising in the last years in simulation technology. In this paper, we would like to show that both principles, aiming at a comprehensive investigation of heterogeneous systems, e.g. from mechatronics, are not necessarily competing with each other but may be combined to benefit from the ideas behind. The approaches are based on different ideas and cover different aspects of the interaction of modern simulation tools. For that reason different constraints have to be considered, which do not make things easier. Both principles have advantages and disadvantages. However, by combining both ways, a powerful framework for handling a broad variety of simulation tasks can be formed. In the paper, a possible approach for integrating both technologies will be shown.
Papers by Christoph Clauß