Papers by Christoph Butenweg

2nd International Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities, 2020
Industrial facilities consist of the primary load-carrying structure and various process engineer... more Industrial facilities consist of the primary load-carrying structure and various process engineering components (secondary structures), which under seismic loading, may exhibit significant damage that may threaten their structural integrity with severe consequences on the population, the environment and the economy. Structures in industrial facilities vary widely from flexible piping to rigid machining tools, and from small precision equipment to large cranes. Most machine installations have specific functions, including manufacturing precision, number of revolutions, production efficiency, and supply capacity, thus the functional failure is as important as structural failure. The paper presents the shaking table tests in the framework of the SPIF (Seismic Performance of multi-component systems in special risk Industrial Facilities) project. Special attention has been paid to the interactions between the primary structure and components as well as between the components among themselves. The steel structure of three stories has been designed, with the vessels on the first and second storey connected with the pipes. The structure has been planned for testing in two configurations: as fully fixed and with base isolation at the bottom. The focus is placed on the behaviour of the vessels and seismic performance of the pipes and connections has for the purpose of derivation of the design recommendations. Measuring accelerations, relative displacements of the components and pipe sections for different levels of peak ground acceleration is planned. The results will be used to increase the knowledge on definition of damage levels, limit states and performance for industrial facilities
The article presents a comparison among experimental and numerical results for reinforced concret... more The article presents a comparison among experimental and numerical results for reinforced concrete slabs under short-term dynamic loads of deformable (soft) and non-deformable (hard) missiles. The comparison is based on the experimental results of impact test series carried out at the VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) within the framework of the international project IRIS 2010 (Improving Robustness Assessment Methodologies for Structures Impacted by Missiles). The numerical simulations are executed with three dimensional explicit short-term dynamic calculation models, in which the reinforced concrete slab and the missile are considered with their specific nonlinear material behavior. The conclusions are summarized based on a comprehensive comparison of simulation and experimental results taken the robustness and accuracy of the applied calculation methods into account.

1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2021
Seismic vulnerability estimation of existing structures is unquestionably interesting topic of hi... more Seismic vulnerability estimation of existing structures is unquestionably interesting topic of high priority, particularly after earthquake events. Having in mind the vast number of old masonry buildings in North Macedonia serving as public institutions, it is evident that the structural assessment of these buildings is an issue of great importance. In this paper, a comprehensive methodology for the development of seismic fragility curves of existing masonry buildings is presented. A scenario -based method that incorporates the knowledge of the tectonic style of the considered region, the active fault characterization, the earth crust model and the historical seismicity (determined via the Neo Deterministic approach) is used for calculation of the necessary response spectra. The capacity of the investigated masonry buildings has been determined by using nonlinear static analysis. MINEA software (SDA Engineering) is used for verification of the structural safety of the structures Performance point, obtained from the intersection of the capacity of the building and the spectra used, is selected as a response parameter. The thresholds of the spectral displacement are obtained by splitting the capacity curve into five parts, utilizing empirical formulas which are represented as a function of yield displacement and ultimate displacement. As a result, four levels of damage limit states are determined. A maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the process of fragility curves determination is noted as a final step in the proposed procedure. As a result, region specific series of vulnerability curves for structures are defined.

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015), 2019
Masonry infill walls are commonly used in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures, also in seis... more Masonry infill walls are commonly used in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures, also in seismically active areas, although they often experience serious damage during earthquakes. One of the main reasons for their poor behaviour is the connection to the frame, which is usually constructed using mortar. This paper describes the novel solution for infill/frame connection based on application of elastomeric material between them. The system called INODIS (Innovative Decoupled Infill System) has the aim to postpone the activation of infill in in-plane direction and at the same time to provide sufficient out-of-plane support. First, experimental tests on infilled frame specimens are presented and the comparison of the results between traditionally infilled frames and infilled frames with the INODIS system are given. The results are then used for calibration and validation of numerical model, which can be further employed for investigating the influence of some material parameters on the behaviour of infilled frames with the INODIS system.

Bautechnik, 2021
Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland sind mit Einführung des nationalen Anwendungsdokuments DIN EN 199... more Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland sind mit Einführung des nationalen Anwendungsdokuments DIN EN 1998‐1/NA auf Grundlage einer neuen probabilistischen Erdbebenkarte nachzuweisen. Für erfolgreiche Erdbebennachweise üblicher Grundrissformen von Mauerwerksbauten stehen in dem zukünftigen Anwendungsdokument neue rechnerische Nachweismöglichkeiten zur Verfügung, mit denen die Tragfähigkeitsreserven von Mauerwerksbauten in der Baupraxis mit einem überschaubaren Aufwand besser in Ansatz gebracht werden können. Das Standardrechenverfahren ist weiterhin der kraftbasierte Nachweis, der nun mit höheren Verhaltensbeiwerten im Vergleich zur DIN 4149 durchgeführt werden kann. Die höheren Verhaltensbeiwerte basieren auf der besseren Ausnutzung der gebäudespezifischen Verformungsfähigkeit und Energiedissipation sowie der Lastumverteilung der Schubkräfte im Grundriss mit Ansatz von Rahmentragwirkung durch Wand‐Deckeninteraktionen. Alternativ dazu kann ein nichtlinearer Nachweis auf Grundlage von Pushov...

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015), 2021
This paper describes the concept of an innovative, interdisciplinary, user-oriented earthquake wa... more This paper describes the concept of an innovative, interdisciplinary, user-oriented earthquake warning and rapid response system coupled with a structural health monitoring system (SHM), capable to detect structural damages in real time. The novel system is based on interconnected decentralized seismic and structural health monitoring sensors. It is developed and will be exemplarily applied on critical infrastructures in Lower Rhine Region, in particular on a road bridge and within a chemical industrial facility. A communication network is responsible to exchange information between sensors and forward warnings and status reports about infrastructures' health condition to the concerned recipients (e.g., facility operators, local authorities). Safety measures such as emergency shutdowns are activated to mitigate structural damages and damage propagation. Local monitoring systems of the infrastructures are integrated in BIM models. The visualization of sensor data and the graphic representation of the detected damages provide spatial content to sensors data and serve as a useful and effective tool for the decision-making processes after an earthquake in the region under consideration.

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015), 2021
Masonry infills are commonly used as exterior or interior walls in reinforced concrete (RC) frame... more Masonry infills are commonly used as exterior or interior walls in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures and they can be encountered all over the world, including earthquake prone regions. Since the middle of the 20 th century the behaviour of these non-structural elements under seismic loading has been studied in numerous experimental campaigns. However, most of the studies were carried out by means of in-plane tests, while there is a lack of out-of-plane experimental investigations. In this paper, the out-of-plane tests carried out on full scale masonry infilled frames are described. The results of the out-of-plane tests are presented in terms of force-displacement curves and measured out-of-plane displacements. Finally, the reliability of existing analytical approaches developed to estimate the out-of-plane strength of masonry infills is examined on presented experimental results.

Bautechnik, 2020
Die Anwendung des linearen Nachweiskonzepts auf Mauerwerksbauten führt dazu, dass bereits heute S... more Die Anwendung des linearen Nachweiskonzepts auf Mauerwerksbauten führt dazu, dass bereits heute Standsicherheitsnachweise für Gebäude mit üblichen Grundrissen in Gebieten mit moderaten Erdbebeneinwirkungen nicht mehr geführt werden können. Diese Problematik wird sich in Deutschland mit der Einführung kontinuierlicher probabilistischer Erdbebenkarten weiter verschärfen. Aufgrund der Erhöhung der seismischen Einwirkungen, die sich vielerorts ergibt, ist es erforderlich, die vorhandenen, bislang nicht berücksichtigten Tragfähigkeitsreserven in nachvollziehbaren Nachweiskonzepten in der Baupraxis verfügbar zu machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein Konzept für die gebäudespezifische Ermittlung von erhöhten Verhaltensbeiwerten vor. Die Verhaltensbeiwerte setzen sich aus drei Anteilen zusammen, mit denen die Lastumverteilung im Grundriss, die Verformungsfähigkeit und Energiedissipation sowie die Überfestigkeiten berücksichtigt werden. Für die rechnerische Ermittlung dieser drei Anteile...
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 2020
Computers and Geotechnics, 2018
In this paper, a coupled multiphase model considering both non-linearities of water retention cur... more In this paper, a coupled multiphase model considering both non-linearities of water retention curves and solid state modeling is proposed. The solid displacements and the pressures of both water and air phases are unknowns of the proposed model. The finite element method is used to solve the governing differential equations. The proposed method is demonstrated through simulation of seepage test and partially consolidation problem. Then, implementation of the model is done by using hypoplasticity for the solid phase and analyzing the fully saturated triaxial experiments. In integration of the constitutive law error controlling is improved and comparisons done accordingly. In this work, the advantages and limitations of the numerical model are discussed.
Mauerwerk, 2018
The article presents the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a modern URM building located ... more The article presents the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a modern URM building located in the municipality of Finale Emilia in province of Modena, Northern Italy. The building is situated in the centre of the series of the 2012 Northern Italy earthquakes and has not suffered any damage during the earthquake series in 2012. The observed earthquake resistance of the building is compared with predicted resistances based on linear and nonlinear design approaches according to Eurocode. Furthermore, probabilistic analyses based on nonlinear calculation models taking into account scattering of the most relevant input parameters are carried out to identify their influence to the results and to derive fragility curves.

Earthquakes and Structures, 2017
This paper proposes a quick and simplified method to describe masonry vaults in global seismic an... more This paper proposes a quick and simplified method to describe masonry vaults in global seismic analyses of buildings. An equivalent macro-element constituted by a set of six trusses, two for each transverse, longitudinal and diagonal direction, is introduced. The equivalent trusses, whose stiffness is calculated by fully modeled vaults of different geometry, mechanical properties and boundary conditions, simulate the vault in both global analysis and local analysis, such as kinematic or rocking approaches. A parametric study was carried out to investigate the influence of geometrical characteristics and mechanical features on the equivalent stiffness values. The method was numerically validated by performing modal and transient analysis on a three naves-church in the elastic range. Vibration modes and displacement time-histories were compared showing satisfying agreement between the complete and the simplified models. This procedure is particularly useful in engineering practice because it allows to assess, in a simplified way, the effectiveness of strengthening interventions for reducing horizontal relative displacements between vault supports.

Based on the German Code E DIN 19700 (2001) the Ruhrverband Essen in collaboration with RWTH Aach... more Based on the German Code E DIN 19700 (2001) the Ruhrverband Essen in collaboration with RWTH Aachen and Bauhaus University Weimar recently performed safety assessments of its barrages. In particular, the seismic slope stability of the rockfill dams and the hydro-fracturing problem of masonry dams have been analyzed in detail. Because of the importance of the structures and the potential damage involved in the collapse of a dam, the time-stepping algorithm was used in the seismic analysis of the slope stability instead of the simplified quasi- static Krey/Bishop method. In addition to the earthquakes specified by the German code, measured accelera- tion characteristics of the Roermond earthquake were applied. The safety assessment has been performed by postprocessing of the computed stress field histories to obtain the corresponding slope stability characteristics (Meskouris et al. 1999a, b). For the masonry dams the hydro-fracturing problem, which may be caused by the water penetrat...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing
Bauwerke und Erdbeben, 2011
Industrieanlagen müssen auf Grund der kapitalintensiven Verfahrenstechnik und der möglichen Gefah... more Industrieanlagen müssen auf Grund der kapitalintensiven Verfahrenstechnik und der möglichen Gefahr des Freisetzens von umweltgefährdenden Stoffen in Wasser, Boden und Luft erdbebensicher ausgelegt werden. Eine erdbebensichere Auslegung der Anlagen erfordert Bemessungsregeln für die Tragstruktur der Anlagen, für die nichttragenden verfahrenstechnischen Einbauten und für die Versorgungsbauwerke unter Berücksichtigung der spezifischen Besonderheiten des Anlagenbaus. In Deutschland fehlt zurzeit eine normative Grundlage zur
Bauwerke und Erdbeben, 2011
Die seismische Untersuchung von großen Absperrbauwerken wie Erddämmen und Staumauern stellt den I... more Die seismische Untersuchung von großen Absperrbauwerken wie Erddämmen und Staumauern stellt den Ingenieur auf Grund der Interaktion zwischen Bauwerk und eingestautem Wasser sowie den möglichen geotechnischen Effekten unter dynamischen Einwirkungen vor besondere Probleme bei der Durchführung des seismischen Standsicherheitsnachweises. Im Folgenden wird am Beispiel von Erddämmen eine Möglichkeit des seismischen Standsicherheitsnachweise auf Grundlage linearer Zeitverlaufsberechnungen aufgezeigt.
Papers by Christoph Butenweg