Papers by Christian Neumair

In dem DFG-geförderten Projekt SPECIMEN werden Verfahren zur Modellsynthese und-Validierung im St... more In dem DFG-geförderten Projekt SPECIMEN werden Verfahren zur Modellsynthese und-Validierung im Steuerungsentwurf entwickelt. Allgemeines Ziel des Projektes ist, aus einer Beschreibung der Strecke und aus verschiedenen semi-formal gegebenen Anforderungen schritt weise ein valides Modell zu erzeugen, das anschliessend als formale Spezifikation der Steuerung und als Testreferenz dienen kann. Schwerpunkt des hier vorgestellten Ansatzes ist die werkzeug gestützte Validierung von formalisierten Anforderungen durch Simulation, d.h. durch Generierung und Visualisierung kausaler Abläufe. Als Modellierungssprache werden durch Signalkanten erwei terte Petrinetze verwendet Im Rahmen eines Industrieprojektes wurden die SPECIMEN-Konzepte für ein aktuelles Problem der Fahrzeugindustrie angewandt und erweitert. Diese Fallstudie wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit von den Anforderungen bis zu den detaillierten Modellen vorgestellt. Es wird über Erfahrungen aus diesem Projekt berichtet insbesondere zu Übereinstimmungen und Differenzen zwischen den in SPECIMEN getroffenen Annahmen und der in dieser Industriesparte vorgefundenen Realität.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
This work considers model construction and validation in controller design. The problem we are in... more This work considers model construction and validation in controller design. The problem we are interested in is to derive a formal model of a controlled automation system from a semi-formal description of the uncontrolled plant and various requirements concerning the plant and the processes of the controlled system. These requirements are originally formulated on many different abstraction levels, partly employing formal notations, partly using just natural language and partly consisting of mixtures of both. Moreover, they are often incomplete, contain errors, contradict each other and assume some domain knowledge which is typically not explicitly stated. So a crucial part of the model construction process is the formalization of the plant and of the requirements as well as validation of the derived models. We suggest a simulation-based method which employs formal and graphical representations of process models and specifications and which involves an iterative process of formalization and validation of requirements. The approach is based on particular Petri nets, called signal nets, as formal process models and partially ordered runs as their semantics. This contribution also reports on a case study from the automotive industry.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
It is a tool for modelling, simulation, validation and verification of processes using Petri nets... more It is a tool for modelling, simulation, validation and verification of processes using Petri nets. VipTool allows to specify certain properties graphically. Examples are specific forms of forbidden behaviour (facts and causal chains) and desired behaviour (goals). VipTool generates and visualizes concurrent runs of a given Petri net model.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
The aim of this paper is to introduce a concept for an efficient representation of the behavior o... more The aim of this paper is to introduce a concept for an efficient representation of the behavior of an unbounded Petri net. This concept combines a known method for the description of unbounded Petri nets, namely coverability trees, with an efficient, partial order based method developed for bounded Petri nets, namely Petri net unfoldings.
Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets, 2004
We present a modular formalism and methodology for modelling and control of discrete event system... more We present a modular formalism and methodology for modelling and control of discrete event systems, such as flexible manufacturing systems. The formalism is based on Petri net modules which communicate via signals. Two kinds of signals are employed, namely ...
Papers by Christian Neumair