Papers by Christian Lyhne Ibsen
Landene i Norden har klare likhetstrekk. Med sine små åpne økonomier, velutviklede velferdsstater... more Landene i Norden har klare likhetstrekk. Med sine små åpne økonomier, velutviklede velferdsstater og organiserte arbeidsliv, har de gitt opphav til begrepet «de nordiske modellene». NordMod2030 er et nordisk forskningsprosjekt som skal identifisere og diskutere hvilke utfordringer landene vil måtte takle i årene fram mot 2030. Hensikten er å bidra til at det blir utformet strategier som kan videreutvikle de nordiske modellene. Hovedrapporten vil legges fram i november 2014, og før den tid vil prosjektet publisere en rekke delrapporter og arrangere åpne seminarer.

ABSTRACT The widespread decline of trade unions and the emergence of various alternative forms of... more ABSTRACT The widespread decline of trade unions and the emergence of various alternative forms of worker voice and representation have posed a challenge to the field of industrial relations and generated significant rethinking of the future directions for this field of study. In this article, we examine how well industrial relations meta-theories, when combined with efforts to build middle-range theories, provide distinctive explanations and different predictions for the alternatives that have emerged to date to fill the void. We propose new directions for theory and research that expand the range of actors or institutions that shape employment relations and include social identities outside of the employment relationship as the basis for mobilizing collective actions and voice. Finally, we suggest using these theoretical arguments to test among alternatives as a means of revitalizing and reshaping industrial relations as well as carrying forward the problem-solving norms that have characterized the field since its inception.

Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 2011
ABSTRACT The economic crisis weighed heavily on the 2010 collective bargaining rounds in the Dani... more ABSTRACT The economic crisis weighed heavily on the 2010 collective bargaining rounds in the Danish and Swedish manufacturing sectors — the pattern-setting sectors in both countries. This article analyses and compares the bargaining rounds from agenda-setting to signing, pointing to the significant differences in bargaining structures, processes and output. On the whole, the crisis seems to have had little effect on the Danish bargaining system due to a strong centralization on the employer side through the Confederation of Danish Industries, union moderation and the coordination of bargaining areas by Denmark’s mediation institution. Conversely, the bargaining round in Sweden puts a question-mark over the viability of the whole Swedish bargaining system. Union coordination was shattered when the white-collar unions broke ranks and concluded agreements before the LO unions. But more importantly, Teknikföretagen — the biggest employers’ federation — quit the Industrial Agreement after the negotiations and, once again, Swedish social partners are being forced to readjust the procedural framework for collective bargaining.
Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2007
... 59Olsen, Regulering af offentlige forsyningsvirksomheder.; Moesgaard Andersen, Omstillingen e... more ... 59Olsen, Regulering af offentlige forsyningsvirksomheder.; Moesgaard Andersen, Omstillingen er klar. View all notes. This was fulfilled through the so-called 'Concordat' formed in 1950 between P&T on the one hand and the regional companies on the other. ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011
... Lyhne Ibsen a * , Trine Pernille Larsen a , Jørgen Steen Madsen a & Jesper Due a ... more ... Lyhne Ibsen a * , Trine Pernille Larsen a , Jørgen Steen Madsen a & Jesper Due a pages 2295-2310. ... In Public Service Employment Relations in Europe , Edited by: Bach, S., Bordogna, L., Della Rocca, G. and Winchester, D. 198235. London: Routledge. View all references). ...

Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2011
ABSTRACT Often neglected in flexicurity studies is the question of how collective bargaining cont... more ABSTRACT Often neglected in flexicurity studies is the question of how collective bargaining contributes to the development of flexicurity, despite the continued resilience of this form of regulation in many European countries. The article compares sector-level bargaining and flexicurity in the printing and electrical contracting industries of Denmark, Spain and the UK to assess this link. In line with prior research, the article finds that Danish agreements contribute significantly to flexicurity. Somewhat against conventional expectations, however, are findings in the UK and Spain. In the UK, agreements contribute significantly despite a hostile context for collective bargaining. In Spain, due to the heavy influence of legislation the contribution is more modest but nevertheless notable. This overall finding gives strong evidence for the proposed link. The article goes on to discuss if a positive contribution is facilitated by certain institutional and relational conditions.
Why did union officials from a high-union-density country like Denmark choose to import an organi... more Why did union officials from a high-union-density country like Denmark choose to import an organising strategy from low-density countries such as the US and the UK? Drawing on in-depth interviews with key union officials and internal documents, the authors of this article argue two key points. First, rather than unions settling for a semi-automatic response to membership decline, the 'organising model' was actively imported as a strategic tool for challenging alternative responses to membership decline. Second, the organising model was actively translated into a Danish context and most unions cherry-pick some elements while leaving fundamental aspects out. The study nevertheless indicates that a lack of coherency and model-fit to Danish industrial relations might hamper the positive effects of the organising strategy.
Papers by Christian Lyhne Ibsen