Papers by Chihab Cherkaoui

Adaptation has been becoming more and more important in modern educational systems. Building an a... more Adaptation has been becoming more and more important in modern educational systems. Building an adaptive learning system requires granular and reusable content. In this paper, we proposed a learning content framework using the Learning Object technology. We will particularly examine the granularity approach of Learning Objects (LO) and its impact of adaptability in Adaptive Learning Systems (ALS). For this, we study first the concept of Learning Objects. Then, we present some models of educational contents and their limitations in comparative way. Afterward, we discuss the granularity as a fundamental point to achieve adaptability and individualization required in Adaptive Learning System. Later, we propose our own learning resources model that emphasizes on fine-levels granularity to enable course adaptability and therefore facilitate efficient learning to the students. Finally, we present the design and the general architecture of the system ALS-CPL, allowing the integration of th...

In online learning environments, the individual characteristics of learners have necessarily an i... more In online learning environments, the individual characteristics of learners have necessarily an influence on the reliability and the credibility of peer assessment. This paper focuses on the stage of allocating students’ submissions within online peer assessment process. Firstly, by providing an overview of the main applications of this process in online assessment tools and MOOCs. This overview considers mainly the methodologies of assigning submissions to learners for evaluation; and secondly, by proposing a model for the assessor based on the individual personal characteristics that shape her or his assessment profile. This profile plays a key role in the success of the peer assessment/feedback experience. We conclude this paper with a brief discussion of the potential that can provide the assessor model in the context of an approach that manages the allocation of submissions and considers the personal characteristics of the learners’ community.
Le travail presente dans cet article concerne le processus de scenarisation pedagogique dans les ... more Le travail presente dans cet article concerne le processus de scenarisation pedagogique dans les cMOOCs. Notre objectif est d'offrir des solutions informatiques pour accompagner les enseignants dans la conception, la mise en place et l'adaptation de tels cours. Pour cela, nous proposons un modele generique de scenario pedagogique oriente cMOOC qui permet de decrire les environnements d'apprentissage, les roles et le sequencement des activites pedagogiques de ces environnements massifs, ouverts et connectivistes. Notre modele est generique dans le sens ou il ne depend pas d'un domaine ou d'un contexte particulier. Mots-cles. MOOC, cMOOC, conception pedagogique, scenario pedagogique.
International journal of innovation and scientific research, 2016
This present work consists of evaluating the extent to which organizational culture aspects are i... more This present work consists of evaluating the extent to which organizational culture aspects are important in the perception of the success of the ERP system. A survey was conducted on 94 organizations operating in different business areas in Morocco. We have applied the PLS modeling to analyze the data collected. The results of this investigation show that culture oriented to employees emphasizing on involvement, collaboration, team working, mutual trust, decentralized decision making and power sharing explained the variance of perceived success of ERP system in term of system quality and net benefits. The results also show that the hierarchical culture which focuses on formalization was important in the perception of ERP success toward information quality and net benefits.

The work we present in this paper is a part of the general problem of drop-out in online learning... more The work we present in this paper is a part of the general problem of drop-out in online learning environments (LMSs and MOOCs). It deals in particular with the motivation issue of learners to finish their courses. In this sense, we defend the idea of the interest of animated pedagogical agents to motivate learners and to adapt content, presentation and navigation to their profile. We therefore propose the first specifications of the PAOLE agent. The design of this agent is based on a new concept which we have called the Pedagogical Intervention. An intervention may be of different kinds, but it is more precisely used to overcome the current problem of abandonment of learners. It combines characteristics of intelligent agents like: autonomy, ability to perceive, to interact, to reason and to act; and some other characteristics of pedagogical agents as: observing, evaluating, adapting content, recommending, engaging, motivating, etc.

Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications
La gestion de connaissance est la manière de gérer à la fois les flux d'informations, la capi... more La gestion de connaissance est la manière de gérer à la fois les flux d'informations, la capitalisation des savoir et des savoir-faire par la modélisation des processus. Pour ce faire, elle s'appuie sur l'utilisation des outils technologiques. Elle suppose également l'adhésion des ressources humaines qui composent la connaissance de l'organisation s'exprimant sous la forme d'une coopération entre les individus de cette même organisation à l'aide d'outils de travail collaboratif. Mais quel usage fait- elle de ces outils pour mieux gérer ses connaissances? L'objectif de ce travail est d'utiliser la théorie de l'activité d'abord pour acquérir des connaissances sur différents pôles de l'entreprise (sujets, objectifs, outils, communautés, règles, ...) ensuite pour permettre une intégration des différents outils technologiques en une seule plate-forme complète de GC.

Model and Data Engineering
Ensuring effective feedback for learners is an important factor in the success of the learning ex... more Ensuring effective feedback for learners is an important factor in the success of the learning experience. In the context of MOOCs, instructors are unable to provide feedback to a big, heterogeneous community of participants. Different platforms and tools have adopted peer assessment to solve this problem. However, they have been faced with a large number of learners who do not have enough capacity to generate accurate assessments and meaningful feedback. This finding leads to relying on the intelligence of the mass in order to generate more valid and effective feedback. At this level, one limitation of most tools and platforms is that they create random groups of assessors without considering the individual characteristics of its members. For this reason, this article proposes an updated assessor model that focuses on the characteristics of learners related to assessment capacity and their ability to provide correct, objective and useful feedback for their peers. Based on this feedback-oriented assessor model, we consider the aforementioned characteristics in the context of an algorithm that creates groups of assessors and allocates submissions in order to optimize peer feedback.
Resume: Le travail presente dans ce papier, s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet objet-relationnel... more Resume: Le travail presente dans ce papier, s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet objet-relationnel qui a pour but la gestion de la persistance des objets a l’aide des SGBD relationnels ; il vise a exploiter l’existant en matiere de bases de donnees, et a reduire le cout d’integration de l’approche objet dans les systemes actuels. Il consiste a faire correspondre les objets du modele objet aux tables du modele relationnel en utilisant des techniques de representation sous forme relationnelle des objets. Ensuite, une mise en œuvre d’une couche logicielle portable sur toutes les plateformes situee au dessus d’une base de donnees relationnelle realisant cette correspondance automatique a ete realisee. Mots cles: Persistance, Objet-Relationnel, Reutilisation, Portabilite.
In most of the existing commercial platforms for distance education, the hold in account of indiv... more In most of the existing commercial platforms for distance education, the hold in account of individual differences between students is nearly non-existent or it often based on an instructor’s presence. But, an instructor can sometimes be overflowed by the different electronic mails received. An efficient distance-learning environment must be able to adapt the content to all students by planning sequences of activities. The main goal of this communication is to show the different aspects bound to such a planning in the ARDOVIA environment.

During the past decade, higher education faces many pressures and changes. Understand and positiv... more During the past decade, higher education faces many pressures and changes. Understand and positively influence these changes calls for coordinated, controlled, larger and precise action plans. This requires effective management of the intellectual capital. Knowledge management wants more than necessary and universities can not escape. The present communication investigates an experiment of implanting the knowledge management within the university IBN ZOHR of Agadir. We propose an approach based on the e-learning and its components to establish an organizational memory of the scientific, technical and administrative holdings of the university. We were particularly interested in the constitution of a repository of resources intended for the training and for the research. This deposit of explicit knowledge include: administrative documents, courses, training pads, electronic books, etc.
Online Learning Environments (OLE) such as LMS, MOOC and ALS are becoming increasingly popular in... more Online Learning Environments (OLE) such as LMS, MOOC and ALS are becoming increasingly popular in many educational institutes like universities. However, LMSs and MOOCs provide the same content for all learners in a given course. Educational theory suggests that learners possess different proprieties such as background, preference, cognitive level and style of learning. This paper investigates an experiment of implanting the adaptation in these environments. The goal is to propose a model of adaptation taking into account several dimensions of adaptation. We will so examine these dimensions in the context of hybrid systems consisting of LMSs, MOOCs and ALSs.
Avec le mouvement MOOC, les acteurs de l’education s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’une dynamique de ... more Avec le mouvement MOOC, les acteurs de l’education s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’une dynamique de renouvellement pedagogique. Cette dynamique presente differents avantages tels que : la massivite des apprenants, l’ouverture a tous, l’accessibilite, l’economie d’echelle, etc. Elle souleve cependant des questions liees notamment a la problematique de l’abandon. Pour y remedier, une piste prometteuse reside dans le soutien a la motivation et a l’engagement des apprenants. Le but de cette communication est d'examiner du point de vue de la litterature, la question de l’abandon et les solutions possibles. Nous proposons egalement nos propres reflexions au fur et a mesure de notre demarche.

In most of researches, the semi-automatic construction of ontology using texts is generally based... more In most of researches, the semi-automatic construction of ontology using texts is generally based on textual medium, and in which the studied domain describes text content. In order to conceive semantically the richest and updated ontology, we suggest developing the classical methods of ontology construction (1), by taking into account the text “content” to construct first kernel of ontology, and (2) by enriching obtained ontology using external resources (public texts, controlled vocabulary of the same domain, specialized web pages, text documents, etc.). This paper describes how these different resources are analyzed and exploited. We have experimented this approach on texts dealing with subjects related to tourism in morocco, and we have assessed the advantage drawn from one richest ontology of the domain (in comparison to a first realized ontology of the domain in the framework of the project GECO-WES1), and we have noted that the results have seen significant improvement.
Technology, Knowledge and Learning

Journal of Educational Computing Research
Peer assessment is a method that has shown a positive impact on learners' cognitive and metac... more Peer assessment is a method that has shown a positive impact on learners' cognitive and metacognitive skills. It also represents an effective alternative to instructor-provided assessment within computer-based education and, particularly, in massive online learning settings such as MOOCs. Various platforms have incorporated this mechanism as an assessment tool. However, most of the proposed implementations rely on the random matching of peers. The contributions introduced in this article are intended to step past the randomized approach by modeling learner matching as a many to many assignment problem, and then its resolution by using an appropriate combinatorial optimization algorithm. The adopted approach stands on a matching strategy that is also discussed in this article. Furthermore, we present two key steps on which both the matching strategy and the representation of the problem depend: 1) modeling the learner as an assessor, and 2) clustering assessors into categories th...
Technology, Knowledge and Learning, Apr 16, 2020
2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Jul 1, 2017
This paper focuses on pedagogical scenario building process in cMOOCs. We aim to offer solutions ... more This paper focuses on pedagogical scenario building process in cMOOCs. We aim to offer solutions to support teachers in the design, deployment and adaptation of such courses. To achieve this goal, we propose a generic cMOOC oriented pedagogical scenario building process. In adequacy with cMOOC aspects, this process allows to describe learning environments' elements, roles and pedagogical activities in this massive, open and connectivist situation. Moreover, the proposed model is generic in the sense that it allows to create scenarios regardless of a particular context or domain.
Papers by Chihab Cherkaoui