Papers by Chiara Sciarrino
InVerbis, 2019
The essay intends to look at the well-known book,Autumn, by Ali Smith, shortlisted for the Booker... more The essay intends to look at the well-known book,Autumn, by Ali Smith, shortlisted for the Booker Prize, and analyse the ways in which the debates leading to as well as the events following the 2016 Brexit referendum contribute to the writing of a desfunctional narration in which borders, domestic spaces and identities are questioned on a daily basis. The essay argues that there is strong link between the making of the story and the deconstruction of a national identity: the fragile exploration of anxieties of belonging and nationhood opens up a space for thought through words, inviting the reader to think about the relationship between language, space and time and affirming the importance of literature in contemporary times
Ekphrasis, a sub-category originally meaning simply description, is a term now commonly used to d... more Ekphrasis, a sub-category originally meaning simply description, is a term now commonly used to denote poetry or poetic writing con-cerned with the visual arts, artistic objects and/or highly visual scenes. It is “the description of an objet d'art by medium of the word” (Spitzer 1955: ...
Studi Irlandesi : a Journal of Irish Studies, Aug 4, 2011

Questo manuale non aspira a fornire un quadro esaustivo della Stilistica dei Corpora, ma a propor... more Questo manuale non aspira a fornire un quadro esaustivo della Stilistica dei Corpora, ma a proporre oltre che una sintesi dei pi\uf9 recenti studi sull'argomento, un'ipotesi di lettura di alcuni aspetti di un classico della letteratura di lingua inglese, A Portrait of the Artist as a young Man dello scrittore irlandese James Joyce, sovente inserito nei programmi universitari degli studenti di lingua e letteratura inglese. Essendo la bibliografia critica sul romanzo joyciano piuttosto generosa e sempre in progress, si \ue8 cercato di adottare un corpus-based approach, ovvero di partire da orientamenti gi\ue0 consolidati per la formazione di nuove prospettive di lettura. Lo scopo \ue8 altres\uec quello di fornire agli studenti uno strumento - la Linguistica dei Corpora con i suoi diversi e sempre pi\uf9 sofisticati software - per la comprensione di un testo/genere che \ue8 puramente letterario
Trattasi di traduzioni inedite di poesie dello scrittore irlandese contemporaneo Harry CliftonThe... more Trattasi di traduzioni inedite di poesie dello scrittore irlandese contemporaneo Harry CliftonThese are translations of contemporary Irish writer Harry Clifton's poems into Italia

The Hard Life, Flann O'Brien’s fourth novel, is,very much like his prose, difficult to be cat... more The Hard Life, Flann O'Brien’s fourth novel, is,very much like his prose, difficult to be categorized. Generally and simplistically defined as an all-Irish example of Bildungsroman, the novel is striking for the presentation of an environment in which comic transgressions seek to invalidate the social occasions on which the protagonist finds himself. While the conventions of the genre itself invoke a possible but distant progression and acquired maturity for the ‘unhero’, a story of failure and despair, an “exegesis of squalor” takes over, with attacks to the Roman Catholic Church and the education received at its schools as a constant motif. The aim of my contribution would be to analyse the way in which language is used as a source of humour to give voice to the story of an orphaned distanced narrator named Finbarr and evaluate how the text draws inspiration and distances itself from another canonical Irish Bildungroman, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a young Man
Palermo University Press, 2019
Trattasi di traduzioni inedite di poesie dello scrittore irlandese contemporaneo Harry CliftonThe... more Trattasi di traduzioni inedite di poesie dello scrittore irlandese contemporaneo Harry CliftonThese are translations of contemporary Irish writer Harry Clifton's poems into Italia

ANICIA, 2019
Joyce Studies in Italy is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at collecting materials that throw light ... more Joyce Studies in Italy is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at collecting materials that throw light on Joyce's work and world. It is open to essays from scholars both from Italy and abroad, and its broad intertextual approach is intended to develop a greater understanding of James Joyce, the man and the artist. The project was initiated in the early 1980s by a research team at the University of Rome, 'La Sapienza' led by Giorgio Melchiori. It subsequently passed to the Università Roma Tre. Originally no house style was imposed regarding the individual essays in the collection, but in recent issues a standardized style sheet has been adopted which can be found at the end of each volume. 1 See also Franca Ruggieri's Introduzione a Joyce (1990: 167). 2 The number of publications on the language of Joyce is so vast that only a very small selection can be mentioned in the context of an introduction such as this. In addition to the studies detailed here, I must at least mention Knowels 2001, Rice 2008, Spurr 2011. On the polyglot atmosphere of Trieste see McCourt 2000. 3 See Terrinoni 2012 for a discussion of the impact of the Irish context on Joyce's approach to language.
InVerbis, 2019
The essay intends to look at the well-known book,Autumn, by Ali Smith, shortlisted for the Booker... more The essay intends to look at the well-known book,Autumn, by Ali Smith, shortlisted for the Booker Prize, and analyse the ways in which the debates leading to as well as the events following the 2016 Brexit referendum contribute to the writing of a desfunctional narration in which borders, domestic spaces and identities are questioned on a daily basis. The essay argues that there is strong link between the making of the story and the deconstruction of a national identity: the fragile exploration of anxieties of belonging and nationhood opens up a space for thought through words, inviting the reader to think about the relationship between language, space and time and affirming the importance of literature in contemporary times
It is a translation of the opening passage of a prose book by contemporary Irish writer, Harry Cl... more It is a translation of the opening passage of a prose book by contemporary Irish writer, Harry Clifton, On the Spine of Italy
Ekphrasis, a sub-category originally meaning simply description, is a term now commonly used to d... more Ekphrasis, a sub-category originally meaning simply description, is a term now commonly used to denote poetry or poetic writing con-cerned with the visual arts, artistic objects and/or highly visual scenes. It is “the description of an objet d'art by medium of the word” (Spitzer 1955: ...

Questo manuale non aspira a fornire un quadro esaustivo della Stilistica dei Corpora, ma a propor... more Questo manuale non aspira a fornire un quadro esaustivo della Stilistica dei Corpora, ma a proporre oltre che una sintesi dei pi\uf9 recenti studi sull'argomento, un'ipotesi di lettura di alcuni aspetti di un classico della letteratura di lingua inglese, A Portrait of the Artist as a young Man dello scrittore irlandese James Joyce, sovente inserito nei programmi universitari degli studenti di lingua e letteratura inglese. Essendo la bibliografia critica sul romanzo joyciano piuttosto generosa e sempre in progress, si \ue8 cercato di adottare un corpus-based approach, ovvero di partire da orientamenti gi\ue0 consolidati per la formazione di nuove prospettive di lettura. Lo scopo \ue8 altres\uec quello di fornire agli studenti uno strumento - la Linguistica dei Corpora con i suoi diversi e sempre pi\uf9 sofisticati software - per la comprensione di un testo/genere che \ue8 puramente letterario
Studi Irlandesi : a Journal of Irish Studies, Aug 4, 2011
Papers by Chiara Sciarrino