Papers by Charles Peterson

Science, 2006
Study systems and data availability. We chose systems to represent broad temporal and spatial gra... more Study systems and data availability. We chose systems to represent broad temporal and spatial gradients of human impacts, diverse geographical locations, and for available palaeontological, archaeological, historical, fisheries, and ecological data on individual species, water quality, and invasions (see for references). For comparability, most study systems were located in the temperate zone. The systems varied widely in size and geological origin, which we defined as the time when the system reached its present shape for references). To compare background biological characteristics, we compiled data on primary productivity and fish species richness (as a proxy for overall species richness) by Large Marine Ecosystem (LME , S1). We determined human population size (HP) for all provinces and countries bordering the study systems , and calculated HP total, HP density = HP total / system size, and HP growth rate = HP total today / HP total at the beginning of the Development period for references).

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil release posed the challenges of two types of spill: a familiar spi... more The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil release posed the challenges of two types of spill: a familiar spill characterized by buoyant oil, fouling and killing organisms at the sea surface and eventually grounding on and damaging sensitive shoreline habitats, and a novel deepwater spill involving many unknowns. The subsurface retention of oil as finely dispersed droplets and emulsions, wellhead injection of dispersants, and deepwater retention of plumes of natural gas undergoing rapid microbial degradation were unprecedented and demanded the development of a new model for deepwater well blowouts that includes subsurface consequences. Existing governmental programs and policies had not anticipated this new theater of impacts, which thereby challenged decisionmaking on the spill response, on the assessment of natural resource damages, on the preparation for litigation to achieve compensation for public trust losses, and on restoration. Modification of laws and policies designed to protect and restore ocean resources is needed in order to accommodate oil drilling in the deep sea and other frontiers.
The btodegradability of various biodiesel fuels including Neat Rapeseed oil (NR) and Neat Soybean... more The btodegradability of various biodiesel fuels including Neat Rapeseed oil (NR) and Neat Soybean oil (NS) as well as their modified products Rape Ethyl Ester (REE), Rape Methyl Ester @ME), Soyate Ethyl Ester (SEE), and Soyate Methyl Ester (SME), and the blends of REE/diesel at different volumetric ratios in the aquatic environment was determined by the standard CO2 evolution method
American Historical Review, 1974

NeuroImage, Jan 3, 2015
The degree to which genetic factors influence brain connectivity is beginning to be understood. L... more The degree to which genetic factors influence brain connectivity is beginning to be understood. Large-scale efforts are underway to map the profile of genetic effects in various brain regions. The NIH-funded Human Connectome Project (HCP) is providing data valuable for analyzing the degree of genetic influence underlying brain connectivity revealed by state-of-the-art neuroimaging methods. We calculated the heritability of the fractional anisotropy (FA) measure derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) reconstruction in 481 HCP subjects (194/287M/F) consisting of 57/60 pairs of mono- and dizygotic twins, and 246 siblings. FA measurements were derived using (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis) ENIGMA DTI protocols and heritability estimates were calculated using the SOLAR-Eclipse imaging genetic analysis package. We compared heritability estimates derived from HCP data to those publicly available through the ENIGMA-DTI consortium, which were pooled together from ...
Quantum communications is fast becoming an important component of many applications in quantum in... more Quantum communications is fast becoming an important component of many applications in quantum information science. Sharing quantum information over a distance among geographically separated nodes using photonic qubits requires a reconfigurable transparent networking infrastructure that can support quantum information services. Using quantum key distribution (QKD) as an example of a quantum communications service, we investigate the ability of fiber networks
A process for the production of the ethyl ester of winter rape (EEWR) for use as a biodiesel fuel... more A process for the production of the ethyl ester of winter rape (EEWR) for use as a biodiesel fuel has been studied. The essential part of the process is the transesterification of rape oil with ethanol, in the presence of a catalyst, to yield the ethyl ester of rape oil as a product and glycerin as a by-product. Experiments have
Theoretical Ecology Series, 2007
Human Biology, 2005
Although much attention has been given to statistical genetic methods for the initial localizatio... more Although much attention has been given to statistical genetic methods for the initial localization and fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs), little methodological work has been done to date on the problem of statistically identifying the most likely functional polymorphisms using sequence data. In this paper we provide a general statistical genetic framework, called Bayesian quantitative trait nucleotide (BQTN)
Summary Locomotor mode and the maximal capacity for aerobic metabolism are thought to be co-adapt... more Summary Locomotor mode and the maximal capacity for aerobic metabolism are thought to be co-adapted in anuran amphibians. Species that rely heavily on walking often have high capacities for aerobic metabolism relative to species that rely primarily on saltation. We tested the hypothesis of co-adaptation of gait and aerobic metabolism by investigating the locomotor energetics of Bufo boreas halophilus, a
Limnology and Oceanography, 1999
A large-scale field experiment was used to test whether exposure to a suite of potential environm... more A large-scale field experiment was used to test whether exposure to a suite of potential environmental factors (flow speed, temperature, salinity, and low dissolved oxygen) influences the level of parasitic infection of the oyster Crassostrea virginica. The parasite was the protozoan Perkinsus marinus, which has decimated populations of oysters in estuaries of North America. The environmental factors were considered stressors
Physical review letters, Jan 5, 2007
The theoretical existence of photon-number-splitting attacks creates a security loophole for most... more The theoretical existence of photon-number-splitting attacks creates a security loophole for most quantum key distribution (QKD) demonstrations that use a highly attenuated laser source. Using ultralow-noise, high-efficiency transition-edge sensor photodetectors, we have implemented the first version of a decoy-state protocol that incorporates finite statistics without the use of Gaussian approximations in a one-way QKD system, enabling the creation of secure keys immune to photon-number-splitting attacks and highly resistant to Trojan horse attacks over 107 km of optical fiber.
Aquaculture, 1992
Ambrose, W.G., Jr.. Peterson, C.H.. Summerson, H.C. and Lin. I., 1992. Experimental tests offacto... more Ambrose, W.G., Jr.. Peterson, C.H.. Summerson, H.C. and Lin. I., 1992. Experimental tests offactors affecting wcmitment of bay scallops (Argopecfcn wadions) to spat collectors. Aquoculrure, 108: 67-86.
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a stable minor Hb variant formed in vivo by posttranslational modificat... more Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a stable minor Hb variant formed in vivo by posttranslational modification by glucose, originally identified by using cation exchange chromatography, and containing primarily glycated N- terminal b-chains. However, the structure(s) of the quantified species has not been elucidated, and the available methods lack a reference standard. We used electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to determine the extent

Bioscience, 2005
With sea levels rising under global warming, dredge-and-fill programs are increasingly employed t... more With sea levels rising under global warming, dredge-and-fill programs are increasingly employed to protect coastal development from shoreline erosion. Such beach "nourishment" can bury shallow reefs and degrade other beach habitats, depressing nesting in sea turtles and reducing the densities of invertebrate prey for shorebirds, surf fishes, and crabs. Despite decades of agency-mandated monitoring at great expense, much uncertainty about the biological impacts of beach nourishment nonetheless exists. A review of 46 beach monitoring studies shows that (a) only 11 percent of the studies controlled for both natural spatial and temporal variation in their analyses, (b) 56 percent reached conclusions that were not adequately supported, and (c) 49 percent failed to meet publication standards for citation and synthesis of related work. Monitoring is typically conducted through project promoters, with no independent peer review, and the permitting agencies exhibit inadequate expertise to review biostatistical designs. Monitoring results are rarely used to scale mitigation to compensate for injured resources. Reform of agency practices is urgently needed as the risk of cumulative impacts grows.

American Journal of Perinatology, 1997
A case-control study was performed in eight pairs of women to determine whether preeclamptic wome... more A case-control study was performed in eight pairs of women to determine whether preeclamptic women developed abnormalities in minor hemoglobins, glycolytic enzymes, or other blood components that might provide insight into the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, or that in combination might be used as a marker for the condition. These variables and standard clinical tests were analyzed as discriminators between preeclamptic and control women. The subjects were matched for age, ethnicity, parity, and gestational age. Blood samples were taken at the time of diagnosis of preeclampsia and at comparable gestational ages for matched normal controls. Variables differing significantly between groups included increases in uric acid (UA), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), and mean platelet volume (MPV), and decreases in glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) in preeclamptic women compared to normal controls. Discriminant analysis revealed the following function to separate the groups: 0.7764 (UA) + 0.8086 (PGK) -0.7032 (G3PD) + 0.1399 (LDL) -0.2386 (MPV). A discriminant score of > or = 275 indicated a > or = 90% probability of preeclampsia. The results are consistent with perturbations in red cell glycolysis in preeclampsia. Further prospective studies are warranted to test the efficacy of this discriminant function in predicting preeclampsia.
Estuaries, 1990
In the presence of the first recorded red tide (Ptychodiscus brevis) outbreak in North Carolina, ... more In the presence of the first recorded red tide (Ptychodiscus brevis) outbreak in North Carolina, autumn 1987 recruitment of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians concentricus) in the state’s most productive scallop beds was a virtual failure. Recruitment averaged across all of Bogue and Back sounds was only 2% of the mean of three previous red tide-free (control) years. Only from central
Papers by Charles Peterson