Papers by Charles Kreitzberg
Sparks of Innovation in Human-Computer Interaction, 1993
Hyperties is a powerful, yet simple, new software tool for organizing and presenting information.... more Hyperties is a powerful, yet simple, new software tool for organizing and presenting information. It has been developed over the past five years at the University of Maryland's Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory and has been used for more than 50 projects tShneiderman 1987a. I987b). Hyperties authors can create databases consisting of articles that contain text and illustrations. Without the need for programming, authors can link these articles together so readers can easily browse through them.

You are developing an interactive product-typically a software application, a web site or an elec... more You are developing an interactive product-typically a software application, a web site or an electronic device-and you turn to The LUCID Framework™ because you want to get it right. Getting it right means that: the functionality of the product reflects your users' real needs and desires the product is simple to learn and use-organized the way your users think and expect the user's experience is uniformly positive-creating loyalty to the product and its brand the product supports your business goals-generating the desired return on its investment the development process is straightforward and without surprises-delivering the envisioned functionality within the allotted time and budget the product has design integrity-making sense in both its broad dimensions and its details You know that getting the product right can be difficult; that, on the whole, only about 15% of software projects come in on time, on budget and with the originally envisioned functionality. The record is probably equally bad for other types of interactive products. And you know that few products are truly usable: easy to learn and use, efficient, engaging, and error tolerant. You want your product to be one of these truly effective products. Imagine a software, web or interactive product that, from the moment you install it, surpasses all your expectations. When you configure it, it installs easily and flawlessly. Every set up option is clear and relevant. When you first use it, you find it intuitive, flexible and powerful. Like a fine car, it's fast and responsive. The screens are beautifully organized and easy to read. Every prompt and message is clear. You rarely encounter problems, and when you do the solution is at hand. When you occasionally need assistance, you are supported with thoughtful help that really explains. As you become familiar with the product you find shortcuts that make your interactions easier and faster. Over time you learn increasingly sophisticated operations and customize the software to fit your needs and your preferred style of working. And should you stop using the software for a while, support to recapture your past fluency is right at hand. Are such software and web products common? Sadly, no. Is such software possible? Absolutely! Just as products can be designed to high standards of technical excellence, they can also be designed to create a superb user experience. As with technical quality, creating an outstanding user experience requires planning, analysis and testing. And just as carefully following an engineering framework supports a high quality technical product, following The LUCID Framework™ will help you achieve a highly usable one. The LUCID Framework™ will help you create the products you envision. And it will save you time, money and frustration. We know this is true because we (and others) have been using and refining The LUCID Framework™ for more than a decade. There is no magic
The Journal of Data Education, 1973
As business transitions into the new economy, usabi lity has become a strategic business goal. In... more As business transitions into the new economy, usabi lity has become a strategic business goal. In “new corporations” enterprise-wide systems reach out to consumers for sales and service and to vendors and strategic part ners as well. Corporations that cannot deliver systems that are e sy to use will find it hard to compete in an incre asingly competitive marketplace. And competition is not on ly coming from long-established companies but from upstart new companies that are unburdened by the need to re tread or replace complex legacy systems.
Sonia is a product manager interested in improving usability and customer experiences. She is fam... more Sonia is a product manager interested in improving usability and customer experiences. She is familiar with many of the techniques of market research such as surveys and focus groups but wants to understand how the usability approach differs. Robert is a usability researcher. He wants to identify research projects that reflect issues facing practitioners and facilitate the transfer of research findings into practice. Linda is a highly-skilled usability practitioner with over 20 years of front-line experience. She has a wealth of techniques and useful knowledge to share but no easy way to do it. Carl is new to the field. He is hoping to jumpstart his career by learning as much as possible but has a hard time identifying what information is most important.
Sonia is a product manager interested in improving usability and customer experiences. She is fam... more Sonia is a product manager interested in improving usability and customer experiences. She is familiar with many of the techniques of market research such as surveys and focus groups but wants to understand how the usability approach differs. Robert is a usability researcher. He wants to identify research projects that reflect issues facing practitioners and facilitate the transfer of research findings into practice. Linda is a highly-skilled usability practitioner with over 20 years of front-line experience. She has a wealth of techniques and useful knowledge to share but no easy way to do it. Carl is new to the field. He is hoping to jumpstart his career by learning as much as possible but has a hard time identifying what information is most important.

ETS Research Report Series, 1980
The Broad-Range Tailored Test (BRIT) is a computerized adaptive test. Each testee responds to 25 ... more The Broad-Range Tailored Test (BRIT) is a computerized adaptive test. Each testee responds to 25 items: at the conclusior: of the test the computer calculates a verbal ability score for the individual. The test was designed to yield a verbal ability score from the fifth grade level to the graduate school level. Two forms of the SETT were administered to 146 high school students. Analyses revealed that the BPTT was more reliable than the PrelLminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) for a number of scores derived from the data, confirming theoretical expectations regarding the increased efficiency of adaptive, as compared to conventional tests. Of nine observed scores and score :transformations, the most useful score was the expected proportion correct over the entire item pool. The accuracy of the BPTT was in accord with theoretical expectation. Student response to the computerized testing procedure was generally quite favorable. Students found the human-computer interface easy to use gild less fatiguing than a long pencil-and-paper test. These results sugaest that computerized adaptive testing is ready to take the first steps out of thtt laboratory environment and find its place in the educational comsunity. (Author/EW)
Applied Ergonomics, 1990
a mathematical formulation of the problem, showing a model relating hand torque strength to speci... more a mathematical formulation of the problem, showing a model relating hand torque strength to specific task variables and dimensions, and giving the results of predictive tests in which predicted hand torque strength was compared against values obtained in a comprehensive statistically balanced set of hand torque strength tests. Results strongly support the theoretical basis and structure of the predictive model and indicate directions for refinement as more data are obtained in future applications.

Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica, 1987
В оnuсывaемом эксnерuменmе nроверяем возможносmь uсnользовaнuя nрогнозов nоля ¶rt;aвленuя, со¶rt;... more В оnuсывaемом эксnерuменmе nроверяем возможносmь uсnользовaнuя nрогнозов nоля ¶rt;aвленuя, со¶rt;ержaщuхся в сво¶rt;ке ГРИД ¶rt;ля рещенuя nроблемыгорuзонmaльныхгрaнuчных условuŭ локaльноŭ мо¶rt;елu крamкосрочного nрогнозa меmеорологuческuх элеменmов. Покaзывaеmся, чmо nре¶rt;nоложенuе лuнеŭноŭ mен¶rt;енцuu nрогносmuческuх nеременных вгрaнuчноŭ облaсmu nрu uсnользовaнuu меmо¶rt;a Перкu-Креŭцберг [1] ¶rt;aеm хорощuе резульmamы ¶rt;aже nрu nрuмененuu к nерuо¶rt;у T=24 чaс. В меmо¶rt;е Перкu-Креŭцберг nроuсхо¶rt;um nо¶rt;aвленuе влuянuягорuзонmaльноŭ ¶rt;uффузuu вгрaнuчноŭ облaсmu[2]. Обрaбоmкa ¶rt;uффузного членa вне nроце¶rt;уры nрuве¶rt;енного меmо¶rt;a nрuво¶rt;um, о¶rt;нaко, к уху¶rt;щенuю nрогнозов. In the experiment described, we test the possibility of utilizing forecasts of the pressure field, contained in GRID reports, to solve the problem of horizontal boundary conditions of a local model of short-range forecast of meteorological elements. We prove that the assumption of a linear tendency of the prognostic variables in the boundary region yields good results, using the Perkey-Kreitzberg method[1], even if applied to period T=24 hrs. In the Perkey-Kreitzberg method the effect of the horizontal diffusion in the boundary region is suppressed[2]. However, considering the diffusive term apart from the procedure of the method mentioned proves detrimental to the forecast.
ACM Sigcse Bulletin, 1976
Papers by Charles Kreitzberg