Complete journal issues by Charla Burnett
Interface: a journal for and about social movements, 2020
Special issue of Interface on organizing amidst the coronavirus pandemic
Papers by Charla Burnett
In this article, we explore the way that both activist-oriented manuals and academic scholarship ... more In this article, we explore the way that both activist-oriented manuals and academic scholarship on nonviolent action in social movements and civil resistance have addressed issues related to the concept of scaling up: increasing movement strength, size, and impacts. Drawing on a database of nearly 200 case studies and activist-oriented manuals, we highlight similarities and discrepancies in the emphases of both scholarly and activistoriented materials to illustrate differing priorities among academics and practitioners in the field. Our analysis addresses possible reasons for these discrepancies and suggests directions for scholar-activist cross-fertilization.

Intersectionality is both an analytic framework and a complicated set of social practices that ca... more Intersectionality is both an analytic framework and a complicated set of social practices that can, if implemented correctly, lead to collective solidarity and action. In practice, intersectionality has the potential to illuminate invisible and complex social relationships that bring to light hidden injustices, socially, politically, and economically. This chapter explores foreign development by drawing from scholarly and practitioner-based intersectional feminist literature, such as the work of Fenella Portman and Caroline Sweetman, to analyse contemporary trends in development practice, particularly around gender-based programming. Contemporarily, gender mainstreaming has been integral in maintaining and distributing gender politics to the Global South. Drawing on the case of Palestine, the author provides framework that merges current discourses laid out by Olena Hankivsky et al.’s intersectionality-based policy framework to create a new theoretical-based framework for internatio...
Environmental Modelling & Software
Cartographic Perspectives, 2020
Complete journal issues by Charla Burnett
Papers by Charla Burnett