Papers by Sanjay Chandwani
The present study was conducted using a questionnaire for the students pursuing second profession... more The present study was conducted using a questionnaire for the students pursuing second professional of B.V.Sc. & A.H. programme at College of Veterinary Science, Rampura Phul. The results of the study found that students missed the physical environment of the college and in person interactions with teachers and classmates. Students faced problem related to understanding the topics which were taught online.One third of them developed the habit of getting up late in morning. Eye strain and headache were found to be the major ill impacts of virtual classes on students' health.Majority of the students preferred to have traditional face to face mode of education or blended learning model of education in future.

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Nov 28, 2023
This paper is envisioned to investigate the Information Seeking Anxiety (ISA) among postgraduate ... more This paper is envisioned to investigate the Information Seeking Anxiety (ISA) among postgraduate (masters' and PhD) students of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The Information Seeking Anxiety Scale (ISAS) developed by Erfanmanesh, et al., containing 47 statements representing ISA under seven components having Cronbach alpha values reported to be at 0.902, was used as a data collection tool. 108 students participated in the survey. About 70 % respondents experienced mild level of anxiety. The gender-based difference in ISA associated with 'Computer and the Internet' was found to be significant at .05 (t= 2,426), females being less anxious. The location of the students did not influence their ISA, and different components of the ISAS were found to be interrelated, affecting the overall anxiety level. Prevalence of low to severe levels of ISA amongst students mandated the need for planning and execution of well-prepared information literacy programmes.

Library Philosophy and Practice, 2021
The emergent COVID-19 pandemic forced the academic institutions throughout the world to embrace a... more The emergent COVID-19 pandemic forced the academic institutions throughout the world to embrace alternative ways to continue the teaching-learning activities. During this 'global lockdown' situation, the online-teaching appeared as a remedial measure to prevent cessation of teacher-student connection. Online teaching in most of the institutions has been an outcome of COVID-19 crises, thus, it becomes imperative to ascertain the attitude of teachers towards online teaching, so that the necessary measures may be taken for making this venture a success and substantial. The present study has been conducted to ascertain the opinion of teachers working in various colleges and universities of India and their attitude towards online teaching. The findings revealed no significant difference in attitude of teachers towards online teaching in context of their gender and type of institution, whereas the marital status of teachers was found to have a significant impact. A significant correlation was found between the age (negative relation), familiarity with online learning tool(s) and the attitude of teachers with respect to online teaching. The results of the study brought forward the need for imparting training to teachers and a better communication between teachers and Information Technology staff for developing a positive attitude amongst teachers for persuasive online teaching.

Health Information Literacy (HIL) is the competence to make sound health decisions in the context... more Health Information Literacy (HIL) is the competence to make sound health decisions in the context of everyday life, which is pivotal in abridging illness and wellness. While the emergent Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have facilitated access to information to users' palms, the bewildering nature of abundance of information available makes it difficult for users to decide which information is to be trusted and which is to be ignored. Thus, HIL in contemporary electronic era assumes more significance to have a healthy global society. The present study was conducted for the desideratum of e-Health Information Literacy skills of college students, to have an overview of the status quo and suggest necessary measures to fill the gaps. An online survey of 946 students was conducted using a pre-developed and validated e-Health Literacy Scale. Findings revealed a strong need for taking measures to strengthen the eHealth Literacy amongst students for having a healthy soc...
A significant difference was also found in the actual level and potential level of learning of te... more A significant difference was also found in the actual level and potential level of learning of teacher educators in Colleges of Education. More prominent ZPD gaps were noticed in the areas of ‘good communication skills’, ‘checking class activities’, ‘effective use of technology like OHP, computers, LCD projector’, ‘solving students problems’, ‘questions involving higher-level thinking’ and ‘relating subject matter with daily life’.

The change of vocational choice frequent in the period of adolescence. Youth makes career choice ... more The change of vocational choice frequent in the period of adolescence. Youth makes career choice and multiplicities of factors influence their vocational interest. Among them socio-economic status is the most important factor and the present study is an effort for the assessment of Vocational Interest of Adolescents in Relation to Socio-Economic Status. The present study is descriptive in nature. In the present study, a sample of 200 school students of 12th class (100 boys and 100 girls) of Sangrur district only, was taken. Schools were selected randomly from Sangrur district only. Students were selected from different schools on the basis of incidental sampling method. In the present study Vocational Interest Record (VIR) by Dr. S.P. Kulshrestha and Socio Economic Status Scale (SESS) by Dr. Meenakshi was used. Data was collected and score were statistically analyzed with the help of t-test, coefficient of correlation, Standard Deviation and Mean and result show the insignificant di...

The present study seeks to examine the teaching attitude of Pupil-Teachers in relation to their g... more The present study seeks to examine the teaching attitude of Pupil-Teachers in relation to their gender and type of institutions they study. The descriptive survey research design was followed to conduct the study and 100 Pupil-Teachers were the participants in the study. To examine the teaching attitude of Pupil-Teachers, Teacher Attitude Inventory [TAI] developed and standardized by S.P. Ahluwalia [2005] was used. In this study data were analyzed by applying different descriptive and inferential statistics. The main findings of the study are: There is significant difference between Government male and Government female Pupil-Teachers towards teaching attitude. There is no significant difference between private male and private female Pupil-Teachers towards teaching attitude. There is no significant difference between Government Pupil-Teachers and private Pupil-Teachers towards teaching attitude. Basing upon the findings of the study some measures have been suggested.

In the present study, investigator is curious to see, what type of attitude towards religion is p... more In the present study, investigator is curious to see, what type of attitude towards religion is possessed by would be teachers in relation to their faculty, gender and area. The present study is descriptive in nature. For the present study a sample of 200 B.Ed. trainees of Ludhiana district was selected with the help of stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected with the help of attitude scale towards religion constructed and standardized by Dr. R.K. Ojha. Data was collected from 2 rural and 3 urban colleges selected randomly from the list of B.Ed. colleges of Ludhiana district. After scoring of the data mean, SD, and t-Ratio were employed to analyze data and found no significant difference in attitude towards religion of urban and rural B.Ed. students. t-tests were also used for the analysis of the difference between male and female, arts and science students and found no significant difference.
The present study was executed to have an insight to the computer anxiety of veterinary science s... more The present study was executed to have an insight to the computer anxiety of veterinary science students (n=143) pursuing bachelor and masters’ degree programmes, respectively, at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Punjab (India) using a pretested and validated Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (CARS). Analysis of the data so collected revealed that irrespective of the gender, possession of personal computer and internet connection, veterinary students were well versed with computer as majority were having low level of computer anxiety. Further computer anxiety was negatively correlated with student’s grade point, experience in using computer and time spent on computer and internet. The findings of present study further strengthen the pivotal role of computer in veterinary education and experience as well as in academic excellence.
GHG College, 2016
The aim of present research was to study the Attitude towards Extension Education among students ... more The aim of present research was to study the Attitude towards Extension Education among students of Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. The sample of the study was 200 students of College of Agriculture, Punjab Agriculture University. A five point Likert type scale was used for data collection. No significant difference was found in respect to gender, locale and landholding status. It was recommended that Extension Education activities should be initiated by the institutions right from the time of advertisement for admissions. Government's officials can encourage extension workers to work in rural and remote areas by sharing resources and information. NGOs can take the help of extension workers for the implementation of their plans and policies.

Sadbhavna Publication, 2013
Teachers have always played a pivotal role in preparing learning society and
exploring new horizo... more Teachers have always played a pivotal role in preparing learning society and
exploring new horizons for the betterment of society. However the growing
social, economical, technological, and political changes in society have
complicated the roles of the teachers and teacher educators in and outside
the classrooms. Teacher education programs have often been criticized for
failing to meet the present day requirements in terms of competencies,
commitments and accountabilities. One of the apparent deficiencies is the
widening gap between theory and practice in teacher education programs.
The present paper is based on Vygotsky's concept of “Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD)” and its application in teacher education program in the
light of review of some research studies. ZPD reflects the gap between two
levels of achievement of a learner – the actual and the potential. This gap
could be reduced by teacher guidance or by peer group interaction. The
paper further examines the role of technology enhanced pedagogical
techniques that can help teacher in reducing this gap and lead the learner
towards close proximity to potential level.

Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy. Farmer constitutes nearly half of the wor... more Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy. Farmer constitutes nearly half of the world population; receives two-thirds of the world's property. There are many categories and subcategories among the farmers but landless farmers come under the most unprivileged category. The present study aims to analyze the various educational and economical aspects, which influence the attitude of the landless farmers towards education. The investigator used the interview schedule and rating scale. It was concluded that most of the landless farmers have low literacy levels studying not more than the primary school level. More than 50 percent of Landless Farmer earns less than 4500 Rs. Per month. Almost zero correlation was found between attitude towards education with literacy level and economic status was found while Literacy Level and Economic Status were positively related to each other with a value of 0.254.

Sadbhavna - Research Journal of Human Development , 2016
The Present Study aims to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and locus of control of ... more The Present Study aims to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and locus of control of private secondary school teachers. A person’s beliefs in his or her ability are self-efficacy. Locus of control is a psychological concept that refers to how strongly people believe that they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives. Sample 200 secondary school women teachers were selected for the present study. For this purpose Teacher Self Efficacy Scale by A.K Singh and Shruti Narain and Locus of Control Scale by Sanjay Vohra was used. Mean SD and Correlation were used for the analysis of data. From the analysis, it was concluded that only 5.5% of the women have high self-efficacy and most of the women teachers working in private schools have poor self-efficacy. It can conclude from data collected that Most of the teachers have not any control over their own outcomes they are governed by other person and their environment. There exists a moderate positive correlation between locus of control and self-efficacy of secondary school women teachers.

Sadbhavna - Research Journal of Human Development , 2016
The chief aim of the present study was to explore the level of drug addiction among educated yout... more The chief aim of the present study was to explore the level of drug addiction among educated youth addicts in relation to their perceived loneliness. Employing a survey type of descriptive research, the present research included 100 educated youth addicts (50 urban and 50 rural). DAST-20 (Drug Abuse Screening Test-20) by Harvey A. Skinner, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto, and Perceived Loneliness Scale (PLS-J) by Praveen Kumar Jha was used to explore the level of drug addiction and perceived loneliness of the young addicts. The result of the study indicates that most of the educated youth have a substantial level of drug addiction and they are very near to the severe level of drug addiction. It was concluded that most of the sample of the study comes under the category of highly not lonely and extremely not lonely. No significant difference in the level of drug addiction and perceived loneliness of rural and urban educated drug addicts were found. Further, a very low, negligible negative correlation was found between the level of drug addiction and perceived loneliness. So we can conclude that loneliness does not have very much concern with the level of drug addiction.

DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2019
Purpose: The study was executed to have an insight to the computer anxiety of veterinary science ... more Purpose: The study was executed to have an insight to the computer anxiety of veterinary science students pursuing bachelor and masters’ degree programmes, respectively, at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Punjab (India). Design/ Methodology: A pretested and validated Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (CARS) was applied to examine the computer anxiety level of veterinary students. Stratified random sampling method was used to choose sample for study. The data analysis was performed using percentage, frequencies and via Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings: Results revealed that irrespective of the gender, possession of personal computer and internet connection, veterinary students were well versed with computer as majority were having low level of computer anxiety. Further computer anxiety was negatively correlated with student’s grade point, experience in using computer and time spent on computer and internet. Originality/ Value: This is the first known attempt to examine the computer anxiety level of veterinary students. The results of study strengthen the pivotal role of computer in veterinary education and experience as well as in academic excellence.
Education is a fundamental human right. In-country like India it is very difficult to achieve edu... more Education is a fundamental human right. In-country like India it is very difficult to achieve education for all. Education scenario of India also reveals that in spite of a network of 6.5 lakh schools and colleges and employment of over 3 million teachers, we have not been able to achieve universal education for the children up 6 to the age of 14. The voluntary sector is perceived to be motivated by altruism, making it a suitable catalyst for promoting sustainable development of poor in rural areas. Since the government alone could not achieve the goal of Education for All (EFA), it was felt that the collaboration of voluntary organizations, the community, and NGOs was necessary, especially in the area of access, retention, and achievement. It viewed NGOs as vibrant partners in the process of moving towards the goals of education for all (EFA).

The Present Study aims to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and locus of control of ... more The Present Study aims to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and locus of control of private secondary school teachers. A person’s beliefs in his or her ability are self-efficacy. Locus of control is a psychological concept that refers to how strongly people believe that they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives. Sample 200 secondary school women teachers were selected for the present study. For this purpose Teacher Self Efficacy Scale by A.K Singh and Shruti Narain and Locus of Control Scale by Sanjay Vohra was used. Mean SD and Correlation were used for the analysis of data. From the analysis, it was concluded that only 5.5% of the women have high self-efficacy and most of the women teachers working in private schools have poor self-efficacy. It can conclude from data collected that Most of the teachers have not any control over their own outcomes they are governed by other person and their environment. There exists a moderate positive correlation between locus of control and self-efficacy of secondary school women teachers.

International Journal of Rural Studies, 2016
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy. Farmer constitutes nearly half of the wor... more Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy. Farmer constitutes nearly half of the world population; receives two-thirds of the world's property. There are many categories and subcategories among the farmers but landless farmers come under the most unprivileged category. The present study aims to analyze the various educational and economical aspects, which influence the attitude of the landless farmers towards education. The investigator used the interview schedule and rating scale. It was concluded that most of the landless farmers have low literacy levels studying not more than the primary school level. More than 50 percent of Landless Farmer earns less than 4500 Rs. Per month. Almost zero correlation was found between attitude towards education with literacy level and economic status was found while Literacy Level and Economic Status were positively related to each other with a value of 0.254.

Journal of Contemporary Educational Research and Innovations, 2017
in response to the increasing cases of domestic violence against women, the investigator conducte... more in response to the increasing cases of domestic violence against women, the investigator conducted a study to explore the causes of domestic violence and making suggestions on the basis of the findings. 25 case studies of the women who were victims of domestic violence were conducted and information was also collected from the families concerned. The findings revealed numerous causes which can be grouped as illiteracy among women, Lack of awareness about their rights, dowry culture, poor socioeconomic status of in-laws, and the birth of a girl child, extra material relationship, drug addiction, and incompatibility. It was suggested to have different Awareness Programs and educational Programs for illiterate women that may help to reduce the cases of domestic violence against them. Further hard punishment was suggested for accused of domestic violence.
Papers by Sanjay Chandwani
exploring new horizons for the betterment of society. However the growing
social, economical, technological, and political changes in society have
complicated the roles of the teachers and teacher educators in and outside
the classrooms. Teacher education programs have often been criticized for
failing to meet the present day requirements in terms of competencies,
commitments and accountabilities. One of the apparent deficiencies is the
widening gap between theory and practice in teacher education programs.
The present paper is based on Vygotsky's concept of “Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD)” and its application in teacher education program in the
light of review of some research studies. ZPD reflects the gap between two
levels of achievement of a learner – the actual and the potential. This gap
could be reduced by teacher guidance or by peer group interaction. The
paper further examines the role of technology enhanced pedagogical
techniques that can help teacher in reducing this gap and lead the learner
towards close proximity to potential level.
exploring new horizons for the betterment of society. However the growing
social, economical, technological, and political changes in society have
complicated the roles of the teachers and teacher educators in and outside
the classrooms. Teacher education programs have often been criticized for
failing to meet the present day requirements in terms of competencies,
commitments and accountabilities. One of the apparent deficiencies is the
widening gap between theory and practice in teacher education programs.
The present paper is based on Vygotsky's concept of “Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD)” and its application in teacher education program in the
light of review of some research studies. ZPD reflects the gap between two
levels of achievement of a learner – the actual and the potential. This gap
could be reduced by teacher guidance or by peer group interaction. The
paper further examines the role of technology enhanced pedagogical
techniques that can help teacher in reducing this gap and lead the learner
towards close proximity to potential level.