Papers by Cesar Bracamonte

Mastozoología Neotropical, 2018
Bat diversity in riparian environments of Selva Pedemontana in the Yungas of Jujuy province, Arge... more Bat diversity in riparian environments of Selva Pedemontana in the Yungas of Jujuy province, Argentina. Riparian environments are important to conserve the fauna that lives in these environments or uses them as corridors between fragmented areas. Bats exploit landscape elements differentially, and among them riparian environments are useful to meet various ecological requirements. We evaluated the diversity of insectivorous and frugivorous bats in riparian environments of the Selva Pedemontana in the Jujuy Province, Argentina, adjacent tonative forest (ARB) or crops (ARC), and compared to the availability of food resources in each type of environment. Between October 2014 and January 2015, 10 mist nets were used to capture bats, 40 sticky traps were used to estimate the richness and abundance of flying insects, and eight transects were carried out to account for chiropterophilic fruits. Ninety-four bats of eight species were captured. Completeness was greater than 90% in both enviro...

Archives of Virology
y the most notorious incident of a zoonotic event extending worldwide, events of this nature have... more y the most notorious incident of a zoonotic event extending worldwide, events of this nature have happened before, for example, with HCoV-NL63, HCoV-229E, SARS-CoV-1, and MERS-CoV [1]. Despite these early warnings, research on the viral population circulating in wildlife is very limited, especially in bats. Bats are the only mammals with the ability to fly, and they are also one of the most diverse groups within this class (Mammalia) of animals. Bats are known reservoirs of viruses with zoonotic potential, such as paramyxovirus, filoviruses, and lyssaviruses, but new viruses are being identified continually through next-generation sequencing (NGS) [2, 3]. Coronaviruses infecting bats have been implicated as predecessors of those causing human infections. Bats may also become new reservoirs of viruses infecting other species, which, in turn, may infect humans in a process of reverse zoonosis, as suggested for SARS-CoV-2 [4]. Thus, surveillance of viral populations, in particular, coronaviruses, in these mammals has become a priority in order to learn more about the events leading to interspecies and intraspecies transmission. The subfamily Orthocoronavirinae is divided into four genera, Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus. All bat coronaviruses belong to the genera Alpha-and Betacoronavirus. In addition, 15 subgenera have been established within the genus Alphacoronavirus (International Committee on Taxonomy Wildlife is known to be a major reservoir of viruses causing old and new infectious human diseases. The emergence of new pathogens with zoonotic potential represents a constant threat to global public health, as has been seen with the current pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. While this is Communicated by Zhenhai Chen
Due to the present pandemic situation and the many animal species epidemiologically involved, a r... more Due to the present pandemic situation and the many animal species epidemiologically involved, a renewed interest has surged to investigate the coronavirus population circulating in wildlife, specially bats and rodents as potential reservoirs of new human pathogens. In Argentina, information about the viruses present in these mammals is very reduced. To investigate the presence of coronaviruses in this country, we obtained 457 samples from hematophagous, insectivorous, and frugivorous bats and rodents from two regions of Argentina. We report here the detection of alphacoronaviruses sequences in the three groups of bats as well as in rodents. Phylogenetic analysis showed the closest relationships to alphacoronaviruses from Brazil.

In spite of their fundamental ecological role in the Neotropics, little is known about the diet o... more In spite of their fundamental ecological role in the Neotropics, little is known about the diet of many bat species. Although insectivorous species have long been considered effectives insect populations controllers, there has been no systematic study of the diet of insectivorous bats in Argentina. In this study, the diet of seven species of Vespertilionidae and Molossidae families of aerial insectivorous bats was analyzed seasonally at ensemble and species level in a montane forest. Lepidoptera and Coleoptera showed high contribution in terms of percent occurrence and percent volume of the diet at both the assemblage and species levels. Coleoptera dominated fecal sample of Eptesicus chiriquinus. No seasonal differences were observed at the assemblage level or for species analyzed in greater detail, Histiotus macrotus and Myotis nigricans. In spite of the limited sample size, data suggest a partitioning of food resources between species of different sizes. This partitioning is likel...
Mastozoologia Neotropical, Jun 1, 2009
Check List, 2016
Among ectoparasites sampled from bats during diversity surveys in 2005 and 2008 in northern Argen... more Among ectoparasites sampled from bats during diversity surveys in 2005 and 2008 in northern Argentina there were specimens of Paradyschiria parvula Falcoz, 1931 (Diptera, Streblidae) and Hesperoctenes vicinus Jordan, 1922 (Hemiptera, Polyctenidae) that represent first records for Argentina and Salta province, respectively. New ectoparasite-host associations and additional distributional records of ectoparasites were also recorded and are given for Jujuy and Salta provinces.

Mastozoología Neotropical, 2018
Bat diversity in riparian environments of Selva Pedemontana in the Yungas of Jujuy province, Arge... more Bat diversity in riparian environments of Selva Pedemontana in the Yungas of Jujuy province, Argentina. Riparian environments are important to conserve the fauna that lives in these environments or uses them as corridors between fragmented areas. Bats exploit landscape elements differentially, and among them riparian environments are useful to meet various ecological requirements. We evaluated the diversity of insectivorous and frugivorous bats in riparian environments of the Selva Pedemontana in the Jujuy Province, Argentina, adjacent tonative forest (ARB) or crops (ARC), and compared to the availability of food resources in each type of environment. Between October 2014 and January 2015, 10 mist nets were used to capture bats, 40 sticky traps were used to estimate the richness and abundance of flying insects, and eight transects were carried out to account for chiropterophilic fruits. Ninety-four bats of eight species were captured. Completeness was greater than 90% in both enviro...

La Puna argentina: naturaleza y cultura, 2018
ä Resumen -Los mamíferos de la Puna argentina se encuentran representados por 54 especies, 33 gén... more ä Resumen -Los mamíferos de la Puna argentina se encuentran representados por 54 especies, 33 géneros pertenecientes a 15 familias y 6 órdenes. Rodentia y Carnivora son los órdenes más ricos en especies comprendiendo el 69 y 15%, respectivamente, seguidos de Chiroptera con el 9%. En orden de importancia sigue Artiodactyla con una sola familia y dos especies. Cingulata y Marsupialia se ubican al final con una familia y una especie cada una. Considerando la totalidad de las especies de mamíferos de la Puna y las cinco áreas protegidas nacionales presentes en esta ecorregión se calculó una representatividad general del 65%, es decir 35 de las 54 especies de mamíferos se encuentran registradas en las áreas protegidas nacionales de Argentina. Chiroptera y Rodentia fueron los órdenes presentes en la Puna que tuvieron especies no registradas dentro del sistema nacional de áreas protegidas, alcanzando representatividades del 80 y 51%, respectivamente. Las principales amenazas para los mamíferos en estos ambientes se relacionan con actividades humanas, e incluyen: la cacería, la contaminación y desecación de las fuentes de agua, la introducción de especies exóticas, la degradación del hábitat, la contaminación causada por el turismo y/o las competencias deportivas y la disminución de la cobertura vegetal. Son pocos y muy específicos los esfuerzos científicos y gubernamentales por generar conocimiento sobre los mamíferos puneños, siendo sumamente difícil implementar políticas de uso comercial, manejo y/o conservación. En general, se sabe muy poco sobre los roedores y quirópteros, siendo este desconocimiento una de las amenazas más críticas en algunas circunstancias. Esto ha hecho sumamente difícil interpretar los impactos que una actividad determinada puede causar sobre sus poblaciones.

Chiroptera Neotropical, 2013
Feeding habits of an ensemble of insectivorous bats of a Montane forest in the Argentine Yungas. ... more Feeding habits of an ensemble of insectivorous bats of a Montane forest in the Argentine Yungas. In spite of their fundamental ecological role in the Neotropics, proportionally little is known about the basics of the majority of the species, even about their diet. Particularly insectivorous species are potential controllers of pest insects population which can be harmful for crops or disease vector although until this moment there is no information systematically analyzed in northwestern Argentina region. In this work diet of bat ensemble and species collected seasonally in a Montane forest of Potrero de Yala Provincial Park (Jujuy, Argentina) where analyzed. Individuals captured with mistnets belong to seven species of Vespertilionidae and Molossidae families. Lepidoptera and Coleoptera were the preys that contribute most to the diet at species and assemblage level. Species analyzed more in detail ( Histiotus macrotus and Myotis nigricans ) showed no intraspecific nor seasonal vari...

Ecología Austral
RESUMEN. Los murciélagos constituyen una proporción considerable de la mastofauna del Neotrópico,... more RESUMEN. Los murciélagos constituyen una proporción considerable de la mastofauna del Neotrópico, por lo que estudiarlos resulta crucial para comprender los procesos ecológicos que tienen lugar en sus ecosistemas. Para tal fin, el método de captura de murciélagos con redes de niebla es el más usado y reconocido. Sin embargo, quienes quieren emplear esta técnica suelen desconocer los pormenores de su uso; además, los grupos de investigación no siempre incluyen personas experimentadas para llevar adelante las capturas y para transmitir sus conocimientos en la materia. En este trabajo pongo a disposición de estudiantes e investigadores noveles en el uso de redes de niebla un protocolo que facilitará su desempeño y permitirá obtener resultados comparables con otros estudios. Por otra parte, resalto la necesidad de considerar el bienestar de los animales objeto de estudio al momento de hacer capturas.
Mastozoologia Neotropical
Mastozoología neotropical, Jan 1, 2010
RESUMEN: Se analizaron aspectos ecológicos de la comunidad de murciélagos de Bosque Montano en am... more RESUMEN: Se analizaron aspectos ecológicos de la comunidad de murciélagos de Bosque Montano en ambientes con diferentes grados de disturbio de un área protegida. En cinco muestreos en estación húmeda, empleando redes de niebla se registraron nueve ...
Mastozoología …, Jan 1, 2009
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Papers by Cesar Bracamonte