Multistage Condition Monitoring System of Aircraft by Cemal Ardil

Multidimensional decision-making issues invariably entail a profusion of factors and di... more Multidimensional decision-making issues invariably entail a profusion of factors and dimensions necessitating consideration. In such intricate environments, decision-making can be notably challenging. To navigate this complexity, the realm of multiple criteria decision-making approaches is indispensable, helping in unraveling convoluted predicaments. This paper introduces a novel approach fuzzy combinative multiple criteria decision-making analysis —crafted to address fuzzy decision analysis challenges.At the heart of this method lies the utilization of the Euclidean distance as the primary measure and the rectilinear distance as the secondary measure, both calibrated in accordance with the negative-ideal solution. Determining the desirability of alternatives rests on these distances. Further augmenting the evaluation, the process involves combining the Euclidean and rectilinear distances through fuzzy combinative multiple criteria decision-making analysis. The efficacy and stability of the fuzzy decision analysis are underscored through a numerical example, illustrating the proposed method's procedural nuances. A comparative analysis comparing both Euclidean distance and rectilinear distance with the weighted sum model and the weighted product model is also conducted.This scrutiny underscores the efficiency of the proposed method while affirming the reliability of its outcomes.

Researches show that probability-statistical methods application, especially at the early stage o... more Researches show that probability-statistical methods application, especially at the early stage of the aviation Gas Turbine Engine (GTE) technical condition diagnosing, when the flight information has property of the fuzzy, limitation and uncertainty is unfounded. Hence the efficiency of application of new technology Soft Computing at these diagnosing stages with the using of the Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks methods is considered. According to the purpose of this problem training with high accuracy of fuzzy multiple linear and non-linear models (fuzzy regression equations) which received on the statistical fuzzy data basis is made. For GTE technical condition more adequate model making dynamics of skewness and kurtosis coefficients' changes are analysed. Researches of skewness and kurtosis coefficients values' changes show that, distributions of GTE work parameters have fuzzy character. Hence consideration of fuzzy skewness and kurtosis coefficients is expedient. Investig...
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, 2023
This study uses two-dimensional standard fuzzy sets to enhance multiple criteria decision-making ... more This study uses two-dimensional standard fuzzy sets to enhance multiple criteria decision-making analysis for passenger aircraft selection, allowing decision-makers to express judgments with uncertain and vague information. Using two-dimensional fuzzy numbers, three decision makers evaluated three aircraft alternatives according to seven decision criteria. A validity analysis based on two-dimensional standard fuzzy weighted geometric (SFWG) and two-dimensional standard fuzzy weighted average (SFGA) operators is conducted to test the proposed approach's robustness and effectiveness in the fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) evaluation process.
This paper introduces a new method for multiplecriteria decision making (MCDM) that avoids order ... more This paper introduces a new method for multiplecriteria decision making (MCDM) that avoids order reversal and ensures consistency in decision-making. The proposed method involves range targeting of benefit and cost criteria vectors for range normalization of the initial decision matrix. The Reference Linear Combination (RLC) is used to avoid the rank reversal problem. The preference order generated from the target score matrix does not require relative comparisons between alternatives but relies on a chosen reference solution point after transforming the original decision matrix into an MCDM problem by specifying the minimum and maximum bounds of each criterion. The efficiency and applicability of the proposed RLC method were demonstrated in the selection of commercial passenger aircraft.

International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering, 2023
Aircraft selection decisions can be challenging due to their multidimensional and interdisciplina... more Aircraft selection decisions can be challenging due to their multidimensional and interdisciplinary nature. They involve multiple stakeholders with conflicting objectives and numerous alternative options with uncertain outcomes. This study focuses on the analysis of aerial firefighting aircraft that can be chosen for the Air Fire Service to extinguish forest fires. To make such a selection, the characteristics of the fire zones must be considered, and the capability to manage the logistics involved in such operations, as well as the purchase and maintenance of the aircraft, must be determined. The selection of firefighting aircraft is particularly complex because they have longer fleet lives and require more demanding operation and maintenance than scheduled passenger air service. This paper aims to use the fuzzy proximity measure method to select the most appropriate aerial firefighting aircraft based on decision criteria using multiple attribute decision making analysis. Following fuzzy decision analysis, the most suitable aerial firefighting aircraft is ranked and determined for the Air Fire Service.

International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Being effective in every organizational activity has become necessary due to the escalating level... more Being effective in every organizational activity has become necessary due to the escalating level of competition in all areas of corporate life. In the context of supply chain management, aircraft supplier selection is currently one of the most crucial activities. It is possible to choose the best aircraft supplier and deliver efficiency in terms of cost, quality, delivery time, economic status, and institutionalization if a systematic supplier selection approach is used. In this study, an effective multiple criteria decision-making methodology, proximity measure method (PMM), is used within a fuzzy environment based on the vague structure of the real working environment. The best appropriate aircraft suppliers are identified and ranked after the proposed multiple criteria decision making technique is used in a real-life scenario.

International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Aircraft supplier selection process, which is considered as a fundamental supply chain problem, i... more Aircraft supplier selection process, which is considered as a fundamental supply chain problem, is a multicriteria group decision problem that has a significant impact on the performance of the entire supply chain. In practical situations are frequently incomplete and uncertain information, making it difficult for decision-makers to communicate their opinions on candidates with precise and definite values. To solve the aircraft supplier selection problem in an environment of incomplete and uncertain information, proximity measure method is proposed. It uses determinate fuzzy numbers. The weights of each decision maker are equally predetermined and the entropic criteria weights are calculated using each decision maker's decision matrix. Additionally, determinate fuzzy numbers, it is proposed to use the weighted normalized Minkowski distance function and Hausdorff distance function to determine the ranking order patterns of alternatives. A numerical example for aircraft supplier selection is provided to further demonstrate the applicability, effectiveness, validity and rationality of the proposed method.

International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, 2023
Using the aid of Hausdorff distance function and Minkowski distance function, this study proposes... more Using the aid of Hausdorff distance function and Minkowski distance function, this study proposes a novel method for selecting combat aircraft for Air Force. In order to do this, the proximity measure method was developed with determinate fuzzy degrees based on the relationship between attributes and combat aircraft alternatives. The combat aircraft selection attributes were identified as payloadability, maneuverability, speedability, stealthability, and survivability. Determinate fuzzy data from the combat aircraft attributes was then aggregated using the determinate fuzzy weighted arithmetic average operator. For the selection of combat aircraft, correlation analysis of the ranking order patterns of options was also examined. A numerical example from military aviation is used to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method.

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2023
Unmanned combat aircraft (UCA) are expanding significantly in several defense industries along wi... more Unmanned combat aircraft (UCA) are expanding significantly in several defense industries along with artificial intelligence improvements in highly precise technology. UCA is crucial in military settings for targeting enemy elements, and objects. UCA is also utilized for highly precise reconnaissance and surveillance tasks. To select the best alternative for critical missions, a methodical and effective strategy for UCA selection is required. Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodologies are ideally equipped to handle the complexity of alternative aircraft selection. To analyze UCA alternatives for the selection process, an integrated methodology built on the objective criteria weights and preference analysis for reference ideal solution (PARIS). First, the weights of essential elements are determined using the average weight (AW), standard deviation (SW) and entropy weight (EW) approach. The weights of the evaluation criteria affect the decisionmaking process. The aircraft choices in the decision problem are then ranked using objective criteria weights along with the PARIS technique. The validation and sensitivity analysis of the proposed MCDM approach are discussed.

International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering, 2023
The decision to select an unmanned combat aircraft is complicated since several options and confl... more The decision to select an unmanned combat aircraft is complicated since several options and conflicting criteria must be considered at simultaneously. When making multiple criteria decision, it is important to consider the selected evaluation criteria, including priceability, payloadability, stealthability, speedability , and survivability. The fundamental goal of the study is to select the best unmanned combat aircraft by taking these evaluation criteria into account. The optimal aircraft was chosen using the fuzzy proximity measure method, which enables decision-makers to designate preferences as standard fuzzy set numbers during the multiple criteria decision-making process. To assess the applicability of the proposed approach, a numerical example is provided. Finally, by comparing determined unmanned combat aircraft, the proposed method produced a successful application, and the best aircraft was selected. Keywords-Standard fuzzy sets (SFS), unmanned combat aircraft selection, multiple criteria decision making (MCDM), multiple criteria group decision making (MCGDM), proximity measure method (PMM).

Intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS), Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PyFS), Picture fuzzy sets (PFS), q-rung ... more Intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS), Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PyFS), Picture fuzzy sets (PFS), q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets (q-ROF), Spherical fuzzy sets (SFS), T-spherical FS, and Neutrosophic sets (NS) are reviewed as multidimensional extensions of fuzzy sets in order to more explicitly and informatively describe the opinions of decision-making experts under uncertainty. To handle operations with standard fuzzy sets (SFS), the necessary operators; weighted arithmetic mean (WAM), weighted geometric mean (WGM), and Minkowski distance function are defined. The algorithm of the proposed proximity measure method (PMM) is provided with a multiple criteria group decision making method (MCDM) for use in a standard fuzzy set environment. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method, the problem of selecting the best drone for an Air Force procurement request is used. The proximity measure method (PMM) based multidimensional standard fuzzy sets (SFS) is introduced to demonstrate its use with an issue involving unmanned combat aircraft selection.
International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering, 2022
This paper discusses the use of the composite programming method to identify the optimum electric... more This paper discusses the use of the composite programming method to identify the optimum electric passenger automobile in multiple criteria decision making. With the composite programming approach, a set of alternatives are compared using an optimality measure that gauges how far apart they are from the optimum solution. In this paper, some key factors (range, battery, engine, maximum speed, acceleration) that customers should consider while purchasing an electric passenger car for daily use are discussed. A numerical illustration is provided to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proximity measure approach.

International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 2013
This paper presents the regional economic relations between Turkey and Black See Economic Coopera... more This paper presents the regional economic relations between Turkey and Black See Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC). The Heads of State and Government of eleven countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine signed the Summit Declaration and the Bosphorus Statement giving birth to the Black Sea Economic Cooperation on 25 June 1992, in Istanbul. On 5 June 1998, the Heads of State or Government signed the BSEC Charter, came into force on 1 May 1999 BSEC has evolved into an international regional organization for economic cooperation. The organization has 12 members since Serbia joining the organization in 2004. It came into existence as a unique and promising model of multilateral political and economic initiative aimed at fostering interaction and harmony among the Member States, as well as to ensure peace, stability and prosperity encouraging friendly and good-neighbourly relations in the Black Sea region. Count...

International Journal of Information and Communication Engineering, 2010
In this paper, we introduce an e-collaborative learning circles methodology which utilizes the in... more In this paper, we introduce an e-collaborative learning circles methodology which utilizes the information and communication technologies (ICTs) in e-educational processes. In e-collaborative learning circles methodology, the teachers and students announce their research projects on various mailing lists and discussion boards using available ICTs. The teachers & moderators and students who are already members of the e-forums, discuss the project proposals in their classrooms sent out by the potential global partner schools and return the requested feed back to the proposing school(s) about their level of the participation and contribution in the research. In general, an e-collaborative learning circle project is implemented with a small and diverse group (usually 8-10 participants) from around the world. The students meet regularly over a period of weeks/months through the ICTs during the ecollaborative learning process. When the project is completed, a project product (e-book / DVD) is prepared and sent to the circle members. In this research, when taking into account the interests and motivation of the participating students with the facilitating role of the teacher(s), the students in each circle do research to obtain new data and information, thus enabling them to have the opportunity to meet both different cultures and international understandings across the globe. However, while the participants communicate along with the members in the circle they also practice and develop their communication language skills. Finally, teachers and students find the possibility to develop their skills in using the ICTs as well.

International Journal of Urban and Civil Engineering, 2023
In this paper, a new MCDMA approach, the permanent analytics process is proposed to assess the im... more In this paper, a new MCDMA approach, the permanent analytics process is proposed to assess the immovable valuation criteria and their significance in the placement of the healthcare facility. Five decision factors are considered for the value and selection of immovables. In the multiple factor selection problems, the priority vector of the criteria used to compare several immovables is first determined using the permanent analytics method, a mathematical model for the multiple criteria decisionmaking process. Then, to demonstrate the viability and efficacy of the suggested approach, twenty potential candidate locations were evaluated using the hospital site selection problem's decision criteria. The ranking accuracy of estimation was evaluated using composite programming, which took into account both the permanent analytics process and the weighted multiplicative model.

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2022
Neutrosophic logic decision analysis is proposed as a method of stealth fighter aircraft selectio... more Neutrosophic logic decision analysis is proposed as a method of stealth fighter aircraft selection for Turkish Air Force. The opinion of experts is employed to rank the alternatives across a set of criteria. The analyst uses neutrosophic logic numbers to describe the experts' preferences. This approach can handle the situation in the case of unavailability of precise data, which is most commonly the case in stealth fighter aircraft selection. Neutrosophic logic numbers can consider the imprecision of the factors affecting decision making such as stealth analysis, survivability analysis, and performance analysis. Neutrosophic logic ranking is achieved using weighted arithmetic operator and weighted geometric operator and the alternatives are ranked from best to worst. An example is also presented to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method.

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2022
A multiple-criteria decision support system is proposed for the best aircraft selection decision.... more A multiple-criteria decision support system is proposed for the best aircraft selection decision. Various strategic, economic, environmental, and risk-related factors can directly or indirectly influence this choice, and they should be taken into account in the decision-making process. The paper suggests a multiple-criteria analysis to aid in the airline management's decision-making process when choosing an appropriate aircraft. In terms of the suggested approach, an integrated entropic preference optimization programming (POP) for fleet modeling risk analysis is applied. The findings of the study of multiple criteria analysis indicate that the A321(neo) aircraft type is the best alternative in this particular optimization instance. The proposed methodology can be applied to other complex engineering problems involving multiple criteria analysis.

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 2022
The Turkish Air Force needs to acquire a sixthgeneration fighter aircraft in order to maintain it... more The Turkish Air Force needs to acquire a sixthgeneration fighter aircraft in order to maintain its air superiority and dominance against its rivals under the risks posed by global geopolitical opportunities and threats. Accordingly, five evaluation criteria were determined to evaluate the sixth-generation fighter aircraft alternatives and to select the best one. Systematically, a new fuzzy preference optimization programming (POP) method is proposed to select the best sixth generation fighter aircraft in an uncertain environment. The POP technique considers both quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria. To demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach, it is applied to a multiple criteria decision-making problem to evaluate and select sixth-generation fighter aircraft. The results of the fuzzy POP method are compared with the results of the fuzzy TOPSIS approach to validate it. According to the comparative analysis, fuzzy POP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods get the same results. This demonstrates the applicability of the fuzzy POP technique to address the sixth-generation fighter selection problem.
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Sep 18, 2021
Учредитель и издатель: Founder and editor: ФГБОУ ВО «Казанская государственная академия ветеринар... more Учредитель и издатель: Founder and editor: ФГБОУ ВО «Казанская государственная академия ветеринарной медицины имени Н.Э. Баумана» (ФГБОУ ВО Казанская ГАВМ) FSBEI HE «Kazan Bauman State Academy of Veterinary Medicine» (FSBEI HE KSAVM) Печатается по решению редакционной коллегии Казанской государственной академии ветеринарной медицины им. Н.Э. Баумана от 5 сентября 2021 г

International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering, Sep 8, 2021
This paper presents a multiple criteria decision making analysis technique for selecting fighter ... more This paper presents a multiple criteria decision making analysis technique for selecting fighter aircraft for the national air force. The selection of military aircraft is a process consisting of contradictory goals and objectives. When a modern air force needs to choose fighter aircraft to upgrade existing fleets, a multiple criteria decision making analysis and scenario planning for defense acquisition has been put forward. The selection of fighter aircraft for the air defense force is a strategic decision making process, since the purchase or lease of fighter jets, maintenance and operating costs and having a fleet is the biggest cost for the air force. Multiple criteria decision making analysis methods are effectively applied to facilitate decision making from various available options. The selection criteria were determined using the literature on the problem of fighter aircraft selection. The selection of fighter aircraft to be purchased for the air defense forces is handled using a multiple criteria decision making analysis technique that also determines a suitable methodological approach for the defense procurement and fleet upgrade planning process. The aim of this study is to originate an approach to evaluate fighter aircraft alternatives, Su-35, F-35, and TF-X (MMU), based on technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS).
Multistage Condition Monitoring System of Aircraft by Cemal Ardil