Papers by Cem Kumuk

AREI: Journal for Central and Eastern European History and Politics, 2023
Throughout history, violence has been an indispensable part of the Russian state tradition. Not o... more Throughout history, violence has been an indispensable part of the Russian state tradition. Not only non-Russian subjects but also ethnic Russians have experienced their share of this tradition of violence. In many cases, this tradition has turned into genocidal practices for non-Russian elements. Due to the current political bottlenecks of the international community, this article focuses on the difficulties experienced in the recognition of these crimes against humanity and examines the genocidal practices of the Russian state in the North Caucasus, especially the Circassian Genocide in the 19th century. For more than two centuries, Russian state politics has been trying to erase the term “the Caucasus” as a geographical term in international public opinion and to impose the region as Southern Russia by cleansing or assimilating the indigenous North Caucasian nations. While the article focuses on the ‘velikorus’ (Great Russian) practices in the Tsarist and Soviet periods, it draws attention to the fact that there have been similar examples in today’s Russia in the first thirty years of the so-called federal state.

Vefatının 150. Yılında İmam Şamil -Uluslararası Sempozyum- Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, 2022
Kafkasya’nın özgürlük savaşçısı İmam Şamil, bir çeyrek asır boyunca Rus istilasına karşı savaştı ... more Kafkasya’nın özgürlük savaşçısı İmam Şamil, bir çeyrek asır boyunca Rus istilasına karşı savaştı ve Kafkasya halklarını tek bir bayrak altında birleştirmeye çalıştı. Şamil, hayatı boyunca farklı zamanlarda sekiz evlilik yaptı. İlk eşi Huriyat’dan çok kısa süre içinde ayrılmıştı. İkinci eşi Fatimat, 1845'teki ölümünden önce İmam’a, Cemaleddin, Gazi Muhammed, Muhammed-Şefi, Nefiset ve Fatimat olmak üzere beş evlat verdi. Üçüncü eşi Cavharat, Said Shamil adında bir oğul dünyaya getirmişti. Ancak, Rusların Ahulgo saldırısında birlikte öldüler. Dördüncü eşi Şuaynat, Kaluga esaretinde İmam’a uzun yıllar eşlik etti. Şuaynat İmam’a ikisi erkek ve beşi kız evlat doğurduysa de kız çocuklarından sadece birisi, Safiyat hayatta kalabilmiş, ama o da daha on altı yaşındayken ölmüştü. Beşinci karısı Zagidat, mürşidi Cemaleddin Gazi-Kumuki'nin kızıydı. Najabat ve Bahu-Mesedu adlarında iki kız ve Muhammed Kâmil adında bir erkek evlat verdi. Yakın zamanda bir mezar taşının üzerinde ulaşılan bilgiden İmam’ın Muhammed Mansur adında altıncı bir oğlunun olduğunu öğrenmiştik. Bu makalede arşiv verileri ışığında İmam'ın ölümünden sonra aile fertlerinin hayat akışlarına dokunacağız.

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, 2022
You can download the complete magazine through the following link; more You can download the complete magazine through the following link;,Pamiec-i-Sprawiedliwosc-nr-1-39-2022.pdf
The article basically aims to shed light on the efforts of the Caucasian peoples to establish a state and unity, especially on the axis of the Caucasian Mountaineers, and their activities emigration activities during the turbulent years of the world. Today, Turkey is home to North Caucasian community representing about 10% of its population. Although this ratio represents a small percentage of the Turkish population, it has a very different meaning for the peoples of the North Caucasus. If we consider that the population of genuine North Caucasians today is half of the population of the diaspora and that only Russians, Cossacks, and other settlers live in many parts of the North Caucasus now, the meaning of the North Caucasian diaspora in Turkey can be understood much better. Although the North Caucasian ethnicities in Turkey were the victims of large-scale assimilation, especially during the first fifty years of the republican regime, they are still of great importance to their homeland. We witnessed the most striking example of this during the 1992–1993 Abkhaz-Georgian war. Within the scope of this article, we will examine the events that developed in the North Caucasus in the years between the revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century and the world wars, and the influence of Turkey and North Caucasian immigrant community in Turkey on the course of events. We also submit the issue of a Confederative Union of the peoples of the Caucasus to the attention of the reader from the perspective of North Caucasian Mountaineers.
Tarık Cemal Kutlu Armağanı, 2008
Kafkasya Dağlıları Rus ve Avrupa literatürüne zaman zaman erdem sahibi, soylu şövalyeler, zaman z... more Kafkasya Dağlıları Rus ve Avrupa literatürüne zaman zaman erdem sahibi, soylu şövalyeler, zaman zaman da medineleştirilmesi gereken barbarlar olarak lanse edilmişlerdir. Makale tarihte ve günümüzde egemen devletlerin çifte standartlı yaklaşımına göre yakıştırılan bu nitelemeler üzerine eğilerek, okuru Kafkasya halklarının geçmişinde kısa bir yolculuğa çıkartıyor.
Toplumsal Tarih, ISSN 2717-7459, 2022
Makale Kafkasya tarihinin tartışmalı isimlerinden birisi olan, İmam Şamil'in torunu Said Şamil'in... more Makale Kafkasya tarihinin tartışmalı isimlerinden birisi olan, İmam Şamil'in torunu Said Şamil'in çalkantılı siyasi hayatını konu almaktadır. Uluslararası arşivlerden derlenen belgelerle Said Şamil'e yepyeni bir bakış açısı getiren makale, birçok tarihi ezberi bozarken, Kafkasya siyasi muhaceret tarihinin pek çok diğer şahsiyeti hakkında da okuyucuyu bilgilendirmektedir.
Istooricheski Vestnik, 2022
The article reviews the biography of Said Shamil, the grandson of Imam Shamil. Said Shaml partici... more The article reviews the biography of Said Shamil, the grandson of Imam Shamil. Said Shaml participated in the Civil War in the North Caucasus and later emigrated back to Turkey from the Caucasus. The study is based on the documents found in Polish, Russian, American and French archives, which are now being revealed to the scholarly community for the first time.
The article examines the national and socio-political resistance of the North Caucasian highlande... more The article examines the national and socio-political resistance of the North Caucasian highlanders against the Bolshevik invasion embodied with the experiences of the anti-Soviet struggle of Mountain intelligentsia in European capitals during the interwar period, the massacre of thousands of innocent people in the Drau valley in 1945, and the tragic life story of an individual refugee named Tscherim Soobzokov who survived the world war and the extradition to Stalinist execution. In the end, we will ask a simple question to ourselves; Which one was more evil? Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler? And, in what circumstances their victims can be considered as criminals just because they hoped help from either of them to avoid the danger caused by the other?
Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi , 2021
Yeni Türkiye, 2015
Интересные факты о роли и впечатлениях польских добровольцев в войнах в самый критический период... more Интересные факты о роли и впечатлениях польских добровольцев в войнах в самый критический период кавказо-российских войн...
Джем КУМУК, «Поляки в Сопротивлении Кавказа в XIX. века", Yeni Türkiye (Новая Турция) - "Особый выпуск Кавказа", Выпуск 74, Анкара 2015, с.510-519
Interesting facts about the role and impressions of Polish volunteers in the wars during the most critical period of the Caucasian-Russian Wars...
Cem KUMUK, "Poles in Resistance of The Caucasus in XIX. century", Yeni Türkiye (New Turkey) - 'Special Issue of the Caucasus', Issue 74, Ankara 2015, P. 510-519
Kafkas – Rus Savaşlarının en kritik döneminde Polonyalı gönüllülerin savaşlardaki rolü ve izlenimleriyle ile ilgili ilginç gerçekler…
Cem KUMUK, “XIX. yy. Kafkasya Direnişinde Polonyalılar”, Yeni Türkiye - 'Kafkaslar Özel Sayısı', Sayı 74, Ankara 2015, S.510-519
Books by Cem Kumuk

The Ottoman and Russian revolutions, seen as the penultimate stage in the process of the transiti... more The Ottoman and Russian revolutions, seen as the penultimate stage in the process of the transition of power from feudal or aristocratic groups to large capital owners in Europe, and World War I, which was staged to establish the New World Order, had been a symbolic hope for the peoples of the North Caucasus to be free from Russian occupation and subjugation that had begun in the early 18th century. At the beginning of World War I, this hope was tangible among the Shimali Caucasians, Ottoman subjects who had been expelled from their homeland in the 19th century. Still, the situation was somewhat different for those who had managed to remain in their homeland after the deportations. While some of the North Caucasian Mountaineers in the Ottoman emigration saw it as an opportunity for freedom and return to their homeland, others, influenced by the revolutionary ideas, saw it as a class struggle rather than a national notion. So, in this chaotic atmosphere the conflicts of interest between the Ottoman Empire and its ally, the German Empire, over the region, and the hope that came as an opportunity turned into a nightmare. In this study, I approached the issue from the perspective of the Ottoman Empire and the North Caucasian Mountaineers living in the Ottoman Empire rather than from the Russian perspective and discussed the period from the beginning of the war until the day the Bolsheviks declared their absolute victory within the framework of some primary and original archival sources that have never been studied before, to the extent permitted by a symposium paper.
Bir Hanzadenin Kafkasya’dan Moskova’daki Darağacına Uzanan Trajik Yaşam Öyküsü, GENERAL SULTAN KILIÇ GİREY, 2023
Abkhazia:1992-2022: Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict & War , 2022

Düvel-i Muazzama’nın Kıskacında Kafkasya Dağlıları, 2022
17. yüzyıl boyunca yapacakları savaşlara finansman sağlamak için teker teker borç batağına saplan... more 17. yüzyıl boyunca yapacakları savaşlara finansman sağlamak için teker teker borç batağına saplanan Avrupalı monarşiler gibi Osmanlı ve Rus monarşileri de 18. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren sermayedar savaş baronlarının pençesine düşmüşlerdi. Kafkasya, amansız birer rakip hâline getirilen bu iki imparatorluğun savaş arenalarının başında geliyordu. 19. yüzyılın sonu ve 20. yüzyılın başları arasındaki bir asırlık sürede Kafkasya Dağlıları, başkalarının savaşlarının kurbanları olmuş, sürekli değişen dengeler içinde kâh stratejik ittifaklar kurarak, kâh savaşarak özgürlük ve bağımsızlıklarını korumaya çalışmışlardı. Bu süre zarfında istisnasız her nesli toplu sürgünler ve soykırımlara uğrayan Kafkasya halkları vatanlarını savunmak için mücadele ederlerken kendi istemleri dışında başka güçlerin savaşlarının da baş aktörleri hâline gelmişlerdi. En az dış güçlere karşı verdikleri mücadeleler kadar birbirlerine karşı da savaşmak zorunda bırakılan bu halklar, insanlık tarihinin en trajik hikayelerinden birisinin konusu olmuşlardı.
Cem Kumuk, Kafkasya Dağlılarının yaşadıkları tecrübelerin önemli kilometre taşlarını bu paylaşım mücadelesinde yer alan ülkelerin arşivlerinden derlediği ve daha önce hiç yayınlanmamış pek çok belgeyle okurların ilgisine sunuyor. Çalışmasını özellikle ideolojik kaygılar ve kaynak eksikliği yüzünden üzerinde yeterince çalışılamamış olan ihtilaller ve dünya savaşları dönemi üzerinde derinleştiren Kumuk, bu döneme dair ezberlenmiş “doğruları” değiştirecek belgeler ortaya koyuyor. Kafkasya Dağlılarının son iki asırlık tarihine eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşan Kumuk’un bu çalışması, Kafkasya Tarihi okurları için yeni bir kilometre taşı hâline gelecek.
Neredesin Prometheus? Kafkasya aydınlık günlerini arıyor, 2004
ISBN: 9789752975309
The notes and bibliography of the book was distorted during publishing proces... more ISBN: 9789752975309
The notes and bibliography of the book was distorted during publishing process by the publisher. The author was not given chance to provide a proper bibliography and notes again.
Kitabın notları ve bibliografyası yayıncı tarafindan bozuk yayınlanmıştır. Yazar düzeltme olanağı bulamamıştır.
Book Reviews by Cem Kumuk
Istooricheski Vestnik, 2021
Edige Burak Atmaca'nın 2020'de Karakum Yayinevi tarafından yayınlanan Sovyetlere muhalefet. Türk ... more Edige Burak Atmaca'nın 2020'de Karakum Yayinevi tarafından yayınlanan Sovyetlere muhalefet. Türk siyasi muhacirlerinin Bolşevik ve Türk devrimlerine bakışı (1923-1934) adlı kitabının incelemesidir.

Towards the end of the year 2019, a book entitled "Empire and Belonging in the Eurasian Borderlan... more Towards the end of the year 2019, a book entitled "Empire and Belonging in the Eurasian Borderlands" had recently been published. I’ve read in the introductions on e-commerce sites where the book was sold, that the articles in the book examine the different dimensions of being a subject in the multi-ethnic regions of the Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union in the 19th and 20th centuries. It has also been indicated that not only the accounts of state officials in these regions, but also the accounts and experiences of teachers, linguists, humanitarian officials, refugees, exiles, soldiers, and nomads are included in the book. Despite these accounts, I could not find an adequate number of detailed and insightful reviews of the book. I bought it because I thought it might be a good resource for my ongoing monograph studies on the experiences of the peoples of the North Caucasus in the 19th and 20th centuries.
You can read my review in English for Mairbek Vachagaev's book; UNION OF THE HIGHLANDERS OF THE N... more You can read my review in English for Mairbek Vachagaev's book; UNION OF THE HIGHLANDERS OF THE NORTHERN CAUCASUS AND THE MOUNTAINEERS' REPUBLIC. HISTORY OF A FAILED STATE (1917-1920), published in No 32 of Journal Istoricheskii Vestnik in 2020.
Teaching Documents by Cem Kumuk, 2023
Historical Memory of The North Caucasus is a digital archive and e-library that was established a... more Historical Memory of The North Caucasus is a digital archive and e-library that was established and managed by me. I decided to create an archive and e-library consisting of works related to the history of the North Caucasus first time in 2005. I launched the first site 19 years ago. Then, I had difficulty in allocating time to the project due to my active professional life and closed the site in 2010.
I continued research activities throughout the intervening years and decided to revive the project in 2021 in an improved format. After analyzing the best practices in the world, I designed the site
In the Historical Memory of The North Caucasus digital archive and e-library, you will be able to find all the original works and archival documents written from the earliest periods when the written works on the history of the North Caucasus began to appear, until recent history. You will be able to access the material grouped into seven different categories: Primary Sources, Books, Scientific Articles, Academic Dissertations, Maps, and Historical Photographs within the collections of our site. The materials, which you can download to your computer or read and examine online in digital reading rooms, are unique resources for history friends and scientific researchers who are interested in Caucasian history. In addition, in the "Highlights" section of our site, you will find news and columns about the works in our collections and current issues related to the history of the Caucasus. By following the social media accounts of our site, you can learn about the developments of our digital archive and e-library.
Although the original language of our site is English, thanks to the technical capabilities provided by today's internet browsers, followers who do not speak English and speak different languages will be able to benefit from our site easily. All the leading platforms that provide browser services on the Internet, such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, offer automatic page translation. Users can see the translated version of our page on their screens by adjusting the browser settings according to the language of their preference. Therefore, the era of designing multilingual websites remained in the past, and the management of sites has become much easier.
I hope more qualified scientific studies on the history of the North Caucasus will start to appear on this initiative and look forward to your support for the further development of the project.
Papers by Cem Kumuk,Pamiec-i-Sprawiedliwosc-nr-1-39-2022.pdf
The article basically aims to shed light on the efforts of the Caucasian peoples to establish a state and unity, especially on the axis of the Caucasian Mountaineers, and their activities emigration activities during the turbulent years of the world. Today, Turkey is home to North Caucasian community representing about 10% of its population. Although this ratio represents a small percentage of the Turkish population, it has a very different meaning for the peoples of the North Caucasus. If we consider that the population of genuine North Caucasians today is half of the population of the diaspora and that only Russians, Cossacks, and other settlers live in many parts of the North Caucasus now, the meaning of the North Caucasian diaspora in Turkey can be understood much better. Although the North Caucasian ethnicities in Turkey were the victims of large-scale assimilation, especially during the first fifty years of the republican regime, they are still of great importance to their homeland. We witnessed the most striking example of this during the 1992–1993 Abkhaz-Georgian war. Within the scope of this article, we will examine the events that developed in the North Caucasus in the years between the revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century and the world wars, and the influence of Turkey and North Caucasian immigrant community in Turkey on the course of events. We also submit the issue of a Confederative Union of the peoples of the Caucasus to the attention of the reader from the perspective of North Caucasian Mountaineers.
1916 yılında Lozan'da toplanan Milliyetler Konferansı'nın Kafkasya Dağlıları için sonuçlarını ironik tecrübelerle anlatan bir çalışma...
Джем КУМУК, «Поляки в Сопротивлении Кавказа в XIX. века", Yeni Türkiye (Новая Турция) - "Особый выпуск Кавказа", Выпуск 74, Анкара 2015, с.510-519
Interesting facts about the role and impressions of Polish volunteers in the wars during the most critical period of the Caucasian-Russian Wars...
Cem KUMUK, "Poles in Resistance of The Caucasus in XIX. century", Yeni Türkiye (New Turkey) - 'Special Issue of the Caucasus', Issue 74, Ankara 2015, P. 510-519
Kafkas – Rus Savaşlarının en kritik döneminde Polonyalı gönüllülerin savaşlardaki rolü ve izlenimleriyle ile ilgili ilginç gerçekler…
Cem KUMUK, “XIX. yy. Kafkasya Direnişinde Polonyalılar”, Yeni Türkiye - 'Kafkaslar Özel Sayısı', Sayı 74, Ankara 2015, S.510-519
Books by Cem Kumuk
To order the book;
The book entitled "Abkhazia:1992-2022: Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict & War" that sheds a very strong scientific light on the Abkhazian - Georgian conflict, is now available on
ISBN-13 : 979-8353949220
All artciles are also available online @
Cem Kumuk, Kafkasya Dağlılarının yaşadıkları tecrübelerin önemli kilometre taşlarını bu paylaşım mücadelesinde yer alan ülkelerin arşivlerinden derlediği ve daha önce hiç yayınlanmamış pek çok belgeyle okurların ilgisine sunuyor. Çalışmasını özellikle ideolojik kaygılar ve kaynak eksikliği yüzünden üzerinde yeterince çalışılamamış olan ihtilaller ve dünya savaşları dönemi üzerinde derinleştiren Kumuk, bu döneme dair ezberlenmiş “doğruları” değiştirecek belgeler ortaya koyuyor. Kafkasya Dağlılarının son iki asırlık tarihine eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşan Kumuk’un bu çalışması, Kafkasya Tarihi okurları için yeni bir kilometre taşı hâline gelecek.
The notes and bibliography of the book was distorted during publishing process by the publisher. The author was not given chance to provide a proper bibliography and notes again.
Kitabın notları ve bibliografyası yayıncı tarafindan bozuk yayınlanmıştır. Yazar düzeltme olanağı bulamamıştır.
Book Reviews by Cem Kumuk
Teaching Documents by Cem Kumuk
I continued research activities throughout the intervening years and decided to revive the project in 2021 in an improved format. After analyzing the best practices in the world, I designed the site
In the Historical Memory of The North Caucasus digital archive and e-library, you will be able to find all the original works and archival documents written from the earliest periods when the written works on the history of the North Caucasus began to appear, until recent history. You will be able to access the material grouped into seven different categories: Primary Sources, Books, Scientific Articles, Academic Dissertations, Maps, and Historical Photographs within the collections of our site. The materials, which you can download to your computer or read and examine online in digital reading rooms, are unique resources for history friends and scientific researchers who are interested in Caucasian history. In addition, in the "Highlights" section of our site, you will find news and columns about the works in our collections and current issues related to the history of the Caucasus. By following the social media accounts of our site, you can learn about the developments of our digital archive and e-library.
Although the original language of our site is English, thanks to the technical capabilities provided by today's internet browsers, followers who do not speak English and speak different languages will be able to benefit from our site easily. All the leading platforms that provide browser services on the Internet, such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, offer automatic page translation. Users can see the translated version of our page on their screens by adjusting the browser settings according to the language of their preference. Therefore, the era of designing multilingual websites remained in the past, and the management of sites has become much easier.
I hope more qualified scientific studies on the history of the North Caucasus will start to appear on this initiative and look forward to your support for the further development of the project.,Pamiec-i-Sprawiedliwosc-nr-1-39-2022.pdf
The article basically aims to shed light on the efforts of the Caucasian peoples to establish a state and unity, especially on the axis of the Caucasian Mountaineers, and their activities emigration activities during the turbulent years of the world. Today, Turkey is home to North Caucasian community representing about 10% of its population. Although this ratio represents a small percentage of the Turkish population, it has a very different meaning for the peoples of the North Caucasus. If we consider that the population of genuine North Caucasians today is half of the population of the diaspora and that only Russians, Cossacks, and other settlers live in many parts of the North Caucasus now, the meaning of the North Caucasian diaspora in Turkey can be understood much better. Although the North Caucasian ethnicities in Turkey were the victims of large-scale assimilation, especially during the first fifty years of the republican regime, they are still of great importance to their homeland. We witnessed the most striking example of this during the 1992–1993 Abkhaz-Georgian war. Within the scope of this article, we will examine the events that developed in the North Caucasus in the years between the revolutions at the beginning of the 20th century and the world wars, and the influence of Turkey and North Caucasian immigrant community in Turkey on the course of events. We also submit the issue of a Confederative Union of the peoples of the Caucasus to the attention of the reader from the perspective of North Caucasian Mountaineers.
1916 yılında Lozan'da toplanan Milliyetler Konferansı'nın Kafkasya Dağlıları için sonuçlarını ironik tecrübelerle anlatan bir çalışma...
Джем КУМУК, «Поляки в Сопротивлении Кавказа в XIX. века", Yeni Türkiye (Новая Турция) - "Особый выпуск Кавказа", Выпуск 74, Анкара 2015, с.510-519
Interesting facts about the role and impressions of Polish volunteers in the wars during the most critical period of the Caucasian-Russian Wars...
Cem KUMUK, "Poles in Resistance of The Caucasus in XIX. century", Yeni Türkiye (New Turkey) - 'Special Issue of the Caucasus', Issue 74, Ankara 2015, P. 510-519
Kafkas – Rus Savaşlarının en kritik döneminde Polonyalı gönüllülerin savaşlardaki rolü ve izlenimleriyle ile ilgili ilginç gerçekler…
Cem KUMUK, “XIX. yy. Kafkasya Direnişinde Polonyalılar”, Yeni Türkiye - 'Kafkaslar Özel Sayısı', Sayı 74, Ankara 2015, S.510-519
To order the book;
The book entitled "Abkhazia:1992-2022: Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict & War" that sheds a very strong scientific light on the Abkhazian - Georgian conflict, is now available on
ISBN-13 : 979-8353949220
All artciles are also available online @
Cem Kumuk, Kafkasya Dağlılarının yaşadıkları tecrübelerin önemli kilometre taşlarını bu paylaşım mücadelesinde yer alan ülkelerin arşivlerinden derlediği ve daha önce hiç yayınlanmamış pek çok belgeyle okurların ilgisine sunuyor. Çalışmasını özellikle ideolojik kaygılar ve kaynak eksikliği yüzünden üzerinde yeterince çalışılamamış olan ihtilaller ve dünya savaşları dönemi üzerinde derinleştiren Kumuk, bu döneme dair ezberlenmiş “doğruları” değiştirecek belgeler ortaya koyuyor. Kafkasya Dağlılarının son iki asırlık tarihine eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşan Kumuk’un bu çalışması, Kafkasya Tarihi okurları için yeni bir kilometre taşı hâline gelecek.
The notes and bibliography of the book was distorted during publishing process by the publisher. The author was not given chance to provide a proper bibliography and notes again.
Kitabın notları ve bibliografyası yayıncı tarafindan bozuk yayınlanmıştır. Yazar düzeltme olanağı bulamamıştır.
I continued research activities throughout the intervening years and decided to revive the project in 2021 in an improved format. After analyzing the best practices in the world, I designed the site
In the Historical Memory of The North Caucasus digital archive and e-library, you will be able to find all the original works and archival documents written from the earliest periods when the written works on the history of the North Caucasus began to appear, until recent history. You will be able to access the material grouped into seven different categories: Primary Sources, Books, Scientific Articles, Academic Dissertations, Maps, and Historical Photographs within the collections of our site. The materials, which you can download to your computer or read and examine online in digital reading rooms, are unique resources for history friends and scientific researchers who are interested in Caucasian history. In addition, in the "Highlights" section of our site, you will find news and columns about the works in our collections and current issues related to the history of the Caucasus. By following the social media accounts of our site, you can learn about the developments of our digital archive and e-library.
Although the original language of our site is English, thanks to the technical capabilities provided by today's internet browsers, followers who do not speak English and speak different languages will be able to benefit from our site easily. All the leading platforms that provide browser services on the Internet, such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, offer automatic page translation. Users can see the translated version of our page on their screens by adjusting the browser settings according to the language of their preference. Therefore, the era of designing multilingual websites remained in the past, and the management of sites has become much easier.
I hope more qualified scientific studies on the history of the North Caucasus will start to appear on this initiative and look forward to your support for the further development of the project.