Papers by Cristiano Ceccato
CAADRIA proceedings
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the results of various stages of research into the dev... more The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the results of various stages of research into the development of generative design methods and tools, conducted at the
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe)
digm in theoretical simulation projects at the Architectural Association in London in the mid-199... more digm in theoretical simulation projects at the Architectural Association in London in the mid-1990s, under the guidance of John Frazer, one of the fathers of evolutionary design computing [4]. Patrick Janssen's work concentrated on research on the emergent behaviour of autonomous agents, and how the growing complexity of this behaviour can be controlled through evolution [7]. The work is based on the autonomous life forms described by Mitchel Resnick [13], implemented in software form. Genetic programming techniques are used to evolve the software code that controls each agent, and produce ever more sophisticated agent control mechanisms (Fig. 1).

Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)
This paper describes a project within the authors' ongoing research in the field of Generative De... more This paper describes a project within the authors' ongoing research in the field of Generative Design. The work is based on the premise that computer-aided design (CAD) should evolve beyond its current limitation of one-way interaction, and become a dynamic, intelligent, multiuser environment that encourages creativity and actively supports the evolution of individual, mass-customized designs which exhibit common features. The authors describe this idea by illustrating the implementation of a research project, which explores the notions of mass-customization in design by using evolutionary and parametric methods to generate families of simple objects, in our case a door handle. The project examines related approaches using both complex CAD/CAM packages (CADDS, CATIA) and a proprietary software tool for evolutionary design. The paper first gives a short historical and philosophical background to the work, then describes the technical and algorithmic requirements, and concludes with the implementations of the project.

ACADIA proceedings
After more than a century of domination by neo-Darwinian theory, biological thought is beginning ... more After more than a century of domination by neo-Darwinian theory, biological thought is beginning to give increasing recognition to developmental theory. Amongst other reasons, this recent widening of perspective is grounded on the incompleteness of the neo-Darwinian perspective in providing models for the invention of novel forms or species and individual development. Evolutionary design theory has drawn much of its inspiration from evolutionary biology and consequently shows analogous flaws. This paper demonstrates an adoption of biological developmental theory to the field of design theory in order to fill the corresponding gap. As natural developmental processes are based on the development of cellular units, which form composite structures, this paper employs the cellular model as a means for the development of a corresponding design and construction theory. The discussion of this approach includes possible linkages between morphologic and behavioral attributes of tissues with implications for self-assembly, growth, healing and self-reproduction of man-made structures.

Proceedings of the 23th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)
The computer has gone from being an isolated box to become part of a gigantic digital network of ... more The computer has gone from being an isolated box to become part of a gigantic digital network of networks that shapes our collective future. The way and pace at which we connect, communicate, memorize, imagine and control the flows of valuable information have changed forever. There are at least six digital phenomena that directly affect the architectural world: miniaturization (of all that can be shrunk), ubiquity (being everywhere, global), realtime (communing globally in realtime, which is 1/10th of a second), noospherization (networking everything), virtuality (all that is solid melts into knowledge), and anamnesia (inability to forget). Temporal contiguity and temporal connectivity have taken precedence over spatial and geographical contiguity. The strands that animate our life today emanate from spatially distant but temporally contiguous/ connected places. These phenomena have squeezed, stretched, restructured, reconfigured, and redistributed most major human institutions. Consequently, the built world's role, importance and nature have changed. Architecture as traditionally understood has become more marginalized than before. Many practices, however, have been repositioning themselves to take advantage of the new opportunities beyond the bounds of traditional architectural practice. Design, practice, fabrication and construction are increasingly becoming networked affairs. The new measures of architecture are connectivity and speed. The architecture of a new world needs to recognize these transformations and think differently.

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe)
is one of the most diversified academic departments in Hong Kong and in the South China region. T... more is one of the most diversified academic departments in Hong Kong and in the South China region. The department encompasses all academic design disciplines including Industrial, Environmental, Fashion, Visual Communication and Interactive Systems Design. More than forty fulltime staff members and an average of twenty-five part-time staff support some 700 students at the undergraduate and graduate levels including doctoral research. An increasingly large portion of student work, as well as educational material prepared by the faculty, is accomplished through the computer, mostly in an online/web setting as reported on various occasions, e. g. Falk et. al (2000) or Ceccato et. al (2000). The ongoing development of academic curricula means that particularly in the undergraduate courses, discipline areas of concentration are becoming intertwined, with students choosing major and minor concentrations in separate areas of study, and often questioning the very nature of the subject by mixing and blurring preconceived discipline boundaries. This is coupled with everincreasing amounts of high-end, user-level computing infrastructure that is deployed throughout the department. These result in a formidable level of complexity within the academic process that requires a unifying platform to maintain stability and provide consistent performance, security and flexibility for all users. The DMAN system is a largescale infrastructure that was developed and implemented at the School of design to address these 282 eCAADe 20 [design e-ducation] Information Processes in Design. Session 7
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)
Where design education moves from the studio to computer networks, interaction information easily... more Where design education moves from the studio to computer networks, interaction information easily becomes unavailable for pedagogic analysis. In this paper we propose automated learning interaction visualization to solve this problem and show our progress in developing technical tools for this purpose.
De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 23, 2016
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the mate... more This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machines or similar means, and storage in data banks. Product liability: The publisher can give no guarantee for the information contained in this book. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and are therefore free for general use.

This paper describes an instance of the author’s ongoing research in the field of Generative Desi... more This paper describes an instance of the author’s ongoing research in the field of Generative Design. The work is based on the premise that computer-aided design (CAD) should evolve beyond its current limitation of one-way interaction, and become a dynamic, intelligent, multi-user environment that encourages creativity and actively supports the evolution of individual, mass-customised designs which exhibit common features. The understanding of fundamental shape-forming processes in nature inspires us to move beyond the existing CAD paradigms and re-examine the way we can benefit from the computers in design. We can use this knowledge to create a new generation of computer-based design tools which use evolutionary search algorithms to generate create a common family of individual designs optimised according to particular criteria, while supporting our design intuition. The author explores this idea by illustrating a research project between the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Dea...

This paper describes a multidisciplinary design studio project conducted in Spring 2000 titled iT... more This paper describes a multidisciplinary design studio project conducted in Spring 2000 titled iThe Silk Roadi. The studio is an implementation of an innovative initiative in design education known as Networked Education in Design (NED) and is a further component in a series of on-line, interactive design studios under development at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. NED is an educational philosophy, a pedagogical strategy encompassing several different aspects of Internet and Intranet communications, multimedia and shared learning environments, with the goal to decentralise the campus experience, enhance the local-global academic dialogue, and create an interdisciplinary, extendable and flexible virtual learning environment. In the case illustrated here, NED was manifested as an iElectronic Encyclopaediai exercise designed to provide a universally applicable body of knowledge for students to use in design studios within their field of study, resulting in a rich...
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, 2017
Detail Revista De Arquitectura Y Detalles Constructivos, 2010
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, 2010
The Advances in Architectural Geometry conference consciously brings together two Greek terms, ‘a... more The Advances in Architectural Geometry conference consciously brings together two Greek terms, ‘architect’ (ἁρϰιτέϰτων) and ‘geometry’ (γεωμετίβ) and Plato’s famous quote, which was said to hang above his door, sets the theme of the conference in terms of intellectual rigour as Confucius’ does in terms of practical aspiration; each of these two concepts is fundamental to architecture and its practice.
Kocatürk/Distributed Intelligence in Design, 2011
Papers by Cristiano Ceccato