Papers by Cattleya CHUTTEANG
Genes, May 20, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Lowland and upland rice are the two most important rice ecotypes and are grown under different ec... more Lowland and upland rice are the two most important rice ecotypes and are grown under different ecosystems of contrasting soil water conditions. The study aimed to characterize root morphological, anatomical, and architectural traits and shoot physiological traits related to agronomic traits in Myanmar lowland and upland rice under drought conditions. Drought experiments were conducted in the field and in the greenhouse. The reduction in root traits under drought was observed in both lowland and upland rice except for the stele and xylem area. Stele area and xylem area were increased under drought in lowland rice while stele area in upland rice was decreased and was not changed in the xylem area. A positive relationship between agronomic traits and root traits of lowland rice was observed including the total number of nodal roots, root number per tiller, and a negative relationship in lateral root density more than anatomical traits. While upland rice illustrated the relationship bet...

Frontiers in Plant Science
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important food crop relied upon by billions of people worldwide. How... more Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important food crop relied upon by billions of people worldwide. However, with increasing pressure from climate change and rapid population growth, cultivation is very water-intensive. Therefore, it is critical to produce rice that is high-yielding and genetically more water-use efficient. Here, using the stabilized fast-neutron mutagenized population of Jao Hom Nin (JHN) - a popular purple rice cultivar - we microscopically examined hundreds of flag leaves to identify four stomatal model mutants with either high density (HD) or low density (LD) stomata, and small-sized (SS) or large-sized (LS) stomata. With similar genetic background and uniformity, the stomatal model mutants were used to understand the role of stomatal variants on physiological responses to abiotic stress. Our results show that SS and HD respond better to increasing CO2 concentration and HD has higher stomatal conductance (gs) compared to the other stomatal model mutants, although the ...

Crop response to future air pollution stress is important information for crop production in the ... more Crop response to future air pollution stress is important information for crop production in the future. Ozone (O3) and peroxides are recognized as significantly damaging air pollutants to plants. Presently information on ambient peroxides both hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and organic peroxide concentrations is limited not only in Thailand and South East Asia but also in Japan. The objectives of the present study were to accumulate data of H2O2 concentration in Tokyo and Thailand for understanding annual and seasonal characteristics of ambient H2O2 in Japan and Thailand, and to investigate the effect of single O3 and combined O3 and peroxides on physiological responses and growth of two Japanese and two Thai soybean cultivars. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations were measured in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan (lat. 35.7 o N long. 139.5 o E), Kasesart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom (lat. 14.0 o N long. 100.0 o E) and Mae-On, Chiang Mai (lat. 1...

การวจยนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษาสถานการณการปลกออยและการตดสนใจไวตอออยของเกษตรกร ตวอยางททำการศกษาคอ เกษตรกร... more การวจยนมวตถประสงคเพอศกษาสถานการณการปลกออยและการตดสนใจไวตอออยของเกษตรกร ตวอยางททำการศกษาคอ เกษตรกรผปลกออยในพนทจงหวดสพรรณบร กาญจนบร และราชบร โดยใชแบบสมภาษณ พบวา เกษตรกรสวนใหญมพนทปลกขนาดใหญและมประสบการณสงในการปลกออย เกษตรกรมกจะปลกออยหลายพนธแตเกษตรกรเกอบทกรายปลกออยขอนแกน 3 ดวย และออยพนธทเกษตรกรมกจะไวตอมากครง คอ พนธ LK92-11 และพนธอทอง เกษตรกรปลกออยโดยมการไวตอ 3-4 ตอ จงรอแปลงปลกใหม ซงเกษตรกรสวนใหญมจำนวนครงของการไวตอเทาเดมและมเกษตรกรจำนวนมากทไวตอไดจำนวนครงนอยลง สาเหตทเกษตรกรตดสนใจรอแปลงเพอปลกใหม เนองจากจากดนในแปลงทปลกมานานเรมเสอมสภาพขาดความอดมสมบรณทำใหผลผลตของออยตอลดลงมาก ตอออยตายหรอตอไมสมบรณแตกกอนอย รวมถงเกษตรกรตองการเปลยนไปปลกออยพนธใหม The objective of this research was to study the situation related to growing and ratooning of sugarcane production. The studied sample was sugarcane farmers in Kanchanaburi, Suphan Buri, and Ratchaburi province. Data were collected using interview schedule. The results showed that most farmers had large area and high experience for sugarcane productio...

Plant Production Science, 2021
ABSTRACT Drought is a major constraint in rainfed rice production and root architectural traits a... more ABSTRACT Drought is a major constraint in rainfed rice production and root architectural traits are important breeding targets for improving productivity under drought stress. A set of chromosome segment substitution lines (KDML105-CSSLs) and KDML105 were grown in the wet season at two sites (Rice Gene Discovery (RGD) and Ubon Ratchatani Rice Research Center (URRC)) in Thailand under well-watered (WW) and drought stress (DS) treatments. RGD is characterized by having a heavy clay soil type while URRC’s soil has a high percentage of sand and characterized by infertility. Root architecture traits varied within the population at both sites and exhibited plasticity in response to drought as affected by location by water regime interaction. Lateral root density increased by 77% with drought at RGD but decreased by 18% at URRC. The proportion of nodal roots that elongated more vertically increased under drought stress by 21%, at RGD. Root number per tiller was negatively associated with tiller number and biomass at RGD under drought, while lateral root density was negatively associated with biomass under drought at URRC. Eight QTL were identified for the number of nodal roots per tiller, lateral root density, and nodal root growth angle. Several candidate genes were identified by annotating the genes within the QTL regions. Our study presented genetic insights into root architectural traits with potential use in rice breeding programs for drought tolerance. Graphical abstract

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014
Interspecific hybrid of Jatropha curcas x J. integerrima is expected to answer the low oil yield ... more Interspecific hybrid of Jatropha curcas x J. integerrima is expected to answer the low oil yield problem of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.). However, as a novel invention, research concerning on Jatropha interspecific hybrid is still limited especially in the aspect of its adaptability to unfavorable environment such as salt stress condition. It is interesting to know how Jatropha interspecific hybrid responses to salt stress condition due to the moderate salt tolerance ability of its mother plant (J. curcas L.). The objectives of this study were to compare the growth and physiological response of interspecific hybrid and non-hybrid Jatropha under salt stress. Three varieties of both interspecific hybrid and non-hybrid Jatropha seedling were exposed with 3 levels of sodium chloride treatment in Hoagland media solution which are 2.0 (control), 8.0, and 16.0 dS m-1 for 7 weeks. The parameters measured include plant height, number of leaves, shoot dry weight, specific leaf area, chlorophyll content (SPAD Index), leaf water potential, and leaf solute concentration. V2 (interspecific hybrid) showed the highest potential as moderate salt tolerant variety among experimental Jatropha varieties due to its increasing trend of leaf number, dry weight, and total leaf area at moderate salinity level (8 dS m-1). KUBP 35 and KUBP 40 showed the best growth performance under salt stress among experimental Jatropha varieties, but its potential to be moderate salt tolerant variety was still lower than V2 variety. The solute concentration, osmotic potential, and turgor potential of both interspecific hybrid (V2) and non-hybrid variety (KUBP 35 and KUBP 40) showed an increasing pattern which could be implied as an adaptive response to salt stress. This study has showed that Jatropha interspecific hybrid might have an adaptive physiological response to salt stress and could be considered as potential moderate salt tolerant variety under salt stress.

Plant Biology, 2015
Biochemical and physiological traits of two soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes differing ... more Biochemical and physiological traits of two soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes differing in sensitivity to ozone (O 3) were investigated to determine the possible basis for the differential response. Fiskeby III (O 3-tolerant) and Mandarin (Ottawa) (O 3-sensitive) were grown in a greenhouse with charcoal-filtered air for 4 weeks, then treated with O 3 for 7 hÁday À1 in greenhouse chambers. Mandarin (Ottawa) showed significantly more leaf injury and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) and superoxide (O 2 À) production compared with Fiskeby III. Peroxidase activity in Mandarin (Ottawa) was 31% higher with O 3 but was not significantly different in Fiskeby III. Ozone did not affect superoxide dismutase or glutathione reductase activities, or leaf concentrations of glutathione or ascorbic acid. Thus, variation in O 3 response between Fiskeby III and Mandarin (Ottawa) was not explained by differences in antioxidant enzymes and metabolites tested. Ethylene emission from leaves declined in Fiskeby III following O 3 exposure but not in Mandarin (Ottawa). Ozone exposure reduced quantum yield (Φ PSII), electron transport rate (ETR) and photochemical quenching (q p) in Mandarin (Ottawa) more than in Fiskeby III, indicating that efficiency of energy conversion of PSII and photosynthetic electron transport was altered differently in the two genotypes. Short-term exposure to O 3 had minimal effects on net carbon exchange rates of both soybean cultivars. A trend toward higher stomatal conductance in Mandarin (Ottawa) suggested stomatal exclusion might contribute to differential O 3 sensitivity of the two genotypes. Increased sensitivity of Mandarin (Ottawa) to O 3 was associated with higher H 2 O 2 and O 2 À production compared with Fiskeby III, possibly associated with genotype differences in stomatal function or regulation of ethylene during the initial phases of O 3 response.

Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 2014
Air pollutant concentrations such as ozone (O 3) and peroxides have been increasing in the world,... more Air pollutant concentrations such as ozone (O 3) and peroxides have been increasing in the world, and may cause many negative impacts on crop production. The objectives of the present study are to investigate the effects of peroxides and O 3 on visible foliar injury and physiological responses, and to compare the sensitivities among two Thai rice cultivars, RD 31 and Chainat 1, and two Japanese rice cultivars, Nipponbare and Nourin 52, under exposure to single O 3 and combined O 3 and peroxides. Four treatment plots were prepared, namely control plot (O 3 2-3 ppbv and free peroxides), O 3 50 ppbv plot and free peroxides, O 3 50 ppbv and peroxides 3 ppbv plot and O 3 50 ppbv and peroxides 5 ppbv plot. The results showed that combined O 3 and several ppbv peroxides plots caused severe damage on visible leaf injury, increase in Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration, and decrease in total chlorophyll content and a net photosynthetic rate much higher than single O 3 plot. According to the O 3 dose response analysis, we found that, in combined O 3 (50 ppbv) and peroxides (3 ppbv and 5 ppbv) exposure, in case of visible foliar injury, Chainat 1 was seriously damaged rice cultivar while Nipponbare was a less damaged rice cultivar.

Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 2013
Crop response to future air pollution stress is important information for crop production in the ... more Crop response to future air pollution stress is important information for crop production in the future. Ozone (O 3) and peroxides are recognized as significantly damaging air pollutants to plants. Therefore, the present research aimed to investigate the single and combined effects of O 3 and peroxides on leaf injury and physiological responses, and to compare the soybean cultivar sensitivities under exposure to single O 3 and combined O 3 and peroxides. Two Japanese soybean cultivars, Tachinagaha (TC), and Chamame (CM) and two Thai soybeans, A75 and Sorjor 5 (SJ5) were selected as plant materials. Four treatment plots were set up, including a control plot (C plot: free O 3 and peroxides), O 3 50 ppbv (O plot), O 3 50 ppbv and peroxides 2-3 ppbv (OP1 plot) and O 3 50 ppbv and peroxides 4-5 ppbv (OP2 plot). We found that combined O 3 and several ppbv peroxides (OP2 plot) caused more severe damage than the OP1 plot and single O 3 (O plot) to leaf injury, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, and reduced total dry weight and pod dry weight. In combined O 3 and peroxides exposure, SJ5 showed the most sensitive cultivar in leaf injury, photosynthetic rate, biomass and pod dry weight, while CM showed less sensitivity for photosynthetic rate and pod dry weight.
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 2012
Gas-phase hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) is very harmful to plants when combined with ozone (O 3). I... more Gas-phase hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) is very harmful to plants when combined with ozone (O 3). Information on ambient H 2 O 2 concentrations, especially for long durations, is limited not only in Thailand and South East Asia but also in Japan. The objective of the present research was to accumulate data of H 2 O 2 concentrations over long durations in Tokyo and Thailand. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations were monitored at

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Article Info Importance of the work: High-throughput phenotyping systems containing nondestructiv... more Article Info Importance of the work: High-throughput phenotyping systems containing nondestructive and non-invasive characterizations of phenotypic traits throughout the whole life cycle of plant development have prevailed over the conventional method. Objectives: To evaluate the phenotypic characteristics of indica rice genotypes using redgreen-blue (RGB) high-throughput phenotyping over the whole life cycle in relation to biomass and yield components. Materials & Methods: Plant canopy width, canopy height and leaf area values of the rice cultivars RD41, Pathumthani1 (PT1), Homchonlasit, IR64, Riceberry and RD43 were measured using RGB imagery estimation together with actual measurements at 45 d after planting (DAP), 60 DAP, 75 DAP, 90 DAP, 105 DAP and 120 DAP. Results: Canopy width and canopy height values obtained from actual measurements were linearly related to RGB-estimated values in all rice cultivars with values for the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.87-0.93 and 0.90-0.99, respectively. Notably, there was a positive relationship between plant projected area from the RGB imagery and the leaf area measurement, especially at the vegetative stage (r = 0.93-0.99). At harvest, there was also a positive relationship between aboveground biomass and total yield (coefficient of determination (R 2) = 0.44). The agronomical traits and plant characterizations of RD41, PT1, Homchonlasit, IR64, Riceberry and RD43 were validated over the whole life cycle of rice crops. Main finding: High-throughput phenotyping data collection should overcome conventional measurements due to its non-destructive, rapid and automated production for large amounts of data and high accuracy in indica rice crops.
Papers by Cattleya CHUTTEANG