Papers by Catiara Terra da Costa
O projeto “Promovendo Habitos Saudaveis na Escola”, contemplado com financiamento no Edital ProEx... more O projeto “Promovendo Habitos Saudaveis na Escola”, contemplado com financiamento no Edital ProExt 2015/2016, do Ministerio da Educacao, desenvolve acoes visando a concepcao e construcao criativa de material instrucional e a realizacao de acoes continuadas de extensao para promocao de saude infantil junto a escolas do municipio de Pelotas, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2021
Objetivo: analisar a literatura pertinente sobre diagnóstico do bruxismo infantil, a fim de auxil... more Objetivo: analisar a literatura pertinente sobre diagnóstico do bruxismo infantil, a fim de auxiliar o cirurgião-dentista em como detectar esta condição. Materiais e métodos: através das bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e Lilacs, com termos específicos, foi revisada a literatura e realizada a seleção de artigos mais relevantes, por dois examinadores independentes. Os critérios incluíram crianças com bruxismo, de 0 a 12 anos, independentemente de sexo, ano ou contexto geográfico. Resultados: inicialmente, 1.409 artigos foram identificados. Após a exclusão de duplicatas, avaliação dos títulos, resumos e textos completos, foram selecionados 42 artigos. Uma tabela foi delineada para extrair dados e através desta foram mapeados os estudos. Questionários/ relatos dos responsáveis foram os métodos mais utilizados para diagnóstico de bruxismo infantil, relatados na literatura, 21 artigos, e associados com exame clínico, 16 artigos. A polissonografia foi utilizada em 5 artigos, sendo 2 exclusiv...

Conhecer as caracteristicas oclusais das denticoes decidua e mista, seu desenvolvimento, alteraco... more Conhecer as caracteristicas oclusais das denticoes decidua e mista, seu desenvolvimento, alteracoes e possiveis fatores influentes e importante para a prevencao e interceptacao das maloclusoes, tornando-se de grande valor epidemiologico. Para isto, estudos longitudinais sao apropriados, pois observam a mesma populacao em momentos temporais diferentes. Este estudo foi constituido de duas partes: estudo transversal e estudo longitudinal. O estudo transversal investigou a influencia dos fatores demograficos, comportamentais e socioeconomicos no tempo de aleitamento materno da crianca e a influencia do mesmo em caracteristicas oclusais da denticao decidua. Identificou-se que os fatores estatisticamente significantes para o aleitamento natural foram o tempo de uso da mamadeira (p<0,001) e o tempo de uso da chupeta (p<0,001), alem do que, em relacao a oclusao dentaria apresentaram associacao a relacao de caninos (p=0,002), o desvio da linha media (p=0,013), a mordida aberta anterior...

Dental Traumatology, 2020
Background/Aims: The literature does not clearly state if the type of malocclusion is associated ... more Background/Aims: The literature does not clearly state if the type of malocclusion is associated with a specific type of trauma and the severity of the injury. Hence, the aim of this retrospective study was to assess the occlusal condition in children with traumatic dental injuries of the primary teeth, and the association between the occlusal characteristics and the type and severity of these injuries. Material and Methods: Data were collected from records of children treated at a dental trauma center in Brazil over a period of 16 years the data included age, gender, etiology of the trauma, place of occurrence, number of affected teeth, type of trauma, and injury severity. The occlusal condition was assessed by a trained dentist using photographs of the patients from their first visit. Chi-square tests and Poisson regression were used for data analyses. Results: This study included 209 patients, and most were aged between 2-4 years (50.55%). Multivariate regression analysis showed that children with an anterior open bite had a 47% higher prevalence of severe trauma than those who did not have an open bite, and those with class II canines had a 56% higher prevalence of severe trauma than those with class I and III canines. Children with an anterior open bite had a 46% higher prevalence of injuries affecting multiple teeth than those without anterior open bite. Conclusions: Anterior open bite and class II canine relationship were associated with a higher Accepted Article This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved prevalence of severe traumatic dental injury in primary teeth, and anterior open bite was associated with trauma affecting multiple teeth.

Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre, 2009
O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar e avaliar uma estratégia motivacional para a remoção do ... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar e avaliar uma estratégia motivacional para a remoção do hábito de sucção de chupeta em pré-escolares matriculados em escolas de educação infantil de Pelotas/RS e avaliar prevalência e freqüência do hábito de sucção, caracterizando as crianças segundo sexo, familiar com quem mora, presença de irmãos e com quem passa a maior parte do tempo quando não está na escola. O estudo envolveu 150 crianças, entre 4 e 6 anos, de três escolas públicas e uma particular. A estratégia motivacional foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas: I) conversa com os pais e aplicação de questionário, II) apresentação do problema à criança, III) desenvolvimento de atividades lúdicas com a utilização de slides, fantoches e recurso motivacional (árvore de bicos) e IV) avaliação. A prevalência de sucção de chupeta foi de 24% e a maioria das crianças que fazia uso pertencia ao sexo feminino, morava com os pais e passava a maior parte do tempo com eles quando não estava na escola, ...

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 2008
Aim The aim of this report is to present a clinical case of impaction of a maxillary left central... more Aim The aim of this report is to present a clinical case of impaction of a maxillary left central incisor in a mixed dentition caused by the presence of an odontoma as well as a review of the pertinent dental literature. Background Knowledge of the normal tooth eruption patterns is essential for the identification and appropriate treatment of deviations in eruption that may endanger physiologic development. A delay in time between the exfoliation of a deciduous tooth and the eruption of its permanent successor may be related to a disorder known as dental retention. This occurs when tooth eruption does not occur within a normal time frame, the tooth is not present in the dental arch, and there is no potential for eruption due to the presence of a completely formed root or when the homologous tooth has been erupted for at least six months with complete root formation. Report A 10-year-old boy in the mixed dentition stage presented with an impacted maxillary left central incisor due to...

Brazilian Oral Research, 2018
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of breastfeeding and pacifier use on the occlusal stat... more This study aimed to evaluate the influence of breastfeeding and pacifier use on the occlusal status of preschool children. A crosssectional study was conducted with children (n = 489) aged 2-5 years in private and public schools in Pelotas, South Brazil. Mothers answered a questionnaire on demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral variables, including breastfeeding and non-nutritive sucking habits. Malocclusion was classified as normal/mild and moderate/severe, according to WHO criteria. The association between breastfeeding and pacifier use with malocclusion was tested using multivariate logistic regression. The prevalence of malocclusion was 37.83% (95%CI 33.52-42.14), and 57.87% of the children used a pacifier. A total of 46.01% of the sample was exclusively breastfed for 6 months, and 24.74% were never breastfed. Malocclusion was associated with pacifier use, and with both non-exclusively breastfed and never breastfed. After adjustments for demographic and socioeconomic variables, the children who used a pacifier and were never breastfed (OR = 19.08; 95%CI 8.54-42.63), or who used a pacifier and were not exclusively breastfed (OR = 13.74; 95%CI 6.11-30.92), showed worse occlusal conditions, compared with the children who were exclusively breastfed and never used a pacifier. Pacifier use modifies the relationship between breastfeeding and occlusal status.

Expressa Extensão, 2017
Os Direitos Humanos são direitos fundamentais dos indivíduos, independentemente de raça, sexo, id... more Os Direitos Humanos são direitos fundamentais dos indivíduos, independentemente de raça, sexo, idade ou nacionalidade. Entre as crianças e os adolescentes os Direitos Humanos não significam apenas a indicação de um grupo etário específico dentre os sujeitos titulares desses direitos, mas, sobretudo, o reconhecimento de um status especial atribuído aos direitos fundamentais que possuem, dentre eles o direito à saúde. Sendo esse tema específico muito sensível e caro para a sociedade, esse trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma apresentação breve da trajetória das conquistas relacionadas aos direitos e à saúde na infância na sociedade brasileira, bem como ressaltar a relevância de iniciativas em extensão universitária nesse contexto, especialmente aquelas que levam às ações integradas em projetos na área da saúde. No Brasil, enquanto política legislativa, foi somente nos anos 70 que o público infantil começou a ganhar especificidade. Desse período em diante, um processo de avanço conti...

Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2017
Objective: this study aimed to evaluate malocclusion occurrence in children with complete primary... more Objective: this study aimed to evaluate malocclusion occurrence in children with complete primary dentition, describing the most frequent one and verifying potential associations with demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral variables. Subjects and method: 502 children with complete primary dentition from primary schools in the city of Pelotas, RS, Brazil, were examined. Data was collected based on questionnaires distributed to the mothers, as well as on physical examinations of the oral cavity. The children with malocclusion presented at least one of the following changes: anterior open bite, deep overbite, posterior crossbite, and overjet. Chi-square tests for heterogeneity and linear trend were used to verify associations with demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral variables. Results: the occurrence of malocclusions in the population studied was 67.5%. From them, 33.6% presented anterior open bite, 22.3% presented deep overbite, 9.8% presented posterior crossbite, and overj...

Clinical oral investigations, Jan 28, 2016
The aim of this longitudinal study was to assess the likelihood of children suffering traumatic d... more The aim of this longitudinal study was to assess the likelihood of children suffering traumatic dental injuries in the permanent dentition subsequent to traumatic dental injuries in their primary dentition. A longitudinal study was conducted in Pelotas, Brazil. Children were assessed in 2007, when they were aged 2-5 years, and in 2013, at which time, they were aged 8-11 years. Data collection included interviews with parents and clinical oral examination for dental trauma and occlusion. The classification proposed by Andreasen and Andreasen was used, and crown discoloration and fistula were added to this criterion in order to assess pulp involvement. Child/parent report was used to aid in the diagnosis of both treated and untreated injuries. As a limitation, no radiographs were taken. Descriptive, univariate, and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. A total of 110 children were included. Dental trauma frequency in the primary dentition was 38.2% and that in the ...
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, 2015
devido à carência de ensaios clínicos, não é possível definir o mantedor de espaço mais efetivo, ... more devido à carência de ensaios clínicos, não é possível definir o mantedor de espaço mais efetivo, o que torna necessário o desenvolvimento de novos estudos com delineamentos adequados para responder essa questão de forma precisa.
Dental Traumatology, 2010

Dental Traumatology, 2012
Intrusive luxation is a kind of traumatic injury characterized by an axial displacement of the to... more Intrusive luxation is a kind of traumatic injury characterized by an axial displacement of the tooth toward the alveolar bone. Its main causes are bicycle accidents, sports/recreational activities, and falls or collisions. Treatment strategies include waiting for the tooth to return to its position, immediate surgical repositioning, and repositioning through dental traction by orthodontic devices. In order to decide which treatment to follow, the degree of root formation, the patient&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s age, and intrusion severity should be taken into consideration. This study aimed to report a 10-year follow-up of two patients that suffered permanent incisor (PI) traumatic injury who had a similar root development (incomplete rooting) but different results. In the first case, the treatment of choice was follow-up. The patient showed gingival alteration and root resorption of tooth 21. Calcium hydroxide therapy and root canal filling were performed twice because of not attending callback. After finishing the endodontic treatment, follow-up visits showed no abnormalities. In the second case, the treatment of choice was watch and wait to the teeth 11 and 21. After 7 months spontaneous eruption of both teeth was detected. Radiographic examination showed atypical root formation and almost completely pulp canal obliteration, 8 years later. In the follow-up, visit after 10 years was observed complete crow and pulp canal obliteration. It was concluded that PI intrusion treatments are good intervention alternatives, as they proved to be successful after a 10-year follow-up period.
Ortodon. gaúch, 2006
Resumo: A etiologia do apinhamento que envolve o segmento anterior do arco dentário inferior é co... more Resumo: A etiologia do apinhamento que envolve o segmento anterior do arco dentário inferior é complexa e ainda não é compreendida plenamente. Sabe-se que ela é multifatorial, tendo alguns fatores mais influentes que outros, variando de um indivíduo ...

Pediatric dentistry
The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between dental trauma and occlusal trait... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between dental trauma and occlusal traits in the primary dentition. Five hundred and one 24- to 71-month-old children, attending both private and public schools in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were included. Clinical examinations were performed at each school. Occurrence of dental trauma was assessed using the Andreasen and Andreasen classification. Occlusal characteristics used in this study were: overjet; open bite; overbite; anterior crossbite; crowding and rotated teeth occurrence; and canine class. The occlusion type was classified according to the World Health Organization. A questionnaire was sent to parents to obtain socioeconomic data. Descriptive statistics were used, as well as chi-square tests (for heterogeneity or linear trend; P ≤ .05) and Fisher's exact test. The prevalence of dental trauma was 40% (95% confidence interval=35-44). Of all children examined, 20% showed normal occlusion, 42% mild maloccl...
Papers by Catiara Terra da Costa