Papers by Catherine Toulouse
Electronic workshops in computing, 2024
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 30, 2023

Electronic Workshops in Computing
This paper is based on the two papers of 2021 and 2022 and shows how the use of haptic models can... more This paper is based on the two papers of 2021 and 2022 and shows how the use of haptic models can take the mediation of architectural concepts from the fields of archaeology, building research and art history to a new level. Unlike the primarily visual mediation strategies that are common above all in the field of architecture, simply because architecture can only be experienced in its entirety when actually visited on a full scale, the method presented here pursues the use of haptic models in physical reality not with the aim of reproducing the architecture itself, but its architectural concept. It is thus in the tradition of the visualisation of uncertainty developed by the authors, which already concentrated on conveying the concepts, the architectural ideas, in the visual as well. This excludes not only the use of relics, but also many speculative approaches, as they are often used in the film and games industry as photorealism. Their use serves solely to convey a certain atmosphere of being, whereas here it is a matter of conveying spatial concepts with a clear reference to the respective science. The scientific nature itself is also the content of the communication, and therefore it fits in with the visual strategy that the haptic models do not merely reproduce an external appearance, but also convey a deeper level, in this case that of the circulation concept. The object of the investigation, an amphitheatre of unique construction, is particularly suitable for this special kind of mediation, as it deliberately resists the usual advantages of an arrangement that submits to the terrain and thus consists almost entirely of extraordinary solutions.

Reconsidering CAAD, it can be stated that the technical possibilities are no longer an obstacle t... more Reconsidering CAAD, it can be stated that the technical possibilities are no longer an obstacle to accomplishing what one wants to achieve. The reflection and the discourse now concern rather the product that is produced with its aid. The second digital turn is thus one back to the matter. The digital is ubiquitous. But this does not apply to its teaching by a long shot. Here, it is essential to continueto reflect on the specifics of the digital, above all the danger of automatisms. Nevertheless, at the core of the research on the use of the CAAD is the content, and here the authors have developed a method for visualising uncertainty in the knowledge of archaeology, historical building research and art history. It is a translation of vague verbal hypotheses into the visual. This is obviously done via CAAD, since the hypotheses are statements about space, about architecture. What is special about this method is the balance between scientificity and vividness. Usually, a great adherence to scientificity leads to schematic diagrams, far from any architectural expression, informative but not immersive. Vivid visualisations, on the other hand, are usually speculatively charged life pictures, based in a scientific statement, but enriched by pure fantasy to such an extent that the scientific content is either drowned out or even distorted. The way in which the authors translate scientific statements into the visual therefore utilises two traditional and genuine sub-disciplines of architecture, model building and photography. While the CAAD model follows the scientific hypothesis in its abstraction, it is the rules of architectural photography that create a vivid and thus architecturally interpretable vision from this abstract geometry. The distinctive characteristic is that CAAD is not used to construct or simulate architecture, but to translate verbal hypotheses, so basically it is Computer Aided Mental Modelling.
Evaluation in progress, strategies for environmental research and implementation, abstracts, 18th Conference of the International Association for People-Environment Studies, Vienna University of Technology (Austria) 7 - 9 July, 2004, 2004

Ist das ›unruhige Enzephalogramm‹, mit dem James Graham Ballard 1975 in seinem architekturkritisc... more Ist das ›unruhige Enzephalogramm‹, mit dem James Graham Ballard 1975 in seinem architekturkritischen Klassiker ›High Rise‹ die Silhouette von London gleichsetzt, schon gelesen worden? Oder selbstkritischer gefragt: Warum kann das Diagramm einen wesentlichen Aspekt zeitgenössischer Bildtheorie darstellen, während diese Kategorie im architektonischen Diskurs immer noch von den komplexen, letztlich aber instrumentell ausgerichteten Ansätzen der 1990er Jahre bestimmt wird? Auf einer Kölner Tagung im Januar 2011 wurde die Diagrammatik der Baukunst unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Ansätze der Bild-und Kulturtheorien neu bewertet. Die in diesem Band publizierten Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen-Architektur, Pädagogik, Kunstgeschichte, Informatik-zu Themenbereichen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart belegen, dass diagrammatische Darstellungen und Denkmuster in allen Bereichen der Architektur wichtig werden können, sei es für Lehre, Entwurf, Ausführung, Vermittlung oder Analyse. Ihre Fähigkeit, Momente der Operationalität, der Evidenz und der Spur zu vereinen, lassen sie zu einer Gelenkstelle zwischen verschiedenen zeitlichen und räumlichen Manifestationen von Architektur und ihren Medien werden. Diagrammatik Der architektur heRausgegeBen von DietRich Boschung unD Julian Jachmann Wilhelm Fink morphomata heRausgegeBen von günteR BlamBeRgeR unD DietRich Boschung BanD 6 Vorwort von Dietrich Boschung Einleitung von Julian Jachmann i. Von Der Zeichnung Zur morphologie chRistoF BaieR »goede regel op onvolkomen oorden«-Über Bewegungslinien und ihren Gebrauch in diagrammatischen Entwurfsverfahren bei Leonardo da Vinci und Simon Stevin seBastian FitzneR Am Grund der Architektur oder zum Denken im Diagramm. Die Rezeption der Festungszeichnungen Michelangelos monika melteRs Der Entwurf: Überlegungen zur visuellen Kommunikation von Architektur im historischen, theoretischen und medien geschichtlichen Kontext geRt hasenhütl Diagramme von Friedrich Kiesler aus der Unterrichtspraxis im »Laboratory for Design Correlation« an der Columbia University im Kontext von »Design Research« oliveR schüReR Morphogenese und Plastizität-Antoni Gaudís Hängemodell als Typ, Algorithmus und Diagramm ii. Vom proZess Zur historiZität caRolin höFleR Drawing without knowing-Prozess und Form in den Diagrammen von Peter Eisenman unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01UK0905. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt der Veröffentlichung liegt bei den Autoren. Bibliografische Informationen der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen National biblio grafie; detaillierte Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Alle Rechte, auch die des auszugweisen Nachdrucks, der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe und der Übersetzung vorbehalten. Dies betrifft auch die Verviel fältigung und Übertragung einzelner Textabschnitte, Zeichnungen oder Bilder durch alle Verfahren wie Speicherung und Übertragung auf Papier, Transpa rente, Filme, Bänder, Platten und andere Medien, soweit es nicht § 53 und 54 UrhG ausdrücklich gestatten.
Уметност и наука у примени: искуство и визија = Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision

Europe is also architecture. When Jacques Derrida counts philosophy, democracy and the Enlightenm... more Europe is also architecture. When Jacques Derrida counts philosophy, democracy and the Enlightenment, architecture is an essential gap. There is a number of artistic expressions, but amongst them architecture, as the space that we live in, plays an exposed role. Architecture is a criterion, a tradition that truly belongs to Europe. A debate on the architectural artistic representation of Europe from the past to the future will consolidate a place for Europe in the world. And this place does not, at least not in the principal sense, yield to the imperialist tradition. On the contrary, Europe’s architecture consists mainly of civilian or clerical buildings. Built architecture though is subject to its deterioration, while the intellectual achievement of architectural projecting and design are what will be left of Europe’s history. Architectural ideas are almost timeless as they always negotiate ourselves in our environment. But ideas are rarely acknowledged as deserved. In most cases, ...
Innovation in der BauwirtschaftInnovation in the Building Industry

The production and conception of architecture are not only shaped by the technical-constructive a... more The production and conception of architecture are not only shaped by the technical-constructive aspect but also by their visual representation. Since the 1980s, with the advent of digital technologies for the design and visual representation of architecture (computer-aided design), far-reaching changes have occurred, resulting in fundamentally new possibilities for linking technical design and visual reproduction (computer rendering to virtual photography). This cooperative project undertakes an investigation of these essentially process-related relationships outlined here in design and visualization during the transition phase from analogue to digital planning and display format methods from 1980 to the present. In exemplary studies on the use and application of the new tools and their visual products (images), the aim is to determine how the 'digital image' has changed the concept and production of architecture from the perspective of art history and media criticism on the...
Envisioning Architecture European Architectural Envisioning Association EAEA Proceedings 2011, 2011
Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech III : Erfassen, modellieren, visualisieren, 2011

Die Darstellung von Unscharfe ist eine von den Autoren entwickelte Methode zur visuellen Reprasen... more Die Darstellung von Unscharfe ist eine von den Autoren entwickelte Methode zur visuellen Reprasentation raumlicher Hypothesen. Unscharfes Wissen ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von Wissenschaft. Stellt man die Wissenschaftlichkeit bei der Visualisierung einer Hypothese in den Vordergrund, bietet es sich an, das Hypothetische selbst zum Gegenstand der Visualisierung zu machen. Damit entsteht ein Bild von Architektur - das Bild eines architektonischen Gedankens -, aber keine Simulation einer fiktiven Wirklichkeit. Indem die unscharfe Darstellung beim Betrachter eine raumliche Vorstellung erzeugt, die so weit wie moglich der wissenschaftlichen Hypothese entspricht, zugleich jedoch deren hypothetischen Charakter offenlegt, verfolgt sie das Ziel, dem Betrachter durch die Reflexion des gesamten Wahrnehmungsprozesses Wissen uber Archaologie im Speziellen, aber auch Wissenschaftlichkeit im Allgemeinen zu vermitteln. Uber die London Charter hinaus geht es bei der hier vorgestellten Methode um die Notwendigkeit gestalterischer Kompetenz. Die Begriffspaare Gestaltung und Wissenschaft und Darstellung und Unscharfe beschreiben den Anspruch, unterschiedliche kunstlerische und wissenschaftliche Bereiche aus der Architektur und Archaologie mit dem Ziel der Erkenntnisforderung zusammenzufuhren. Dieser Beitrag will zeigen, dass Gestaltung einen wesentlichen Anteil bei der Erzeugung neuer visueller Artefakte haben sollte. Die Autoren haben zahlreiche Projekte mit Archaologen, historischen Bauforschern und Kunstwissenschaftlern durchgefuhrt, anhand derer sie die Methoden der Darstellung von Unscharfe entwickelt haben.

Educational Psychology Review, 2022
Based on the knowledge generation model for visual analytics including uncertainty propagation an... more Based on the knowledge generation model for visual analytics including uncertainty propagation and human trust building (Sacha et al. 2016), the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2014), the multimedia principle (Butcher, 2014), and previous studies on the effects of different uncertainty visualization styles, an integrated theoretical approach is proposed to examine the influence of different degrees of information uncertainty and different uncertainty visualization styles on processing pictures of two archeological reconstructions with accompanying audio explanations presented in a multimedia learning environment. A 4 × 3 design with condition (without uncertainty visualization vs. stop light colors vs. geometric contrast vs. both uncertainty visualizations) as the between-subjects factor and uncertainty value (uncertain vs. medium vs. certain) as the within-subject factor was used. The results showed that appearance of certain content, its uncertainty values, and the...
At the last conference we emphasized, that the presentation had to transport the whole project. T... more At the last conference we emphasized, that the presentation had to transport the whole project. This time we will present adequate methods of computer aided spatial simulation in education and practice that promote spatial imagination in the design process and the suggestive power of a presentation, while we still bear in mind the unity and the reciprocal influence of the design process and the presentation, that is spatial imagination and spatial simulation. Working on the computer first of all means to choose the appropriate software tool to exploit different aspects of specialized software from mathematical constructions to emotional experiences and from interaction to immersion.
eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, 2016
Authenticity is not an absolute and constant quality inherent in an object or an experience; it i... more Authenticity is not an absolute and constant quality inherent in an object or an experience; it is constructed in the process of research. Actors inscribe and attribute it to both material objects and subjective processes like communication and consumption. This article from the research group seeks on the one hand to reflect on the historical scope of action and action patterns among actors from various disciplines between the conflicting priorities of authentication and communication, and on the other to find ways to visualize and operationalize attribution processes through joint reflection. When we look at both history and the discussions fifty years after the Venice Charter, its idea to hand on historic monuments “in the full richness of their authenticity” has turned into an abundance of vibrant action and decision-making.

Educational Technology Research and Development, 2016
In the present study, we investigated the role of digital zoom as a tool for directing attention ... more In the present study, we investigated the role of digital zoom as a tool for directing attention while looking at visual learning material. In particular, we analyzed whether minimal digital zoom functions similarly to a rhetorical device by cueing mental zooming of attention accordingly. Participants were presented either static film clips, film clips with minimal zoom-ins, or film clips with minimal zoom-outs while eye movements were recorded. We hypothesized that minimal zoom-ins should lead to more gaze coherence, to longer dwell times as an indicator of more elaborative processing, and to fewer transitions as an indicator of less mental integration. Zoom-outs, on the other hand, were expected to have opposite effects. Results showed that zoom-ins increase gaze coherence and dwell times on the center parts of the depictions while decreasing transitions of pictorial elements from the center and the context areas. In contrast, patterns of results from zoom-outs and static presentations were similar to a large degree, indicating that zoom-ins and zoom-outs do not operate in a complementary fashion. Theoretical and practical implications of the present results are discussed.
Electronic Workshops in Computing
Innovation in der BauwirtschaftInnovation in the Building Industry, 2021
Papers by Catherine Toulouse