Papers by Catherine Boemare
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 1, 2023
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Dec 31, 2023

Social Science Research Network, 2002
The European Commission (2001a) has recently presented a directive proposal to the Parliament and... more The European Commission (2001a) has recently presented a directive proposal to the Parliament and the Council in order to implement a tradable permits scheme. However, as stressed by the positive political economy, due to the influence of various interest groups, very few environmental policies are implemented in their textbook forms. A close look at implemented emission trading schemes, stressing their discrepancies with textbook requests, is thus useful to increase the chances of forthcoming emission trading schemes to go through the political process without being watered down. We thus review ten emission trading systems, that are either implemented or at an advanced stage of the policy process. We draw attention to major points to be aware of when designing an emission trading system: participants, spatial coverage, permits allocation, temporal flexibility, trading organisation, monitoring, enforcement, compliance, and the harmonisation vs. subsidiarity issue. The aim is to evaluate how far experiences in emission trading move away from theory and why. We then provide some lessons and recommendations on how to implement a greenhouse gas emission trading program in Europe. A review of the theoretical and applied literature, and some interviews, lead us to the assessment of the European system.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 15, 2018
International audienc
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 10, 2019
International audienc
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 22, 2019
International audienc

Je remercie Jean-Charles Hourcade qui a accepté de diriger cette thèse. Tout au long de cette rec... more Je remercie Jean-Charles Hourcade qui a accepté de diriger cette thèse. Tout au long de cette recherche, j'ai pu collaborer avec Arthur Riedacker. Je tiens à le remercier pour son soutien. L'ensemble de ce travail a été réalisé à l'unité S.T.E.P.E, à l'INRA. C'est à travers Marie-Claude Al-Hamchari et Raphaël Larrère que je tiens à témoigner ma gratitude à l'ensemble des membres de la station d'Ivry-sur-Seine pour l'accueil chaleureux qui m'a été réservé. L'Agence régionale de l'environnement et des nouvelles énergies (ARENE Ile-de-France) a financé une partie de cette recherche. Je remercie Jean-Christophe Pereau et Pierre-Alain Jayet d'avoir accepté d'être rapporteurs. De nombreuses personnes ont contribué à l'élaboration et à la finalisation de ce travail. Merci à Abigaël Fallot, Stelios Rosakis et Jean-Claude Sourie pour les informations qu'ils m'ont communiquées, à Tarik Tazdaït pour ses encouragements, ses précieux conseils ainsi que pour sa relecture de la première partie. Enfin, je tiens à exprimer ma joie d'achever ce travail et la partager avec Xavier qui m'a suivi et épaulé dans les plus grands moments de découragements, Louis qui m'a communiqué sa joie et son énergie et mes parents qui m'ont témoigné une présence et un soutien sans faille.
ABSTRACT To promote more sustainable developments in relationship with biomass, biowaste and bioe... more ABSTRACT To promote more sustainable developments in relationship with biomass, biowaste and bioenergy policies different sectors (agriculture, energy, industry, transportation, human settlements …) are to be considered simultaneously in regional agro-urban systems. Three steps were considered to be necessary to elaborate a global and integrated approach. In the last step the different actors involved in the development are to express their priorities in order to find compromises. The findings of a study in Ile de France are presented in this paper. Various options of biomass and waste uses were considered. But at the end, local, national and european authorities will have to indicate also their priorities.
Négociations, 2005
This paper deals with the question of international co-operation in the light of global environme... more This paper deals with the question of international co-operation in the light of global environmental problems, such as climate change, the deterioration in the ozone layer, and, to a lesser extent, acid rain. More specifically, we evaluate the economic literature on this subject in light of the main features of this type of problem and the issues they raise. These are: time, heterogeneity of countries, uncertainty, and the influence of lobbying groups. An analysis of the theoretical literature associated with these features leads us to note the limitations of existing literature.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2009
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Apr 3, 2005
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2005

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2002
The European Commission (2001a) has recently presented a directive proposal to the European Parli... more The European Commission (2001a) has recently presented a directive proposal to the European Parliament and Council in order to implement a greenhouse gas emission trading scheme. If this proposal survives the policy process, it will create the most ambitious trading system ever implemented. However the legislative process is an opportunity for various interest groups to amend environmental policies which, as a result, generally deviate further from what economic literature proposes. A close look at implemented emission trading schemes, stressing their discrepancies with economic literature requests, is thus useful to increase the chances of forthcoming emission trading schemes to go through the political process. We thus review ten emission trading systems, that are either implemented or at an advanced stage of the policy process. We draw attention to major points to be aware of when designing an emission trading system: sectoral and spatial coverage, permits allocation, temporal flexibility, trading organisation, monitoring, enforcement, compliance, and the harmonisation vs. subsidiarity issue. The aim is to evaluate how far experiences in emission trading move away from theory and why. We then provide some lessons and recommendations on how to implement a greenhouse gas emission trading program in Europe. We identify some pros of the Commission proposal (spatial and sectoral coverage, temporal flexibility, trading organisation, compliance rules), some potential drawbacks (allocation rules, monitoring and enforcement) and items on which further guidance is * The authors gratefully acknowledge contributions by two anonymous reviewers and the editors. needed (monitoring and allocation rules). Lastly, the European Commission should devote prominent attention to the U.S. NO X Ozone Transport Commission budget program, as the only example of integration between the federal and state levels.
Frontiers in Marine Science, Jan 4, 2023
This paper is challenging the new blue deal outlining the need for a change in the expectative. O... more This paper is challenging the new blue deal outlining the need for a change in the expectative. Offshore wind farms (OWFs) are not only a climate-friendly way of producing electricity but also a shifting paradigm unique opportunity, acknowledging the increasing presence of anthropogenic infrastructure in the marine environment and seeing them as the place for recreating relations with non-humans and work with them. We give some ideas that could ground a research program pairing both positive and negative aspects of OWF and study the conditions of realization of mutual beneficial relationship coming from the "mosaic of open-ended assemblages of entangled ways of life."

npj Ocean Sustainability
Projecting the combined effect of management options and the evolving climate is necessary to inf... more Projecting the combined effect of management options and the evolving climate is necessary to inform shared sustainable futures for marine activities and biodiversity. However, engaging multisectoral stakeholders in biodiversity-use scenario analysis remains a challenge. Using a French Mediterranean marine protected area (MPA) as a marine social-ecological case study, we coupled codesigned visioning narratives at horizon 2050 with an ecosystem-based model. Our analysis revealed a mismatch between the stated vision endpoints at 2050 and the model prediction narrative objectives. However, the discussions that arose from the approach opened the way for previously unidentified transformative pathways. Hybridizing research and decision-making with iterative collaborative modeling frameworks can enhance adaptive management policies, leveraging pathways toward sustainability.
Frontiers in Marine Science
This paper is challenging the new blue deal outlining the need for a change in the expectative. O... more This paper is challenging the new blue deal outlining the need for a change in the expectative. Offshore wind farms (OWFs) are not only a climate-friendly way of producing electricity but also a shifting paradigm unique opportunity, acknowledging the increasing presence of anthropogenic infrastructure in the marine environment and seeing them as the place for recreating relations with non-humans and work with them. We give some ideas that could ground a research program pairing both positive and negative aspects of OWF and study the conditions of realization of mutual beneficial relationship coming from the “mosaic of open-ended assemblages of entangled ways of life.”

Http Www Theses Fr, 2001
Je remercie Jean-Charles Hourcade qui a accepté de diriger cette thèse. Tout au long de cette rec... more Je remercie Jean-Charles Hourcade qui a accepté de diriger cette thèse. Tout au long de cette recherche, j'ai pu collaborer avec Arthur Riedacker. Je tiens à le remercier pour son soutien. L'ensemble de ce travail a été réalisé à l'unité S.T.E.P.E, à l'INRA. C'est à travers Marie-Claude Al-Hamchari et Raphaël Larrère que je tiens à témoigner ma gratitude à l'ensemble des membres de la station d'Ivry-sur-Seine pour l'accueil chaleureux qui m'a été réservé. L'Agence régionale de l'environnement et des nouvelles énergies (ARENE Ile-de-France) a financé une partie de cette recherche. Je remercie Jean-Christophe Pereau et Pierre-Alain Jayet d'avoir accepté d'être rapporteurs. De nombreuses personnes ont contribué à l'élaboration et à la finalisation de ce travail. Merci à Abigaël Fallot, Stelios Rosakis et Jean-Claude Sourie pour les informations qu'ils m'ont communiquées, à Tarik Tazdaït pour ses encouragements, ses précieux conseils ainsi que pour sa relecture de la première partie. Enfin, je tiens à exprimer ma joie d'achever ce travail et la partager avec Xavier qui m'a suivi et épaulé dans les plus grands moments de découragements, Louis qui m'a communiqué sa joie et son énergie et mes parents qui m'ont témoigné une présence et un soutien sans faille.
Papers by Catherine Boemare