Leaf anatomy as subsidy to the taxonomy of Forsteronia G.Mey. species (Apocynaceae) in cerrados o... more Leaf anatomy as subsidy to the taxonomy of Forsteronia G.Mey. species (Apocynaceae) in cerrados of São Paulo). The foliar anatomy of four cerrado species of Forsteronia was investigated in order to determine characters that could help to identify individuals collected in vegetative stage. Specimens of F. pubescens A.DC., F. thyrsoidea (Vell.) Müll.Arg., F. australis Müll.Arg., and F. glabrescens Müll.Arg. were collected in Moji-Guaçu and Itirapina cities (São Paulo state, Brazil). Results support the use of foliar features to achieve determination of individuals in vegetative state. Forsteronia australis differs from F. glabrescens in two macromorphological and four anatomical characters: 1. petiole outline in transverse sections; 2. occurrence of phloem strand above the petiole's midvein; 3. occurrence of secretory hypoderm in the petiole; 4. occurrence of trichomes in the domatia; 5. occurrence of secretory idioblasts and the aspect of their secretion; 6. axilar colleter type. F. pubescens is distinguished from F. thyrsoidea by eight characters: 1. petiole outline in transverse sections; 2. occurrence of phloem strands above the petiole midrib; 3. midvein shape; 4. position of secretory idioblasts in the petiole; 5. mesophyll type; 6. occurrence of crystal idioblasts; 7. occurrence of secretory idioblasts around main vascular bundle; 8. occurrence of axilar branched colleters. This is the first work describing domatia anatomy and sessile and branched colleters in vegetative organs of species of Apocynaceae. The characters described herein have taxonomic significance and are useful to identify Forsteronia species, thus contributing to a better delimitation of similar species found in cerrado vegetation of São Paulo.
Distribution and anatomical characterization on the foliar colleters of Prestonia coalita (Vell.)... more Distribution and anatomical characterization on the foliar colleters of Prestonia coalita (Vell.) Woodson (Apocynaceae)). A structural study on the foliar colleters of Prestonia coalita (Vell.) Woodson was conducted in order to establish their number and positions, to describe their structure, to determine in which stage of leaf development secretion starts and to comprove the presence of mucilage in its secretion. Each node presented 14-18 intrapetiolar colleters, whose differentiation occurs in the early stages of leaf development, and secretion occurs in leaf primordia with 5-8 mm length. Colleters are constituted by a long head that includes a central core of parenchymatous cells, surrounded by one layered palisade secretory epidermal cells, and a short stalk devoid of any epidermal secretory cells. Multicellular hairs and vascular tissue were observed only in intermediary colleters, which correspond with modified stipules. These structures' identification as colleters is confirmed by the presence of mucilage in secretion. The stipular nature of most colleters is confirmed, while only central colleters are originated from leaf axil.
... WR Freeman, San Francisco. [ Links ]. JOHANSEN, DA 1940. Plant microtechnique. McGraw-Hill, N... more ... WR Freeman, San Francisco. [ Links ]. JOHANSEN, DA 1940. Plant microtechnique. McGraw-Hill, New York. [ Links ]. ... Canadian Journal of Botany 58:61-67. [ Links ]. KELSEY, RG 1984. Glandular trichomes: a helpful taxonomic character for Artemisia nova (Black Sagebrush). ...
Anemopaegma is a monophyletic lineage included in the tribe Bignonieae. e genus is taxonomically ... more Anemopaegma is a monophyletic lineage included in the tribe Bignonieae. e genus is taxonomically problematic, especially in the Anemopaegma arvense species complex, a group whose taxa have been delimited on the basis of leaf external morphology. Here we study the leaf anatomy of all three species and nine varieties currently included in this species complex (A. acutifolium DC., A. arvense (Vell.) Stellf. ex de Souza and A. glaucum Mart. ex DC.) in search for additional characters that may help circumscribe taxa within this group. For comparison, this study also investigated the leaf anatomy of two species that are morphologically similar to representatives of the species complex but currently placed outside it (A. album Mart. ex DC. and A. scabriusculum Mart. ex DC.). All taxa were analyzed using standard anatomical procedures and light microscopy. In addition, leaves of A. acutifolium and Anemopaegma album were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Overall, stomata position, composition of the vascular system of the petiole, midrib, lateral veins and margin constitution represented the most important anatomical features for the recognition of the species and varieties. e study also demonstrated that A. scabriusculum presents leaf anatomical traits that differ from those encountered in species of the Anemopaegma arvense complex, corroborating earlier anatomical and molecular phylogenetic results and indicating that A. scabriusculum is indeed best placed outside the A. arvense species complex. Leaf anatomical data also support the synonymization of some varieties of A. mirandum with A. arvense, as well as varieties of A. glaucum into this species.
Although taxonomic studies indicate that approximately one-third of the genera of Polygalaceae ha... more Although taxonomic studies indicate that approximately one-third of the genera of Polygalaceae have nodal glands, few anatomical data are available on the structure and ontogeny of these secretory organs. We studied the as yet unknown origin, structure and ...
Encuesta Entrevista Análisis documental Observación no experimental Observación experimental LA E... more Encuesta Entrevista Análisis documental Observación no experimental Observación experimental LA ENCUESTA Con esta técnica de recolección de datos da lugar a establecer contacto con las unidades de observación por medio de los cuestionarios previamente establecidos. Entre las modalidades de encuesta podemos destacar: Encuestas por teléfono Encuestas por correo Encuesta personal Encuesta online LA ENTREVISTA La entrevista es una situación de interrelación o diálogo entre personas, el entrevistador y el entrevistado. La entrevista presenta diversas modalidades, como: Entrevista asistemática o libre. Entrevista estructurada. Entrevista focalizada. Entrevista simultánea. Entrevista sucesiva.
Depende de dos factores: ¿De qué depende que nuestro estudio sea exploratorio, descriptivo, corre... more Depende de dos factores: ¿De qué depende que nuestro estudio sea exploratorio, descriptivo, correlacional o explicativo?
Leaf anatomy as subsidy to the taxonomy of Forsteronia G.Mey. species (Apocynaceae) in cerrados o... more Leaf anatomy as subsidy to the taxonomy of Forsteronia G.Mey. species (Apocynaceae) in cerrados of São Paulo). The foliar anatomy of four cerrado species of Forsteronia was investigated in order to determine characters that could help to identify individuals collected in vegetative stage. Specimens of F. pubescens A.DC., F. thyrsoidea (Vell.) Müll.Arg., F. australis Müll.Arg., and F. glabrescens Müll.Arg. were collected in Moji-Guaçu and Itirapina cities (São Paulo state, Brazil). Results support the use of foliar features to achieve determination of individuals in vegetative state. Forsteronia australis differs from F. glabrescens in two macromorphological and four anatomical characters: 1. petiole outline in transverse sections; 2. occurrence of phloem strand above the petiole's midvein; 3. occurrence of secretory hypoderm in the petiole; 4. occurrence of trichomes in the domatia; 5. occurrence of secretory idioblasts and the aspect of their secretion; 6. axilar colleter type. F. pubescens is distinguished from F. thyrsoidea by eight characters: 1. petiole outline in transverse sections; 2. occurrence of phloem strands above the petiole midrib; 3. midvein shape; 4. position of secretory idioblasts in the petiole; 5. mesophyll type; 6. occurrence of crystal idioblasts; 7. occurrence of secretory idioblasts around main vascular bundle; 8. occurrence of axilar branched colleters. This is the first work describing domatia anatomy and sessile and branched colleters in vegetative organs of species of Apocynaceae. The characters described herein have taxonomic significance and are useful to identify Forsteronia species, thus contributing to a better delimitation of similar species found in cerrado vegetation of São Paulo.
Distribution and anatomical characterization on the foliar colleters of Prestonia coalita (Vell.)... more Distribution and anatomical characterization on the foliar colleters of Prestonia coalita (Vell.) Woodson (Apocynaceae)). A structural study on the foliar colleters of Prestonia coalita (Vell.) Woodson was conducted in order to establish their number and positions, to describe their structure, to determine in which stage of leaf development secretion starts and to comprove the presence of mucilage in its secretion. Each node presented 14-18 intrapetiolar colleters, whose differentiation occurs in the early stages of leaf development, and secretion occurs in leaf primordia with 5-8 mm length. Colleters are constituted by a long head that includes a central core of parenchymatous cells, surrounded by one layered palisade secretory epidermal cells, and a short stalk devoid of any epidermal secretory cells. Multicellular hairs and vascular tissue were observed only in intermediary colleters, which correspond with modified stipules. These structures' identification as colleters is confirmed by the presence of mucilage in secretion. The stipular nature of most colleters is confirmed, while only central colleters are originated from leaf axil.
... WR Freeman, San Francisco. [ Links ]. JOHANSEN, DA 1940. Plant microtechnique. McGraw-Hill, N... more ... WR Freeman, San Francisco. [ Links ]. JOHANSEN, DA 1940. Plant microtechnique. McGraw-Hill, New York. [ Links ]. ... Canadian Journal of Botany 58:61-67. [ Links ]. KELSEY, RG 1984. Glandular trichomes: a helpful taxonomic character for Artemisia nova (Black Sagebrush). ...
Anemopaegma is a monophyletic lineage included in the tribe Bignonieae. e genus is taxonomically ... more Anemopaegma is a monophyletic lineage included in the tribe Bignonieae. e genus is taxonomically problematic, especially in the Anemopaegma arvense species complex, a group whose taxa have been delimited on the basis of leaf external morphology. Here we study the leaf anatomy of all three species and nine varieties currently included in this species complex (A. acutifolium DC., A. arvense (Vell.) Stellf. ex de Souza and A. glaucum Mart. ex DC.) in search for additional characters that may help circumscribe taxa within this group. For comparison, this study also investigated the leaf anatomy of two species that are morphologically similar to representatives of the species complex but currently placed outside it (A. album Mart. ex DC. and A. scabriusculum Mart. ex DC.). All taxa were analyzed using standard anatomical procedures and light microscopy. In addition, leaves of A. acutifolium and Anemopaegma album were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Overall, stomata position, composition of the vascular system of the petiole, midrib, lateral veins and margin constitution represented the most important anatomical features for the recognition of the species and varieties. e study also demonstrated that A. scabriusculum presents leaf anatomical traits that differ from those encountered in species of the Anemopaegma arvense complex, corroborating earlier anatomical and molecular phylogenetic results and indicating that A. scabriusculum is indeed best placed outside the A. arvense species complex. Leaf anatomical data also support the synonymization of some varieties of A. mirandum with A. arvense, as well as varieties of A. glaucum into this species.
Although taxonomic studies indicate that approximately one-third of the genera of Polygalaceae ha... more Although taxonomic studies indicate that approximately one-third of the genera of Polygalaceae have nodal glands, few anatomical data are available on the structure and ontogeny of these secretory organs. We studied the as yet unknown origin, structure and ...
Encuesta Entrevista Análisis documental Observación no experimental Observación experimental LA E... more Encuesta Entrevista Análisis documental Observación no experimental Observación experimental LA ENCUESTA Con esta técnica de recolección de datos da lugar a establecer contacto con las unidades de observación por medio de los cuestionarios previamente establecidos. Entre las modalidades de encuesta podemos destacar: Encuestas por teléfono Encuestas por correo Encuesta personal Encuesta online LA ENTREVISTA La entrevista es una situación de interrelación o diálogo entre personas, el entrevistador y el entrevistado. La entrevista presenta diversas modalidades, como: Entrevista asistemática o libre. Entrevista estructurada. Entrevista focalizada. Entrevista simultánea. Entrevista sucesiva.
Depende de dos factores: ¿De qué depende que nuestro estudio sea exploratorio, descriptivo, corre... more Depende de dos factores: ¿De qué depende que nuestro estudio sea exploratorio, descriptivo, correlacional o explicativo?
Papers by Marilia Castro