Papers by Carolina Mardones

Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2016
The function of marrow adipocytes and their origin has not been defined although considerable res... more The function of marrow adipocytes and their origin has not been defined although considerable research has centered on their presence in certain conditions, such as osteoporosis. Less work has focused on the qualitative aspects of marrow fat. Bone marrow serum is composed of multiple nutrients that almost certainly relate to functional aspects of the niche. Previous studies using non-invasive techniques have shown that osteoporotic individuals have more marrow fat and that the ratio of saturated: unsaturated fatty acid is high. We recently reported that bone marrow sera from osteoporotic patients with fracture showed a switch toward decreased content of total saturated versus unsaturated fatty acids, compared to patients without fracture highlighting a dynamic relationship between the composition of fatty acids in the bone microenvironment and the metabolic requirements of cells. The relative distribution of fatty acids differed considerably from that in the serum providing further evidence that energy utilization is high and that marrow adipocytes may contribute to this pool. Whether these lipids can affect osteoblast function in a positive or negative manner is still not certain but will require further investigation.
Revista Medica De Chile, Dec 15, 2014

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2016
To assess disease-related knowledge among patients with IBD and to identify the factors that are ... more To assess disease-related knowledge among patients with IBD and to identify the factors that are possibly associated with the knowledge level. Disease-related knowledge can positively influence the acceptance of the disease, increase treatment compliance and improve the quality of life in patients with IBD. An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted and prospectively included patients from the IBD program between October 2014 and July 2015. A Spanish-translated version of the 24-item Crohn's and Colitis Knowledge score was used to assess disease-related knowledge. Patients also completed a demographic and clinical questionnaire. A total of 203 patients were included, 62% were female, and 66% were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis; the median age was 34 years (range 18-79), and the median disease duration was 4 years. The median disease-related knowledge score was 9 (range 1-20). Only 29% of the patients answered more than 50% of the questions correctly. Lower disease-related knowledge was observed in questions related to pregnancy/fertility and surgery/complications. Patients older than 50 years, with ulcerative colitis, with disease durations less than 5 years, and patients without histories of surgery exhibited lower disease-related knowledge. There was no association between the knowledge scores and the educational levels. The patients who attended our IBD program exhibited poor disease-related knowledge that was similar to the knowledge levels that have been observed in developed countries. It is necessary to assess patient knowledge to develop educational strategies and evaluate the influences of these strategies on patient compliance and quality of life. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Gastroenterol Latinoam, Sep 1, 2008
Resumo: Background: Drug induced inhibition of acid secretion has been associated to small intest... more Resumo: Background: Drug induced inhibition of acid secretion has been associated to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Smoking is followed by an increase of exhaled and orocecal transit time (OCTT). Aim: To investigate if the use of proton pump inhibitiors ( ...

World journal of gastroenterology, Jan 14, 2016
To demographically and clinically characterize inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from the local re... more To demographically and clinically characterize inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from the local registry and update data previously published by our group. A descriptive study of a cohort based on a registry of patients aged 15 years or older who were diagnosed with IBD and attended the IBD program at Clínica Las Condes in Santiago, Chile. The registry was created in April 2012 and includes patients registered up to October 2015. The information was anonymously downloaded in a monthly report, and the information on patients with more than one visit was updated. The registry includes demographic, clinical and disease characteristics, including the Montreal Classification, medical treatment, surgeries and hospitalizations for crisis. Data regarding infection with Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) were incorporated in the registry in 2014. Data for patients who received consultations as second opinions and continued treatment at this institution were also analyzed. The study included...
Andrologia, 2013
Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) induced a decrease in sperm count and oxidative damage in ep... more Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) induced a decrease in sperm count and oxidative damage in epididymis. We have previously demonstrated that a blueberry-enriched polyphenol extract (BB-4) reduced the adverse effects of oxidative stress in rat testis under hypobaric hypoxia. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether BB-4 could reverse oxidative stress in epididymis. To evaluate the protective role of BB-4 in epididymis, male rats were exposed to IHH. Lipid peroxidation, (LPO) expression and activity of glutathione reductase (GR) were evaluated. Our results showed a reduction in LPO and a decrease in GR activity in rat epididymis exposed to IHH. These results suggest that BB-4 can prevent the effects of IHH in rat epididymis.
European Cytokine Network, Jun 1, 2009
Boletin Ira, Feb 24, 2015

The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2016
Given the importance of tobacco smoking (TS) as the only environmental factor repeatedly linked t... more Given the importance of tobacco smoking (TS) as the only environmental factor repeatedly linked to the development of the Crohn's disease (CD), it is surprising that very few prospective studies have assessed whether TS is associated with an increased frequency of clinical relapse. Our aim was to evaluate the current impact of TS on disease relapse and the clinical benefit of quitting smoking in the present era of widespread use of anti-TNF drugs and immunosuppressants. This was a multicenter prospective cohort study, which included 573 CD patients in clinical remission with various smoking habits. All smokers were advised to quit. Patients not exposed to tobacco before inclusion (non- and former smokers), continuing smokers, and quitters were compared regarding differences in disease outcomes during a follow-up of 4 years. A total of 148 continuing smokers, 190 nonsmokers, 160 former smokers, and 75 quitters were included. In comparison with nonsmokers, continuing smokers relapsed more frequently with an incidence rate ratio of 1.53 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.10-2.17). Former smokers and quitters had similar relapse incidences compared with nonsmokers. Smoking was an independent predictor for disease relapse in the multivariate analysis (hazard ratio: 1.58 (95% CI 1.20-2.09). In the time-dependent analysis, continuing smokers had earlier relapse, regardless of anti-TNF or immunosuppressant use. Continuing smokers have more disease relapses, and patients who quit smoking have a similar relapse incidence compared with nonsmokers.Am J Gastroenterol advance online publication, 9 February 2016; doi:10.1038/ajg.2015.401.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2016
sharing responsibility of vaccine administration between the primary care provider (PCP) and the ... more sharing responsibility of vaccine administration between the primary care provider (PCP) and the specialist and the appropriate timing of vaccines. Eligible patients in this project included adolescents defined as immunocompromised according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, between 11 and 18 years of age, who were seen in the IBD clinics between February and July 2015.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2016
of an opportunistic infection following treatment of high dose steroids. Patient 4 had multi-orga... more of an opportunistic infection following treatment of high dose steroids. Patient 4 had multi-organ failure prior to start of treatment with vedolizumab and died. Patients 5 and 6 have no symptoms of serious GvHD after 2 and 3 doses of vedolizumab. Four out of 6 patients could be discharged from hospital. Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood revealed initial high levels of CD25 + Treg cells in 4 out of 6 evaluable patients and the values showed a decline into normal range after start of therapy and with signs of clinical effect. Conclusions: This case series suggests that targeting integrin a4b7 is feasible, safe and gives clinical responses in steroid refractory intestinal GvHD. The mechanism of action is not known, but may be due to the inhibition of alloreactive T-cells homing to the intestinal mucosa. The mechanism behind the Treg patterns is unclear. One might speculate that the initially high levels of Tregs are part of the physiologic reaction to the alloreactive inflammation in the intestinal mucosa.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2016
Results: We identified 109 patients with IBD (n ¼ 46 [42%] CD; n ¼ 63 [58%] UC) who developed a G... more Results: We identified 109 patients with IBD (n ¼ 46 [42%] CD; n ¼ 63 [58%] UC) who developed a GI malignancy: 69 (63%) colon adenocarcinoma; 18 (17%) rectal adenocarcinoma, 10 (9%) small bowel adenocarcinoma; 9 (8%) anal squamous cell carcinoma; 2 (2%) appendiceal carcinoid; and 1 (1%) rectal squamous cell carcinoma. At cancer diagnosis, median age was 57 years (range 24-92) and median duration of IBD was 25 years (range 1-59). Of patients with known pathology, cancer stage at diagnosis was 1, 2, 3, 4 in 31 (32%), 26 (27%) 26 (27%), and 14 (14%). Sixty-nine patients (73%) had active IBD on pathology at the time of cancer diagnosis, 52 (75%) of whom had colorectal cancer. Of patients with known cancer treatment plans, 87 (90%) underwent surgery, 62 (71%) received chemotherapy, and 24 (38%) received radiotherapy. Among patients who received chemotherapy, 7 (11%) required dose modifications, 8 (12%) experienced treatment delays; 9 (15%) required treatment discontinuation for an overall treatment modification rate of 13%. Eight (13%) were hospitalized for treatment-related toxicities. Of patients with treatment modification or hospitalization for treatment-related toxicities, 67% had active IBD at cancer diagnosis. Median follow up after cancer diagnosis was 21 months (range 1-121 months) and 21 (27%) developed cancer recurrence. The difference in 5-year recurrence-free survival in patients with stage 1 (89%) compared to stage 2 and 3 (54%) cancers was borderline significant (P ¼ 0.05). There was no difference in overall survival between patients with stage 1 (88%) versus stage 2 and 3 (78%) cancers (P . 0.05). Conclusions: In this series, most IBD patients with GI malignancies received and completed chemotherapy uneventfully. The incidence of cancer treatment discontinuations and complications is comparable to that reported in the literature. However, active IBD at cancer diagnosis may be a risk factor for cancer treatment modification and hospitalization for treatment-related toxicities. Prospective studies are needed to further assess the relationship between IBD, chemotherapy tolerance, and overall survival. P-075
Gastroenterol Latinoam, Sep 1, 2005
... Caroll Beltrán M.(1), Julia Guerrero P.(2), Pedro Castro N.(1), Alexis Peralta B.(1), Carolin... more ... Caroll Beltrán M.(1), Julia Guerrero P.(2), Pedro Castro N.(1), Alexis Peralta B.(1), Carolina Figueroa C.(3), Rodrigo Quera P.(4,5 ... Las CDs intestinales jue-gan un papel crucial en el establecimiento de un balance entre la tolerancia y la inmunidad frente a antígenos ingeridos ...
Revista médica de Chile, 2015
Background: The chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, the extra-intestinal manifestation... more Background: The chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, the extra-intestinal manifestations of the disease and the immunosuppressive treatment of inflammatory bowel disease may increase cancer risk. Aim: To report the demographic and clinical features of patients with IBD who developed a malignant tumor. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of an IBD patient registry of a private clinic, diagnosed between 1976 and 2014. Results: 437 subjects were included, aged 15-88 years (58% women). Seventy two percent of patients had ulcerative colitis. The median time of follow up was 6 years. Ten patients (2.3%) developed a malignant tumor. In four, the tumor could be related to IBD (two colorectal cancers,

Reviews in Aquaculture, 2015
ABSTRACT The development of sperm cryopreservation has enabled transcendental changes to occur in... more ABSTRACT The development of sperm cryopreservation has enabled transcendental changes to occur in the reproductive biotechnology of both mammals and fish; it has become a basic tool for animal improvement. Nevertheless, these protocols cause damage to cell structure and physiology, altering sperm functioning due to cryoinjuries during freezing and thawing. However, studies of the effects on the structural, functional and genomic stability of the mitochondria in fish spermatozoaduring cryopreservation are still lacking. The object of this review was to analysethe effect of cryopreservation on mitochondrial metabolic pathways in fish spermatozoa. This effect is related with the bioenergy mechanism for flagellar movement during the activation of sperm motility. In teleost fish, the mitochondriamay be cylindrical, spherical or irregular in shape and adhere in a helicoidal or3 conical pattern to the middle piece. The salmonidae have only a single mitochondrion, but this may vary in other species; the mitochondria provide the flagellum with energy during sperm motility, when sperm respiration is essential. The effects of cryopreservation can induce structural damage to the mitochondria,altering the biochemical process involved in ATP production and thus causing a reduction in sperm motility. Fragmentation damage to nuclear DNA and diminution in sperm motility is mainly associated with damage to the structure and metabolic functioning of the mitochondrion. A direct correlation exists between the mitochondrial membrane potential (transmembrane integrity, ΔΨm) and the motility and fertilizing capacity of the cryopreserved spermatozoa, confirming that this organelle is the energy nucleus of the permatozoon and that the cessation or prolongation of motility and successful fertilization depend on the availability of ATP in the spermatozoa. Further works are need to incorporate biotechnology studies, at cell and molecular level, of the possible effects of cryopreservation on mitochondrial DNA, enzymatic or metabolic modifications of the citric acid cycle, and the oxidative phosphorylation process in the inner membrane, as well as studies of the mitochondrial ultrastructure. Thus, mitochondrial dynamics could be established as a potential target for therapeutic strategies.

International Journal of Oncology, 2015
Despite continuous advances in the knowledge of breast cancer pathophysiology, this type of neopl... more Despite continuous advances in the knowledge of breast cancer pathophysiology, this type of neoplasia remains a leading cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Carcinogenesis takes a progressive course from somatic mutations, alteration of the DNA repair mechanisms, inhibition of growth suppressors, followed by cell proliferation, tissue invasion and risk of metastasis. Less than 10% of all cancers are hereditary, and in the case of breast cancer only 8%, a phenomenon linked to genetic changes in BRCA1 or BRCA2. All the other cancers can be caused by an infection (15%) or in most cases (75%) the etiology is unknown. Patients with genetic mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 have 30-60% likelihood of developing a second primary breast cancer and between 11 and 45% risk of ovarian cancer, HER-2/neu is overexpressed in ~30% of human breast tumors and it has a predictive role in chemotherapy and endocrine therapy.

Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2015
OBJECTIVE: to assess the clinical effect of topical treatment using Ulmo honey associated with or... more OBJECTIVE: to assess the clinical effect of topical treatment using Ulmo honey associated with oral ascorbic acid in patients with venous ulcers. METHOD: longitudinal and descriptive quantitative study. During one year, 18 patients were assessed who were clinically diagnosed with venous ulcer in different stages, male and female, adult, with a mean injury time of 13 months. Ulmo honey was topically applied daily. The dressing was applied in accordance with the technical standard for advanced dressings, combined with the daily oral consumptions of 500 mg of ascorbic acid. The monitoring instrument is the assessment table of venous ulcers. RESULTS: full healing was achieved in 100% of the venous ulcers. No signs of complications were observed, such as allergies or infection. CONCLUSION: the proposed treatment showed excellent clinical results for the healing of venous ulcers. The honey demonstrated debriding and non-adherent properties, was easy to apply and remove and was well accept...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Inflammatory bowel disease: experience of two Chilean centers]](
Revista médica de Chile, 2005
The incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) has increased, particularly in the developed wo... more The incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) has increased, particularly in the developed world, and probably also in Chile. To report our experience with a large group of patients from two medical centers, Hospital Clinico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH) and Clinica Las Condes (CLC) and to characterize the clinical features of IBD in Chile. Retrospective review of 238 patients with IBD (age range 14-78 years, 143 women) treated at HCUCH and CLC between January 1990 and August 2002. One hundred eighty one patients had ulcerative colitis (UC) and 57 had Crohn's disease (CD), with an UC/CD ratio of 3.2/1. Forty eight percent of patients were aged between 20 and 39 years old and 69% were diagnosed after 1995. Patients from HCUCH had more severe disease, more complications and needed surgery more often. Clinical features of Chilean patients with IBD are similar to those of other countries. UC is more common than EC. There is a higher proportion of women with the disease. The...
Papers by Carolina Mardones