Papers by Carolina Lunetti
Frontiers in Psychology, Apr 17, 2023

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study aims to cross-culturally identify the parental socialization strategies in response to... more This study aims to cross-culturally identify the parental socialization strategies in response to a child’s happiness and their associations with youth academic and socio-emotional adjustment, controlling for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were a convenient sample of Italian (N = 606, 81.9% mothers) and Azerbaijanis (N = 227, 61.4% mothers) parents of youths (Mage = 12.89, SD = 4.06; 51% girls). Parents filled out an online survey to assess their socialization strategies in response to their children’s happiness, their children’s negative emotion regulation and dysregulation, academic performance, and prosocial behavior. Exploratory factorial analysis showed the presence of two factors that enclosed supportive and unsupportive parental socialization strategies. A multiple-group path analysis model showed that similarly across countries, supportive parental strategies were positively related to youths’ prosocial behavior and that unsupportive parental strategies we...

The transition from elementary to middle school represents an important challenge for students, w... more The transition from elementary to middle school represents an important challenge for students, whose lives undergo several changes in different areas of development. In fact, with the passage to middle school, for the first time students can exercise their autonomy as they navigate an environment that is less attentive to their individual needs unlike in the elementary school (Smetana, 1988). This school transition is generally associated with changes that can affect the students’ academic adjustment. Specifically, a first difference between elementary and middle school is in the educational programs, which become more complex and require higher academic goals than those of elementary school. The number of subjects to handle also goes up. A next change concerns students’ relationship with their teachers, which in elementary school was informal and focused on individual progress, whereas in middle school becomes more formal and detached, characterized by normative valuation criteria...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study examines associations between parents’ rejection and control, adolescents’ self-effica... more This study examines associations between parents’ rejection and control, adolescents’ self-efficacy in their regulation of negative emotions, and maladjustment. Path analyses were employed to test (a) whether adolescents’ dysregulation and self-efficacy regarding anger/sadness regulation mediate the relationship between parental rejection/control and adolescent maladjustment; (b) whether adolescent adjustment mediates the association between parental rejection/control and dysregulation and self-efficacy regarding anger/sadness regulation. Participants included 103 Italian adolescents (Time 1: M age = 15.57; 53% male), their mothers (n = 103), and their fathers (n = 79). Follow up data were assessed one year later (Time 2). At Time 1, adolescent reports of the frequency of mothers’ and fathers’ rejection and control were examined. At Time 2, adolescent-reports of their beliefs about self-efficacy in regulating anger and sadness, as well as anger and sadness dysregulation, were assess...
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Despite several empirical studies on the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that have h... more Despite several empirical studies on the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that have highlighted its detrimental effect on individuals’ mental health, the identification of psychological factors that may moderate its impact on individuals’ behavior and well-being remains partly unexplored. The present study was conceived to examine the mediation role of regulatory emotional self-efficacy in the relationship between positivity and anxiety, depression, and perceived self-efficacy in complying with the containment measures to contrast the COVID-19 spread. Furthermore, the moderation role of age was tested. A sample of 1258 participants (64.2% women; Mage = 42.09, SD = 13.62) enrolled from the Italian general population answered an online survey aimed at investigating the role of individual differences in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. We opted for a snowball recruiting procedure to find participants. The online survey was disseminated through email invitation and using social...

Previous studies support the relevance of students' perception of positive and negative schoo... more Previous studies support the relevance of students' perception of positive and negative school climate to learning processes and adolescents' adjustment. School climate is affected by both the interactions that are established within the classroom, and by the teachers' behaviors. This study has the overall objective of investigating the relationship between the perception of positive and negative school climate and students' (mal)adjustment during adolescence. Participants were 105 Italian adolescents (52.5% boys, mean age = 15.56,SD = .77) who responded for 15 consecutive days (ecological momentary assessment) to questions related to their perception of positive and negative school climate (Time 1). After one year (Time 2), students' academic performance reported by mothers and fathers and adolescents' self-reported propensity to engage in risk behaviors were examined. Four hierarchical regression models were implemented considering the mean and the instabil...

According to Belsky’s (1984) process model of parenting parent personality represents one of the ... more According to Belsky’s (1984) process model of parenting parent personality represents one of the most important factor influencing parenting behavior and child development. Among personality characteristics, irritability (i.e., the tendency to react impulsively and aggressively at the slightest provocation or disagreement; Caprara et al., 1985) consistently predicted aggressive behaviors across experimental and correlational studies (see e.g., Caprara, Gargaro et al., 1987). However, only a few studies (Greenwald et al., 1997; Shay & Knuston, 2008) have examined if parental irritability disrupts parental discipline and predicts the use of excessive punitive harsh parenting. The present study was aimed to fill this gap by examining the longitudinal associations between mother’s irritability and harsh parenting in 204 Italian families. Referencing latent state-trait theory (LST; Steyer, Ferring, & Schmitt, 1992; Geiser et al., 2014), first we decomposed the variance of irritability sc...

Psykhe (Santiago), 2021
El estudio analiza el efecto de la percepción de violencia de barrio en la crianza positiva y si ... more El estudio analiza el efecto de la percepción de violencia de barrio en la crianza positiva y si este es mediado por la autoeficacia percibida para la gestión de emociones negativas de las madres comparando los países de Colombia e Italia. Los participantes fueron 434 madres e hijos de 8 a 10 años (108 díadas de Medellín-Colombia y 109 díadas de Roma-Italia), seleccionados por conveniencia, de forma no probabilística y proporcionalmente al estrato social de cada ciudad. Madres e hijos respondieron la Escala de Percepción de Violencia de Barrio. Las madres además respondieron la Escala de Autoeficacia Emocional y los hijos el Cuestionario de Aceptación-Rechazo/Control. Un análisis multigrupo mostró que el rol de la gestión de emociones negativas de las madres es diferente en ambos países. En Medellín-Colombia la autoeficacia percibida para la gestión de emociones negativas de las madres media el efecto de la percepción de violencia de barrio sobre la crianza positiva. En Italia, la a...

School performance and attainment play a major role in individuals’ development, therefore it is ... more School performance and attainment play a major role in individuals’ development, therefore it is crucial to investigate the mechanisms by which children’s academic adjustment is influenced. Several studies have stressed the relevance of Prosocial Behaviour (PB) defined as voluntary actions aimed at benefiting others such as helping, consoling, donating (Eisenberg et al., 2006)in predicting several adjustment outcomes, including school achievement (Caprara et al. 2000; Closson, 2009). Prosocial behaviour has been considered a relatively “malleable” variable that can be strengthened through appropriate educational actions (e.g., Caprara, Luengo Kanacri et al., 2015) and some studies have found that parental warmth, responsiveness, support, and involvement being positively related to children’s prosociality (Eisenberg et al., 2015). Although the relevance of parents as social agents in children’s interaction with their environment, few studies have focused on the specific associations ...
Parenting, 2020
Objective.-This article examined two-wave longitudinal paths among maternal self-efficacy, matern... more Objective.-This article examined two-wave longitudinal paths among maternal self-efficacy, maternal warmth, and early adolescents' prosocial behavior. Design.-Participants were 194 Italian mother/child dyads from 9-13 years at the first assessment and 12-15 years at the second assessment. Using a two-wave longitudinal design, the present study tested cross-lagged paths among maternal self-efficacy, warmth, and early adolescents' prosocial behavior controlling for the stability of these variables and their concurrent associations. Results.-Maternal warmth mediated the link between maternal self-efficacy and adolescents' prosocial behavior, and bi-directional effects between maternal self-efficacy and maternal warmth were found.

Journal of Family Psychology, 2021
Psychological Control (PC) refers to the control parents exert over their offspring through strat... more Psychological Control (PC) refers to the control parents exert over their offspring through strategies that limit the psychological and emotional experience of children and adolescents. Although the topic of PC has been largely investigated in the literature, very little is known on the potential differences/similarities in the use of specific psychologically controlling strategies by mothers and fathers. Hence, in the present study, we considered the contribution of both parents to analyze the direct and mutual relations in the use of PC over time by disentangling the role of mothers and fathers at the between- and within-person level. Participants were 147 parents of Italian adolescents (mean age = 13.54 at Time 1) who reported on their use of two different PC dimensions: Relationship-Oriented PC (R-OPC) and Verbal Constraint (VC). Results from a Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model showed that at the between-person level, mothers' and fathers' use of R-OPC (and VC) was positively correlated over time. At the within-person level, significant cross-lagged effects showed that one parent's higher than usual levels of R-OPC and VC positively predicted the other parent's higher than usual use of PC at the next time point, showing how parental variations in PC are related to their partner's variations over time. For VC, significant cross-lagged effects were found only for fathers. Furthermore, differences were found when comparing the classical cross-lagged panel models to the Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Models. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).
Papers by Carolina Lunetti