Conference Presentations by Carolina Heller Pereira

VIII Brazilian Symposium of Sustainable Agriculture & V International Congress of Sustainable Agriculture, 2016
Recent reductions in the deforestation of the Amazon biome have highlighted the need for the sust... more Recent reductions in the deforestation of the Amazon biome have highlighted the need for the sustainable intensification of beef and commodity crop production in Brazil where agricultural productivity can be increased without accelerating adverse environmental impacts related to greenhouse gas emissions, eutrophication, and water and energy use. A key step to understanding the sustainability of the current status quo agricultural production systems compared to alternative systems is to use the Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM) Version 4.2 which was calibrated to model beef and crop production systems in the southern (Eldorado do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul or RS) Pampa biome and Midwest (Sinop, Mato Grosso or MT) Amazon biome in Brazil. Beef systems in both locations were 1) entirely extensive pasture or 2) the same pasture diversified into cash crop production of soybeans (Glycine max) and corn (Zea mays) grain. Systems were simulated over historical weather profiles for RS (1988-2013) and MT (2011-2015). Simulated soybean and corn grain yields for the diversified IFSM models were compared to average yields for the mid-north region of MT where Sinop is located and recent average yields for RS state. Diversifying into commodity crops increased whole-farm profitability and reduced GHG emissions and carbon footprint but increased water, nitrogen, and energy use compared to the pasture-only baseline. Beef systems were less profitable in MT compared to RS due to lower productivity of pasture (-9%), grazing of pasture by cattle (-37%) and lower corn grain productivity (-29%) despite 6.4% higher soybean yields. Water and energy use in MT was greater due to beef cattle using more purchased feed plus higher livestock water use in the tropics.
Papers by Carolina Heller Pereira

Agricultural Systems, 2018
Profitability and environmental benefits of beef cattle raised on natural pasture or combined wit... more Profitability and environmental benefits of beef cattle raised on natural pasture or combined with soybean in tropical biomes need to be better evaluated. The objective of this research was to simulate and evaluate three common pastured beef grazing systems in southern Brazil, estimating profitability and the environmental impacts of carbon footprint (CF) measured as kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of body weight produced (BWP), water footprint (kg of water used/kg of BWP) and energy footprint (MJ of energy used/kg of BWP) using the Integrated Farm System Model version 4.2. Simulations were run for Angus beef cattle raised on natural pasture (NP), natural pasture with low levels of grain supplementation (NPS), and NPS combined with soybean production (NPSC). Net animal weight produced (kg/ha/year) increased 7.9% for NPS and NPSC when compared with the NP system. Natural pasture production costs per hectare were lower (US$ 114) than that of NPS (US$ 126) and NPSC (US$ 233), while NP had a net return per hectare only 2% greater than NPS. Even though the gross income from animal sales was 5% higher in NPS than NP, the elevated cost of purchased feeds reduced net return per hectare. While costs were higher for NPSC, diversifying with soybean production, a high value commodity for cash sale, was profitable resulting in 44% and 47% greater net return per hectare than NP and NPS, respectively. Natural pasture with low supplementation (NPS) decreased CF by 2% when compared with NP due to faster weight gain from supplementation despite higher emissions from feed production. Furthermore, CF was also 6% lower for natural pasture combined with soybeans (NPSC) compared with NPS. However, the energy and water footprints and erosion increased with the greater use of both purchased feed and inputs required for feed and cash crop production. It can be challenging to increase beef cattle productivity and diversification to lower GHG emissions while minimizing water and energy use and soil erosion.

Acta odontologica latinoamericana : AOL, 2016
Dentistry increasingly uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which has impact on t... more Dentistry increasingly uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which has impact on teaching, research, the profession and dental care in general. However, there is a lack of valid information on ICT resources and use in Latin America. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional, multi-center, interdisciplinary study, the aim of which was to conduct a survey on how extensively ICT is used in Dentistry in Latin American countries by enquiring into two primary components: 1) use of ICT in student training and 2) use of ICT by professionals in consulting rooms and services. Two questionnaires on ICT were prepared: one for teachers/researchers and another for students/professionals. We received 94 answers from teachers/researchers at universities in the region providing information on ICT resources for teaching (type and implementation) and 221 answers from professionals (personal use and use in healthcare). Data are presented as absolute relative frequencies and analyzed quanti...
Rbcf Rev Bras Cienc Farm, Dec 1, 2000
... Fotocópia. Queiroz, Regina Helena Costa. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 289826. A... more ... Fotocópia. Queiroz, Regina Helena Costa. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 289826. Autor: Malfará, Wilson Roberto; Pereira, Carolina Paula; Gonçalves, Paulo Vinícius Bernardes; Rodrigues, Tiago; Santos, Antonio Cardozo dos; Queiroz, Regina Helena Costa. ...
Anais Do Salao Internacional De Ensino Pesquisa E Extensao, Nov 1, 2013

Brain Research, 2015
GcdhÀ / À mice Citric acid cycle Bioenergetics homeostasis Brain histopathology a b s t r a c t B... more GcdhÀ / À mice Citric acid cycle Bioenergetics homeostasis Brain histopathology a b s t r a c t Bioenergetics dysfunction has been postulated as an important pathomechanism of brain damage in glutaric aciduria type I, but this is still under debate. We investigated activities of citric acid cycle (CAC) enzymes, lactate release, respiration and membrane potential (ΔΨm) in mitochondrial preparations from cerebral cortex and striatum of 30-day-old glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient (Gcdh À / À) and wild type mice fed a baseline or a high lysine (Lys, 4.7%) chow for 60 or 96 h. Brain histological analyses were performed in these animals, as well as in 90-day-old animals fed a baseline or a high Lys chow during 30 days starting at 60-day-old. A moderate reduction of citrate synthase and isocitrate dehydrogenase activities was observed only in the striatum from 30-day-old GcdhÀ / À animals submitted to a high Lys chow. In contrast, the other CAC enzyme activities, lactate release, the respiratory parameters state 3, state 4, the respiratory control ratio and CCCPstimulated (uncoupled) state, as well as ΔΨm were not altered in the striatum. Similarly, none of the evaluated parameters were changed in the cerebral cortex from these animals under baseline or Lys overload. On the other hand, histological analyses revealed the presence of intense vacuolation in the cerebral cortex of 60 and 90-day-old Gcdh À/ À mice fed a baseline chow and in the striatum of 90-day-old Gcdh À / À mice submitted to Lys Wajner). b r a i n r e s e a r c h 1 6 2 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 1 6 -1 2 9 overload for 30 days. Taken together, the present data demonstrate mild impairment of bioenergetics homeostasis and marked histological alterations in striatum from Gcdh À/ À mice under a high Lys chow, suggesting that disruption of energy metabolism is not mainly involved in the brain injury of these animals.

Journal of the neurological sciences, Jan 15, 2014
We evaluated the antioxidant defense system and protein oxidative damage in the brain and liver o... more We evaluated the antioxidant defense system and protein oxidative damage in the brain and liver of 15-day-old GCDH deficient knockout (Gcdh(-/-)) mice following an acute intraperitoneal administration of Lys (8 μmol/g). We determined reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations, sulfhydryl content, carbonyl formation and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR) in the brain and liver of these animals. 2',7'-dihydrodichlorofluorescein (DCFH) oxidation was also measured as an index of free radical formation. The only parameters altered in Gcdh(-/-) compared to wild type (Gcdh(+/+)) mice were a reduction of liver GSH concentrations and of brain sulfhydryl content. Acute Lys injection provoked a decrease of GSH concentration in the brain and sulfhydryl content in the liver, and an increase in carbonyl formation in the brain and liver of Gcdh(-/-) mice. Lys administration also ind...

Research in Microbiology, 2012
In this study, the occurrence and diversity of integrons were evaluated in 697 isolates belonging... more In this study, the occurrence and diversity of integrons were evaluated in 697 isolates belonging to Enterobacteriaceae and Aeromonas spp. isolated from urban wastewaters. Screening of integrons was performed by dot blot hybridization and intI-positive strains were further characterized. The global prevalence of integrons was 3.73%. Three new gene cassettes were identified: a novel aadA variant (aadA17), a gene putatively involved in cell signaling (dcyA) and an open reading frame of unknown function interrupted by a novel insertion sequence (orfER.17::ISAs12). In total, thirteen different gene cassette arrays were detected, 4 representing novel integrons: intI1-dcyA-tniC, intI1-orfER.1.7::ISAs12-aadA13-qacED1-sul1, intI1-aacA4-catB3-bla OxA-10 -aadA1-qacED1-sul1 and intI1-catB8-aadA17-qacED1-sul1. Approximately 80% of strains were resistant to at least 3 antibiotics of different classes. The presence of novel integron structures in treated effluents suggests that domestic wastewaters may favor the formation of novel combinations of gene cassettes. Moreover, the high prevalence of multiresistant strains highlights the urgent need to employ effective means of effluent disinfection to avoid dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Bioinformatics, 2009
INTEGRALL is a freely available, text-based search system developed with the aim of collecting an... more INTEGRALL is a freely available, text-based search system developed with the aim of collecting and organizing information on integrons in a single database. The current release (1.2) contains more than 4800 integron sequences and provides a public genetic repository for sequence data and nomenclature, offering scientists an easy and interactive access to integron's DNA sequences, their molecular arrangements as well as their genetic contexts.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 2011

APMIS, 2007
Knowledge about the virulence mechanisms of species from the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) i... more Knowledge about the virulence mechanisms of species from the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) is still limited. The genomovar heterogeneity and production of different virulence factors are likely to contribute to the variation in the clinical outcome observed in BCC-infected cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Therefore, in this study we investigated the genetic polimorphism, the presence of genetic makers associated with virulence and transmissibility in BCC, and the profile of exoenzyme production of 59 BCC isolates obtained from 59 CF patients attending the reference CF centre in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The DNA sequence analyses of the recA gene allowed us to identify 40 of these 59 BCC species as being B. cenocepacia, 9 as B. vietnamiensis, 6 as B. multivorans and 4 as B. ambifaria. The assessment of the bacterial genetic polymorphism by PFGE revealed that B. cenocepacia and the B. multivorans isolates belonged to four and two different PFGE profiles with prevalence of two clones, A and B, respectively. All B. vietnamiensis and B. ambifaria belonged to only one PFGE profile (J and E, respectively). None of the isolates exhibited the genetic markers cblA and BCESM, assessed by polymerase chain reaction. In contrast, the profile of enzymatic activity, assessed by phenotypic methods, differed among the BCC species: protease activity was detected only in B. cenocepacia and B. ambifaria isolates, whereas only B. vietnamiensis isolates produced hemolysin. Although the phospholipase C activity was similar among the different species, the level of lipase activity produced by B. multivorans was higher than in the other species. We speculate that the differential characteristics of exoenzyme production may account for the differences in the pathogenic potentials of each BCC species.

International journal of cardiology, Jan 22, 2016
The effect of socioeconomic stressors on the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is current... more The effect of socioeconomic stressors on the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is currently open to debate. Using time-series analysis, our study aimed to evaluate the relationship between unemployment rate and hospital admission for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and stroke in Brazil over a recent 11-year span. Data on monthly hospital admissions for AMI and stroke from March 2002 to December 2013 were extracted from the Brazilian Public Health System Database. The monthly unemployment rate was obtained from the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research, during the same period. The autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was used to test the association of temporal series. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. From March 2002 to December 2013, 778,263 admissions for AMI and 1,581,675 for stroke were recorded. During this time period, the unemployment rate decreased from 12.9% in 2002 to 4.3% in 2013, while admissions due to AMI and stroke ...
Revista Portuguesa De Medicina Geral E Familiar, Sep 1, 2013

PloS one, 2016
Patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and respiratory impairment may be treated with ei... more Patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and respiratory impairment may be treated with either invasive or non-invasive mechanical ventilation (MV). However, there has been little testing of non-invasive MV in the setting of AMI. Our objective was to evaluate the incidence and associated clinical outcomes of patients with AMI who were treated with non-invasive or invasive MV. This was a retrospective observational study in which consecutive patients with AMI (n = 1610) were enrolled. The association between exclusively non-invasive MV, invasive MV and outcomes was assessed by multivariable models. Mechanical ventilation was used in 293 patients (54% invasive and 46% exclusively non-invasive). In-hospital mortality rates for patients without MV, with exclusively non-invasive MV, and with invasive MV were 4.0%, 8.8%, and 39.5%, respectively (P<0.001). The median lengths of hospital stay were 6 (5.8-6.2), 13 (11.2-4.7), and 28 (18.0-37.9) days, respectively (P<0.001). Excl...
Molecular Ecology Resources, Apr 12, 2013
Veterinaria Noticias, Jan 11, 2013
Conference Presentations by Carolina Heller Pereira
Papers by Carolina Heller Pereira