Papers by Carmen Moldovan
Analele Științifice ale Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, seria Ştiinţe Juridice, 2020

EURINT, 2018
The 2016 unprecedented decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has deep implic... more The 2016 unprecedented decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has deep implications at many levels and raises several legal questions. These are to be analysed in the context of general rules on international treaty withdrawal established by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the international customary law. At the same time, such an analysis should consider the specific features of the European Union as an international legal entity and the implications of the conditions set out in Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union. The analysis presents theoretical and practical interest for many reasons, due to the unique character of this situation. This paper will not focus on political issues, it will engage in analysing the effects of the withdrawal notification in the context of the general rules of international law of treaties in this matter.
Analele Științifice ale Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, seria Ştiinţe Juridice, 2017
Social Science Research Network, Feb 25, 2011
ABSTRACT In the study hereby, the author makes a comparative analysis of the problematics of conf... more ABSTRACT In the study hereby, the author makes a comparative analysis of the problematics of conflict between freedom of the press and reputation in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the United States Supreme Court, respectively, managing to capture a number of differences regarding the deviation of the litigious issue.

Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2021
Rezumat: Manifestări și afirmaţii diverse din perioada actuală, provenite fie de la simpli partic... more Rezumat: Manifestări și afirmaţii diverse din perioada actuală, provenite fie de la simpli particulari, fie de la persoane cu funcţii oficiale, răspândite foarte rapid pe întreg globul, aduc în discuţie aspecte esenţiale în legătură cu exercitarea libertăţii de exprimare și posibilitatea aplicării de restricţii discursurilor sau afirmaţiilor abuzive ce depășesc cadrul de protecţie și standardele stabilite la nivel internaţional. Prezenta lucrare își propune să exploreze cadrul normativ de protecţie a libertăţii de exprimare în diferite sisteme și mecanisme de garantare a drepturilor fundamentale și să sublinieze caracterul relativ (sau derogabil) al acestui drept. În acest sens, vor fi identificate atât caracteristicile comune ale instrumentelor juridice de protecţie, precum și diferenţe între domeniul de aplicare și aspecte particulare ale întinderii acestuia, în funcţie de circumstanţele specifice unui anumit spaţiu juridic. Scopul lucrării nu este de a furniza o analiză exhaustivă asupra problemelor legate de punerea în practică a elementelor libertăţii de exprimare, ci urmărește trasarea liniilor și principiilor generale de protecţie și de limitare.
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2022
Eastern Journal of European Studies, 2021

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2017
European Union and its Member States have tried at least at political level to solve the problem ... more European Union and its Member States have tried at least at political level to solve the problem of migrants and refugees inflows coming to Europe from the Middle East trough Turkey and Greece. Latest attempts in this regard are represented by the 2015 European Union-Turkey Action Plan and the 2016 Statement of the European Union and Turkey which contained measures aimed to control the irregular migration and human trafficking acts, in accordance with the European Union law and international standards of refugee law. Although the aforementioned acts refer to concrete provisional and extraordinary measures concerning different categories of persons arriving in Greece and applying for asylum and they were actually put in practice by Turkey, their legally binding force is controversial in the context of the recent interpretation of the Court of Justice of the European Union in some similar cases, in which the Court found that the 2016 Statement is not an act concluded by the institutions of the European Union and it is not an agreement legally binding. In other words, it represents a political statement which is excluded from the legality examination of the Court. Although the decision of the Court may be legally correct for procedural reasons, this situation raises questions concerning the commitment of the European Union and its institutions to really analyse and find effective measures regarding persons arriving in the European Union territory and claiming international protection according to international standards. The aim of this paper is to analyse the legal implications of the 2015 Joint Action Plan and the 2016 Statement and their compatibility with the international legal standard of refugees and to show the lack of resilience in adapting to refugee and irregular migration problems, contrary to the European Union values and principles.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2016
Europe has been recently shaken by the great number of persons coming from Syria and neighbouring... more Europe has been recently shaken by the great number of persons coming from Syria and neighbouring countries which were calling themselves “refugees”. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, since 2015 more than 1 million refugees travelled to Greece. This paper aims to analyze the notion of “refugees” in light of international legal instruments applicable and to draw up distinctions between different categories of migrant persons and those who are really refugees and may apply for international protection under the 1951 UN Convention on refugees. The distinction regarding the use of terms is relevant for shaping the legal status of different persons who leave their country of origin.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2021

Freedom of expression is experiencing a variety of names – it is described as freedom of speech, ... more Freedom of expression is experiencing a variety of names – it is described as freedom of speech, freedom of communication, freedom of the press, freedom of association, right to assembly and various other rights - academic and artistic freedom - usually associated with the right to group communication. Due to the comprehensive scope of the term "expression", "word" , ”speech” and the possibility of opposing interests it was important to show a special care on regulating the content of communication freedoms in all countries with a sophisticated constitutional culture of human rights. The result is the need to define this fundamental right and establish whether it is considered literally to be unlimited or not and to regulate the admissible restrictions carefully so that simultaneously the State to ensure the effective protection of freedom of expression and also to provide enough space for a multitude of other competing rights and interests. The understanding of the concept of freedom of expression is extremely complex involving a thorough knowledge of constitutional values and constitutional tradition analysis of different legal systems and the international legal framework has been created by states under the influence of traditional constitutional values. At the same time, we need to balance freedom of expression with the value of other fundamental rights, resulting in the establishment of limits of expression, such as the criminalization of hate speech, incitement to violence, Holocaust denial, revisionism. The present study aims to examine the regulation of the concept of freedom of expression in fundamental instruments belonging to different juridical spaces and to identify the scope of freedom of expression and types of speech excluded from protection. There is an inseparable connection between the extent of the guarantee of the various forms of free expression and the penal limits on its exercise. This corresponds to the general rule that fundamental rights and freedoms set out in constitutional and international provisions most often are accompanied by the limits that may be imposed to the holders.

SHS Web of Conferences
Constant evolution of communication technology and expansion of Cyberspace has had a pervasive ef... more Constant evolution of communication technology and expansion of Cyberspace has had a pervasive effect on all areas of human life, activities and interactions, that law unsuccessfully tried to regulate. Cyberspace was for a long period of time considered uncharted territory, an unlimited and open space outside the control of States and the limits on the admissible or accepted conduct of states and other stakeholders were blurred. In this context, the most important challenge and pressing need is to identify normative guidelines applicable in this environment considering its specific features (being unlimited, world-wide availability, anonymity). The aim of the paper is to challenge the elements of the so-called normative equivalence that was developed by several international bodies first in relation with human rights safeguards and extended as generally applicable with some special approaches at the level of the European Union (protection of personal data, strategy on cybersecurity)...
Eastern Journal of European Studies

Rezumat: Manifestări și afirmaţii diverse din perioada actuală, provenite fie de la simpli partic... more Rezumat: Manifestări și afirmaţii diverse din perioada actuală, provenite fie de la simpli particulari, fie de la persoane cu funcţii oficiale, răspândite foarte rapid pe întreg globul, aduc în discuţie aspecte esenţiale în legătură cu exercitarea libertăţii de exprimare și posibilitatea aplicării de restricţii discursurilor sau afirmaţiilor abuzive ce depășesc cadrul de protecţie și standardele stabilite la nivel internaţional. Prezenta lucrare își propune să exploreze cadrul normativ de protecţie a libertăţii de exprimare în diferite sisteme și mecanisme de garantare a drepturilor fundamentale și să sublinieze caracterul relativ (sau derogabil) al acestui drept. În acest sens, vor fi identificate atât caracteristicile comune ale instrumentelor juridice de protecţie, precum și diferenţe între domeniul de aplicare și aspecte particulare ale întinderii acestuia, în funcţie de circumstanţele specifice unui anumit spaţiu juridic. Scopul lucrării nu este de a furniza o analiză exhaustivă asupra problemelor legate de punerea în practică a elementelor libertăţii de exprimare, ci urmărește trasarea liniilor și principiilor generale de protecţie și de limitare.

Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, 2015
Freedom of expression constitutes a sine qua non element of a democratic society and of the Europ... more Freedom of expression constitutes a sine qua non element of a democratic society and of the European legal order. The European Convention on Human Rights and its interpretation by the European Court of Human Rights is considered as jus communis for the Member States who, directly or indirectly, must comply with the principles stated in its case law. Over the recent years, an intense debate took place in Romania concerning the imperious need to decriminalize libel and slander, which were deemed an exaggerate interference in the exercise of freedom of expression. The main argument of this point of view was that the case law of the European Court of Human Rights imposes such an obligation for the Member States. The New Criminal Code entered into force in 2014 and decriminalized libel and slander. The present article aims to analyze if there are substantial changes in the Romanian legal framework of freedom of expression, if the changes were necessary under the influence of the European...

The process of understanding the concept of freedom of expression is very complex and it implies ... more The process of understanding the concept of freedom of expression is very complex and it implies thorough knowledge of the constitutional values and the analysis of the constitutional tradition of different legal systems. At the same time, a balancing operation is necessary between the value of freedom of speech and other fundamental rights, process that establishes limits of the expression such as criminalizing hate speech or other actions which affect the individual dignity. The human dignity has become a constant component of the constitutional case law of many States that share the same characteristics due to the promotion of fundamental rights. In the absence of a hierarchy of rights and fundamental freedom, freedom of expression is analyzed in many cases as a primary right (Kentridge, 1996, p. 254) that prevails over other fundamental rights. This study aims to analyze the landmarks of the German constitutional interpretation of the concept of freedom of expression, to identif...
Europe has been recently shaken by the great number of persons coming from Syria and neighbouring... more Europe has been recently shaken by the great number of persons coming from Syria and neighbouring countries which were calling themselves "refugees". According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, since 2015 more than 1 million refugees travelled to Greece. This paper aims to analyze the notion of "refugees" in light of international legal instruments applicable and to draw up distinctions between different categories of migrant persons and those who are really refugees and may apply for international protection under the 1951 UN Convention on refugees. The distinction regarding the use of terms is relevant for shaping the legal status of different persons who leave their country of origin.

Rezumat: Conceptul de suveranitate digitală a fost promovat intens de către China şi Federaţia Ru... more Rezumat: Conceptul de suveranitate digitală a fost promovat intens de către China şi Federaţia Rusă şi se doreşte a fi o transpunere în mediul virtual a principiului suveranităţii din dreptul internaţional public. De esenţa sa este opoziţia faţă de ideea libertăţii internetului în lipsa reglementărilor din partea statelor. Prezenta lucrare îşi propune să exploreze, dintr-o perspectivă critică, principalele trăsături şi implicaţii ale suveranităţii digitale, prin trimitere la principiile dreptului internaţional. Până în prezent, la nivelul ONU s-a cristalizat concluzia aplicabilităţii principiilor dreptului internaţional în Cyberspace (inclusiv a principiului suveranităţii), însă nu este clar dacă aplicarea acestora se realizează în aceeaşi parametri şi având acelaşi sens ca în spaţiul fizic.

Revista Romana De Bioetica, 2013
The last aspect in the transsexuals’ matter, which gives an unitary vision upon integration in ci... more The last aspect in the transsexuals’ matter, which gives an unitary vision upon integration in civil and social life of transsexualism phenomenon, represents the jurisprudence of The European Court of Human Rights, which surpassed through the freedom of interpretation the national juridical orders, closed in giving the plenitude of rights recognized only in part for transsexual statute. As effect of social evolution, the jurisprudence of The European Court of Human Rights imposed in a praetorian way for the reserved states to bring offenses to their public orders, to give the entire value of the social statute of the transsexual, recognizing the physical metamorphosis of the person, the public effects which will complete the person’s gender identity, without cutting in detail the scale of complex implications that are aroused by the juridical effects of this statute, The European Court of Human Rights allowed the states an estimation margin to have an agreement between their legisla...
Eastern Journal of European Studies, 2021
Papers by Carmen Moldovan