Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, Apr 1, 2010
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Bezugsquellen und Transportwege von fossilem Erdgas werden sich i... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Bezugsquellen und Transportwege von fossilem Erdgas werden sich in den kommenden beiden Dekaden diversifizieren. Veränderungen der Lieferstruktur, verbunden mit weiteren Transportentfernungen und dem Neubau von Pipelines sowie der verstärkte Einsatz von verflüssigtem Erdgas (LNG–Liquefied Natural Gas) sind zu erwarten. Entsprechend werden sich auch die vorgelagerten Prozessketten und die damit verknüpften THG-Emissionen verändern. Im Sinne einer korrekten und ...
For the climate conference in Copenhagen, December 7 to 18, after broad expert discussions, the W... more For the climate conference in Copenhagen, December 7 to 18, after broad expert discussions, the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy submits a proposal for an effective and equitable climate change agreement. -- Für die Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen vom 7. bis 18. Dezember 2009 legt das Wuppertal Institut nach breiter Fachdiskussion einen Vorschlag für ein wirksames und zugleich gerechtes
The role of natural gas in the European energy market is increasing. This is particular true for ... more The role of natural gas in the European energy market is increasing. This is particular true for a climate protection strategy as gas has lower specific CO2- emissions and many appliances have higher efficiency compared to competing energy carriers such as coal and oil. However there is still a debate concerning the indirect upstream emissions of the imported energy which
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 2010
Natural gas makes an increasing contribution to the European Union's energy supply. Due to it... more Natural gas makes an increasing contribution to the European Union's energy supply. Due to its efficiency and low level of combustion emissions this reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to the use of other fossil fuels. However, being itself a potent greenhouse gas, a high level of direct losses of natural gas in its process chain could neutralise these advantages. Which
The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. ... more The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. This paper aims to characterize the methane emissions from Russian natural gas transmission operations, to explain projects to reduce these emissions, and to characterize the role of emissions reduction within the context of current GHG policy. It draws on the most recent independent measurements at all parts of the Russian long distance transport system made by the Wuppertal Institute in 2003 and combines these results with the findings from the US Natural Gas STAR Program on GHG mitigation options and economics.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2007
The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. ... more The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. This paper aims to characterize the methane emissions from Russian natural gas transmission operations, to explain projects to reduce these emissions, and to characterize the role of emissions reduction within the context of current GHG policy. It draws on the most recent independent measurements at all parts of the Russian long distance transport system made by the Wuppertal Institute in 2003 and combines these results with the findings from the US Natural Gas STAR Program on GHG mitigation options and economics.
Scenarios for the future of renewable energy through 2050 are reviewed to explore how much renewa... more Scenarios for the future of renewable energy through 2050 are reviewed to explore how much renewable energy is considered possible or desirable and to inform policy-making. Existing policy targets for 2010 and 2020 are also reviewed for comparison. Common indicators are shares of primary energy, electricity, heat, and transport fuels from renewables. Global, Europe-wide, and country-specific scenarios show 10% to 50% shares of primary energy from renewables by 2050. By 2020, many targets and scenarios show 20-35% share of electricity from renewables, increasing to 50-80% by 2050 under the highest scenarios. Carbon-constrained scenarios for stabilization of emissions or atmospheric concentration depict trade-offs between renewables, nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage from coal, most with high energy efficiency. Scenario outcomes differ depending on degree of future policy action, fuel prices, carbon prices, technology cost reductions, and aggregate energy demand, with resource constraints mainly for biomass and biofuels.
Sustainable energy technologies are widely sought-after as essential elements in facing global ch... more Sustainable energy technologies are widely sought-after as essential elements in facing global challenges such as energy security, global warming and poverty reduction. However, in spite of their promising advantages, sustainable energy technologies make only a marginal contribution to meeting energy related needs in both industrialised and developing countries, in comparison to the widespread use of unsustainable technologies. One of the most significant constraints to their adoption and broad diffusion is the socio-economic context in which sustainable energy technologies are supposed to operate. The same holds true for community-based energy projects in developing countries supported by the WISIONS initiative. Practical strategies dealing with these socio-economic challenges are crucial elements for project design and, particularly, for the implementation of project activities. In this paper experiences from implementing community-based projects are reviewed in order to identify the practical elements that are relevant to overcome socio-economic challenges. In order to systematise the findings, an analytical framework is proposed, which combines analytical tools from the socio-technical transition framework and insights from participative approaches to development.
Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, Apr 1, 2010
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Bezugsquellen und Transportwege von fossilem Erdgas werden sich i... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Bezugsquellen und Transportwege von fossilem Erdgas werden sich in den kommenden beiden Dekaden diversifizieren. Veränderungen der Lieferstruktur, verbunden mit weiteren Transportentfernungen und dem Neubau von Pipelines sowie der verstärkte Einsatz von verflüssigtem Erdgas (LNG–Liquefied Natural Gas) sind zu erwarten. Entsprechend werden sich auch die vorgelagerten Prozessketten und die damit verknüpften THG-Emissionen verändern. Im Sinne einer korrekten und ...
For the climate conference in Copenhagen, December 7 to 18, after broad expert discussions, the W... more For the climate conference in Copenhagen, December 7 to 18, after broad expert discussions, the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy submits a proposal for an effective and equitable climate change agreement. -- Für die Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen vom 7. bis 18. Dezember 2009 legt das Wuppertal Institut nach breiter Fachdiskussion einen Vorschlag für ein wirksames und zugleich gerechtes
The role of natural gas in the European energy market is increasing. This is particular true for ... more The role of natural gas in the European energy market is increasing. This is particular true for a climate protection strategy as gas has lower specific CO2- emissions and many appliances have higher efficiency compared to competing energy carriers such as coal and oil. However there is still a debate concerning the indirect upstream emissions of the imported energy which
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 2010
Natural gas makes an increasing contribution to the European Union's energy supply. Due to it... more Natural gas makes an increasing contribution to the European Union's energy supply. Due to its efficiency and low level of combustion emissions this reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to the use of other fossil fuels. However, being itself a potent greenhouse gas, a high level of direct losses of natural gas in its process chain could neutralise these advantages. Which
The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. ... more The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. This paper aims to characterize the methane emissions from Russian natural gas transmission operations, to explain projects to reduce these emissions, and to characterize the role of emissions reduction within the context of current GHG policy. It draws on the most recent independent measurements at all parts of the Russian long distance transport system made by the Wuppertal Institute in 2003 and combines these results with the findings from the US Natural Gas STAR Program on GHG mitigation options and economics.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2007
The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. ... more The Russian natural gas industry is the world's largest producer and transporter of natural gas. This paper aims to characterize the methane emissions from Russian natural gas transmission operations, to explain projects to reduce these emissions, and to characterize the role of emissions reduction within the context of current GHG policy. It draws on the most recent independent measurements at all parts of the Russian long distance transport system made by the Wuppertal Institute in 2003 and combines these results with the findings from the US Natural Gas STAR Program on GHG mitigation options and economics.
Scenarios for the future of renewable energy through 2050 are reviewed to explore how much renewa... more Scenarios for the future of renewable energy through 2050 are reviewed to explore how much renewable energy is considered possible or desirable and to inform policy-making. Existing policy targets for 2010 and 2020 are also reviewed for comparison. Common indicators are shares of primary energy, electricity, heat, and transport fuels from renewables. Global, Europe-wide, and country-specific scenarios show 10% to 50% shares of primary energy from renewables by 2050. By 2020, many targets and scenarios show 20-35% share of electricity from renewables, increasing to 50-80% by 2050 under the highest scenarios. Carbon-constrained scenarios for stabilization of emissions or atmospheric concentration depict trade-offs between renewables, nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage from coal, most with high energy efficiency. Scenario outcomes differ depending on degree of future policy action, fuel prices, carbon prices, technology cost reductions, and aggregate energy demand, with resource constraints mainly for biomass and biofuels.
Sustainable energy technologies are widely sought-after as essential elements in facing global ch... more Sustainable energy technologies are widely sought-after as essential elements in facing global challenges such as energy security, global warming and poverty reduction. However, in spite of their promising advantages, sustainable energy technologies make only a marginal contribution to meeting energy related needs in both industrialised and developing countries, in comparison to the widespread use of unsustainable technologies. One of the most significant constraints to their adoption and broad diffusion is the socio-economic context in which sustainable energy technologies are supposed to operate. The same holds true for community-based energy projects in developing countries supported by the WISIONS initiative. Practical strategies dealing with these socio-economic challenges are crucial elements for project design and, particularly, for the implementation of project activities. In this paper experiences from implementing community-based projects are reviewed in order to identify the practical elements that are relevant to overcome socio-economic challenges. In order to systematise the findings, an analytical framework is proposed, which combines analytical tools from the socio-technical transition framework and insights from participative approaches to development.
Papers by Carmen Dienst