Papers by Carmen-Daniela Domnariu

Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, Apr 8, 2024
Background and aims. The introduction of accreditation criteria for hospitals has generated incre... more Background and aims. The introduction of accreditation criteria for hospitals has generated increased interest in applying the nursing process to clinical practice and developing nursing care plans. Nursing diagnosis plays a pivotal role in the formulation of these care plans. The objective of the study is to investigate the correlation between nursing diagnosis education and nurses' intentions, attitudes toward the use of nursing diagnosis and the behavior in using it in practice; to explore the differences between nurses' intentions, attitudes and behavior, considering nurses' socio-demographic and professional data. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used. A web-based survey was applied to gather data. A sample of 664 hospital nurses was recruited from five Romanian hospitals. Results. Education on nursing diagnosis showed significant results in relation to nurses' intentions (F(2,126.35) = 23.99, p < 0.001), attitudes (χ2 (2,N = 664) = 44.62, p < 0.001) and behavior (F(2,167.69) = 29.53, p < 0.001) in using it in clinical practice. Nurses with education highly focused on nursing diagnosis have significantly stronger intention to use it, more positive attitudes and higher behavior in using it in clinical practice compared to nurses whose education simply had included a nursing diagnosis course, or nurses without any education on the topic. Significant differences were identified in intention (t (83.86) =-4.49, p < 0.001) and attitudes (U = 12697.50, z =-3.99, p < 0.001, r =-0.0006) of management nurses compared to clinical nurses. Conclusion. Nursing education on nursing diagnosis significantly impacts nurses' intentions, attitudes, and behavior in their daily practice. Romanian nurses display slightly positive intention and attitudes toward nursing diagnosis but need more training for effective/practical clinical application.
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, Oct 7, 2023

The impact of the school environment on childhood weight status has garnered significant attentio... more The impact of the school environment on childhood weight status has garnered significant attention in recent years. This study aimed to adapt and validate the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE) School and Environment questionnaire in order to assess the potential obesogenic impact of school environments in Sibiu County, Romania. The ISCOLE questionnaire was chosen for its rigorous methodology. It was derived from a comprehensive study conducted across 12 countries which aimed to capture multifaceted influences on childhood weight while emphasizing educational settings in the collection of data. To guide the translation and adaptation of the questionnaire, a multidisciplinary committee was assembled which comprised experts in teaching and school administration to ensure target responder relevance, experts in clinical research to ensure methodological robustness, experts in language adaptation to preserve the original intent of the survey,...

International Journal of Nursing Knowledge
PurposeTo assess the quality of the nursing process in Romania by evaluating nursing documentatio... more PurposeTo assess the quality of the nursing process in Romania by evaluating nursing documentations with the quality of diagnoses, interventions and outcomes (Q‐DIO) measurement instrument.MethodsA quantitative cross‐sectional research design was employed using probabilistic sampling to select nursing documentations from a Romanian university hospital. The data were analyzed using the Q‐DIO measurement instrument.FindingsLow quality levels of nursing process documentation were found. The Q‐DIO subscale “Nursing diagnoses as process” (assessment) revealed a mean = 1.36 (SD 0.52) of maximum 2. Nurses collected lots of data but did not use these to state nursing diagnoses. “Nursing diagnoses as product” showed inaccurate diagnoses; mean = 1.24 (SD 0.48) of maximum 4. Nursing interventions were planned and documented, but their impact on the etiology of nursing diagnoses was low; mean = 0.76 (SD 0.18). The quality of nursing outcomes mean was 0.57 (SD 0.29).Nurses failed making connecti...

Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, 2024
Background and aims. The introduction of accreditation criteria for hospitals has generated incre... more Background and aims. The introduction of accreditation criteria for hospitals has generated increased interest in applying the nursing process to clinical practice and developing nursing care plans. Nursing diagnosis plays a pivotal role in the formulation of these care plans. The objective of the study is to investigate the correlation between nursing diagnosis education and nurses' intentions, attitudes toward the use of nursing diagnosis and the behavior in using it in practice; to explore the differences between nurses' intentions, attitudes and behavior, considering nurses' socio-demographic and professional data. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used. A web-based survey was applied to gather data. A sample of 664 hospital nurses was recruited from five Romanian hospitals. Results. Education on nursing diagnosis showed significant results in relation to nurses' intentions (F(2,126.35) = 23.99, p < 0.001), attitudes (χ2 (2,N = 664) = 44.62, p < 0.001) and behavior (F(2,167.69) = 29.53, p < 0.001) in using it in clinical practice. Nurses with education highly focused on nursing diagnosis have significantly stronger intention to use it, more positive attitudes and higher behavior in using it in clinical practice compared to nurses whose education simply had included a nursing diagnosis course, or nurses without any education on the topic. Significant differences were identified in intention (t (83.86) =-4.49, p < 0.001) and attitudes (U = 12697.50, z =-3.99, p < 0.001, r =-0.0006) of management nurses compared to clinical nurses. Conclusion. Nursing education on nursing diagnosis significantly impacts nurses' intentions, attitudes, and behavior in their daily practice. Romanian nurses display slightly positive intention and attitudes toward nursing diagnosis but need more training for effective/practical clinical application.
Health Assessment Policy is a structured method for assessing and improving the health consequenc... more Health Assessment Policy is a structured method for assessing and improving the health consequences of projects, programmes and policies in the non-health sector. It is a multidisciplinary process combining a range of qualitative and quantitative evidence in a decision making framework. Keywords: Health Impact Assessment (HIA), policy, programme, project Rezumat: Evaluarea politicilor de sănătate este o metodă structurată privind evaluarea si imbunătăţirea rezultatelor proiectelor, programelor si politicilor din alte sectoare decât cel sanitar. Este un proces multidisciplinar care combină o serie de dovezi calitative si cantitative intr-un cadru de luare a deciziilor. Cuvinte cheie: evaluarea politicilor de sănătate, politică, program, proiect

The need to recognize the role of clinical psychology within the health insurance system, implici... more The need to recognize the role of clinical psychology within the health insurance system, implicitly the reimbursement for specific services has become a reality since 2014. These health care related services are provided by psychologists in the specialities of clinical psychology, psychological counselling, psychotherapy and special education. Psychological counselling and the specific forms of psychotherapy accepted as health care related services can be applied to both children and adults, diagnosed with psycho-behavioural disorders, autism spectrum disorders, terminally ill patients, patients in emergency situations, or for the rehabilitation of the chronically ill etc. This paper aims at analysing the legislative framework in the field, literature reviewing with emphasis on the importance of psychological interventions on patients who require these services for the prevention of mental disorders, as tertiary prevention measure, in order to increase the quality of life of the chronically ill.
There is a series of inequalities in the health status of the rural population compared to the ur... more There is a series of inequalities in the health status of the rural population compared to the urban areas population. The differences are reflected in the main demographic and morbidity indicators. They are partly due to the accessibility and addressability of the population to the public health services and are exacerbated by the phenomenon of the population aging, especially in the rural area.
Acta Medica Transilvanica, 2021
Fertility is the ability of two cells, the egg and the sperm, to unite in order to conceive a bio... more Fertility is the ability of two cells, the egg and the sperm, to unite in order to conceive a biological child. The aim of this study is to analyse how the fertility rate has evolved demographically since the communist period and until now in Romania. In order to carry out this study, we analysed the data provided by Macrotrends regarding the fertility rate in Romania from the last 71 years (more precisely 1950-2021). The results of the study indicate that, in 1950 Romania had an average fertility rate of 3.25 children per woman. It gradually declined until 1965. In 1967, the number of births doubled to almost half a million new-borns in just 1 year. Such a rate has never been reached, the fertility rate being in a continuous decline until now.
A Retrospective Study about Institutionalized Elderly Life Conditions in Three Social Care Centers
Acta Medica Transilvanica, 2021
Public Health is a lesser-known medical specialty, as physicians who choose to practice it have r... more Public Health is a lesser-known medical specialty, as physicians who choose to practice it have responsibilities related in particular to ensuring the health of the population or vulnerable groups, respectively to the organization and functioning of different types of health services and the health care system, as a whole. These doctors do not follow the classic model of the medical professions, of doctor-patient direct interaction, with predilection in case of disease, but use complex methods and tools, usually applicable to the general population, vulnerable communities or groups, or health services, by which they analyse the health problems of those groups and figure out ways to ensure the most appropriate response from the health system, implicitly from the state to these problems, by virtue of the constitutional right to health care.
Acta Medica Transilvanica, 2021
The quality of life of patients who have suffered cranio-maxillofacial trauma is affected by the ... more The quality of life of patients who have suffered cranio-maxillofacial trauma is affected by the occurrence of anxiety and depression, largely because of the aesthetic consequences for patients on their social and professional life. Aim: This article aims at identifying the occurrence of anxiety or depression in patients who have suffered cranio-maxillofacial traumas, hospitalized in the Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital, in 2020. Materials and methods: 24 patients answered to a questionnaire that assessed their level of depression and anxiety after having suffered craniomaxillofacial trauma. Results: These pathologies bring about a strong impact on patients’ quality of life, but a reactively small number of the study patients presented depression symptoms. Anxiety was the dominant symptom in these patients with oro-maxillofacial trauma.

Applied Sciences, 2021
The past few decades have shown a worrisome increase in the prevalence of obesity and its related... more The past few decades have shown a worrisome increase in the prevalence of obesity and its related illnesses. This increasing burden has a noteworthy impact on overall worldwide mortality and morbidity, with significant economic implications as well. The same trend is apparent regarding pediatric obesity. This is a particularly concerning aspect when considering the well-established link between cardiovascular disease and obesity, and the fact that childhood obesity frequently leads to adult obesity. Moreover, most obese adults have a history of excess weight starting in childhood. In addition, given the cumulative character of both time and severity of exposure to obesity as a risk factor for associated diseases, the repercussions of obesity prevalence and related morbidity could be exponential in time. The purpose of this review is to outline key aspects regarding the current knowledge on childhood and adolescent obesity as a cardiometabolic risk factor, as well as the most common ...

Population's health status assessment is quite difficult, especially due to its multi-determi... more Population's health status assessment is quite difficult, especially due to its multi-determinism. One of the indicators of health status assessment is avoidable death caused by diseases that are "preventable" (primary prevention) and "treatable" (secondary prevention) as specific indicators of the efficiency/inefficiency of health systems. European studies on avoidable mortality show that Romania ranks first in the European Union, regarding both genders. In order to highlight the dynamics of avoidable deaths in Romania, we analysed in this study all deaths which fall within this concept, recorded during 2006-2013. To establish the criteria for inclusion in the study, the list of Leveque et al. was used. Both categories of avoidable deaths, amenable to health care, respectively to health policies have recorded a downward trend, but with a greater reduction in percentage for those determined by conditions responding to healthcare. The study of the dynamics of ...
Quality of life is a peculiar concept, owing to both its social perception and the economic one. ... more Quality of life is a peculiar concept, owing to both its social perception and the economic one. An extremely large number of ideas related to the quality of life have been issued, debated upon, and put into practice in the course of time, but none of the established definitions are satisfactory. That situation prompts us to attain another approach to this most discussed and extremely controversial concept.

Arterial hypertension (AHT) gravity depends on the complications given to other target organs: br... more Arterial hypertension (AHT) gravity depends on the complications given to other target organs: brain, heart and kidneys. The neurological complications are multiple: hypertensive encephalopathy, stroke and vascular dementia. Strokes are the most common complications responsible for high mortality (30-45% within 6 months) despite the progress made in the recent years in the field of neuro-imaging (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and in acute phase treatments (thrombolysis).(1) Cuvinte cheie: hipertensiune arterială (HTA), accident vascular cerebral (AVC), complicaţii Rezumat: Gravitatea HTA ţine de complica ţiile pe care le dă asupra organelor ţintă: creier, inimă si rinichi. Complicaţiile neurologice sunt multiple: encefalopatii hipertensive, accidente vasculare cerebrale si demen ţe vasculare. Accidentele vasculare cerebrale sunt complicaţiile cele mai frecvente responsabile de o mortalitate mare (30-45% in decurs de 6 luni) in ciuda progreselor realizate in ultimi...

Nosocomial infection (NI) is a problem for all health systems, not only for the Romanian one. Nos... more Nosocomial infection (NI) is a problem for all health systems, not only for the Romanian one. Nosocomial infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, significantly affecting patients' quality of life and impacting hospital institution by influencing human resources and increasing costs, striking important and underfunded health systems. The prevalence of nosocomial infections is different from one health system to another, depending on the type of hospital and its financing, systems of prevention and control of infections related to care implemented by each medical institution, the quality and assumed responsibility of human resources involved in healthcare, material and financial potential available for the health system concerned, especially the resources allocated to the prevention and proper management of the cases of nosocomial infection. Nosocomial infection is a real and familiar public health problem with medical and financial-economic facets that affect all st...

To evaluate the performance of health care systems and their impact on the health of the populati... more To evaluate the performance of health care systems and their impact on the health of the population, several types of measurements were used, of which we quote: assessing the economic efficiency, medical efficiency, social acceptability or organizationa l structure assessment. Regular assessments are focused mainly on measuring the results of the hospital activities, of the various categories of physicians, especially family physicians, of the health system as a whole, in terms of numbers and types of services provided, and less on health impact assessment. Within this context, the concept of "avoidable deaths" has been introduced. This paper aims at highlighting the avoidable deaths tendency in Romania, based on their assessment for two years, 2002 and 2007, and based on the list of diseases used by Leveque, A, Humblet, PC Lagasse, R. in the atlas made for Belgium.(1) Cuvinte cheie: decese evitabile, România, evaluarea ingrijirilor de sănătate

Cancer is a leading cause of death at worldwide, European and national level. Deaths from cancer ... more Cancer is a leading cause of death at worldwide, European and national level. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue to rise from 7,6 million in 2008 to 11 million in 2030. There is a different distribution of cancer incidence and mortality in men and women. The risk factors are many, but 30% of the cancers are due to five main risk factors that can be intervened upon. Cuvinte cheie: cancer, tipuri de cancer, incidenţă cancerului, mortalitatea prin cancer Rezumat: Cancerul este o cauză importantă de deces, atât la nivel mondial, cât si european si naţional. Proiecţiile pentru 2030 arată o crestere a număriului de decese cauzate de cancer de la 7,6 milioane in 2008 la 11 milioane in 2030. Se inregistrează o distribuţie diferită atât a incidenţei cât si a mortalităţii prin cancer la b ărbaţi fa ţă de femei. Factorii de risc sunt multipli, dar 30 % din cancere sunt determinate de cinci factori de risc asupra cărora se poate interveni.

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors plays an important role in hypertension and cardio... more Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors plays an important role in hypertension and cardiovascular protection management, both alone and in various combinations with other pharmacological agents from different classes. This position is supported by the significant hemodynamic, cardiac effect, renal effect, antithrombotic and neurohormonal effects of these pharmacological agents, effects demonstrated in clinical trials with a significant number of patients analysed. ACE inhibitors have proven their efficacy and safety in blood pressure control, as well as a substantial influence in reducing cardiovascular risk, at the same time having target organ protection. The main result of ACE inhibitors therapy is to improve quality of life and reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Rezumat Inhibitorii enzimei de conversie a angiotensinei (IECA) ocupă un rol important in managementul HTA (hipertensiunii arteriale) si protecţiei cardiovasculare, atât in monoterapie cât si in diver...
Papers by Carmen-Daniela Domnariu