Papers by Carlos F. Quartaroli

Um panorama da distribuicao espacial das terras do Estado do Maranhao quanto ao uso e cobertura, ... more Um panorama da distribuicao espacial das terras do Estado do Maranhao quanto ao uso e cobertura, aptidao agricola e condicao legal de protecao e apresentado por meio de mapas. A quantificacao das areas mapeadas foi feita para o Estado todo, para as partes do Estado situadas dentro e fora da Amazonia Legal e para as areas de dominio de cada bioma que ocorre no Estado. Os resultados foram obtidos a partir de mapas digitais ja existentes ou elaborados para esse trabalho, bem como pela interseccao espacial de dois ou mais mapas. A interseccao espacial do mapa de uso das terras com o mapa de aptidao agricola apontou areas com uso incompativel com a aptidao ou que poderiam suportar uma intensificacao do uso. Ja a interseccao do mapa de uso das terras com o de areas protegidas apontou areas com uso incompativel com a legislacao ambiental. Tambem foram estimadas as areas de Reserva Legal e as areas disponiveis para uso economico sem restricoes legais no Estado. Os resultados obtidos apontar...
2) Analista da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite -CNPM. Av. Soldado Passarinho, 303, Campinas, S... more 2) Analista da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite -CNPM. Av. Soldado Passarinho, 303, Campinas, SP, CEP 13070-115; (3) Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 136, Campinas, SP.

The present study has compared three methods of atmospheric correction, two dark object subtracti... more The present study has compared three methods of atmospheric correction, two dark object subtraction (DOS) methods and one method based on the fourth component of the tasseled cap transformation (TC4), to obtain reflectance and NDVI values of Landsat 5 -TM satellite images. For each atmospheric correction method, reflectance and NDVI values of five targets (crop/pasture, forest, straw, bare soil and water) were analyzed in three images (Landsat path-row 222-75). The study area is localized in the west of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The images were acquired on 29/10/2009, 02/02/2010 and 26/06/2010 with solar zenith angles of 28°, 34° and 55°, correspondingly. The TC4 was the only method which eliminated the haze in the image, but it is not recommended if the objective is to obtain reflectance values. The DOS methods did not removed the image haze but performed reasonably to obtain reflectance values. For the visible bands, both DOS methods analyzed performed well. The DOS method which considered the atmospheric transmittance (DOS2), although more indicated to correct the infrared bands, it is dependent of the image solar zenith angle. The image acquired under a zenith angle of 55°, after been corrected using the DOS2 method, presented reflectance values overestimated. Without the atmospheric correction the NDVI of vegetation targets tended to be underestimated.
2) Analista da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite -CNPM. Av. Soldado Passarinho, 303, Campinas, S... more 2) Analista da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite -CNPM. Av. Soldado Passarinho, 303, Campinas, SP, CEP 13070-115; (3) Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 136, Campinas, SP.
In this work, leaf area index (LAI) measurements in four Brachiaria pasture conditions were used ... more In this work, leaf area index (LAI) measurements in four Brachiaria pasture conditions were used for the analysis of LAI estimates using Landsat 5 -TM images. The L parameter in the soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) equation was varied for each pasture condition. Preliminary results show LAI variation according to the degradation levels and the value used for the L parameter. The L parameter value of 0.10 came closest to the average value measured in the field for good pasture conditions (N1). However, for intermediate degradation , that same value differed the most from the average value measured in the field. For intense pasture degradation conditions (N4), invading plant species with good leaf-area characteristics may have been one of the factors that contributed to satellite LAI overestimates.

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira
The soil color is a property that derives from some soil attributes, among them, the iron oxides ... more The soil color is a property that derives from some soil attributes, among them, the iron oxides content. So, the establishment of functional relationships between data related to soil color characterization and iron oxides content consists on a very useful procedure for the semiquantitative determination of the soil iron oxides contents. The present research aimed at estimating the hematite content clay fraction, in laboratory, from data related to soil color obtained by using automatic devices. Soil samples from São Paulo State, Brazil, had their clay fraction hematite contents semiquantitavely determined by the association of chemical and physical methods and their colors evaluated in laboratory through measurements made with a colorimeter and a spectroradiometer. The radiometric data were used to the determination of soil color in L*a*b* and Munsell systems and to the calculation of reddish indexes (RI). The RI values showed functional dependence of hematite contents and the bes...
2) Analista da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite -CNPM. Av. Soldado Passarinho, 303, Campinas, S... more 2) Analista da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite -CNPM. Av. Soldado Passarinho, 303, Campinas, SP, CEP 13070-115; (3) Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 136, Campinas, SP.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2003
In this work, leaf area index (LAI) measurements in four Brachiaria pasture conditions were used ... more In this work, leaf area index (LAI) measurements in four Brachiaria pasture conditions were used for the analysis of LAI estimates using Landsat 5 -TM images. The L parameter in the soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) equation was varied for each pasture condition. Preliminary results show LAI variation according to the degradation levels and the value used for the L parameter. The L parameter value of 0.10 came closest to the average value measured in the field for good pasture conditions (N1). However, for intermediate degradation , that same value differed the most from the average value measured in the field. For intense pasture degradation conditions (N4), invading plant species with good leaf-area characteristics may have been one of the factors that contributed to satellite LAI overestimates.
The present study has compared three methods of atmospheric correction, two dark object subtracti... more The present study has compared three methods of atmospheric correction, two dark object subtraction (DOS) methods and one method based on the fourth component of the tasseled cap transformation (TC4), to obtain reflectance and NDVI values of Landsat 5 -TM satellite images. For each atmospheric correction method, reflectance and NDVI values of five targets (crop/pasture, forest, straw, bare soil and water) were analyzed in three images (Landsat path-row 222-75). The study area is localized in the west of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The images were acquired on 29/10/2009, 02/02/2010 and 26/06/2010 with solar zenith angles of 28°, 34° and 55°, correspondingly. The TC4 was the only method which eliminated the haze in the image, but it is not recommended if the objective is to obtain reflectance values. The DOS methods did not removed the image haze but performed reasonably to obtain reflectance values. For the visible bands, both DOS methods analyzed performed well. The DOS method which considered the atmospheric transmittance (DOS2), although more indicated to correct the infrared bands, it is dependent of the image solar zenith angle. The image acquired under a zenith angle of 55°, after been corrected using the DOS2 method, presented reflectance values overestimated. Without the atmospheric correction the NDVI of vegetation targets tended to be underestimated.

Bragantia, 2012
Remote sensing has a high potential for environmental evaluation. However, a necessity exists for... more Remote sensing has a high potential for environmental evaluation. However, a necessity exists for a better understanding of the relations between the soil attributes and spectral data. The objective of this work was to analyze the spectral behavior of some soil profiles from the region of Piracicaba, São Paulo State, using a laboratory spectroradiometer (400 to 2500 nm). The relations between the reflected electromagnetic energy and the soil physical, chemical and mineralogical attributes were analyzed, verifying the spectral variations of soil samples in depth along the profiles with their classification and discrimination. Sandy soil reflected more, presenting a spectral curve with an ascendant form, opposite to clayey soils. The 1900 nm band discriminated soil with 2:1 mineralogy from the 1:1 and oxidic soils. It was possible to detect the presence of kaolinite, gibbsite, hematite and goethite in the soils through the descriptive aspects of curves, absorption features and reflectance intensity. A relation exists between the weathering stage and spectral data. The evaluation of the superficial and subsuperficial horizon samples allowed characterizing and discriminating the analytical variability of the profile, helping to soil distinguishing and classification.

Color is widely recognized as a primary identifying parameter of soil. The physical, mineralogica... more Color is widely recognized as a primary identifying parameter of soil. The physical, mineralogical, and chemical properties can be derived from assessing the subsurface color characteristics. The present research aimed to estimating the hematite content clay fraction, in laboratory, from data related to soil color obtained by using automatic devices. Fifteen subsurface soil samples from São Paulo State had their clay fraction hematite contents semiquantitavely determined by the association of chemical and physical methods and their colors evaluated in laboratory through measurements made with a spectro-radiometer. The radiometric data were used to the determination of soil color in L*a*b* and Munsell systems and to the calculation of reddish indexes (RI). The RI values show functional dependence of hematite contents and the best relation is verified with RI values derived from color determined in the L*a*b* system. Exponential models, developed from remote sensors, show themselves adequate in predicting the soil hematite contents.

Neste trabalho, objetivou-se aplicação de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto na detecção de process... more Neste trabalho, objetivou-se aplicação de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto na detecção de processos de degradação de pastagens em três microbacias localizadas no município de Guararapes, SP. Para o estudo, utilizou-se uma imagem do satélite Landsat 5 -TM do dia 02/02/10 e dados georreferenciados das condições das pastagens coletados entre os dias 26 e 29/01/10. Os resultados mostram variação do índice de área foliar (IAF) em função da condição da pastagem e do parâmetro L utilizado na equação do índice de vegetação SAVI. A metodologia de avaliação da cobertura vegetal da pastagem (CVP) e de obtenção de indicadores de degradação de pastagem (IDP) mostrou-se satisfatória para diferenciação de três níveis de degradação. Conforme o IDP, as pastagens das microbacias foram classifi cadas como levemente degradadas. No entanto, estudos futuros são necessários para obtenção de série temporal do IDP para possível detecção de tendências positivas ou negativas no processo de degradação das pastagens.
Papers by Carlos F. Quartaroli