Papers by Carlos Eduardo Bielschowsky

The European Physical Journal D, 2012
ABSTRACT We have studied the angular distributions of electron emission in collisions of bare ion... more ABSTRACT We have studied the angular distributions of electron emission in collisions of bare ions with H2 oriented target using molecular wave functions calculated with the Schwinger variational iteractive method within the Continuum Distorted Wave-Eikonal Initial State approximation (CDW-EIS-SVIM). By calculating the forward-backward asymmetry parameter for different molecular orientations we show that this parameter depend not only on the perturbation strength, S p = Z p / v p , where Z p and v p are respectively the projectile charge and velocity (two-centre effect) and on the outgoing electron velocity, but may also depend on how the molecule is aligned with respect to the projectile incident axis. Doubly differential cross sections (DDCS) for fixed in space molecular target were calculated. The asymmetry parameter was compared with both experimental and theoretical orientation averaged results.
Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação - Periódico científico editado pela ANPAE
O objetivo do artigo é avaliar o impacto da Lei 12.711/2012 – a Lei de Cotas. Para isso, foi feit... more O objetivo do artigo é avaliar o impacto da Lei 12.711/2012 – a Lei de Cotas. Para isso, foi feito um levantamento da literatura, comparado o desempenho de cotistas e não cotistas no Enade e analisadas a permanência e a diplomação desses estudantes em diferentes cursos. Os resultados apontam que o desempenho de cotistas é bem próximo ao de não cotistas e superior ao de estudantes de instituições privadas. A permanência e a diplomação entre cotistas e não cotistas variam de acordo com o curso, mas se assemelham.
Journal of Molecular Structure-theochem, May 1, 1993
... Struct. (Theochem) 282 (1993) 7180 Table 3 GOS results for the 2p 4s excitation in argon at t... more ... Struct. (Theochem) 282 (1993) 7180 Table 3 GOS results for the 2p 4s excitation in argon at theCIR level kZ (au) GOS (x103) l2 (au) 75 GOS (x103) k2 (au) GOS (x 103 ) 0.0001 7.84 3.6042 1.66 12.7580 0.00 0.0010 7.84 5.0522 1.01 13.2289 0.01 0.0100 7.72 7.5106 0.36 ...
O Relatório visa promover e alimentar o diálogo permanente com a sociedade, difundindo dados e an... more O Relatório visa promover e alimentar o diálogo permanente com a sociedade, difundindo dados e análises sobre as recentes Políticas de Expansão da Educação Superior brasileira, com foco nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) privadas, e democratizar o acesso a informações pouco conhecidas e divulgadas sobre o histórico da expansão, a sua configuração atual e as consequências das políticas para o futuro do Brasil.
River Publishers eBooks, Jul 5, 2022
Journal of Physics B, Nov 7, 2008
... ion impact: the CDW-EIS-SVIM model RF Nascimento1, LE Machado2, CE Bielschowsky3 andGinette J... more ... ion impact: the CDW-EIS-SVIM model RF Nascimento1, LE Machado2, CE Bielschowsky3 andGinette Jalbert1 ... Opt. Phys. 41 045203 [16] Michelin SE, Arretche F, Mazon KT, Piacentini JJ, Marin A, Oliveira HL, Travessini D, Lee MT, Iga I and Fujimoto MM 2007 J. Phys. B: At. ...
Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina, 2018
Educação superior não pode mais ser vista como privilégio, afirmam participantes da Cres 2018

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a abrangência geográfica da oferta de cursos superi... more O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a abrangência geográfica da oferta de cursos superiores através da educação a distância pelo Consórcio Cederj no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo censitário, incluindo todos os alunos ativos dos cursos de graduação, em abril de 2012. Os dados referentes ao número de alunos e locais de residência foram obtidos e, posteriormente, analisados pelo programa SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Foram calculados os Índices do Número de Alunos para Cada 1.000 Habitantes (IACMH) e de Alunos para Cada 1.000 Domicílios (IACMD), baseados nos dados disponibilizados pelo IBGE-Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, 2010. As análises foram feitas por município e por mesorregião do Estado. A distância entre residência e polo, para cada aluno, foi estimada através do Google Maps. Os resultados indicam que a missão inicial do Cederj, de oferecer ensino público e gratuito em regiões não atendidas, ou pouco atendidas, pelas instituições públicas de Ensino Superior, tem sido adequadamente implementada. Palavras-chave: Educação a distância. Democratização de acesso ao Ensino Superior. Polo de apoio presencial.
Journal of Chemical Physics, Nov 8, 2000
Theoretical results for K-shell spectrum (C 1s) of ethylene are presented. Core-hole localization... more Theoretical results for K-shell spectrum (C 1s) of ethylene are presented. Core-hole localization and relaxation effects are explicitly considered by means of a three structures generalized multistructural (GMS) wave function. Values for the generalized (GOS) and optical (OOS) oscillator strengths for the low-lying C 1s states are reported.

Brazilian Journal of Physics, Dec 1, 2005
This article reviews previously employed methods to study several valence electronic transitions,... more This article reviews previously employed methods to study several valence electronic transitions, optically forbidden or not, enhancing intensity through vibronic coupling. Electronic transition dipole moments were calculated using several ab initio methods including electron correlation. In this method the square of the electronic transition dipole moments are directly calculated along the normal coordinates of vibration and then expanded with a polynomial function. Afterwards, analytical vibrational integration using harmonic wave functions, of the square of the transition moments function, allows us to obtain partial (i.e. for each vibrational mode) and total optical oscillator strengths (OOS), for the vibronic transition of interest. We illustrate the accuracy of the method through valence transitions of benzene (C 6 H 6), formaldehyde (H 2 CO), acetone (C 3 H 6 O) and formic acid (HCOOH).
Chemical Physics Letters, Apr 1, 2001
Absolute absorption intensities were calculated for the symmetry dipole forbidden n→π∗ transition... more Absolute absorption intensities were calculated for the symmetry dipole forbidden n→π∗ transition in acetone. An analysis of the distribution per normal modes is performed and the results are compared with a recent calculation. Vibronic coupling mechanism is taken into account in a way that is different from the traditional Herzberg–Teller perturbation approach. In the present method the electronic transition moment
Physical Review A, Nov 22, 2002
An approach is proposed to account for the general effect of the nuclei motion in the intensity o... more An approach is proposed to account for the general effect of the nuclei motion in the intensity of electronic transitions caused by fast electron collision with molecular targets, following a similar procedure that has recently been used by our group to determine the optical oscillator strength of symmetry-forbidden transition, and which consists of expanding the ͑squared͒ transition moment along the normal coordinates of vibration. It is shown that the profile of total generalized oscillator strength as a function of the squared transferred moment can be significantly changed by the inclusion of terms that depend explicitly on the normal coordinates of vibration. The generalized oscillator strength for the inner-shell C 1s→3s g transition in CO 2 is calculated within this approach and compared with experimental results.

Chemical Physics, Mar 1, 2004
Generalized oscillator strength (GOS) and optical oscillator strength are calculated within the F... more Generalized oscillator strength (GOS) and optical oscillator strength are calculated within the First Born Approximation for several electronic transitions from the three 1s-core orbitals to the first unoccupied molecular orbitals of the N 2 O molecule. The molecular wave functions were obtained by using the configuration-interaction method, with a Hartree-Fock basis for the occupied molecular orbitals relaxed for each electronic state and improved virtual orbitals for the unoccupied orbitals. For the N1s-p à excitations, the GOS as a function of the transferred momentum K has just a slight dependence on the chemical environment of the two inequivalent nitrogen atoms. However, for the N1s-nsr excitations, the GOS profiles have completely distinct behaviors, depending on the nitrogen atom from which the excitation takes place. A discussion on the origin of this GOS profile is made and an explanation is proposed.
Chemical Physics, May 1, 1999
Ž. Ž. Theoretical results for the generalized oscillator strength GOS and optical oscillator stre... more Ž. Ž. Theoretical results for the generalized oscillator strength GOS and optical oscillator strength OOS have been obtained 1 inner-shell problem. The results were compared with the available experimental and theoretical data.
Physical Review A, Jun 1, 1998
Theoretical results for the generalized oscillator strength and optical oscillator strength ͑OOS͒... more Theoretical results for the generalized oscillator strength and optical oscillator strength ͑OOS͒ have been obtained for the excitations from the ground vibronic state X 1 ⌺ ϩ (ϭ0) to the vibrational levels vЈϭ0,1 of the B 1 ⌺ ϩ , C 1 ⌺ ϩ , and E 1 ⌸ electronic states within the first Born approximation. The target electronic states were determined using the configuration-interaction method, with a Hartree-Fock basis for the occupied molecular orbitals, and improved virtual orbitals for the virtual space. We discuss recent optical and electron impact measurements and reexamine previous OOS results for these processes. ͓S1050-2947͑98͒02706-1͔
Physical Review A, Apr 1, 1994
%e have determined theoretical values for the excitation energy, optical oscillator strength, and... more %e have determined theoretical values for the excitation energy, optical oscillator strength, and generalized oscillator strength (GOS), as well as experimental values for the GOS for the C ls (lot~let) and (10"~1~~)transitions in the C2H2 molecule. In order to study the influence of relaxation, correlation, and hole-localization effects on these properties, several calculations with different target wave functions were computed. The experimental results for the GOS were determined using a crossed-beam electron energy-loss spectrometer.
Physical review, Oct 1, 1988
Absolute values for the generalized oscillator strength (GOS) for the 3p~3 p'(4s, 4s') transition... more Absolute values for the generalized oscillator strength (GOS) for the 3p~3 p'(4s, 4s') transitions in argon ('So) have been determined by 1-keV electron scattering. The relative differential cross section, measured in the angular range of 1. 0'-15, has been made absolute by comparison with known absolute values for the elastic differential cross section, and the results converted to GOS. The GOS's have also been calculated, using both the first Born and Glauber approximations, and the results are compared to the experimental values.
Physical Review A, Aug 1, 1990
Generalized oscillator strengths (GOS) for the dipole-forbidden 31.4-eV band in N2 have been dete... more Generalized oscillator strengths (GOS) for the dipole-forbidden 31.4-eV band in N2 have been determined both experimentally and theoretically. The experimental values for the GOS were obtained using a crossed-beam electron spectrometer at 1-keV impact energy. The theoretical results were determined using the first Born approximation with ab initio configuration-interaction target wave functions.
Papers by Carlos Eduardo Bielschowsky