Papers by Carlos Brocardo

A B S T R A C T Defaunation, invasive species and forest fragmentation are considered to be the m... more A B S T R A C T Defaunation, invasive species and forest fragmentation are considered to be the major drivers for the disruption of key ecological processes, particularly those related to plant animal-interactions such as seed dispersal and predation. The disruption of critical phases in the plant life cycle may ultimately have negative impacts on plant recruitment and the survival of plant populations. Here, for the first time we compared the seed removal and recruitment of Araucaria angustifolia, a critically endangered and relictual gymnosperm species, in multiple sites, including continuous and fragmented forest areas in the Brazilian Atlantic subtropical forest. Our sampling included seed removal experiment monitored by camera traps and surveys of A. angustifolia recruitment. We found that seed survival and recruitment were related to the density of adult A. angustifolia. Therefore the formation of large and dense groves, which is a characteristic of pristine Araucaria moist forests endangered by forest fragmentation and selective logging, may be an attempt to satiate seed predator communities. Additionally, forest fragmentation and the introduction of wild boar decreased seed survival to very low, and forest fragmentation decreased recruitment by fourfold on average. Increase protection and recuperation of Araucaria moist forests and the eradication of the invasive wild boar where possible are necessary measures for increasing seed survival rates and the recruitment of this relictual conifer.
Revista Brasileira De Biociencias, Oct 9, 2008
A avoante ou pomba-de-bando, Zenaida auriculata, é uma ave que ocorre naturalmente das Antilhas à... more A avoante ou pomba-de-bando, Zenaida auriculata, é uma ave que ocorre naturalmente das Antilhas à Terra do Fogo e descontinuamente por todo Brasil, principalmente em ambientes de vegetação mais aberta, como campos naturais, cerrado e caatinga. A espécie é também encontrada em áreas de cultura agrícola e de pastoreio, sendo comum em centros urbanos. Alimenta-se geralmente de sementes de espécies silvestres e cultivadas, frutos e outros materiais, e é considerada importante dispersora de sementes .
Herpetological Review, Mar 1, 2012
Neotropical Primates, 2010

Biota Neotropica, 2012
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most studied Brazilian biomes in relation to its mammalian faun... more The Atlantic Forest is one of the most studied Brazilian biomes in relation to its mammalian fauna. However, there is still a series of gaps of knowledge about the distribution and persistence of some of these species which prevents taking adequate conservation measures to better protect the mammals. In order to make the inventory of the non-volant mammalian fauna of the Carlos Botelho State Park (SP), we compiled data of camera trapping, diurnal census, track records, pitfall and live trapping collected over 8 years (2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012). We registered a total of 53 species, of which 12 are regionally threatened and one is an exotic species (Lepus europaeus), including the presence of most mammal species expected for the Paranapiacaba Forest Continuum. The high non-volant mammals species richness allied to the presence of threatened species, strengthen the role of this protected area for mammal conservation in the Atlantic Forest. Although, the local extinction of one species, Tayassu pecari, alert to the need for effective measures of protection. . Mamíferos não voadores do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Continuum florestal do Paranapiacaba. Biota Neotrop. 12(4):

Revista Árvore, 2012
RESUMO -A Floresta Ombrófila Mista hoje é representada por fragmentos remanescentes do que no pas... more RESUMO -A Floresta Ombrófila Mista hoje é representada por fragmentos remanescentes do que no passado foi uma área contínua de cerca de 200.000 km². Espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte que habitam essa floresta têm sofrido com os impactos decorrentes do processo de perturbação e degradação ambiental. Nesse contexto, este estudo realizou esforços para verificar quais espécies de mamíferos continuam habitando os remanescentes dessa formação vegetal na região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. Para tanto, foram amostrados três fragmentos florestais, com 520, 405 e 135 ha, compostos por trechos de floresta primária mesclados com floresta secundária. Os registros dos mamíferos foram feitos de maneiras direta (visualizações) e indireta (vestígios, análise de pelos e entrevistas com moradores locais), resultando na confirmação da ocorrência de 32 espécies (incluindo uma exótica e duas de pequeno porte), inseridas em oito ordens e 18 famílias. Nove dessas espécies estão sob o risco de extinção no Paraná e cinco configuram com dados insuficientes na Lista de Espécies Ameaçadas do Estado. Os resultados do estudo indicaram grande importância dos fragmentos na conservação de diversas espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Floresta Ombrófila Mista paranaense, mas, devido às pressões que essa área sofre, há a necessidade de ações públicas concretas e imediatas para garantir a persistência das populações de mamíferos.

Biological Conservation, 2013
One of the most intriguing questions in ecology is how to identify which and how many species wil... more One of the most intriguing questions in ecology is how to identify which and how many species will be able to inhabit human-modified landscapes. Large-bodied mammals structure plant communities by trampling, herbivory, seed dispersal and predation, and their local extinction may have pervasive consequences in plant communities due to the breakdown of key interactions. Although much attention has been given to understanding the effects of defaunation on plant communities, information on the potential impacts on plant functional groups (seed dispersal, seed size and seedling leaves defense) inhabiting continuous forests after defaunation is scarce. We conducted mammal surveys (line transects and camera trapping) to determine the defaunation status of a continuous Atlantic forest in Brazil. Then, we evaluated the effects of defaunation on seedling diversity, richness and abundance of functional groups using 15 plot-pairs (each pair with one open and one exclusion plot) monitored over 36 months. We found that the studied area is partially defaunated because it exhibits high abundance of primates, while terrestrial mammals, such as large rodents and ungulates, are rare. We found no significant changes in either seedling richness and diversity or in the seedling composition of plant functional groups in response to mammal exclosure. Seedling mortality and recruitment were similar between plot types. Our findings suggest that at semi-defaunated areas, where arboreal species are still present, terrestrial mammals have low impacts on the plant community reassembly.

rapidly swung around to face the direction of the departed frog, but did not follow. Soon after, ... more rapidly swung around to face the direction of the departed frog, but did not follow. Soon after, the second frog emerged from cover and took a few steps toward the snake . The snake then moved toward the frog, paused, and then lunged at the frog ( , catching it in its mouth and consuming it immediately thereafter . To verify whether the frogs on our video recording were E. planirostris, we returned to the site the following night. A cursory visual search of a 1.5 × 4.5 m strip of forest floor beneath the log revealed approximately 15 small E. planirostris . If juvenile B. irregularis are taking substantial numbers of frogs as prey, the snake may become more difficult to control than at present. Moreover, large populations of E. planirostris (both on Guam and elsewhere) may facilitate the establishment of B. irregularis in new areas, such as Hawaii or other Pacific Islands. tom mAthieS, u.S.
Neotropical Primates, Dec 1, 2010
Neotropical primates affect plant population through mutualistic interactions, such as seed dispe... more Neotropical primates affect plant population through mutualistic interactions, such as seed dispersal, and antagonist interactions such as seed predation and herbivory (Peres, 1993; Russo and Augspurger, 2004; Mourthé et al., 2008). Primates killing trees through herbivory is rarely documented (Rocha, 2000; Santos et al., 2007). The genus Cebus (Erxleben, 1777) is considered as having the widest diet plasticity among neotropical primates, eating leaves, seeds, fruits, invertebrates and even vertebrates (Fedigan, 1990; Galetti and Pedroni, ...
NEOTROPICAL, Dec 1, 2010
Neotropical primates affect plant population through mutualistic interactions, such as seed dispe... more Neotropical primates affect plant population through mutualistic interactions, such as seed dispersal, and antagonist interactions such as seed predation and herbivory (Peres, 1993; Russo and Augspurger, 2004; Mourthé et al., 2008). Primates killing trees through herbivory is rarely documented (Rocha, 2000; Santos et al., 2007). The genus Cebus (Erxleben, 1777) is considered as having the widest diet plasticity among neotropical primates, eating leaves, seeds, fruits, invertebrates and even vertebrates (Fedigan, 1990; Galetti and Pedroni, ...
The white-lipped peccary (WLP) is the most endangered ungulate in the Neotropics. In the recent y... more The white-lipped peccary (WLP) is the most endangered ungulate in the Neotropics. In the recent years, this species has undergone a large reduction in range size and experienced the loss of several populations. An emblematic case was the local extinction of this species from the Iguaçu National Park (INP) in the mid-1990s. After the report of this particular WLP disappearance , surveys conducted along the 2000s confirmed its absence in the park. However, in 2016, after 20 years of previous reports, we obtained five records of WLP herds, indicating a possible population recovery probably resulting from emigration. To effectively re-establish white-lipped peccary population and, consequently, restore its ecological role, urgent practical conservation measures are necessary.
Papers by Carlos Brocardo