Antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures remains controversial. Previous studies have... more Antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures remains controversial. Previous studies have not clearly delineated the utility of prophylactic antibiotics in this setting. We undertook this study to determine if antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures prevented meningitis. We performed a formal systematic review of previously published studies after a computerized search with use of the MEDLINE data base (1970 -1996). Fourteen studies were identified, and 12 studies met the criteria for inclusion. Study design and quality were assessed by two independent investigators with use of a predetermined protocol. A total of 1,241 patients with basilar skull fractures were included; 719 patients received antibiotics, and 522 patients did not receive antibiotics. Overall results suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis did not prevent meningitis among patients with basilar skull fractures (odds ratio [OR] Å 1.15; 95% confidence interval [CI] Å 0.68 -1.94; P Å .678). Patients with basilar skull fractures and cerebrospinal fluid leakage were analyzed separately (OR Å 1.34; 95% CI Å 0.75 -2.41; P Å .358), as were children (OR Å 1.04; 95% CI Å 0.07 -14.90; P Å 1.000). Antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures does not appear to decrease the risk of meningitis. ative to those subjects receiving prophylactic antibiotics. Exact Jacksonville, Florida 32209. ORs for meningitis risk (i.e., the odds of developing meningitis Clinical Infectious Diseases 1998;27:364-9
Capitulo II: Plantas a gas 22 OBJETIVOS DEL CAPITULO II: Al finalizar el capitulo II, el lector e... more Capitulo II: Plantas a gas 22 OBJETIVOS DEL CAPITULO II: Al finalizar el capitulo II, el lector estará en capacidad de: Conocer el ciclo de Brayton. Determinar y evaluar el rendimiento térmico del ciclo de Brayton Describir las ventajas y desventajas de las plantas a gas Conocer las principales aplicaciones de las plantas a gas Describir los componentes básicos requeridos para el funcionamiento de las plantas a gas Conocer y clasificar los compresores utilizados en las plantas a gas Describir los compresores centrífugos Describir los compresores axiales Conocer la cámara de combustión de las plantas a gas Describir los accesorios de las cámaras de combustión Conocer las turbinas utilizadas en las plantas a gas Describir las turbinas radiales Describir las turbinas axiales Conocer los accesorios de las turbinas a gas Describir el sistema de combustible Describir el sistema de lubricación Describir el sistema de arranque Describir los sistemas de protección
Antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures remains controversial. Previous studies have... more Antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures remains controversial. Previous studies have not clearly delineated the utility of prophylactic antibiotics in this setting. We undertook this study to determine if antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures prevented meningitis. We performed a formal systematic review of previously published studies after a computerized search with use of the MEDLINE data base (1970 -1996). Fourteen studies were identified, and 12 studies met the criteria for inclusion. Study design and quality were assessed by two independent investigators with use of a predetermined protocol. A total of 1,241 patients with basilar skull fractures were included; 719 patients received antibiotics, and 522 patients did not receive antibiotics. Overall results suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis did not prevent meningitis among patients with basilar skull fractures (odds ratio [OR] Å 1.15; 95% confidence interval [CI] Å 0.68 -1.94; P Å .678). Patients with basilar skull fractures and cerebrospinal fluid leakage were analyzed separately (OR Å 1.34; 95% CI Å 0.75 -2.41; P Å .358), as were children (OR Å 1.04; 95% CI Å 0.07 -14.90; P Å 1.000). Antibiotic prophylaxis after basilar skull fractures does not appear to decrease the risk of meningitis. ative to those subjects receiving prophylactic antibiotics. Exact Jacksonville, Florida 32209. ORs for meningitis risk (i.e., the odds of developing meningitis Clinical Infectious Diseases 1998;27:364-9
Capitulo II: Plantas a gas 22 OBJETIVOS DEL CAPITULO II: Al finalizar el capitulo II, el lector e... more Capitulo II: Plantas a gas 22 OBJETIVOS DEL CAPITULO II: Al finalizar el capitulo II, el lector estará en capacidad de: Conocer el ciclo de Brayton. Determinar y evaluar el rendimiento térmico del ciclo de Brayton Describir las ventajas y desventajas de las plantas a gas Conocer las principales aplicaciones de las plantas a gas Describir los componentes básicos requeridos para el funcionamiento de las plantas a gas Conocer y clasificar los compresores utilizados en las plantas a gas Describir los compresores centrífugos Describir los compresores axiales Conocer la cámara de combustión de las plantas a gas Describir los accesorios de las cámaras de combustión Conocer las turbinas utilizadas en las plantas a gas Describir las turbinas radiales Describir las turbinas axiales Conocer los accesorios de las turbinas a gas Describir el sistema de combustible Describir el sistema de lubricación Describir el sistema de arranque Describir los sistemas de protección
Papers by Carlos Arango