Papers by Camila Duelis Viana

Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas
Gravitational mass movements are natural destructive processes that can cause enormous losses. Ne... more Gravitational mass movements are natural destructive processes that can cause enormous losses. New technologies such as laser scanning and remotely piloted aircrafts (RPA) along with Structure-from-Motion-Multi-View Stereo (SfM-MVS) photogrammetry technique provides an alternative to conventional mapping methods. A hill with a landslide located in the city of Cunha-SP was surveyed by terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) and RPA-based SfM-MVS. SfM-MVS point cloud covers a larger area and point distribution is more homogeneous while TLS points have an uneven distribution. Small distances between point clouds were predominant in the vicinity of the landslide and greater differences only occurred on the scene edges. DEMs (Digital Elevation Model) were generated from both point clouds. The volume of material displaced from the upper part (scarp) of the landslide was 70.05 m 3 for the TLS DEM and 77.15 m 3 for the SfM-MVS while the volume of material accumulated in the lower part (body) of the landslide was 66.85 m 3 and 62.68 m 3 respectively. Slope and roughness were calculated and showed very similar results for TLS and SfM-MVS.

Agradeço primeiramente aos meus pais, Rose e Roberto, por continuarem apoiando e dando total supo... more Agradeço primeiramente aos meus pais, Rose e Roberto, por continuarem apoiando e dando total suporte para minhas decisões. Ao professor Carlos Grohmann, por acompanhar minha trajetória acadêmica desde a iniciação científica, passando pelo trabalho de formatura, relatando o mestrado, e agora orientando o doutorado. Grande parte do que me tornei como pesquisadora se deve a sua dedicação e paciência quase infinita. Ao Arthur Miyazaki, por ser um companheiro incrível, me apoiando, aturando e se esforçando para me manter feliz, além de revisar esta tese e me ajudar a tornar minhas ideias realidade. Ao amigo Arthur Endlein, pela parceria que se estende ao longo dos anos, rendendo bons frutos. Espero que possamos continuar crescendo academicamente juntos. Ao amigo Guilherme Garcia, que nesses 14 anos tem dividido muitas risadas e lágrimas comigo. Apesar do tempo, das diferenças e da distância, parmanecemos nos apoiando. E também ao amigo Renato Martinez, que mesmo de longe sempre se faz presente com palavras de apoio. A amiga Thaís Trevisani, por me apoiar, revisar esta tese, me levar para ver afloramentos incríveis e comemorar comigo as pequenas conquistas.Às amigas Amanda, Daiane, Natália e Pâmela, que me apoiaram de maneira decisiva para a conclusão da tese, mesmo quando duvidei de mim mesma. Aos servidores da Secretaria Municipal de Segurança Urbana, especialmenteà equipe Dronepol, pela oportunidade de aprendizado e cooperação, que contribuiu para aumentar a significância da minha pesquisa. E finalmente, a todos os professores incríveis, membros do SPAMLab e IGC, e todos aqueles que, mesmo que eu tenha esquecido de mencionar, tornaram esse resultado possível. Muito obrigada. Palavras-chave: fotogrametria, modelo digital de afloramento, geologia estrutural, Structure-from-Motion-Multi-view Stereo, análise de fraturas.
Primeira versão do aplicativo SurvAid.
First release of CAPI (Computer-Aided Plane Inspection).

Brazilian Journal of Geology, 2018
This work presents the development of a three-dimensional (3D) model of an outcrop of the Corumba... more This work presents the development of a three-dimensional (3D) model of an outcrop of the Corumbataí Formation (Permian, Paraná Basin, Brazil) using Structure from Motion-Multi-View Stereo (SfM-MVS) technique in order to provide a structural analysis of clastic dikes cutting through siltstone layers. While traditional photogrammetry requires the user to input a series of parameters related to the camera orientation and its characteristics (such as focal distance), in SfM-MVS the scene geometry, camera position and orientations are automatically determined by a bundle adjustment, an iterative procedure based on a set of overlapping images. It is considered a low-cost technique in terms of hardware and software, also being able to provide point density and accuracy on par to the ones obtained withTerrestrial Laser Scanning. The results acquired on this research have good agreement with previous works, yielding a NNW main orientation for the dikes measured in the field and on the 3D model. The development of this work showed that SfM-MVS use and practice on geosciences still needs more studies on the optimization of the involved parameters (such as camera orientation, image overlap and angle of illumination), which, when accomplished, will result in less processing time and more accurate models.
Agradeço primeiramente aos meus pais, Rose e Roberto, por sempre apoiarem e incentivarem minhas i... more Agradeço primeiramente aos meus pais, Rose e Roberto, por sempre apoiarem e incentivarem minhas ideias, por mais malucas que elas me parecessem. Nunca poderei agradecer o suficiente por tudo. Ao professor Ginaldo Campanha, por aceitar me orientar neste projeto, e mais do que isso, por me ensinar muito durante esta parceria. Agradeço a confiança, a atenção, a paciência e todo o apoio dedicado ao longo destes dois anos.

Computers & Geosciences, 2016
The acquisition of geological attitudes on rock cuts using traditional field compass survey can b... more The acquisition of geological attitudes on rock cuts using traditional field compass survey can be a time consuming, dangerous, or even impossible task depending on the conditions and location of outcrops. The importance of this type of data in rock-mass classifications and structural geology has led to the development of new techniques, in which the application of photogrammetric 3D digital models has had an increasing use. In this paper we present two algorithms for extraction of attitudes of geological discontinuities from virtual outcrop models: ply2atti and scanline, implemented with the Python programming language. The ply2atti algorithm allows for the virtual sampling of planar discontinuities appearing on the 3D model as individual exposed surfaces, while the scanline algorithm allows the sampling of discontinuities (surfaces and traces) along a virtual scanline. Application to digital models of a simplified test setup and a rock cut demonstrated a good correlation between the surveys undertaken using traditional field compass reading and virtual sampling on 3D digital models.
Books by Camila Duelis Viana
Papers by Camila Duelis Viana
Books by Camila Duelis Viana