Papers by Francesco Calza
Advances in business information systems and analytics book series, Feb 16, 2024
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Apr 4, 2012

The present paper advances knowledge of the drivers of firms' proactive environmental strategies.... more The present paper advances knowledge of the drivers of firms' proactive environmental strategies. In particular, it explores the relationship between different corporate ownership structures and firms' green proactivity, in order to see whether some types of shareholder act as a stimulating driver for firms' proactive environmental behaviors. The study examines the explanatory power of corporate governance issues, such as a firm's ownership structure, as potential determinants of companies' environmental proactivity. Attention is focused on the European firms included into the Carbon Disclosure Project questionnaire 2012. The results show that ownership structure matters in firms' environmental proactivity. In particular, firms with a higher percentage of state ownership present superior green proactivity, while ownership concentration appears negatively related to proactive environmental strategy. The paper offers theoretical and practical implications. It focuses attention on a still underdeveloped research area, namely organizations and their relationship with the natural environment, including corporate ownership as a driver of a company's proactive environmental strategy.
Mercati e competitività, Mar 1, 2017

The present study examines the explanatory power of corporate governance issues, such as a firm\u... more The present study examines the explanatory power of corporate governance issues, such as a firm\u2019s ownership structure, as potential determinants of companies\u2019 environmental proactivity. In particular, the paper aims at understanding such relationship in firms that operate in transportation activities, which may heavily impact on the environment. The theoretical analysis is completed by an empirical exploration on a sample of European and US firms, belonging to the transportation sector (air, road, rail, maritime and multimodal), that were included in the Carbon Disclosure Project questionnaire 2014. The results show that corporate ownership matters in firms\u2019 environmental proactivity. In particular, firms with a higher percentage of institutional investors\u2019 ownership present poorer environmental proactivity, while a greater percentage of family ownership or state ownership does not seem to be related with firms\u2019 proactive environmental strategies

Management Decision
PurposeThe aim of this work is to provide a theoretical model that can help companies to develop ... more PurposeThe aim of this work is to provide a theoretical model that can help companies to develop a unique approach to achieve both corporate environmental sustainability (CES) and successful customer experience management (CEM).Design/methodology/approachA two-phase study achieved the research aim. The first phase consisted of the analysis of contemporary theoretical contributions with a focus on CES and CEM. In the second phase, taking a qualitative approach, the key dimensions identified in the initial analysis were investigated to explore the dominant perceptions of practitioners and to hone the theoretical categories.FindingsFive innovative pathways emerged from the study to inform decision-making while maintaining the dual objectives of CES and successful CEM. These pathways are combined to offer a strategic tool for managers and for research advances. This original integrated model also offers six novel theoretical propositions that describe how to shape corporate decisions to...
Lo Scientific Advisory Committee è composto da esponenti della comunità scientifica nazionale ed ... more Lo Scientific Advisory Committee è composto da esponenti della comunità scientifica nazionale ed internazionale in servizio presso atenei italiani e stranieri. Il ruolo dei componenti di tale comitato è di consulto scientifico e di supervisione. In particolare, lo Scientific Advisory Committee contribuisce alla programmazione editoriale, valutando e proponendo temi di interesse e linee di sviluppo della rivista e dialoga costruttivamente con Editor in Chief, Co-Editor ed Associate Editors sulla qualità, sulla relevance e sulla diffusione della rivista

Sinergie - SIMA Conference 2017, 2017
Objectives. The present paper aims at exploring the relationship between firms' board structure a... more Objectives. The present paper aims at exploring the relationship between firms' board structure and their green performance, within the agency theory and resource dependence theory frameworks, in order to outline if particular types of board directors could act as a stimulating driver for firms' environmental performance. Methodology. The theoretical analysis is completed by an empirical exploration, performed by two linear regression models, on a sample of Italian and Spanish firms included in the CSRHub database in 2015. Findings. Our findings provide nuanced evidence that boards do affect firms' environmental performance. We reported in fact a positive relationship between the presence of non-executive directors in the board and companies' environmental performance; while the critical mass of women directors and the percentage of independent directors, together with board size, do not seem to be related with firms' green performance. Research limits. The study employs a sample with a limited number of observations. Moreover, a longitudinal analysis will probably provide more confidence in the findings. Practical implications. The results allow to identify the characteristics of the board that may foster and enforce firms' environmental performance. Moreover, socially responsible funds could find useful, for their portfolio allocation strategy, to know if there are types of directors more oriented to green issues. Originality of the study. There is a lack of literature on the theme. The study is one of the few attempts that is not focused on Anglo-Saxon countries or single developing countries and that concentrates on environmental issues, instead of CSR.

International Business Review, 2020
Despite an abundance of research, still there is a gap in understanding the underlying cultural m... more Despite an abundance of research, still there is a gap in understanding the underlying cultural mechanisms behind entrepreneurial behavior of nations in the literature. This study contributes to the debate through a new perspective of analysis based on behavioral reasoning theory (BRT). Specifically, this research analyses the role cultural values play in formation of the reasoning behind entrepreneurial behavior. The data and variables are taken from the GLOBE project and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for a multiple regression analysis spanning from 2007 to 2017 for 50 countries. The results show that, with the exception of Institutional Collectivism, all of GLOBE's cultural dimensions affect the reasoning justifications behind entrepreneurial intentions in various countries. Thus, the novel contribution of the present research is the application of BRT in explaining entrepreneurial intentions. This contribution is substantial to the international entrepreneurship field through clarification of the role of cultural values in the reasoning processes behind entrepreneurial activities of nations. Some findings are surprising with regard to the conventional understandings. These findings are fully discussed in the concluding sections.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Apr 15, 2012
The aim of the paper is to analyze if and how national culture impacts on corporate’s environment... more The aim of the paper is to analyze if and how national culture impacts on corporate’s environmental proactivity. While most of literature focuses the analysis on the broader issue of Corporate Social Responsibility and analyses the effect of national culture on Corporate Social Performance, only a few studies focus on the relationship between national culture and environmental proactivity. This paper is a first step of our research concerning the impact of national culture on environmental proactivity, and it investigates the relationship between GLOBE's cultural dimensions and companies' carbone disclosure scores.
... A case study analysis of Italian Multinational Company has been conducted in order to evaluat... more ... A case study analysis of Italian Multinational Company has been conducted in order to evaluate the cultural obstacles and facilities that has been ... investors in SMCs are actually large Italian firms - such as Fiat, Menarini, Cementer and Bialetti in Turkey, Benetton, Fiat, Ansaldo ...
Sinergie Rivista Di Studi E Ricerche, Apr 4, 2012
La gestione strategica del portafoglio di fonti energetiche nelle Energy Companies (di Francesco ... more La gestione strategica del portafoglio di fonti energetiche nelle Energy Companies (di Francesco Calza) - ABSTRACT: Il decreto Bersani in materia di privatizzazione del mercato energetico e regolamentazione dello stesso, istituisce, di fatto, un meccanismo di competizione sui prezzi da parte dei principali produttori ed erogatori di energia. Un primo effetto della istituzione di Borsa elettrica e di Acquirente Unico

Referred Electronic Conference Proceeding, Oct 29, 2013
Il Convegno si propone di trattare il tema della produzione manifatturiera e delle sue dinamiche ... more Il Convegno si propone di trattare il tema della produzione manifatturiera e delle sue dinamiche evolutive in un Paese a sviluppo non recente come l'Italia. Nei Paesi di prima industrializzazione l'attività economica si è negli anni gradualmente spostata nella direzione delle attività terziarie. Anche la riflessione scientifica, un tempo ampiamente dedicata alla produzione manifatturiera, è andata via via privilegiando lo studio dei servizi. Tuttavia la crisi attuale, con gli evocati rischi di desertificazione industriale e gli intensi processi di innovazione tecnologica, con il loro forte impatto sul lavoro, stanno ravvivando l'interesse per la fabbrica e per l'economia reale. Il dibattito sta così riaprendosi per cercare di comprendere le nuove prospettive industriali che la globalizzazione impone alle economie mature, per le quali è ormai esclusa la possibilità di un rilancio fondato su prodotti di massa facilmente replicabili in luoghi a minor costo del lavoro e dell'energia. Rilevanti sono invece le potenzialità dell'intelligenza innovativa che viene messa in campo dalle imprese nella produzione sia di beni che di servizi, perché è il valore aggiunto della conoscenza generativa che fa valere un differenziale difficilmente trasferibile e riproducibile. In questa prospettiva, il XXVI Convegno annuale di Sinergie si prefigge di stimolare la riflessione e il dibattito sulle dinamiche evolutive della produzione manifatturiera, riflettendo sulla capacità di generazione di valore e di lavoro nella neo-industria che si sta delineando in Italia e negli altri Paesi maturi nel contesto della distribuzione internazionale del lavoro.
Tourism marketing in Western Europe, 2021
This chapter is the work of Francesco Calza, Michele Simoni, Annarita Sorrentino and Mariapina Tr... more This chapter is the work of Francesco Calza, Michele Simoni, Annarita Sorrentino and Mariapina Trunfio, who study the role of participatory planning in repositioning a southern Italy destination, Centola-Palinuro in the Campania region. This contribution deals with a demand-driven destination that suffers from several challenges such as seaside seasonality, mass-market demand and low spending. The case argues that a participatory planning process that involves local stakeholders can have a significant impact in the repositioning of the destination by reshaping the tourism offering in the area through stakeholder engagement.

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019
The smart specialization strategy (S3) introduces a new "policy-prioritization logic" according t... more The smart specialization strategy (S3) introduces a new "policy-prioritization logic" according to which regional strategies should target interventions in those research and innovation domains in which the region has a competitive advantage. In other words, the adoption of an S3 strategy has shifted the regional innovation strategies' focus from privileging exclusively high-tech sectors to including also those lower tech domains that are recognized as a source of regional competitive advantage. As a consequence, this shift calls for a rethinking of university-industry relationships for innovation, which have traditionally privileged high-tech sectors. In this light, this article aims to analyze how the introduction of the S3 has changed the role of universities by comparing patterns of academic engagement with local entrepreneurs in both low-tech and high-tech domains. To this purpose, we conduct an empirical study in the Region of Campania (South of Italy) to analyze differences in terms of university-industry channels and motivations in different S3 technological domains.

The present paper tries to advance knowledge on the antecedents of firms\u2019 environmental proa... more The present paper tries to advance knowledge on the antecedents of firms\u2019 environmental proactivity, examining the explanatory power of corporate governance issues. In particular, it explores the relationship between board structure and firms\u2019 proactive environmental strategies, within the agency theory and resource dependence theory frameworks, in order to outline if particular types of board members could represent a stimulating driver for firms\u2019 environmental proactivity. The theoretical analysis is completed by an empirical exploration, performed by two linear regression models, on a sample of European firms, belonging to different polluting industries, that were included in the Carbon Disclosure Project questionnaire 2014. The industry choice is related to the increasing pressure for better environmental performance that polluting industries are nowadays experiencing because of stakeholders and legislation requests. The results show that board composition matters in firms\u2019 environmental proactivity and have implications for managers, shareholders, and regulators who are interested in influencing firms\u2019 environmental performanc

European Journal of Innovation Management, 2020
PurposeThe paper aims to explore the nature of initiatives and strategies of inter-organizational... more PurposeThe paper aims to explore the nature of initiatives and strategies of inter-organizational cooperation to cross the valley of death in the biopharma industry.Design/methodology/approachThe authors conducted an exploratory case study analysis in the Biopharma Innovation Ecosystem in Greater Boston Area (USA), which is one of the oldest, and most successful IE in the US, specialized in the Biopharma domain, by conducting a round of expert interviews with key informants in the area, chosen as representatives of the different types of actors engaged in the drug development processes at different stages.FindingsMain findings suggest that cooperation can contribute to surviving the valley of death by reducing the barriers within the drug development pipeline through the promotion of strategic relationships among actors of different nature, including the establishment of government-led thematic associations or consortia, agreements between university and business support structures,...
Papers by Francesco Calza