Papers by Francesca Cadeddu

The Nuragic civilization is a complex and long-lasting culture, spanning from the Middle Bronze A... more The Nuragic civilization is a complex and long-lasting culture, spanning from the Middle Bronze Age (ca.1600 b.C) to the first Iron age (ca 800 b.C.). During its ca 800 years of development, Nuragic civilization was deeply involved in cross-cultural connections with different Mediterranean cultures and marked its landscape by means of monumental civil architectures (nuraghi) and religious and funerary structures. These evidences represent an optimal starting point for a reconstruction of the settlement strategies and territorial organization. This, in turn, allows to get an insight into the social, politic and economic facets of this culture. These issues are also important in the framework of the reconstruction of the internal and external dynamics, comprising the relationships with the other contemporary Mediterranean cultures.
On the basis of a multidisciplinary perspective, this paper will attempt to outline a methodological approach aimed to test the soundness of the earlier hypotheses put forward by scholars in the last 50 years. This approach uses a body of different means, ranging from archaeology, geology, micromorphology, to the use of GIS platforms to store and test the collected data. The paper will discuss some aspects of the methodologies being applied to different contexts of the Nuragic Sardinia. Even though the discussion is meant to be preliminary, since it is based on the ongoing author’s PhD research program, the paper will attempt to show how and to what extent a multidisciplinary approach could shed new light of different facets of the Nuragic Sardinia.

Attraverso una ricerca multidisciplinare, basata sull’esame comparativo fra la
documentazione arc... more Attraverso una ricerca multidisciplinare, basata sull’esame comparativo fra la
documentazione archeologica, le fonti classiche e le tradizioni popolari, si propone un’ipotesi
relativa alla religiosità nuragica in Sardegna, a partire dall’esame del culto dei morti e delle
tipologie funerarie. La successiva analisi di fonti greche e latine relative ad alcune figure mitiche
collegate all’isola permette alcune considerazioni sul culto eroico nella tarda età del Bronzo, con il
supporto della documentazione archeologica. L’analisi congiunta dei dati presentati porta, infine,
a ricostruire per la civiltà nuragica una religione complessa, di tipo fertili stico - naturalistico,
nella quale ha un ruolo di spicco la divinità femminile mediterranea.
On the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, this paper attempts to outline an hypothesis
on religion during the Sardinian Bronze age period, especially through evaluating the cult of the
dead and funerary archaeological evidences.
By analyzing both ancient (Greek and Latin) sources and some archaeological data, the paper will
provide remarks on the heroic cult in the Late Bronze age context.
The comparison between archaeological evidences, ancient and ethnographic sources allows to
define for the Nuragic civilization a fertilistic – naturalistic religion, in which the Mediterranean
goddess seems to have a more important role than it has been hypothesized before.

Territory and settlement strategies in the Nuragic Gallura. A preliminary hypothesis - This paper... more Territory and settlement strategies in the Nuragic Gallura. A preliminary hypothesis - This paper present the preliminary results based on the analysis of the territory and the paleodemography in the Nuragic Gallura (Sardinia). The aim of this research is the reconstruction of the social landscape during the Bronze Age in Gallura, by analyzing the settlement strategies, the exploitation of natural resources and the relationship between people and landscape.
The application of a multidisciplinary approach on the historical region of Gallura allows to detect and outline some great territorial systems for the use, control and exploitation of natural resources. The creation of a GIS integrated system allowed to investigate in details two of these territorial systems with more specific analysis: cost surface analysis and site catchment analysis. This approach provide an interesting method for reconstructing the social, political and economic organization of some nuragic communities during the Bronze Age in Sardinia.

This paper presents the status quaestionis of studies and researches about Fanum Carisii, a roman... more This paper presents the status quaestionis of studies and researches about Fanum Carisii, a roman station in Sardinia, recorded in Itinerarium Antonini and whose identification is now-a-day uncertain.
Through the analysis of archaeological and environmental aspects of the Cedrino’s Valley and a review of the previous researches, the author identifies a narrow area in which the station could be located. As knowledge stands now and in a massive lack of certain data, the aim of this paper is to support the most likely hypotesis of the identification of Fanum Carisii with the site of Pontes Castle in Galtellì.
Lo scopo di questo articolo è di presentare lo status quaestionis degli studi relativi alla stazione romana di Fanum Carisii, documentata in Sardegna dall’Itinerarium Antonini e non ancora individuata sul territorio. Attraverso un’analisi degli aspetti archeologici e ambientali della Valle del Cedrino e una riesamina degli studi attualmente a disposizione, si sottolinea l’esistenza di una ristretta area all’interno della quale presumibilmente doveva trovarsi il centro in oggetto. Il fine non è quello di proporre un’identificazione certa, anche a causa della forte carenza di dati sicuri, ma di fornire, alla luce delle conoscenze finora acquisite, un sostegno all’ipotesi ritenuta più probabile, la collocazione presso l’attuale sito del Castello di Pontes, nel comune di Galtellì.
Si presentano le strutture d’abitato dei due siti tardicampaniformi di Castenaso: La Stellina e v... more Si presentano le strutture d’abitato dei due siti tardicampaniformi di Castenaso: La Stellina e via Tosarelli. Si descrivono in particolare le caratteristiche morfologiche delle rispettive capanne rettangolari.
Tardicampaniforme structures in Castenaso (Bologna) - We propose here a preliminary overview of the structures of two settlement sites of Castenaso: Stellina and via Tosarelli. Here the morphological characteristics of their rectangular huts are especially described.
Architecture domestique du Tardicampaniforme à Castenaso (Bologna) - On présente les structures d’habitat des deux sites découverts à Castenaso: La Stellina et via Tosarelli. On décrit en particulier les caractéristiques morphologiques de leurs huttes rectangulaires.

Si presentano in modo preliminare le industrie ceramiche provenienti dalle capanne 1 e 3 e dalla ... more Si presentano in modo preliminare le industrie ceramiche provenienti dalle capanne 1 e 3 e dalla buca US 702 (per quelle della capanna 2 si rimanda a Ferrari, Steffè 2008) el sito tardicampaniforme di Castenaso-Stellina. Due date 14C AMS su osso indicano per il locale Tardicampaniforme una vita compresa fra XXI e XX sec. BC.
Tardicampaniforme ceramic complex in Castenaso (Bologna ), loc. Stellina - This poster presents preliminary notes on the ceramic industries found in huts 1 and 3 and in the pit US 702 (for those from hut 2 reference is to Ferrari, Steffè 2008). Two dates 14C AMS on bone show a life from XXI to XX century BC, period that can be ascribed to the local Tardicampaniformed
La céramique Tardicampaniforme du site de Castenaso, localité Stellina (Bologna) - On présent de façon préliminaire les industries céramiques du site Tardicampaniforme de Castenaso-Stellina qui proviennent des huttes 1 et 3 et de la fosse US 702 (pour celles de l’hutte 2 on renvoie à Ferrari, Steffè 2008). Deux dates 14C AMS effectuées sur os indiquent pour le local Tardicampaniforme une periode de vie comprise entre XXI et XX siècle BC.
Papers by Francesca Cadeddu
On the basis of a multidisciplinary perspective, this paper will attempt to outline a methodological approach aimed to test the soundness of the earlier hypotheses put forward by scholars in the last 50 years. This approach uses a body of different means, ranging from archaeology, geology, micromorphology, to the use of GIS platforms to store and test the collected data. The paper will discuss some aspects of the methodologies being applied to different contexts of the Nuragic Sardinia. Even though the discussion is meant to be preliminary, since it is based on the ongoing author’s PhD research program, the paper will attempt to show how and to what extent a multidisciplinary approach could shed new light of different facets of the Nuragic Sardinia.
documentazione archeologica, le fonti classiche e le tradizioni popolari, si propone un’ipotesi
relativa alla religiosità nuragica in Sardegna, a partire dall’esame del culto dei morti e delle
tipologie funerarie. La successiva analisi di fonti greche e latine relative ad alcune figure mitiche
collegate all’isola permette alcune considerazioni sul culto eroico nella tarda età del Bronzo, con il
supporto della documentazione archeologica. L’analisi congiunta dei dati presentati porta, infine,
a ricostruire per la civiltà nuragica una religione complessa, di tipo fertili stico - naturalistico,
nella quale ha un ruolo di spicco la divinità femminile mediterranea.
On the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, this paper attempts to outline an hypothesis
on religion during the Sardinian Bronze age period, especially through evaluating the cult of the
dead and funerary archaeological evidences.
By analyzing both ancient (Greek and Latin) sources and some archaeological data, the paper will
provide remarks on the heroic cult in the Late Bronze age context.
The comparison between archaeological evidences, ancient and ethnographic sources allows to
define for the Nuragic civilization a fertilistic – naturalistic religion, in which the Mediterranean
goddess seems to have a more important role than it has been hypothesized before.
The application of a multidisciplinary approach on the historical region of Gallura allows to detect and outline some great territorial systems for the use, control and exploitation of natural resources. The creation of a GIS integrated system allowed to investigate in details two of these territorial systems with more specific analysis: cost surface analysis and site catchment analysis. This approach provide an interesting method for reconstructing the social, political and economic organization of some nuragic communities during the Bronze Age in Sardinia.
Through the analysis of archaeological and environmental aspects of the Cedrino’s Valley and a review of the previous researches, the author identifies a narrow area in which the station could be located. As knowledge stands now and in a massive lack of certain data, the aim of this paper is to support the most likely hypotesis of the identification of Fanum Carisii with the site of Pontes Castle in Galtellì.
Lo scopo di questo articolo è di presentare lo status quaestionis degli studi relativi alla stazione romana di Fanum Carisii, documentata in Sardegna dall’Itinerarium Antonini e non ancora individuata sul territorio. Attraverso un’analisi degli aspetti archeologici e ambientali della Valle del Cedrino e una riesamina degli studi attualmente a disposizione, si sottolinea l’esistenza di una ristretta area all’interno della quale presumibilmente doveva trovarsi il centro in oggetto. Il fine non è quello di proporre un’identificazione certa, anche a causa della forte carenza di dati sicuri, ma di fornire, alla luce delle conoscenze finora acquisite, un sostegno all’ipotesi ritenuta più probabile, la collocazione presso l’attuale sito del Castello di Pontes, nel comune di Galtellì.
Tardicampaniforme structures in Castenaso (Bologna) - We propose here a preliminary overview of the structures of two settlement sites of Castenaso: Stellina and via Tosarelli. Here the morphological characteristics of their rectangular huts are especially described.
Architecture domestique du Tardicampaniforme à Castenaso (Bologna) - On présente les structures d’habitat des deux sites découverts à Castenaso: La Stellina et via Tosarelli. On décrit en particulier les caractéristiques morphologiques de leurs huttes rectangulaires.
Tardicampaniforme ceramic complex in Castenaso (Bologna ), loc. Stellina - This poster presents preliminary notes on the ceramic industries found in huts 1 and 3 and in the pit US 702 (for those from hut 2 reference is to Ferrari, Steffè 2008). Two dates 14C AMS on bone show a life from XXI to XX century BC, period that can be ascribed to the local Tardicampaniformed
La céramique Tardicampaniforme du site de Castenaso, localité Stellina (Bologna) - On présent de façon préliminaire les industries céramiques du site Tardicampaniforme de Castenaso-Stellina qui proviennent des huttes 1 et 3 et de la fosse US 702 (pour celles de l’hutte 2 on renvoie à Ferrari, Steffè 2008). Deux dates 14C AMS effectuées sur os indiquent pour le local Tardicampaniforme une periode de vie comprise entre XXI et XX siècle BC.
On the basis of a multidisciplinary perspective, this paper will attempt to outline a methodological approach aimed to test the soundness of the earlier hypotheses put forward by scholars in the last 50 years. This approach uses a body of different means, ranging from archaeology, geology, micromorphology, to the use of GIS platforms to store and test the collected data. The paper will discuss some aspects of the methodologies being applied to different contexts of the Nuragic Sardinia. Even though the discussion is meant to be preliminary, since it is based on the ongoing author’s PhD research program, the paper will attempt to show how and to what extent a multidisciplinary approach could shed new light of different facets of the Nuragic Sardinia.
documentazione archeologica, le fonti classiche e le tradizioni popolari, si propone un’ipotesi
relativa alla religiosità nuragica in Sardegna, a partire dall’esame del culto dei morti e delle
tipologie funerarie. La successiva analisi di fonti greche e latine relative ad alcune figure mitiche
collegate all’isola permette alcune considerazioni sul culto eroico nella tarda età del Bronzo, con il
supporto della documentazione archeologica. L’analisi congiunta dei dati presentati porta, infine,
a ricostruire per la civiltà nuragica una religione complessa, di tipo fertili stico - naturalistico,
nella quale ha un ruolo di spicco la divinità femminile mediterranea.
On the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, this paper attempts to outline an hypothesis
on religion during the Sardinian Bronze age period, especially through evaluating the cult of the
dead and funerary archaeological evidences.
By analyzing both ancient (Greek and Latin) sources and some archaeological data, the paper will
provide remarks on the heroic cult in the Late Bronze age context.
The comparison between archaeological evidences, ancient and ethnographic sources allows to
define for the Nuragic civilization a fertilistic – naturalistic religion, in which the Mediterranean
goddess seems to have a more important role than it has been hypothesized before.
The application of a multidisciplinary approach on the historical region of Gallura allows to detect and outline some great territorial systems for the use, control and exploitation of natural resources. The creation of a GIS integrated system allowed to investigate in details two of these territorial systems with more specific analysis: cost surface analysis and site catchment analysis. This approach provide an interesting method for reconstructing the social, political and economic organization of some nuragic communities during the Bronze Age in Sardinia.
Through the analysis of archaeological and environmental aspects of the Cedrino’s Valley and a review of the previous researches, the author identifies a narrow area in which the station could be located. As knowledge stands now and in a massive lack of certain data, the aim of this paper is to support the most likely hypotesis of the identification of Fanum Carisii with the site of Pontes Castle in Galtellì.
Lo scopo di questo articolo è di presentare lo status quaestionis degli studi relativi alla stazione romana di Fanum Carisii, documentata in Sardegna dall’Itinerarium Antonini e non ancora individuata sul territorio. Attraverso un’analisi degli aspetti archeologici e ambientali della Valle del Cedrino e una riesamina degli studi attualmente a disposizione, si sottolinea l’esistenza di una ristretta area all’interno della quale presumibilmente doveva trovarsi il centro in oggetto. Il fine non è quello di proporre un’identificazione certa, anche a causa della forte carenza di dati sicuri, ma di fornire, alla luce delle conoscenze finora acquisite, un sostegno all’ipotesi ritenuta più probabile, la collocazione presso l’attuale sito del Castello di Pontes, nel comune di Galtellì.
Tardicampaniforme structures in Castenaso (Bologna) - We propose here a preliminary overview of the structures of two settlement sites of Castenaso: Stellina and via Tosarelli. Here the morphological characteristics of their rectangular huts are especially described.
Architecture domestique du Tardicampaniforme à Castenaso (Bologna) - On présente les structures d’habitat des deux sites découverts à Castenaso: La Stellina et via Tosarelli. On décrit en particulier les caractéristiques morphologiques de leurs huttes rectangulaires.
Tardicampaniforme ceramic complex in Castenaso (Bologna ), loc. Stellina - This poster presents preliminary notes on the ceramic industries found in huts 1 and 3 and in the pit US 702 (for those from hut 2 reference is to Ferrari, Steffè 2008). Two dates 14C AMS on bone show a life from XXI to XX century BC, period that can be ascribed to the local Tardicampaniformed
La céramique Tardicampaniforme du site de Castenaso, localité Stellina (Bologna) - On présent de façon préliminaire les industries céramiques du site Tardicampaniforme de Castenaso-Stellina qui proviennent des huttes 1 et 3 et de la fosse US 702 (pour celles de l’hutte 2 on renvoie à Ferrari, Steffè 2008). Deux dates 14C AMS effectuées sur os indiquent pour le local Tardicampaniforme une periode de vie comprise entre XXI et XX siècle BC.