Papers by Francesco Caccamo
Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 2009

Nachbarländer sind, weisen sie im historiografischen Diskurs nur geringe Berührungspunkte auf. Bi... more Nachbarländer sind, weisen sie im historiografischen Diskurs nur geringe Berührungspunkte auf. Bisher widmeten sich vergleichsweise wenige österreichische und italienische Forscher dem Thema der Beziehungen zwischen Rom und Wien. Alte Zwänge und Gegensätze aus der Vergangenheit scheinen hier noch eine Rolle zu spielen, doch von der alten "Erbfeindschaft" 1 kann wohl nicht mehr die Rede sein; weder sind Spuren von Antagonismus zu finden noch scheint ein starkes wechselseitiges Interesse zu bestehen. Eine gewisse Distanz lässt sich nicht nur beim Austausch über historiografische Themen feststellen, sondern auch in der öffentlichen Debatte. In beiden Ländern herrschen hier noch immer alte Klischees gegenüber dem Nachbarland vor, begründet durch die mangelnde Kenntnis des Anderen. Mit dem Nachbarland beschäftigt man sich nur selten und wenn, dann meistens aus den folgenden zwei Gründen: wenn es um eine Notsituation, ein bilaterales Problem, um Schwachpunkte geht oder wenn das einzige Thema, das punktuell die Aufmerksamkeit beider Länder gleichzeitig erregt, zur Sprache kommt -die Südtirolfrage. Zwei Episoden aus der jüngsten Geschichte zeigen dies exemplarisch:
After 1989, the atmosphere of freedom, the opening of the archives, and the birth of new research... more After 1989, the atmosphere of freedom, the opening of the archives, and the birth of new research institutes stimulated Eastern European historians to study the recent communist past of their respective countries. This enterprise was conditioned by both the different experiences of individual countries during the communist period, and the different paths that those countries followed in their transition from planned to market economy and from communism to democracy. The authors examine the cases of the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria.

Revista del Hospital Juárez de México, Dec 5, 2017
Introduction: Individuals with schizophrenia have consistent gray matter reduction throughout the... more Introduction: Individuals with schizophrenia have consistent gray matter reduction throughout the cortex when compared to healthy individuals. However, the reduction patterns vary based on the quantity (concentration or volume) utilized by study. The objective of this study was to identify commonalities between gray matter concentration and gray matter volume effects in schizophrenia. Methods: We performed both univariate and multivariate analyses of case/control effects on 145 gray matter images from 66 participants with schizophrenia and 79 healthy controls, and processed to compare the concentration and volume estimates. Results: Diagnosis effects in the univariate analysis showed similar areas of volume and concentration reductions in the insula, occipitotemporal gyrus, temporopolar area, and fusiform gyrus. In the multivariate analysis, healthy controls had greater gray matter volume and concentration additionally in the superior temporal gyrus, prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, calcarine, and thalamus. In the univariate analyses there was moderate overlap between gray matter concentration and volume across the entire cortex (r = 0.56, p = 0.02). The multivariate analyses revealed only low overlap across most brain patterns, with the largest correlation (r = 0.37) found in the cerebellum and vermis. Conclusions: Individuals with schizophrenia showed reduced gray matter volume and concentration in previously identified areas of the prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, and thalamus. However, there were only moderate correlations across the cortex when examining the different gray matter quantities. Although these two quantities are related, concentration and volume do not show identical results, and therefore, should not be used interchangeably in the literature.
Forum Historiae, 2021
Italy and the new Czechoslovak state on the eve of the peace conference S cholarly references to ... more Italy and the new Czechoslovak state on the eve of the peace conference S cholarly references to Italy's participation in the Paris Peace Conference generally focus on its territorial claims and on the Adriatic question. 1 This creates the impression that, apart from hostility to the newborn Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the Italians lacked a policy for the East-Central European settlement that This essay develops, integrates and updates research undertaken by the author in a previous work, CACCA-MO, Francesco.
In un continente diviso, 2021
Italy in the New International Order, 1917–1922, 2020
of direct relevance to them. As far as the defeated powers were concerned, they were in fact excl... more of direct relevance to them. As far as the defeated powers were concerned, they were in fact excluded from the Paris decision-making process. 3 The role played by Italy at the Paris Peace Conference has generally been neglected by historiography. Significantly, most authors refer to the 'Big Three' victorious powers rather than the 'Big Four' and mention Italy only in connection with few issues of its direct interest, primarily the controversy over the Adriatic border. 4 In this context, Italy's stance towards the new Eastern European settlement received scant attention, with the exception of some references to relations with the new Yugoslav 3 As regards the organisation of the peace conference, see Frank Swayn Marston, The
Nuova Rivista Storica, 2017
Nuova Rivista Storica, 2018
This essay compares two different historiographic interpretations of the concepts of State, Natio... more This essay compares two different historiographic interpretations of the concepts of State, Nation, Ethnic groups.
Papers by Francesco Caccamo