Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2013
BACKGROUND: In the present study, it was aimed to assess the demographics, clinical features, and... more BACKGROUND: In the present study, it was aimed to assess the demographics, clinical features, and treatment costs of cases referred to our hospital after the Syrian civil war. METHODS: Of 1355 Syrian civil war victims referred to our hospital during the 14-month period between June 2011 and July 2012, 482 cases presenting to the emergency department were included in the study. The electronic data of these patients were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 482 cases, 428 were male (88.8%) and 54 (11.2%) were female, with a mean age of 30.4±14.9 years (1-79 years). The mean age was 30.8±17.2 years (1-79 years) in males and 27.3±16.9 years (1.5-66 years) in females. There was a significant difference in terms of sex (p=0.007). It was found that the majority of the cases (41.1%) were aged 21-30 years. The highest number of admissions was recorded in June 2011 (159 patients, 33%), whereas the lowest number of admissions was in September 2011 (5 patients, 1%). All cases were transported to our hospital from nearby district hospitals and camps by emergency medical services. The most frequent presenting complaint was gunshot injury (338 cases, 70.1%). The most common diagnosis was extremity injury (153 cases, 31.7%). The number of forensic cases was found as 364 (75.5%). Of all the cases, 136 cases (28.2%) were managed in the emergency service, and the remaining cases were admitted to other services. They were most frequently admitted to the orthopedics ward (146 cases, 30.3%). The mean length of the hospital stay was 9.9 days (1-141).Overall, 456 cases (94.6%) were discharged, 22 cases died, and 4 cases were transferred to other facilities. The mean cost per case was estimated as 3723Turkish lira (TL) (15-69556). A positive correlation was found between cost and length of hospital stay. CONCLUSION: Among all Syrian cases, the majorities of young males and gunshot injuries was striking. Most of the cases were discharged after appropriate management. Preventive measures can avoid these negative outcomes and so avoidable costs will not occur, and this can preclude the damage to the budgets of the countries.
There have been cases of serial sexual offenders and studies dealing with such cases in the liter... more There have been cases of serial sexual offenders and studies dealing with such cases in the literature. However, no serial sexual offender case was reported in Turkey, to the best of our knowledge. In this article, as the first report from Turkey, we present a serial sexual offender who assaulted 27 women. The assailant entered a total of 29 houses, and assaulted victims in 27 of them, and he failed to assault two individuals. The 'modus operandi' of the offender was identical in all assault cases and led the police towards a hypothesis that these assaults were all committed by the same individual. The offender did not admit the assaults and strictly refused a forensic psychiatric examination. Being an individual with a high level of education, having a respected position and profession, choosing women aged older than 18 years as victims were among distinctive features of the presented offender.
Illegal alcohol beverages known as bogma raki in our country are consumed widely in our region. T... more Illegal alcohol beverages known as bogma raki in our country are consumed widely in our region. The studies investigating the relationship between alcohol consumption and hearing ability report different results. In this study, we aimed to investigate the toxic effects of bogma raki that contains neurotoxic substances on cochlea by electron microscopy. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first in the literature. A total of 48 Wistar male albino rats (aged 12-16 weeks and weighing 200-240 g) were used in the study. The rats were divided into 4 groups with 12 animals in each group. The groups include control, bogma raki, walnut, and walnut + bogma raki groups. Bogma raki (30% v/v, 9.2 ml kg(-1) day(-1)) is added to drinking water of rats in bogma raki group (n = 12) for 4 weeks. Walnut group rats (n = 12) are fed with standard rat food and walnut without limitation (10 g kg(-1) day(-1)). Bogma raki + walnut group rats (n = 12) are fed with standard rat food and walnut and ...
Amaç: Zehirlenmeler geçmişten bu yana insanların önemli sorunlarından biridir. Zehir tanımı ilk o... more Amaç: Zehirlenmeler geçmişten bu yana insanların önemli sorunlarından biridir. Zehir tanımı ilk olarak İngilizlerde 1230 yıllarında ölümcül olabilen ilaçları tanımlamak için kullanılmıştır. Çalışmamızda Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Hastanesi Acil Servisine 1 Ocak 2006-31 Aralık 2010 tarihleri arasında başvuran zehirlenme olgularının geriye dönük değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Acil servise belirtilen tarihlerde başvuran zehirlenme olguları geriye dönük olarak tarandı. Olguların yaş, cinsiyet, getirildikleri yerler, klinik durumları, zehirlenme türleri, zehirlenme dönemleri, tedavi yerleri ve metotları, yatış süreleri ve sonuçları değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Yüz otuz dört zehirlenme olgusu çalışmaya alındı. Tüm olguların %30.6'sı erkek, %69.4'ü kadındı. Yaş ortalaması 27.87±12.97 idi. Olgular hastaneye başvurduklarında, %53.7'sinin bilincinin açık, %35.1'inin konfüze, %11.2'sinin bilincinin kapalı olduğu görüldü. Zehirlenmeye neden olan ilaçlar; çoklu ilaç (47hasta-%35.1), antidepresanlar (29 hasta-%21.6) ve tarım ilacı (26 hasta-%19.4) olarak belirlendi. Zehirlenmelere en sık aralık ayında rastlandı. Yüz yirmi üç (%91.8) hastaya mide yıkaması, aktif kömür ve antidot tedavisi uygulandı.Olguların 75'inin (%56) acil yataklı serviste, 21'inin (%15.6) yoğun bakımda yattığı, 38 hastanın (%28.4) ise acilde gözlem sonucu taburcu edildiği tespit edildi. Olguların çoğunun (53 olgu-%39.6) 3 gün yattığı belirlendi. Olgular takip ve tedavi sonuçlarına göre değerlendirildiğinde; 131 olgunun (%97.8) tedavi sonrası taburcu edildiği, 3 olgunun (%2.2) sevk edildiği görüldü. Takip edilen zehirlenme olgularında ölüm görülmedi. Sonuç: Zehirlenmeler en sık; çoklu ilaç alımı sonrası, erişkinlerde intihar amaçlı, çocuklarda yanlışlıkla alma ile olmuştur. Hastaların çoğunun acil yataklı servisde takip edilerek taburcu edilmesi, deneyimli acil hekimleri tarafından yapılabilmektedir. Zehirlenme vakalarını azaltmak için;aile ve toplumun eğitilmesi, temizlik maddeleri ve ilaçların kolay ulaşılabilir yerlerde tutulmaması, gereksiz ilaç reçete edilmemesi ve reçetesiz ilaç satılmaması önerilebilir. (JAEM 2012; 11: 31-4) Anahtar kelimeler: Zehirlenmeler, acil servis, çoklu ilaç Alındığı Tarih: 21.05Abstract Objective: Poisoning has been an important human problem since ancient times. The definition of a poison as a substance drug whch was potentially fatal was first introduced by the British in 1230. In our study, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate the cases of poisoning admitted to the Mustafa Material and Methods: Poisoning cases admitted to the emergency room were reviewed retrospectively. Age, gender, places of transportation,clinical status, types of poisoning, intoxication periods, locations and methods of treatment, length of stay and outcomes were evaluated. Results: A total of 134 cases of poisoning were studied, of whom 30.6% were male and 69.4% were female. The mean age was 27.87±12.97. The cases were referred to hospital, 53.7% were fully conscious, 35.1% were confused and 11.2% were unconscious Drugs that cause poisoning were classified as,multiple drug (47patients-35.1%), antidepressants (29 patients-21.6%) and pesticides (26 patients-19.4%), respectively. Poisoning is most commonly seen in December. One hundred and twenty-three (91.8%) patients were treated by gastric lavage, activated charcoal and antidote. Seventy-five patients (56%), in the emergency bed service, 21 out (15.6%) in intensive care and 38 patients (28.4%) under emergency observation were discharged following observation. Most of the cases (53 cases 39.6%) were (determined 3 days lies) kept under observation as inpatients for 3 days. The patients were evaluated according to the results of follow-up and treatment; 131 patients (97.8%) were discharged after treatment, 3 patients (2.2%) were transferred No death occurred in the cases of poisoning which were treated. Conclusion: Poisoning was most commonly seen following multiple drug intake, in suicide attempts in adults, and in children by accidental ingesting. Most of the patients can be kept under observation in emergency beds and discharged from the service, by experienced emergency physicians. In order to reduce the incidence of poisoning, the family and society should be educated cleaning agents kept in inaccessible places and advice given regarding not prescribing unnecessary drugs or selling drugs without prescription. (JAEM 2012; 11: 31-4)
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2010
Heat stress may contribute to decreased match performance when football is played in extreme heat... more Heat stress may contribute to decreased match performance when football is played in extreme heat. This study evaluated activity patterns and thermal responses of players during soccer matches played in different environmental conditions. Non-acclimatized soccer players (n 5 11, 20 AE 2 years) played two matches in conditions of moderate heat (MH) and high heat (HH) index. Core temperature (T c ) and physical performance were measured using a telemetric sensor and a global positioning system, respectively. The average ambient temperature and relative humidity were MH 34 AE 1 1C and 38 AE 2%; HH 36 AE 0 1C and 61 AE 1%. Peak T c in the MH match was 39.1 AE 0.4 1C and in the HH match it was 39.6 AE 0.3 1C. The total distance covered in the first and second halves was 4386 AE 367 and 4227 AE 292 m for the MH match and 4301 AE 487 and 3761 AE 358 m for the HH match. Players covered more distance (Po0.001) in the first half of the HH match than in the second half. In football matches played at high environmental temperature and humidity, the physical performance of the players may decrease due to high thermal stress.
Licorice originates from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, which has a herbal ingredient, glycyrrhi... more Licorice originates from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, which has a herbal ingredient, glycyrrhizic acid, and has a mineralocorticoid-like effect. Chronic intake of licorice induces a syndrome similar to that found in primary hyperaldosteronism. Excessive intake of licorice may cause a hypermineralocorticoidismlike syndrome characterized by sodium and water retention, hypertension, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, low-renin activity, and hypoaldosteronism. In this case report, an association of hypokalemia, edema, and thrombocytopenia that is developed due to the excessive intake of licorice is presented. There are case reports in the literature, which suggest that toxicity findings may emerge with hyperaldosteronism-like manifestations such as hypokalemia, edema, and hypertension. However, any knowledge of thrombocytopenia as a resultant was not encountered among these reported toxic effects. Our case is important because it shows that the excessive intake of licorice may cause a toxic effect in the form of thrombocytopenia. This report is the first presented case to show thrombocytopenia due to licorice syrup consumption.
... Ertan Sönmez1, Ali Karakuş2, Umut Yücel Çavuş3, Cemil Civelek1, Göktürk İpek4, Cem Zeren5 ...... more ... Ertan Sönmez1, Ali Karakuş2, Umut Yücel Çavuş3, Cemil Civelek1, Göktürk İpek4, Cem Zeren5 ... Zehirlenmeler genel ve guruplara ayrılmış olarak yaş, cinsiyet, bilinç durumu, başvurdukları mevsim, zehirlenme şekli, prognozları, ne ile zehirlendikleri ve önceki kliniklerde yapılan ...
Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2013
BACKGROUND: In the present study, it was aimed to assess the demographics, clinical features, and... more BACKGROUND: In the present study, it was aimed to assess the demographics, clinical features, and treatment costs of cases referred to our hospital after the Syrian civil war. METHODS: Of 1355 Syrian civil war victims referred to our hospital during the 14-month period between June 2011 and July 2012, 482 cases presenting to the emergency department were included in the study. The electronic data of these patients were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 482 cases, 428 were male (88.8%) and 54 (11.2%) were female, with a mean age of 30.4±14.9 years (1-79 years). The mean age was 30.8±17.2 years (1-79 years) in males and 27.3±16.9 years (1.5-66 years) in females. There was a significant difference in terms of sex (p=0.007). It was found that the majority of the cases (41.1%) were aged 21-30 years. The highest number of admissions was recorded in June 2011 (159 patients, 33%), whereas the lowest number of admissions was in September 2011 (5 patients, 1%). All cases were transported to our hospital from nearby district hospitals and camps by emergency medical services. The most frequent presenting complaint was gunshot injury (338 cases, 70.1%). The most common diagnosis was extremity injury (153 cases, 31.7%). The number of forensic cases was found as 364 (75.5%). Of all the cases, 136 cases (28.2%) were managed in the emergency service, and the remaining cases were admitted to other services. They were most frequently admitted to the orthopedics ward (146 cases, 30.3%). The mean length of the hospital stay was 9.9 days (1-141).Overall, 456 cases (94.6%) were discharged, 22 cases died, and 4 cases were transferred to other facilities. The mean cost per case was estimated as 3723Turkish lira (TL) (15-69556). A positive correlation was found between cost and length of hospital stay. CONCLUSION: Among all Syrian cases, the majorities of young males and gunshot injuries was striking. Most of the cases were discharged after appropriate management. Preventive measures can avoid these negative outcomes and so avoidable costs will not occur, and this can preclude the damage to the budgets of the countries.
There have been cases of serial sexual offenders and studies dealing with such cases in the liter... more There have been cases of serial sexual offenders and studies dealing with such cases in the literature. However, no serial sexual offender case was reported in Turkey, to the best of our knowledge. In this article, as the first report from Turkey, we present a serial sexual offender who assaulted 27 women. The assailant entered a total of 29 houses, and assaulted victims in 27 of them, and he failed to assault two individuals. The 'modus operandi' of the offender was identical in all assault cases and led the police towards a hypothesis that these assaults were all committed by the same individual. The offender did not admit the assaults and strictly refused a forensic psychiatric examination. Being an individual with a high level of education, having a respected position and profession, choosing women aged older than 18 years as victims were among distinctive features of the presented offender.
Illegal alcohol beverages known as bogma raki in our country are consumed widely in our region. T... more Illegal alcohol beverages known as bogma raki in our country are consumed widely in our region. The studies investigating the relationship between alcohol consumption and hearing ability report different results. In this study, we aimed to investigate the toxic effects of bogma raki that contains neurotoxic substances on cochlea by electron microscopy. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first in the literature. A total of 48 Wistar male albino rats (aged 12-16 weeks and weighing 200-240 g) were used in the study. The rats were divided into 4 groups with 12 animals in each group. The groups include control, bogma raki, walnut, and walnut + bogma raki groups. Bogma raki (30% v/v, 9.2 ml kg(-1) day(-1)) is added to drinking water of rats in bogma raki group (n = 12) for 4 weeks. Walnut group rats (n = 12) are fed with standard rat food and walnut without limitation (10 g kg(-1) day(-1)). Bogma raki + walnut group rats (n = 12) are fed with standard rat food and walnut and ...
Amaç: Zehirlenmeler geçmişten bu yana insanların önemli sorunlarından biridir. Zehir tanımı ilk o... more Amaç: Zehirlenmeler geçmişten bu yana insanların önemli sorunlarından biridir. Zehir tanımı ilk olarak İngilizlerde 1230 yıllarında ölümcül olabilen ilaçları tanımlamak için kullanılmıştır. Çalışmamızda Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Hastanesi Acil Servisine 1 Ocak 2006-31 Aralık 2010 tarihleri arasında başvuran zehirlenme olgularının geriye dönük değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Acil servise belirtilen tarihlerde başvuran zehirlenme olguları geriye dönük olarak tarandı. Olguların yaş, cinsiyet, getirildikleri yerler, klinik durumları, zehirlenme türleri, zehirlenme dönemleri, tedavi yerleri ve metotları, yatış süreleri ve sonuçları değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Yüz otuz dört zehirlenme olgusu çalışmaya alındı. Tüm olguların %30.6'sı erkek, %69.4'ü kadındı. Yaş ortalaması 27.87±12.97 idi. Olgular hastaneye başvurduklarında, %53.7'sinin bilincinin açık, %35.1'inin konfüze, %11.2'sinin bilincinin kapalı olduğu görüldü. Zehirlenmeye neden olan ilaçlar; çoklu ilaç (47hasta-%35.1), antidepresanlar (29 hasta-%21.6) ve tarım ilacı (26 hasta-%19.4) olarak belirlendi. Zehirlenmelere en sık aralık ayında rastlandı. Yüz yirmi üç (%91.8) hastaya mide yıkaması, aktif kömür ve antidot tedavisi uygulandı.Olguların 75'inin (%56) acil yataklı serviste, 21'inin (%15.6) yoğun bakımda yattığı, 38 hastanın (%28.4) ise acilde gözlem sonucu taburcu edildiği tespit edildi. Olguların çoğunun (53 olgu-%39.6) 3 gün yattığı belirlendi. Olgular takip ve tedavi sonuçlarına göre değerlendirildiğinde; 131 olgunun (%97.8) tedavi sonrası taburcu edildiği, 3 olgunun (%2.2) sevk edildiği görüldü. Takip edilen zehirlenme olgularında ölüm görülmedi. Sonuç: Zehirlenmeler en sık; çoklu ilaç alımı sonrası, erişkinlerde intihar amaçlı, çocuklarda yanlışlıkla alma ile olmuştur. Hastaların çoğunun acil yataklı servisde takip edilerek taburcu edilmesi, deneyimli acil hekimleri tarafından yapılabilmektedir. Zehirlenme vakalarını azaltmak için;aile ve toplumun eğitilmesi, temizlik maddeleri ve ilaçların kolay ulaşılabilir yerlerde tutulmaması, gereksiz ilaç reçete edilmemesi ve reçetesiz ilaç satılmaması önerilebilir. (JAEM 2012; 11: 31-4) Anahtar kelimeler: Zehirlenmeler, acil servis, çoklu ilaç Alındığı Tarih: 21.05Abstract Objective: Poisoning has been an important human problem since ancient times. The definition of a poison as a substance drug whch was potentially fatal was first introduced by the British in 1230. In our study, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate the cases of poisoning admitted to the Mustafa Material and Methods: Poisoning cases admitted to the emergency room were reviewed retrospectively. Age, gender, places of transportation,clinical status, types of poisoning, intoxication periods, locations and methods of treatment, length of stay and outcomes were evaluated. Results: A total of 134 cases of poisoning were studied, of whom 30.6% were male and 69.4% were female. The mean age was 27.87±12.97. The cases were referred to hospital, 53.7% were fully conscious, 35.1% were confused and 11.2% were unconscious Drugs that cause poisoning were classified as,multiple drug (47patients-35.1%), antidepressants (29 patients-21.6%) and pesticides (26 patients-19.4%), respectively. Poisoning is most commonly seen in December. One hundred and twenty-three (91.8%) patients were treated by gastric lavage, activated charcoal and antidote. Seventy-five patients (56%), in the emergency bed service, 21 out (15.6%) in intensive care and 38 patients (28.4%) under emergency observation were discharged following observation. Most of the cases (53 cases 39.6%) were (determined 3 days lies) kept under observation as inpatients for 3 days. The patients were evaluated according to the results of follow-up and treatment; 131 patients (97.8%) were discharged after treatment, 3 patients (2.2%) were transferred No death occurred in the cases of poisoning which were treated. Conclusion: Poisoning was most commonly seen following multiple drug intake, in suicide attempts in adults, and in children by accidental ingesting. Most of the patients can be kept under observation in emergency beds and discharged from the service, by experienced emergency physicians. In order to reduce the incidence of poisoning, the family and society should be educated cleaning agents kept in inaccessible places and advice given regarding not prescribing unnecessary drugs or selling drugs without prescription. (JAEM 2012; 11: 31-4)
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2010
Heat stress may contribute to decreased match performance when football is played in extreme heat... more Heat stress may contribute to decreased match performance when football is played in extreme heat. This study evaluated activity patterns and thermal responses of players during soccer matches played in different environmental conditions. Non-acclimatized soccer players (n 5 11, 20 AE 2 years) played two matches in conditions of moderate heat (MH) and high heat (HH) index. Core temperature (T c ) and physical performance were measured using a telemetric sensor and a global positioning system, respectively. The average ambient temperature and relative humidity were MH 34 AE 1 1C and 38 AE 2%; HH 36 AE 0 1C and 61 AE 1%. Peak T c in the MH match was 39.1 AE 0.4 1C and in the HH match it was 39.6 AE 0.3 1C. The total distance covered in the first and second halves was 4386 AE 367 and 4227 AE 292 m for the MH match and 4301 AE 487 and 3761 AE 358 m for the HH match. Players covered more distance (Po0.001) in the first half of the HH match than in the second half. In football matches played at high environmental temperature and humidity, the physical performance of the players may decrease due to high thermal stress.
Licorice originates from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, which has a herbal ingredient, glycyrrhi... more Licorice originates from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, which has a herbal ingredient, glycyrrhizic acid, and has a mineralocorticoid-like effect. Chronic intake of licorice induces a syndrome similar to that found in primary hyperaldosteronism. Excessive intake of licorice may cause a hypermineralocorticoidismlike syndrome characterized by sodium and water retention, hypertension, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, low-renin activity, and hypoaldosteronism. In this case report, an association of hypokalemia, edema, and thrombocytopenia that is developed due to the excessive intake of licorice is presented. There are case reports in the literature, which suggest that toxicity findings may emerge with hyperaldosteronism-like manifestations such as hypokalemia, edema, and hypertension. However, any knowledge of thrombocytopenia as a resultant was not encountered among these reported toxic effects. Our case is important because it shows that the excessive intake of licorice may cause a toxic effect in the form of thrombocytopenia. This report is the first presented case to show thrombocytopenia due to licorice syrup consumption.
... Ertan Sönmez1, Ali Karakuş2, Umut Yücel Çavuş3, Cemil Civelek1, Göktürk İpek4, Cem Zeren5 ...... more ... Ertan Sönmez1, Ali Karakuş2, Umut Yücel Çavuş3, Cemil Civelek1, Göktürk İpek4, Cem Zeren5 ... Zehirlenmeler genel ve guruplara ayrılmış olarak yaş, cinsiyet, bilinç durumu, başvurdukları mevsim, zehirlenme şekli, prognozları, ne ile zehirlendikleri ve önceki kliniklerde yapılan ...
Papers by C. Zeren