Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 2006

Bacterial and phytoplankton communities, which are important components of lakes, are affected by... more Bacterial and phytoplankton communities, which are important components of lakes, are affected by both abiotic and biotic factors, especially each other. The relationship between phytoplankton communities and the bacteriological load was investigated in Büyükçekmece Dam Lake and selected 8 influent streams. In accordance with this purpose, water samples were collected seasonally from 9 sampling stations. The phytoplankton composition of Büyükçekmece Dam Lake and its streams constitutes 63 taxa belonging to Bacillariophyta, Charophyta, Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, Cyanobacteria, Euglenozoa, Miozoa and Ochrophyta divisions. Minimum and maximum load of total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria, total and fecal coliforms were determined as 1 × 10 2-1,330 × 10 2 , 1 × 10 2-378 × 10 2 and 9 × 10 2-551 × 10 2 CFU/mL, respectively. Especially Karasu and Çekmece streams' bacteriological load was found above the acceptable amounts in terms of bacteriologic pollution. The maximum nutrient concentrations were measured in parallel to the stations where the bacteriological load was detected at the highest density. The maximum bacteriological load was determined at Çekmece Stream (st.6) which is passing through the agricultural areas and has a low flow. Also, the water bloom-forming cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Bornet et Flahault was recorded as dominant. The lake basin, which shows mesotrophic characteristics according to physicochemical variables, has been defined as close to eutrophy since it has high nutrient salt and chlorophyll-a concentrations. Büyükçekmece Lake is the second largest drinking water source and the most affected reservoir by anthropogenic pollution in Istanbul. The water quality of the lake is affected negatively by the discharges from domestic, industrial wastewaters, and also inputs from agricultural areas. Continuing limnological studies on phytoplanktonic and bacteriologic organisms, which are accepted bioindicators in waters, have a vital role in monitoring and protecting the water of Büyükçekmece Dam Lake and its feeding streams.
Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 2007
Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2017
This study was carried out to characterise the sponge fauna of the Turkish Kamil Abduş Lagoon. On... more This study was carried out to characterise the sponge fauna of the Turkish Kamil Abduş Lagoon. Only one sponge species (Hymeniacidon perlevis (Demospongiae, Halichondriidae) has been observed in alkaline, well oxygenated, polyhaline and high electrical conductivity waters of this shallow lagoon. The presence of this sponge species has been observed along 12 months on the hard substrate. Results showed that Kamil Abduş Lagoon is an important habitat for Hymeniacidon perlevis.

Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2017
The faunal composition of certain benthic invertebrate groups living in Kamil Abdus Lagoon (Turke... more The faunal composition of certain benthic invertebrate groups living in Kamil Abdus Lagoon (Turkey) was analyzed. In this context, the present work aims to explore present-day Kamil Abdus lagoon invertebrate diversity. This study focused on the freshwater, brackish water and marine water sections of the Kamil Abdus lagoon, where salinities with different. This small and shallow lagoon in located in the Tuzla district of Istanbul is hydrologically connected with the Sea of Marmara. Major part of this lagoon is strongly influenced from marine water input. At the same time, lagoon is also impacted by anthropogenic activities. A total of 63 species and 93 benthic invertebrate genera were found. According to our findings, Kamil Abdus lagoon is a shallow, water column is well mixed, brackish, well oxygenated, alkaline and meso- to eutrophic lagoon.

The seasonal changes of diet in the guts of 298 vimbas (Vimba vimba L.) caught on a monthly basis... more The seasonal changes of diet in the guts of 298 vimbas (Vimba vimba L.) caught on a monthly basis in Lake Sapanca from August 2003 to July 2004 were analyzed. V. vimba fed on ostracods, gastropods, Dreissena polymorpha (mollusks), fish larvae, macrophytes, oligochaetes, chironomids, phytoplankton, and detritus. The gut fullness index (GFI) indicated that vimbas increased their feeding activity in summer and decreased it in winter. The correlation between GFI and temperature was significant (0.839, P < 0.01). The water temperature shift was one of the critical environmental factors affecting the feeding of vimbas in Lake Sapanca. The lowest similarity of diet composition was between the juvenile vimbas in autumn and the adult vimbas in spring (cluster analysis), while the highest similarity of diet composition was between adult individuals in autumn and winter (cluster analysis). In both size groups and in all seasons, the main food items were macrophytes, D. polymorpha, and phyto...
doi:10.3906/zoo-1107-1 Feeding ecology of vimba (Vimba vimba L., 1758) in terms of size groups an... more doi:10.3906/zoo-1107-1 Feeding ecology of vimba (Vimba vimba L., 1758) in terms of size groups and seasons in Lake Sapanca, northwestern Anatolia

Developing technology was providing convertibility of many water quality parameters to electrical... more Developing technology was providing convertibility of many water quality parameters to electrical signals via sensors analog or digital output, and it can be possible to receiving data in this way remotely, save in a database and investigate later. Data can be received on real time over internet and/or save locally using recording systems for investigation and/or warning. Detection of changing water quality was also very important for fish health and economical loses indirectly. It was measurable many parameters in fish cage environment with Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) as ammonium, barium, bromide, cadmium, calcium, chloride, copper, cyanide, fluoride, iodide, lead, mercury, nitrate, nitrite, potassium, sodium, silver, sulphide and sulphate, some of ISE have very high accuracy. Besides conventional parameters as temperature, pH, salinity, conductivity, total dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen can be getting same technique, recording systems or real time systems and also web-ba...

Purpose: In this study, water quality and pollution status of Buyukcekmece Dam Lake and its influ... more Purpose: In this study, water quality and pollution status of Buyukcekmece Dam Lake and its influent streams (Karasu, Izzettin, Eskice, Ahlat, Beylikçayı, Çekmece, Çakmaklı and Tahtaköprü), which is the second largest drinking water resources of Istanbul (Turkey), were analayzed. For this purpose, some physicochemical parameters, nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton composition were investigated of the lake and its streams. Methods: Water samples were collected seasonally from 9 sampling sites by using Nansen bottles in May 2017, Agust 2017, November 2017 and February 2018. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity and electrical conductivity were measured with the WTW Multi 340i /set multiparameter in the study area. Nutrient concentrations (NO2, NO3, and PO4) of the water were analyzed according to standard methods at the laboratory. Phytoplanktonic organisms were identified in reference to the literature, including several comprehensive reviews on the subject. Result...

Marmara Bolgesi'nde bulunan Buyukcekmece Baraj Golu, Istanbul'un alti ana rezervuarinin u... more Marmara Bolgesi'nde bulunan Buyukcekmece Baraj Golu, Istanbul'un alti ana rezervuarinin ucuncu en buyuk su kaynagidir. Guvenli bir icme suyu kaynagi olarak kullanilir. Bu calismada Eylul 2012-Mayis 2013 doneminde Buyukcekmece Baraj Golu tatli su balik turlerinin parazit faunasi arastirilmistir. Golden balik numunelerinin toplanmasi icin solungac aglari kullanilmistir. Balik ornekleri fiberglas tanklarda laboratuvara tasinmis ve parazitolojik inceleme yapilincaya kadar canli tutulmustur. Diseksiyon sirasinda vucut boslugu, tum ic organlar, solungaclar, gozler, deri ve yuzgecler incelenmistir. Dokuz balik turune ait olan toplam 273 balik ornegi incelenmis ve enfeste bireylerde 11 parazit turu bulunmustur. Ancylodiscoides vistulensis , Tetraonchus monenteron , Paradiplozoon homoion , Caryophyllaeus laticeps , Bothriocephalus acheilognathi , Raphidascaris acus and Eustrongylides excisus tur seviyesinde teshis edilmistir. Enfeste bireylerde Trichodina spp., Dactylogyrus spp., Erg...
Surface water taken from 12 different areas in the period from July 2002 to June 2003 from Sapanc... more Surface water taken from 12 different areas in the period from July 2002 to June 2003 from Sapanca Lake, (Sakarya, Turkey) was analyzed in order to detect levels of bacterial contamination, bacterial metabolic activity, and chemical content. Level of bacteria was examined with respect to Fecal coliform, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. The contribution of capsule- bearing bacteria to the

Turkish Journal of Zoology, Feb 4, 2011
The growth parameters and reproduction period in vimba (Vimba vimba L. 1758) sampled from Sapanca... more The growth parameters and reproduction period in vimba (Vimba vimba L. 1758) sampled from Sapanca Lake were determined monthly between September 2003 and July 2004. The 335 vimba specimens caught ranged in age from 2 + to 6 + years, and the majority of the samples consisted of individuals of the 4 +-year-old age group. The length-weight relationship was estimated to be W = 0.0084 FL 3.1797±0.0035 for males (r 2 = 0.94, P < 0.05) and W = 0.0089 FL 3.1572±0.0033 for females (r 2 = 0.93, P < 0.05). Regression coefficients for sex were significant (t-test, P < 0.05). The slope (b) significantly differed (ANCOVA, P < 0.05) between months. The fact that the b values for male and female vimba specimens differed from 3.0 indicates that there was positive allometric growth. The von Bertalanffy equation was determined using Lt = 28.940 (1-exp {-0.123[t+2.193]}), ∅': 2.030, (r = 0.999) for males and Lt = 24.708 [1-exp {-0.205[t+1.464]}), ∅': 2.097, (r = 0.999) for females. The sex ratio was 1:1.86 (χ 2 ; P < 0.05). The spawning period of vimba began at the end of April and continued until the beginning of July; the water temperature during this period was between 14.8 and 25.9 °C.

Water, May 5, 2018
In the present study, the water quality and pollution status of Kamil Abduş Lagoon (Tuzla Lake), ... more In the present study, the water quality and pollution status of Kamil Abduş Lagoon (Tuzla Lake), which is located in Istanbul Metropolitan area, were investigated by determining the phytoplankton composition, some physicochemical parameters, and nutrient concentrations. Water samples were collected at 3 sampling sites between February 2016 and January 2017 on a monthly basis. A total of 32 taxa, belonging to Bacillariophyta (12), Charophyta (1), Chlorophyta (4), Cryptophyta (1), Cyanobacteria (5), Euglenozoa (5) and Miozoa (4) divisions were identified. Both freshwater and marine species were recorded in the study area. The presence of mesotrophic and eutrophic species of phytoplankton, high concentrations of chlorophyll-a and nutrients indicated that the trophic level of the lake is near to eutrophic. Water quality parameters studied in the current research were investigated to evaluate the input data significance using Artificial Neural Network analysis, specifically to ensure the limitation of regression analysis overfitting. Due to the fact that the lagoon is under threat by pollution it needs to be urgently protected. Therefore, detailed studies on phytoplankton including physicochemical parameters and nutrients have to be carried out in order to select appropriate management routes for improving the water quality in the lagoon.