Papers by Constanze Stockhammer
Report on Austria's Scientific and Technological Performance Capability 2012
Der Artikel beschreibt Hintergrund und Methodik des Problemzentrierten Interviews (PZI). // The a... more Der Artikel beschreibt Hintergrund und Methodik des Problemzentrierten Interviews (PZI). // The article describes background and methodology of the Problem-centred Interview (PCI).
Existing ground movement surveillance technologies at airports are subjected to limitations due t... more Existing ground movement surveillance technologies at airports are subjected to limitations due to shadowing effects or multiple reflections. Therefore, there is a strong demand for a new sensing technology, which will be cost effective and will provide detection of non-cooperative targets under any weather conditions. This paper aims to present a new intelligent system, developed within the framework of the EC-funded ISMAEL project, which is based on a new magnetic sensing technology and provides detection, tracking and automatic classification of targets moving on the airport surface. The system is currently being installed at two European airports. Initial experimental results under real airport traffic demonstrate the great potential of the proposed system.
ISMAEL - Reliable Eyes for Air Traffic Controllers at Airports
2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2006
Against the background of aggravated capacity constraints at airports due to increasing air traff... more Against the background of aggravated capacity constraints at airports due to increasing air traffic, airports are in need of innovative systems enabling air traffic controllers to improve situational awareness of the position of vehicles and aircraft moving around the airport, even under reduced visibility conditions. While this demand is addressed by the development and introduction of advanced surface movement guidance
Das problemzentrierte Interview
Qualitative Marktforschung
... In Rainer Strobl & Andreas Böttger (Hrsg.), Wahre Geschichten? Zur Theorie und Praxis qua... more ... In Rainer Strobl & Andreas Böttger (Hrsg.), Wahre Geschichten? Zur Theorie und Praxis qualitativer Interviews (S.23-48). Baden Baden: Nomos. ... In Rainer Strobl & Andreas Böttger (Hrsg.), Wahre Geschichten? Zur Theorie und Praxis qualitativer Interviews (S.93-110). ...

IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2009
A novel magnetic sensing technology that forms the basis of an innovative system to monitor groun... more A novel magnetic sensing technology that forms the basis of an innovative system to monitor ground vehicle movements at airports is presented. The operating principle of this system is the detection of interaction of aircraft or ground vehicles with the earth's magnetic field using sensitive magnetic field detectors. After development and laboratory testing of the detectors, test sites have been set up at three European airports. Potential applications of the detectors were designed and demonstrated. Tests have shown that the system can be applied for ground movement surveillance. The approach can be used as a complementary surveillance system for existing and future advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (A-SMGCS) at large airports or as a cost-effective stand-alone solution for monitoring critical areas at medium and small airports. Furthermore, this system can be applied as well in road traffic and car park occupancy monitoring. Unaffected by weather conditions, interference and shadowing effects, the system provides reliable vehicle position, velocity and direction information without requiring any equipment in aircraft or ground vehicles and thus it increases airport operational safety.

IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2008
Purpose -The surveillance equipment is one of the most important parts for current air traffic co... more Purpose -The surveillance equipment is one of the most important parts for current air traffic control systems. It provides aircraft position and other relevant information including flight parameters. However, the existing surveillance equipment has certain position errors between true and detected positions. Operators must understand and account for the characteristics on magnitude and frequency of the position errors in the surveillance systems because these errors can influence the safety of aircraft operation. This study aims to develop the simulation model for analysis of these surveillance position errors to improve the safety of aircrafts in airports. Design/methodology/approach -This study investigates the characterization of the position errors observed in airport surface detection equipment of an airport ground surveillance system and proposes a practical method to numerically reproduce the characteristics of the errors. Findings -The proposed approach represents position errors more accurately than an alternative simple approach. This study also discusses the application of the computational results in a microscopic simulation modeling environment. Practical implications -The surveillance error is analyzed from the radar trajectory data, and a random generator is configured to implement these data. These data are used in the air transportation simulation through an application programing interface, which can be applied to the aircraft trajectory data in the simulation. Subsequently, additionally built environment data are used in the actual simulation to obtain the results from the simulation engine. Originality/value -The presented surveillance error analysis and simulation with its implementation plan are expected to be useful for air transportation safety simulations.

At this occasion I would like to thank all people that have contributed to the realisation of thi... more At this occasion I would like to thank all people that have contributed to the realisation of this work with both their scientific and emotional support, and unbowed patience. First of all, to my scientific advisor Prof. Rainer Hasenauer, who has taken the risk of supervising a work with a rather unconventional methodological approach. Secondly, to Prof. Gerhard Wührer, who accepted to co-advise a thesis from an other university, even in an other city. A willingness that is rarely seen in the Austrian academic community. Special thanks to my former colleagues from HiTec Marketing, above all to Susanne Fuchs, who was always my encouraging model, and Walter Aigner, who inspired me with his unconventional thinking. Thank you very much also to all acedmic founders that undertook the effort to complete a rather long and unusual questionnaire. Without their cooperation this work would have never been possible. I hope some of them will draw valueable inputs out of the results. To my family and friends, who never stopped believing in me and were never tired to build me up with their unshakable trust. Special thanks have to be dedicated to Bernhard, who sacrificed more than one joint weekend and bore my temper as fluctuating with the ups and downs of the scientific progress. Last, but just not least, boundless thanks to my mother. She is the one that rendred all this possible by making me the person that I am, and always gave me the feeling that whatever I do, in her eyes I am worth a laureateship that cannot be measured in scientific terms. v
6 Für das Bildungssystem wurden auf Anregung des BMUKK für einige Indikatoren Zielwerte der von d... more 6 Für das Bildungssystem wurden auf Anregung des BMUKK für einige Indikatoren Zielwerte der von der FTI-Strategie unabhängigen europäischen Education-and-Training-2020-Strategie übernommen. 7 Der Begriff Innovation Leaders bezeichnet jene Länder der EU, die sich im jährlichen Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) der Europäischen Kommission in der Spitzengruppe befinden. 8 Die Normierung der Werte wird wie folgt erreicht: Der österreichische Wert wird durch den jeweiligen Zielwert dividiert und mit 100 multipliziert. Wenn Performanceverbesserungen mit einem Rückgang der Indikatorwerte einhergehen, etwa bei der Arbeitslosenquote, wurden die Werte invertiert (d. h. Zielwert im Zähler, österreichischer Wert im Nenner), um die Interpretation "größer gleich 100 = Zielerreichung" beizubehalten. Entsprechende Indikatoren werden mit einem (I) gekennzeichnet.
Papers by Constanze Stockhammer