Chiara Scalabrino
I am a Sustainability and Adult Education for Sustainability professional with 20 years wide-ranging experience promoting RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION and PRODUCTION in NGOs, the public and the private sectors (through research, networking, education, training, information, communication, project management, evaluation and consulting).
I believe that the success of Sustainability, Social Responsibility or Energy saving and efficiency strategies, depends on people's engagement and social change.
I have a special interest in research on:
- The processes of organizations (companies, public bodies…) toward sustainability.
- People (employees, citizens…) involvement for Sustainability, especially motivational aspects and methods to promote change and engagement.
- Education for Sustainability and in particular adults Education and Training for Sustainable Consumption and Production.
For more information on my work and pubblications, please visit my ORCID (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6291-6693) and LinkedIn profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiarascalabrino/).
I believe that the success of Sustainability, Social Responsibility or Energy saving and efficiency strategies, depends on people's engagement and social change.
I have a special interest in research on:
- The processes of organizations (companies, public bodies…) toward sustainability.
- People (employees, citizens…) involvement for Sustainability, especially motivational aspects and methods to promote change and engagement.
- Education for Sustainability and in particular adults Education and Training for Sustainable Consumption and Production.
For more information on my work and pubblications, please visit my ORCID (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6291-6693) and LinkedIn profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiarascalabrino/).
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Papers by Chiara Scalabrino
The report also includes a section on Education for Sustainability as a unique tool to facilitate the learning of the competences. Furthermore, it provides examples of Education for Sustainability behavioural learning objectives and examples of the contribution that the acquisition of sustainability competences can potentially give to the implementation of the EU policy instruments conceived to accelerate the shift to a circular and low carbon economy (e.g., EU Ecolabel, Green Public Procurement or the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities). Finally, benefits and recommendations for scaling up Education for Sustainability are presented.
This study aims at exploring the impact of an experimental training course (“Introduction to the Circular Economy and Life Cycle Thinking”) delivered to a group of public servants by looking at the group’s comprehension and value given to the importance and feasibility of activating more Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns, such as GPP. The course design was based on the research and practice framework provided by Education for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ESCP). This was drawn from an idea of transformative Education for Sustainability (ES), seen from a constructivist, critical and complex perspective. Particular attention was given both to the cognitive and emotional aspects of the learning process. Thus, the course was specifically tailored to the participants.
The different training sessions were carried out in 2018 and involved a total of 95 public servants. Mainly qualitative methods (document analysis, observation, quantitative and qualitative questionnaires) were used for the research. The findings show that the learning activities, which designed, performed and evaluated in this study using ESCP principles, are valuable to draw the participants’ attention to many sustainability topics that they are rarely exposed to. Moreover, they demonstrate to contribute to inspire sustainable actions. Overall, further research and implementation of extended processes of this kind should benefit the innovation of professional training and accelerate the transition from a linear to a Circular Economy (CE).
Citation: Scalabrino, C., Navarrete, A., Oliva, J. M. (2019). Promoting Life Cycle Thinking: a training of public officers for Green Public Procurement. PLATE Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2019 – Conference Proceedings. N.F. Nissen and M. Jaeger-Erben (Eds.). TU Berlin University Press. ISBN 978-3-7983-3124-2 (print), ISBN 978-3-7983-3125-9 (online).
Más en detalle queríamos caracterizar la empresa comprometida con la sostenibilidad (organización, individuos) y explorar los rasgos de las actividades educativas que permean el proceso y su efectividad según los informantes. Y desde ahí, analizar la idea que la empresa maneja en torno a la Educación para la Sostenibilidad, en relación a la que se tiene en el mundo académico o desde las prácticas de algunos profesionales de la Educación Ambiental (desde la perspectiva compleja, crítica y constructivista).
El análisis de los antecedentes y fundamentos teóricos incluyó, a la vez, el análisis de la literatura y el seguimiento de la práctica empresarial porque la integración de la sostenibilidad en la cultura organizacional es un campo de investigación en el cual, a menudo, la práctica antecede y guía a la teoría.
Utilizando una metodología cualitativa con un enfoque desde la complejidad, desarrollamos un estudio de caso múltiple constituido por tres empresas diferentes entre ellas. Gracias a la utilización de diferentes instrumentos de investigación basados en la literatura (una entrevista semi-estructurada validada por expertos externos, un cuestionario abierto online, el análisis documental, la observación, un sistema de categorías para la clasificación de la información), en cada empresa, exploramos el proceso hacia la sostenibilidad y sus peculiaridades, sobre todo en los aspectos educativos.
Pudiendo los instrumentos de investigación validados en el ámbito de la investigación, ser útiles para investigaciones similares, también de tipo cuantitativo, llamamos a su conjunto “Sistema para la Exploración de los Rasgos de la Educación para la Sostenibilidad en la Organización hacia la Sostenibilidad” (SERESOS). Forma parte del SERESOS el “Identikit de las empresas más auténticamente comprometidas” que recoge una serie de indicios de un nivel alto de integración de la sostenibilidad en una empresa, que emergieron de la investigación.
Los estudios de caso dejan claro que las actividades más efectivas para propiciar una actitud positiva de los empleados hacia el proceso son aquellas educativas, que el liderazgo para la sostenibilidad es fundamental y que el nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad en la empresa, y su impacto positivo en la sociedad, depende del nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad en el modelo de negocio, en los trabajadores y en sus grupos de interés.
Sin embargo, el potencial de difusión del Consumo y la Producción Sostenibles (CPS) desde la empresa no parece totalmente aprovechado y la imagen de la Educación para la Sostenibilidad (ES) o Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) no es la de la ES desde una perspectiva compleja, crítica y constructivista. Cuando se realizan actividades educativas con características de este tipo, es por iniciativa externa y con objetivos diferentes. De todas formas estas parecen tener efectos muy positivos en el desarrollo del proceso hacia la sostenibilidad y los dos procesos (para la sostenibilidad en la empresa y el educativo) parecen integrarse retroalimentándose positivamente.
Il documento presenta la visione del consumo sostenibile e delle sue potenzialità che il Gruppo ha condiviso e posto alla base del proprio lavoro.
The state of its marine habitat is a reflection of natural and human factors such as: the limited water exchange with
adjacent seas, the formation of salinity and temperature barriers between surface and bottom water, the continuous
pressure of pollution and overexploitation from human activities.
The Baltic Sea Region has become one of the most dynamic regions in Europe with good perspectives for economic
development, but as a very sensitive environment it needs special protection.
One of the most exciting challenges of the enlargement is ensuring that the environmental protection in the new members
will be at least as high as in the old members. As a shared water resource, the Baltic Sea will be one of the first
beneficiaries of this challenge.
This study attempts to show that co-operation between the Baltic States will have a positive impact on ensuring
protection of the environment in the region.
Books by Chiara Scalabrino
Una raccolta di "ri-giochi ecologici" da costruire con materiali di riciclo o riutilizzabili, che possono essere realizzati tout court, o costituire spunti per mettersi personalmente in gioco e dar spazio alla propria fantasia e creatività, riadattando i giochi ai propri contesti e obiettivi o per crearne e reinventarne di nuovi.
ENGLISH: Many ideas to reuse, build, cooperate, reflect and animate streets, squares, gardens, parties, playrooms, kindergartens and recreational centers.
A collection of "ecological re-games" to be built with recycled or reusable materials, which can be made tout court, or that constitute ideas to give space to your imagination and creativity, adapting the games to your contexts and objectives or to create and reinvent new ones.
The website and CD: http://www.ambienteinliguria.it/eco3/ep/CDromChiudiamoIlCiclo/riciclo/index5730.html?option=content&task=section&id=11&Itemid=78
I processi economici, sociali ed ecologici sono strettamente collegati tra loro e l'intervento di attori pubblici e privati non deve avvenire in modo settoriale, bensì bisogna diffondere un nuovo
modo di pensare che consideri benessere economico, sociale ed ambientale come obiettivi collegati tra loro e capaci di supportarsi reciprocamente.
Questo volumetto nasce quindi con l'obiettivo di contribuire a diffondere la cultura ambientale
ed una conoscenza di base sugli "strumenti di sostenibilità" utili per intraprendere percorsi ambientalmente sostenibili, affinché gli obiettivi in campo ambientale diventino occasioni consapevoli per azioni di sviluppo sociale ed economico.
I libretto presenta la III Ricognizione regionale dell'adozione degli strumenti di sostenibilità tra gli enti pubblici della Liguria.
ENGLISH: In recent years, the concept of "sustainable development" has become increasingly important.
Economic, social and ecological processes are closely linked to each other and the intervention of public and private actors must not take place in a sectoral way, but a new way of thinking must be spread that considers economic, social and environmental well-being as objectives linked to each other and able to support each other.
This booklet was therefore created with the aim of contributing to spreading environmental culture and a basic knowledge of "sustainability tools" useful for undertaking sustainable paths, so that environmental objectives become conscious occasions for social and economic development actions.
The booklet presents the third Regional survey on the adoption of sustainability tools among the public bodies of Liguria.
Il coinvolgimento dei vari soggetti attivi nell'educazione ambientale e per lo sviluppo sostenibile è uno degli elementi chiave delle azioni condotte a livello nazionale: è infatti in tale ottica che si è venuto delineando in Italia il Sistema Nazionale per l'Informazione, la Formazione e l'Educazione Ambientale (IN.F.E.A.).
Il volume presenta e rende disponibili ad un più ampio ventaglio di operatori in materia e di un pubblico interessato alle tematiche ambientali i contenuti ed i lavori sviluppati nell'ambito della realizzazione del progetto "Management di Rete e sviluppo sostenibile", coordinato dalla Regione Umbria.
Publication of Region Umbria, relating to the "Network Management and Sustainable Development" course, carried out within the Interregional Program IN.F.E.A. 2002-2003 with funding from the Ministry of the Environment and Land Protection, by Giovanni Borgarello.
The involvement of the various active subjects in environmental education and sustainable development is one of the key elements of the actions carried out at national level: it is in fact from this perspective that the National System for Information, Training and Environmental Education (IN.F.EA).
The volume presents and makes available to a wider range of operators on the subject and to an audience interested in environmental issues, the contents and works developed in the context of the implementation of the "Network Management and Sustainable Development" project, coordinated by the Umbria Region.
Thesis Chapters by Chiara Scalabrino
The report also includes a section on Education for Sustainability as a unique tool to facilitate the learning of the competences. Furthermore, it provides examples of Education for Sustainability behavioural learning objectives and examples of the contribution that the acquisition of sustainability competences can potentially give to the implementation of the EU policy instruments conceived to accelerate the shift to a circular and low carbon economy (e.g., EU Ecolabel, Green Public Procurement or the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities). Finally, benefits and recommendations for scaling up Education for Sustainability are presented.
This study aims at exploring the impact of an experimental training course (“Introduction to the Circular Economy and Life Cycle Thinking”) delivered to a group of public servants by looking at the group’s comprehension and value given to the importance and feasibility of activating more Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns, such as GPP. The course design was based on the research and practice framework provided by Education for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ESCP). This was drawn from an idea of transformative Education for Sustainability (ES), seen from a constructivist, critical and complex perspective. Particular attention was given both to the cognitive and emotional aspects of the learning process. Thus, the course was specifically tailored to the participants.
The different training sessions were carried out in 2018 and involved a total of 95 public servants. Mainly qualitative methods (document analysis, observation, quantitative and qualitative questionnaires) were used for the research. The findings show that the learning activities, which designed, performed and evaluated in this study using ESCP principles, are valuable to draw the participants’ attention to many sustainability topics that they are rarely exposed to. Moreover, they demonstrate to contribute to inspire sustainable actions. Overall, further research and implementation of extended processes of this kind should benefit the innovation of professional training and accelerate the transition from a linear to a Circular Economy (CE).
Citation: Scalabrino, C., Navarrete, A., Oliva, J. M. (2019). Promoting Life Cycle Thinking: a training of public officers for Green Public Procurement. PLATE Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2019 – Conference Proceedings. N.F. Nissen and M. Jaeger-Erben (Eds.). TU Berlin University Press. ISBN 978-3-7983-3124-2 (print), ISBN 978-3-7983-3125-9 (online).
Más en detalle queríamos caracterizar la empresa comprometida con la sostenibilidad (organización, individuos) y explorar los rasgos de las actividades educativas que permean el proceso y su efectividad según los informantes. Y desde ahí, analizar la idea que la empresa maneja en torno a la Educación para la Sostenibilidad, en relación a la que se tiene en el mundo académico o desde las prácticas de algunos profesionales de la Educación Ambiental (desde la perspectiva compleja, crítica y constructivista).
El análisis de los antecedentes y fundamentos teóricos incluyó, a la vez, el análisis de la literatura y el seguimiento de la práctica empresarial porque la integración de la sostenibilidad en la cultura organizacional es un campo de investigación en el cual, a menudo, la práctica antecede y guía a la teoría.
Utilizando una metodología cualitativa con un enfoque desde la complejidad, desarrollamos un estudio de caso múltiple constituido por tres empresas diferentes entre ellas. Gracias a la utilización de diferentes instrumentos de investigación basados en la literatura (una entrevista semi-estructurada validada por expertos externos, un cuestionario abierto online, el análisis documental, la observación, un sistema de categorías para la clasificación de la información), en cada empresa, exploramos el proceso hacia la sostenibilidad y sus peculiaridades, sobre todo en los aspectos educativos.
Pudiendo los instrumentos de investigación validados en el ámbito de la investigación, ser útiles para investigaciones similares, también de tipo cuantitativo, llamamos a su conjunto “Sistema para la Exploración de los Rasgos de la Educación para la Sostenibilidad en la Organización hacia la Sostenibilidad” (SERESOS). Forma parte del SERESOS el “Identikit de las empresas más auténticamente comprometidas” que recoge una serie de indicios de un nivel alto de integración de la sostenibilidad en una empresa, que emergieron de la investigación.
Los estudios de caso dejan claro que las actividades más efectivas para propiciar una actitud positiva de los empleados hacia el proceso son aquellas educativas, que el liderazgo para la sostenibilidad es fundamental y que el nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad en la empresa, y su impacto positivo en la sociedad, depende del nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad en el modelo de negocio, en los trabajadores y en sus grupos de interés.
Sin embargo, el potencial de difusión del Consumo y la Producción Sostenibles (CPS) desde la empresa no parece totalmente aprovechado y la imagen de la Educación para la Sostenibilidad (ES) o Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) no es la de la ES desde una perspectiva compleja, crítica y constructivista. Cuando se realizan actividades educativas con características de este tipo, es por iniciativa externa y con objetivos diferentes. De todas formas estas parecen tener efectos muy positivos en el desarrollo del proceso hacia la sostenibilidad y los dos procesos (para la sostenibilidad en la empresa y el educativo) parecen integrarse retroalimentándose positivamente.
Il documento presenta la visione del consumo sostenibile e delle sue potenzialità che il Gruppo ha condiviso e posto alla base del proprio lavoro.
The state of its marine habitat is a reflection of natural and human factors such as: the limited water exchange with
adjacent seas, the formation of salinity and temperature barriers between surface and bottom water, the continuous
pressure of pollution and overexploitation from human activities.
The Baltic Sea Region has become one of the most dynamic regions in Europe with good perspectives for economic
development, but as a very sensitive environment it needs special protection.
One of the most exciting challenges of the enlargement is ensuring that the environmental protection in the new members
will be at least as high as in the old members. As a shared water resource, the Baltic Sea will be one of the first
beneficiaries of this challenge.
This study attempts to show that co-operation between the Baltic States will have a positive impact on ensuring
protection of the environment in the region.
Una raccolta di "ri-giochi ecologici" da costruire con materiali di riciclo o riutilizzabili, che possono essere realizzati tout court, o costituire spunti per mettersi personalmente in gioco e dar spazio alla propria fantasia e creatività, riadattando i giochi ai propri contesti e obiettivi o per crearne e reinventarne di nuovi.
ENGLISH: Many ideas to reuse, build, cooperate, reflect and animate streets, squares, gardens, parties, playrooms, kindergartens and recreational centers.
A collection of "ecological re-games" to be built with recycled or reusable materials, which can be made tout court, or that constitute ideas to give space to your imagination and creativity, adapting the games to your contexts and objectives or to create and reinvent new ones.
The website and CD: http://www.ambienteinliguria.it/eco3/ep/CDromChiudiamoIlCiclo/riciclo/index5730.html?option=content&task=section&id=11&Itemid=78
I processi economici, sociali ed ecologici sono strettamente collegati tra loro e l'intervento di attori pubblici e privati non deve avvenire in modo settoriale, bensì bisogna diffondere un nuovo
modo di pensare che consideri benessere economico, sociale ed ambientale come obiettivi collegati tra loro e capaci di supportarsi reciprocamente.
Questo volumetto nasce quindi con l'obiettivo di contribuire a diffondere la cultura ambientale
ed una conoscenza di base sugli "strumenti di sostenibilità" utili per intraprendere percorsi ambientalmente sostenibili, affinché gli obiettivi in campo ambientale diventino occasioni consapevoli per azioni di sviluppo sociale ed economico.
I libretto presenta la III Ricognizione regionale dell'adozione degli strumenti di sostenibilità tra gli enti pubblici della Liguria.
ENGLISH: In recent years, the concept of "sustainable development" has become increasingly important.
Economic, social and ecological processes are closely linked to each other and the intervention of public and private actors must not take place in a sectoral way, but a new way of thinking must be spread that considers economic, social and environmental well-being as objectives linked to each other and able to support each other.
This booklet was therefore created with the aim of contributing to spreading environmental culture and a basic knowledge of "sustainability tools" useful for undertaking sustainable paths, so that environmental objectives become conscious occasions for social and economic development actions.
The booklet presents the third Regional survey on the adoption of sustainability tools among the public bodies of Liguria.
Il coinvolgimento dei vari soggetti attivi nell'educazione ambientale e per lo sviluppo sostenibile è uno degli elementi chiave delle azioni condotte a livello nazionale: è infatti in tale ottica che si è venuto delineando in Italia il Sistema Nazionale per l'Informazione, la Formazione e l'Educazione Ambientale (IN.F.E.A.).
Il volume presenta e rende disponibili ad un più ampio ventaglio di operatori in materia e di un pubblico interessato alle tematiche ambientali i contenuti ed i lavori sviluppati nell'ambito della realizzazione del progetto "Management di Rete e sviluppo sostenibile", coordinato dalla Regione Umbria.
Publication of Region Umbria, relating to the "Network Management and Sustainable Development" course, carried out within the Interregional Program IN.F.E.A. 2002-2003 with funding from the Ministry of the Environment and Land Protection, by Giovanni Borgarello.
The involvement of the various active subjects in environmental education and sustainable development is one of the key elements of the actions carried out at national level: it is in fact from this perspective that the National System for Information, Training and Environmental Education (IN.F.EA).
The volume presents and makes available to a wider range of operators on the subject and to an audience interested in environmental issues, the contents and works developed in the context of the implementation of the "Network Management and Sustainable Development" project, coordinated by the Umbria Region.
En particular, ya que desarrollar el pensamiento sistémico da a los aprendices de todas las edades el potencial de maximizar la aplicación de sus diferentes experiencias de aprendizaje y permite entender más profundamente nuestro complejo y inter-conectado mundo, de la concepción de sostenibilidad del grupo de participantes, se ha intentado enfocar el pensamiento sistémico, la complejidad y las motivaciones a la actuación para la reducción de los impactos ambientales y sociales de su organización. ABSTRACT The complex nature of sustainability challenges calls for new approaches to long life learning and education methodologies. Developing the ability to think systemically gives learners of all ages the potential to maximize the application of their diverse learning experiences and contribute to better understand our complex inter-connected world. The aim of the study has been exploring, according to some cooperatives of the Province of Cadiz, their cognitive and affective image of sustainability and of the unsustainability of the consumption and production economic system in which they operate. Related purpose, the exploration of their motivations to take action for the reduction of the environmental and social impacts of their organization. In particular the objective has been to focus system thinking and complexity in the conception of sustainability of the group of participants, with the idea that the results of the research could contribute to the design of effective professionals awareness and training courses, with the belief that Environmental Education can contribute to facilitate the spreading of authentic and genuine Enterprise Social Responsibility (ESR) strategies and actions for Sustainability in the production sector.
En particular, ya que desarrollar el pensamiento sistémico da a los aprendices de todas las edades el potencial de maximizar la aplicación de sus diferentes experiencias de aprendizaje y permite entender más profundamente nuestro complejo y inter-conectado mundo, de la concepción de sostenibilidad del grupo de participantes, se ha intentado enfocar el pensamiento sistémico, la complejidad y las motivaciones a la actuación para la reducción de los impactos ambientales y sociales de su organización. ABSTRACT The complex nature of sustainability challenges calls for new approaches to long life learning and education methodologies. Developing the ability to think systemically gives learners of all ages the potential to maximize the application of their diverse learning experiences and contribute to better understand our complex inter-connected world. The aim of the study has been exploring, according to some cooperatives of the Province of Cadiz, their cognitive and affective image of sustainability and of the unsustainability of the consumption and production economic system in which they operate. Related purpose, the exploration of their motivations to take action for the reduction of the environmental and social impacts of their organization. In particular the objective has been to focus system thinking and complexity in the conception of sustainability of the group of participants, with the idea that the results of the research could contribute to the design of effective professionals awareness and training courses, with the belief that Environmental Education can contribute to facilitate the spreading of authentic and genuine Enterprise Social Responsibility (ESR) strategies and actions for Sustainability in the production sector.