Research Square (Research Square), Jul 25, 2023
Viral identification by MALDI-TOF from cell cultures. Application of an in-house library for dete... more Viral identification by MALDI-TOF from cell cultures. Application of an in-house library for detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other virus of clinical interest.
Research Square (Research Square), Jul 25, 2023
The use of the MALDI-TOF system for viral identification is a technique that continues on the dev... more The use of the MALDI-TOF system for viral identification is a technique that continues on the development stage, and it advances above all to the research and development of in-house libraries. In this work, we analyse by two different bioinformatics tools our own in-house library of viral and no-infected cell cultures, performing a clustering analysis and two different marker discovery assays, that lead as to the detection, first, of the limitations to differentiate cultures and to the discovery of different unique markers for the recognition of HSV and ADV cultures. 1. Clustering analysis: the total of 1008 PMF that make up the library were analysed.

Veterinarni Medicina, Apr 30, 2014
This study reports the diagnostic algorithm followed for the identification of a fatal canine ade... more This study reports the diagnostic algorithm followed for the identification of a fatal canine adenovirus type 1 (CAdV-1) infection in an unvaccinated 56 day-old puppy to overcome the limitations imposed by inconclusive histopathology hampered by body freezing. The animal was submitted to necropsy after a clinical history of lethargy, dehydration, vomiting and haemorrhagic diarrhoea. Pathological features, suggestive of infectious illness, included generalised gelatinous subcutaneous oedema, petechial, ecchymotic haemorrhages of the subcutaneous tissues and a friable uniformly yellow mottled liver. Differential diagnosis based on PCR ruled out the presence of most common gastrointestinal canine viruses and bacteriology and coprology confirmed that pathogenic bacteria and intestinal parasites did not account for the puppy's death. Strong amplification of CAdV-1 DNA was obtained from liver samples. Isolation of CAdV-1 in MDCK cells was subsequently demonstrated and sequencing analysis showed high similarity with CAdV-1 isolates from Europe. In the absence of serum, antibodies against CAdV-1 were investigated in lung tissue extracts. The presence of CAdV-1 infectious particles and absence of immune response was consistent with rapid progression of the infection and death of the animal two days after the onset of clinical signals, allowing a final diagnosis of the acute form of ICH. Antibodies against CAdV-1 were detected in sera collected from clinically healthy dogs from the same premises, 14-months after the index case, suggesting that the virus had circulated in the breeding kennel. We believe this to be the first report of CAdV-1 in Portugal where canine infectious hepatitis is considered a rare infection.
Resumen en: BVDV is an important virus of cattle worldwide that induces to substantial economic l... more Resumen en: BVDV is an important virus of cattle worldwide that induces to substantial economic losses in dairy farms. The major source of infection are secretions a...

Animals, 2021
Animal crimes are a widespread phenomenon with serious implications for animal welfare, individua... more Animal crimes are a widespread phenomenon with serious implications for animal welfare, individual well-being and for society in general. These crimes are universal and represent a major problem in human/animal interaction. In Portugal, current law 69/2014 criminalizes the mistreatment and abandonment of companion animals. This study characterizes forensic cases received at the Laboratory of Pathology of the National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinary Investigation (Vairão) since the enforcement of the aforementioned legislation. A retrospective study was carried out based on the consult of 160 data files of forensic necropsies from 127 dogs and 33 cats. Necropsies confirmed prior crime suspicion in 38 cases (24%), from which 33 were dogs and five were cats. Among confirmed cases, most of assaulted animals were medium-size (57%), crossbreed (55%) male (58%) dogs (87%), which were the victims of blunt force trauma (31%), firearms (27%), poisoning (27%) and asphyxiation (15%). In ca...

Veterinaria México OA, 2015
Although Chlamydia abortus is classified as an exotic agent in Mexico, there is increasing eviden... more Although Chlamydia abortus is classified as an exotic agent in Mexico, there is increasing evidence of its presence. The objective of this study was to isolate C. abortus in dairy goat herds with problems of abortion in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, and to develop appropriate diagnostic methods for its detection. Serological samples and vaginal swabs were taken from 6 dairy goat herds. The ELISA revealed a seropositivity of 9.60% for C. abortus. The PCR test based on the vaginal mucus samples resulted in 30 of 126 positive animals (23.8%). Chlamydia spp. were isolated in 34 of the 126 animals tested (26.98%). The 3 diagnostic methods tested were valuable and complementary in zones where Chlamydia is suspected to cause abortions. We demonstrated that the bacteria are present in dairy goat herds of Mexico; thus, Veterinary Sanitary Authorities should consider this disease endemic to establish sanitary procedures to control the spread of the disease and to prevent human transmission.

RESUMEN En el análisis que hace Freud de las diferentes "versiones"de las"historias"con las que s... more RESUMEN En el análisis que hace Freud de las diferentes "versiones"de las"historias"con las que se encuentra al pensar el monoteísmo, plantea que la versión escrita incluye lo mitológico y que en la tradición oral, en cambio, se han conservado restos de verdad. Desde ambas vertientes, construye una historia Se nos aparece la complejidad de la construcción como entretejido de una escritura en la que los procesos de inscripción, borrado, repetición, desplazamiento y retorno presiden la constitución de la tradición monoteísta. El trabajo de lectura repite en la construcción del texto las mismas operaciones que plantea como condición de necesidad para la escritura de la (una) historia. Aquí se nos abren varias cuestiones: la complejidad de la inscripción freudiana, la dimensión paradojal de lo que se escribe como "uno", "único", "origen", que no lo es, y la pregunta sobre la operación de lectura para el psicoanálisis. A modo de adelanto podemos decir que la operación de lectura es una operación de escritura. Desde allí, podemos rescatar una indicación ética: será responsabilidad del analista la lectura que sostenga esa "fidelidad" que Freud pone a cuenta de la vertiente religiosa o de abrir a la creación de una nueva escritura. Palabras clave Trauma Compulsión Delirio Religión ABSTRACT FROM THE FORGETFULNESS TO THE DELIRIUM In the analysis that does Freud of different "versions" of "histories" that he found when thinking monotheism, raises that version written includes the mythological and that in tradition oral, however, have conserved rest of true. From both slopes, he constructs a history. Appears to us the complexity of construction like framework of a writing in which the processes of inscription, of rub out, repetition, displacement and return preside the constitution of tradition monotheist. The work of reading repeats in construction of the text the same operations that raises like condition of necessity for the writing of (one) history. Here, several questions are opened to us: the complexity of inscription Freudian, dimension paradoxical of which it is written like one, only one, origin, which it is not, and the question about operation of reading for the psychoanalysis. As an advance we can say that operation of reading is one operation of writing. From all, we can rescue one indication ethic: will be responsibility of the analyst the reading that maintains that fidelity that Freud puts against the account of the religious slope or to open creation of a new writing.
Geos Revista Venezolana De Ciencias De La Tierra, May 22, 2013
Prion, Jan 28, 2015
Summary During the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic, Portugal was the third most a... more Summary During the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic, Portugal was the third most affected country. As a result of a successful national eradication plan, the number of BSE affected animals has been progressively declining in Portugal with no cases identified in 2013. However, within the scope of this active surveillance scheme, we have identified the first H- type BSE case born after the introduction of the reinforced ban in fallen stock. Here, we report the phenotypic features of this case and the analysis of the protein coding sequence of prnp as well as the prnp promoter and intron 1 insertion-deletions.

Journal of General Virology, 2004
Experimental transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to sheep has prompted the implement... more Experimental transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to sheep has prompted the implementation of a surveillance plan of scrapie in small ruminants by the European Union in all member states. Since its start over 30 000 animals have been tested, and the first seven cases of sheep with detectable PrPres deposition in the central nervous system have been identified in Portugal. Notably, the pattern of PrPres distribution in the brainstem was different from that previously described for scrapie and consistent in all seven animals. Moreover, the profile of the electrophoretic mobility of PrPres after proteinase K treatment was equivalent in all cases analysed but distinct from that observed for scrapie. Notably, four animals had genotypes rarely associated with scrapie, including one animal homozygous for A136R154R171. There were no cases found to exhibit vacuolation, a pattern of PrPres distribution or PrPres electrophoretic mobility corresponding to scrapie. These data reveal ...

Journal of General Virology, 2010
Active transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) surveillance in small ruminants across Europ... more Active transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) surveillance in small ruminants across Europe was implemented in 2002 following the epizootic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Here, we report the potential emergence of classical scrapie in Portugal, in a background of enzootic atypical scrapie. Between 2003 and 2008, 375 459 small ruminants were screened in total, with 328 animals confirmed positive for NOR98 atypical scrapie. During this period, the prevalence rate of atypical scrapie for all years combined was 0.0874 % across the country. In this scenario, classical scrapie emerged as a single outbreak in 2008, with 12 identified cases. In contrast to other European countries, where classical scrapie has been enzootic for decades, these data indicate that, in Portugal, atypical scrapie is the predominant form of TSE. The findings reported here will have implications for the control of classical scrapie in Portugal, namely in terms of keeping the country free of enzootic classical scrapie.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011
Sulfonic acid-functionalized mesostructured SBA-15 silicas have been demonstrated to be active fo... more Sulfonic acid-functionalized mesostructured SBA-15 silicas have been demonstrated to be active for the catalytic transesterification of glycerol with methyl acetate to produce di-and triacetylglycerols. An optimization of the reaction conditions carried out with pharmaceutical glycerol by means of experimental design methodology showed that it is necessary to use a high methyl acetate to glycerol molar ratio (50:1) and a high catalyst loading (7.5 wt % based on glycerol) in order to obtain simultaneously very high glycerol conversion (99.5%) and high combined selectivity toward di-and triacetylglycerols (74.2%). In addition, the formation of nondesired byproduct was minimized at such reaction conditions. The activity displayed by arenesulfonic acid-functionalized mesostructured silica was comparable to that displayed by commercial catalysts such as the resin Amberlyst-70 or the composite Nafion-SAC-13. The acid strength of the catalytic sites, and in less extent their surface density, proved to be the most influential parameters in this reaction. Arenesulfonic SBA-15 also provided suitable conversions and selectivities with technical-grade glycerol, although not with crude glycerol due to the deactivating effect of salts.
Pediatría (Bogotá), 1997
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 237099 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 237099 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 237099. ...
Archivos de medicina veterinaria, 2003
... y los estudios realizados en países como Suecia, con un 1.3% (Alenius y col., 1986), Dinamarc... more ... y los estudios realizados en países como Suecia, con un 1.3% (Alenius y col., 1986), Dinamarca con un 1.4% (Houe y Meyling, 1991), en ... Por otra parte, influye también la alta proporción de terneros que se remueven de los planteles luego de su nacimiento (Rüfenacht y col ...