Papers by Claudio Nicoletti de Fraga
The authors describe, discuss, and illustrate three epilithic new species of Stigmatodon, S. ilha... more The authors describe, discuss, and illustrate three epilithic new species of Stigmatodon, S. ilhanus, S. itamarajuensis, and S. viridibracteatus, restricted to vertical rock walls in inselbergs located in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo, Brazil, and propose a new combination, transferring the endemic Vriesea vexata from rupestrian fields in Minas Gerais state to Stigmatodon. The stigma morphology of Stigmatodon, which is one of the most important distinctive features of this genus, is reevaluated and illustrated, with the recognition of two new types, the convolute-blade type III (stigmadontoid type) and the tubo-laciniate type II. These new stigma types suggest a morphological bridge between the typical tubo-laciniate type I and the convolute-blade types I and II and represent a relevant progress in understanding the morphological boundaries of Stigmatodon.

The Atlantic Forest is one of the diversity centers of Melastomataceae in the world, and studies ... more The Atlantic Forest is one of the diversity centers of Melastomataceae in the world, and studies have been showing the great richness of its species in Espírito Santo, a state that once was entirely covered by this phytogeographic domain. We present here a floristic survey of the species of Melastomataceae in a protected area in this state, the Municipal Natural Park of São Lourenço, located at the municipality of Santa Teresa. We also present an identification key for the species, detailed descriptions, comments on distribution, habitat and phenology, photographs and illustrations. A thorough sampling was based on several expeditions during 2019 and 2020; in addition, we analyzed all specimens collected in the area and deposited in the herbaria FLOR, HUEFS, MBM, MBML, NY, RB, UPCB, US and VIES. The family has 10 genera and 56 species in the area, with Miconia having 42 species, Pleroma six and the genera Aciotis, Acisanthera, Bertolonia, Chaetogastra, Henriettea, Meriania, Microlic...
Systematic Botany, Dec 12, 2022

Plant Ecology and Evolution
Background-Davilla (Dilleniaceae) currently comprises 28 species and is distributed throughout th... more Background-Davilla (Dilleniaceae) currently comprises 28 species and is distributed throughout the Neotropics. Extensive fieldwork conducted in the Atlantic Forest of the Brazilian states Bahia, Espírito Santo, and Rio de Janeiro resulted in the discovery of a new species of Davilla, described and illustrated in this paper. Methods-Herbarium collections including type specimens were consulted for identification and compared to the new species. Morphological data of the new species were obtained through the study of herbarium specimens as well as of live specimens observed in the field. Key results-Davilla hirsuticarpa Fraga & Aymard, a new species endemic to the Atlantic Forest areas, is here described and illustrated, along with comments on its geographical distribution, ecology, and conservation status. The new species resembles D. bahiana Aymard and D. cuspidulata Mart. ex Eichl., from which it differs by hirsute carpels. In accordance with the categories and criteria of the IUCN Red List, it could be considered as Vulnerable (VU). A new key to all species of Davilla sect. Davilla is provided.

Systematic Botany
— Two new species, Phyllanthus lilliputianus and Phyllanthus sobralii are described for the Atlan... more — Two new species, Phyllanthus lilliputianus and Phyllanthus sobralii are described for the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil, for the states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais, respectively. The presence of deeply emarginate anthers and four-colporate pollen grains with reticulate and microreticulate exine indicate that both species belong to Phyllanthus sect. Phyllanthus subsect. Claussenianii. Phyllanthus lilliputianus is an erect and small herb, with mucilaginous-hyaline branchlets, stipules, and petiole, an elliptical leaf blade that is membranaceous and sparsely mucilaginous-hyaline, staminate flowers with 5 sepals rhombic to widely obovate, and pistillate flowers with 5 slightly unguiculate sepals. P. sobralii is characterized by an herbaceous habit, with cylindrical branchlets that are glabrous, fractiflex and pinnatiform, leaf blades broadly elliptical to oval-elliptical, turquoise with prominent ribs on both surfaces, staminate and pistillate flowers with 5 sepals, with an accentuated central strip. Detailed description, colored plates, line drawing, notes on distribution, and conservation assessment are provided below.
Rodriguésia, 2022
The Flora of Espírito Santo presents three species of Helieae (Gentianaceae), circumscribed in th... more The Flora of Espírito Santo presents three species of Helieae (Gentianaceae), circumscribed in the genera Prepusa, with two species, and Senaea with only one species. These poorly known species are described and illustrated here, and had their diagnostic characters and their similarities with other species discussed. In addition, this paper provides an emended key for species and geographic distribution maps of all species of Prepusa and Senaea from Flora of Espírito Santo, with additional comments on their conservation status.
FIGURE 1. Pleroma marinana P.J.F. Guim. & Fraga: A. Flowering branch. B. Detail of the adaxial le... more FIGURE 1. Pleroma marinana P.J.F. Guim. & Fraga: A. Flowering branch. B. Detail of the adaxial leaf surface. C. Detail of the abaxial leaf surface. D. Bracteole, adaxial view. E. Bracteole, abaxial view. F. Flower at anthesis, with the petals removed and showing stamens and style. G. Calyx lobe, abaxial view. H. Calyx lobe, adaxial view. I. Petal, abaxial view. J. Antepetalous stamens, in lateral view. K. Antesepalous stamens, lateral view. (From Fraga 962).
FIGURE 3. Map showing the geographical distribution of Pleroma marinana (black dots) and Pleroma ... more FIGURE 3. Map showing the geographical distribution of Pleroma marinana (black dots) and Pleroma penduliflora (black squares) in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.

FIGURE 2. Vegetation physiognomy of the type-locality and morphology of Prepusa dibotrya (a–k) an... more FIGURE 2. Vegetation physiognomy of the type-locality and morphology of Prepusa dibotrya (a–k) and P. viridiflora (l–p). a. General view of the Tropical Semideciduous Forest and inselbergs of Pedra da Onça, Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brazil. b. Population of the new species on saxicolous vegetation of inselberg islands. c. Sterile specimen. d. Detail of the branchlet apex, bracts and the inflorescence base. e. Fertile specimen. f. Branched inflorescence (thyrsoid) and flowers. g. Flower, side view. e. Pedicel, sepals, petals, stamens, and ovary, side view (sepals and petals partially cropped). h. Flowers at anthesis (foreground) and postanthesis (background). i. Flower, side view. j. Villous stigma and anthers. k. Fruit and part of an old sepal, side view (L. Kollmann et al. 12598). l. General view of the Atlantic Forest and inselbergs of Forno Grande, Castelo, Espírito Santo, Brazil. m. Fertile specimen. n. Simple inflorescence and flowers. o. Flower, side view. p. Verrucose sti...
FIGURE 3. Map showing the geographical distribution of Prepusa dibotrya (black dots) and Prepusa ... more FIGURE 3. Map showing the geographical distribution of Prepusa dibotrya (black dots) and Prepusa viridiflora (black squares) in the southern part of Espírito Santo, Brazil.
FIGURE 4. Eugenia sobraliana Giaretta & Fraga. a. Holotype. b. Details of the inflorescence from ... more FIGURE 4. Eugenia sobraliana Giaretta & Fraga. a. Holotype. b. Details of the inflorescence from the isotype, deposited at RB c. Details of flowers from the paratype, deposited at RB (scale—10 mm).
FIGURE 1. Eugenia amorimii Fraga & Giaretta. a. Holotype. b. Details of fruits from the paratype ... more FIGURE 1. Eugenia amorimii Fraga & Giaretta. a. Holotype. b. Details of fruits from the paratype deposited at RB (scale—10 mm).
Systematic Botany, 2021
— The Atlantic Forest is the most species rich vegetation in Brazil and holds several phytophysio... more — The Atlantic Forest is the most species rich vegetation in Brazil and holds several phytophysiognomies, including the vegetation on inselbergs, which is a very stressful xeric environment that selects for very specialized biota. Cololobus is an endemic genus from Atlantic Forest inselbergs of eastern Brazil, and Cololobus ruschianus is a new species based on morphological evidence, differing from other species of the genus by its morphological traits in petioles, subinvolucral bracts, and outer involucral bracts. Cololobus ruschianus occurs in Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo State, Brazil and would likely be considered Critically Endangered (CR), based on the criteria of the IUCN red list.

to 2006, 2,875 new angiosperm species were described in Brazil, including 280 new Bromeliaceae sp... more to 2006, 2,875 new angiosperm species were described in Brazil, including 280 new Bromeliaceae species. This publication rate is considered to be a useful indicator of floristic richness and also reveals the huge gaps in our knowledge of species that make up Brazilian biomes and the importance of taxonomy as a basic tool to assess biodiversity and conservation. The goal of modern taxonomists is in a race against time ordained by an unprecedented rate of global biodiversity loss, and therefore collaboration is vital to successfully close these gaps. This paper is the result of a broad cooperative research effort undertaken specifically to provide basic data on the identity of new components of Brazilian biological diversity. The authors describe and illustrate 22 new Bromeliaceae species from three subfamilies: Bromelioideae - Aechmea guaratingensis, A. paratiensis, A. rubroaristata, Cryptanthus capitellatus, C. venecianus, C. viridovinosus, Hohenbergia aechmeoides, H. arcuata, H. ba...
Phytotaxa, 2018
Four new species from the complex around Pleroma heteromallum, endemic from Espírito Santo, Brazi... more Four new species from the complex around Pleroma heteromallum, endemic from Espírito Santo, Brazil, are described: Pleroma cucullatum, P. fontanae, P. fornograndense and P. venetiense. All these new species are rupicolous, grow in vegetation associated with inselbergs, and are endangered. We present descriptions, taxonomic comments, illustrations, conservation status assignments for the new species, and an identification key for the species of Pleroma in Espírito Santo with stamens with glandulose pedoconnective and appendages, similar to the new species
TAXON, 2012
This study is based on literature and the analysis of collections and images from the herbaria BH... more This study is based on literature and the analysis of collections and images from the herbaria BHCB, CAS, HUEFS, HUFU, MBM, MBML, NY, RB, SPF, UEC, UPCB and US. Morphological studies were carried out on both pickled and dried material under a stereomicroscope. All species were collected in the field, resulting in dried, pickled and silica samples for all of them; photographs were taken and information on soil and vegetation collected. The complete descriptions for each species, as well as material examined, etymology and data on phenology are presented in the Electronic Supplement to the online version of this article.
Phytotaxa, 2014
Two new species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae), endemic to the Atlantic forest in the state of Espírito S... more Two new species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae), endemic to the Atlantic forest in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, are described. Eugenia amorimii has fruits with brown mealy indumentum and is similar to E. multicostata, while Eugenia sobraliana has a characteristic pedicels exfoliating longitudinally after anthesis and is similar to E. sessiliflora. The new species are restricted to single localities in the central and northwestern regions of Espírito Santo. According to the criteria of the IUCN Red List of endangered plant species both species should be considered as “Vulnerable”.
Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 2007

Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2012
A presença cada vez mais disseminada de organismos exóticos (muitos dos quais se tornam invasores... more A presença cada vez mais disseminada de organismos exóticos (muitos dos quais se tornam invasores) nas diferentes regiões do planeta levou ao surgimento de uma linha de pesquisa na ecologia voltada às invasões biológicas. E para permitir a comunicação entre autores também foi desenvolvido um arcabouço terminológico. Mas, apesar disso, a terminologia relativa às bioinvasões tem sido ignorada por boa parte dos botânicos no Brasil. Há uma boa dose de confusão entre botânicos sobre o que seja uma espécie exótica, naturalizada, invasora, daninha e ruderal, levando ao uso inconsistente da terminologia. Além disso, diferentes autores têm adotado posturas praticamente opostas ao lidar com espécies exóticas em suas áreas de estudo, seja na preparação de tratamentos taxonômicos, seja na publicação de levantamentos florísticos e fitossociológicos. Enquanto alguns pesquisadores incluem em floras mesmo espécies cultivadas que não se reproduzem, outros excluem plantas invasoras comuns e conspícua...
Papers by Claudio Nicoletti de Fraga