Papers by Claudia Natenzon
Realidad económica (Buenos Aires), 1991
Business and Environmental Risks, 2011
After a brief introduction summarising the dominant approach to development of risk maps and thei... more After a brief introduction summarising the dominant approach to development of risk maps and their relationship to the conceptual approach used in this project, the chapter details the empirical procedure used for calculating industrial hazardousness maps. This methodology measures the sum of potential hazard in a given geographical area, using an algorithm to extend the influence of the potential hazard of each industry to the surrounding area, also overlapping the effects of various industries within an area of influence. This allows the location of areas of potential hazardousness due to the cumulative effects of small and medium-sized firms in each area that had not been identified by previous methodologies based only on the size or potential impact of individual companies.
Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres REDER
Los textos incluidos en este número especial de la revista REDER son analizados desde la perspect... more Los textos incluidos en este número especial de la revista REDER son analizados desde la perspectiva de la vulnerabilidad social frente a desastres, que puede ser reducida o amplificada por la institucionalidad tanto de las políticas, estructuras y acciones de gobierno como de los marcos legales y su aplicación a través del ejercicio del derecho. La diversidad de peligrosidades, lugares, disciplinas y perspectivas abordadas en los artículos son atravesadas por el objetivo de aportar desde la ciencia a la gestión, en procura de reducir el riesgo de desastre. Ello trae al debate la cuestión del gobierno, la gobernabilidad y la gobernanza para entender por qué una gestión del riesgo parcial o equivocada se puede transformar en nuevos riesgos.

El estado actual de la Laguna de Fúquene es resultado de acciones antrópicas de modificación terr... more El estado actual de la Laguna de Fúquene es resultado de acciones antrópicas de modificación territorial derivadas de políticas y normativas para el desecamiento del sistema lacustre que fuesen, con el correr de las décadas, cambiando hacia la protección de los humedales y fuentes hídricas. Estos procesos deben ser analizados en profundidad para comprender las variables relacionada a tales impactos ambientales: cambios en el espejo de agua y tierras ganadas a la laguna, erosión del suelo, expansión agrícola, contaminación hídrica y poblamiento de especies vegetales exóticas.The current condition of the Fuquene Lake is produced by anthropic territorial modifications derived from policies and laws oriented to dry the hydrological system which, over the decades, have been re-oriented to the protection of the swamps and hydric sources. This induced processes that need to be deeply analyzed in order to understand the related variables for such environmental impact: water mirror decrease,...
Punto Sur. Revista de Geografía de la UBA; núm. 2 (2020): Transformaciones territoriales y sus implicancias actuales en la prestación de servicios ambientales hídricos de la cuenca de la Laguna Fúquene (Colombia); 75-95, Jun 1, 2020
Argumentos. Revista de Critica Social, 2015
Estimation of spatially and temporally disaggregated climate risks is a critical prerequisite for... more Estimation of spatially and temporally disaggregated climate risks is a critical prerequisite for the assessment of effective and efficient adaptation and mitigation climate change strategies and policies in complex urban areas. This interdisciplinary research reviews current literature and practices, identifies knowledge gaps, and defines future research directions for creating a risk‐based climate change adaptation framework for climate and cities programs. The focus is on cities in developing and emerging economies. The framework unpacks risk into three vectors—hazards, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity. These vectors consist of a combination of physical science, geographical, and socioeconomic elements that can be used by municipal governments to create and carry out climate change action plans. Some of 1

Climate Change and Cities
The effects of climate-related disasters are often exacerbated in cities due to interactions with... more The effects of climate-related disasters are often exacerbated in cities due to interactions with urban infrastructure systems, growing urban populations, cultures, and economic activities. Because the majority of the world’s population is currently living in cities –and with this share projected to increase in the coming decades– cities need to focus on improving responses to climate-related disasters such as heat waves, floods, and droughts. In a changing climate, a new decision-making framework is needed in order to manage emerging and increasing risks. This involves a paradigm shift away from attention to single climate hazards based on past events. The new paradigm requires integrated, system-based risk assessments and interventions that address current and future hazards throughout entire metropolitan regions.Fil: Gencer, Ebru. No especifíca;Fil: Folorunsho, Regina. No especifíca;Fil: Linkin, Megan. No especifíca;Fil: Wang, Xiaoming. No especifíca;Fil: Natenzon, Claudia Eleonor. No especifíca;Fil: Wajih, Shiraz. No especifíca;Fil: Mani, Nivedita. No especifíca;Fil: Esquivel, Maricarmen. No especifíca;Fil: Ali Ibrahim, Somayya. Columbia University; Estados Unidos. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Tsuneki, Hori. No especifíca;Fil: Castro Diaz, Ivan Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografía "Romualdo Ardissone"; ArgentinaFil: Leone, Mattia Federico. No especifíca;Fil: Panjwani, Dilnoor. No especifíca;Fil: Romero Lankao, Patricia. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Solecki, William. City University of New York; Estados Unido
Social-ecological Systems of Latin America: Complexities and Challenges, 2019
The Chiloe Island, located in Southern Chile, is worldwide known for its culture, originated in t... more The Chiloe Island, located in Southern Chile, is worldwide known for its culture, originated in the syncretism between ancestral groups and colonizers, and molded through the interactions with the isolated ecosystems and extreme weather conditions. In this chapter, we analyze the state of the island’s social-ecological systems, the drivers (direct and indirect), and the impacts. We also analyze the current modes of governance related to coastal marine ecosystems and the social effects of an event that occurred during the year 2016, known as Chilote’s May.

Science of The Total Environment, 2021
DPSIR Salmon and mussel farming Social actors Conflicts and perceptions Coastal zones are complex... more DPSIR Salmon and mussel farming Social actors Conflicts and perceptions Coastal zones are complex systems where sustainability needs local participative governance, whose absence may result in conflicts between social actors. In its absence, the first step should be a diagnosis of the current situation based on integrative conceptual frameworks such as the DPSIR. However, in conflicting situations, the generated model needs validation from social actors. Chiloé Island is a critical Chilean coastal fishery and aquaculture area, coexisting with subsistence and cultural uses of marine resources. This article analyzes the current ecological state of the Chiloé coastal zone and its main social-ecological impact using a DPSIR model. We validated its results through a household survey and interviews with local experts and social actors. Results show that increased coastal fisheries and aquaculture generate a critical decrease of coastal species, eutrophication, and pollution that, along with harmful algal blooms, generate conflicts. Social validation showed that experts and local social actors have different perceptions of conflicting parties and conflict solutions. Following a post-normal approach, we propose three ideas to start social-ecological governance of Chiloé coastal marine ecosystems.

Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, Dec 18, 2013
El objetivo de esta investigación es discutir y analizar cómo las geo-tecnologías y la disponibil... more El objetivo de esta investigación es discutir y analizar cómo las geo-tecnologías y la disponibilidad de datos georeferenciados pueden contribuir en la prevención y minimización de catástrofes naturales, tomando como estudio de caso las inundaciones ocurridas en la Provincia de Alagoas, Brasil, en 2010, ubicada en una región con grandes inequidades sociales. Analizaremos el rol de instituciones públicas y privadas en ese proceso, el desarrollo en regiones de capitalismo tardío y los nuevos retos impuestos a las administraciones municipales, principalmente sobre la previsión respecto de mayor severidad y frecuencia de eventos extremos en las zonas tropicales, resultantes de los probables cambios en la dinámica del clima planetario. Por lo tanto es necesario acercarse del marco conceptual que nos brinda la Teoría Social del Riesgo que hoy ocupa un lugar central de las agendas políticas de los gobiernos. Serán abordadas las dimensiones respecto a la peligrosidad, la vulnerabilidad, la exposición y la incertidumbre. Así que esta investigación busca aclarar la situación en la cual se produjo la catástrofe en Alagoas y cómo las geo-tecnologías pueden contribuir a un uso socialmente más amplio para la anticipación, prevención y gestión del riesgo. Palabras clave: vulnerabilidad social, inundaciones catastróficas, geo-tecnologías. Social vulnerability, flood disasters and geo-technologies in underdeveloped regions. Risk and uncertainties in the North Coast of the Province of Alagoas-Brazil

GEOUSP: Espaço e Tempo (Online), 2003
The application of the social theory of risk allows the examination of environmental complex prob... more The application of the social theory of risk allows the examination of environmental complex problems identifying several perspectives from which they can be analyzed. These perspectives include hazard, exposition, vulnerability and uncertainty. One of the main objectives needed to inquiry on the aspects related to vulnerability and uncertainty, is to detect for whom and in which conditions a natural phenomena can be considered as «catastrophic» To meet this goal, the production of news from mass media can serve to the objectives of a research activity, as an exploratory informant and a first approach to the problem. In this sense, some precautions have to be taken in order to improve the information from the level in which it is produced-dissemination and common sense-To be rigorous, we consider insufficient the citation of the source; additional aspects should be taken into account: Identify precisely the universe of news reports to analyze; assess the importance of the news report in the selected media; identify the published information; and characterize the selected analysis of news reports is aimed to both, quantitative qualitative.

Revista Pueblos y fronteras digital, 2016
El desafío de abordar problemas de investigación complejos, sumado a la voluntad de arribar a res... more El desafío de abordar problemas de investigación complejos, sumado a la voluntad de arribar a resultados de relevancia social, alienta la búsqueda de cooperación en el plano cognoscitivo. Una de las trasformaciones contemporáneas más sobresalientes del complejo científico mundial que responde a esa búsqueda es la constitución de redes de conocimiento tanto nacionales como internacionales, disciplinarias o interdisciplinarias. La situación es novedosa por lo que se carece aún de estudios de caso detallados que permitan una comprensión teórica de la especificidad de esta forma de producción colaborativa de conocimiento.Este trabajo presenta un estudio diacrónico, prolongado y participativo de la producción cooperativa de una red científica multinacional e interdisciplinaria cuya interacción fue registrada y monitoreada a lo largo de los tres años de ejecución de un exigente proyecto de investigación.* La dinámica de cambio de las interacciones internas a la red, la constitución de sub...

This chapter provides a summary of the conclusions drawn from all previous chapters, discusses it... more This chapter provides a summary of the conclusions drawn from all previous chapters, discusses its implications and provides policy recommendations. Limitations are stated as well as directions for further research suggested. The chapter emphasises that on the whole, the results obtained have confirmed the usefulness of our conceptual and methodological tools to assess the risk due to environmental deterioration to which the population of a given territory is susceptible. In the three country-case studies – Spain, Argentina and Bolivia – the comparison of spatial patterns and indicators in two different scales of analysis (regional and ‘census unit’) has identified significant geographic differences in terms of the distribution of vulnerability and hazardousness. In other words, irrespective of their degree of economic development, the three countries present scenarios of high vulnerability and/or hazardousness. This analysis constitutes the first step towards the management of risk...

This chapter introduces the research project whose results are summarised in the book. It describ... more This chapter introduces the research project whose results are summarised in the book. It describes how poverty and environmental degradation influence each other in areas where vulnerable populations are exposed to environmental hazardousness generated by industrial activities (‘hot-spots’). It outlines the long-standing conceptual gap in research when addressing the ‘vicious circles’ between poverty and environmental deterioration – a major challenge to sustainable development for business and societies. Seeking to address such challenge, the project is anchored within the perspective of sustainability science, the emerging field of user-inspired research exploring the interactions between human and environmental systems. The chapter then presents the geographical area of study: Ibero-America, providing a description of historical, cultural, and economic Spain-Latin-America relationships. Finally the chapter provides summaries and linkages amongst the remaining chapters.
Papers by Claudia Natenzon