Papers by Christina Van Note

In this dissertation I present historical evidence and interpretation to support the thesis that ... more In this dissertation I present historical evidence and interpretation to support the thesis that the discovery of the planet Neptune on September 23, 1846is meaningfully correlated with an awakening (a broadly evident growth and profusion) of several qualities that astrologers associate with that planet’sarchetypal principle between 1790 and 1890. Some of the most prominent ofthese qualities include: a heightened creative imagination; an attunement toaesthetics and beauty; an interest in imagery and myth; an orientation towardidealism and utopianism; a fascination with mystical, esoteric, transcendent, andidealist philosophies; a heightened interior and psychological sensibility; anempathic and compassionate sensitivity toward others; an openness to non-ordinary states of consciousness; and a yearning to transcend the limits of one’sseparate ego-boundaries. I argue that these Neptunian qualities (and many others)were broadly apparent in the literature, poetry, art, music, philosophy, psychology, religion, social attitudes, political ideologies, humanitarian concerns,medical advances, and international relations of the nineteenth century.

Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a new World View, 2005
There are few frames of reference more illuminating of individual and collective archetypal dynam... more There are few frames of reference more illuminating of individual and collective archetypal dynamics and psychological conditions than an archetypally informed knowledge of current planetary positions. In the following pages I would like to set out an overview of the major world transits of the outer planets that I believe are most relevant for understanding our current historical moment. In particular, I want to review both the most significant longer-term planetary alignments leading up to this era and, more recent, those that have unfolded since Cosmos and Psyche was completed five years ago, in 2005. On that basis, we can deepen and extend that book's brief anticipatory analysis of the extraordinary convergence of planetary configurations of the 2008-12 period. This article is therefore continuous with the chapter "Observations on Future Planetary Alignments," from the final section of Cosmos and Psyche. 1 The Outer-Planet Conjunction Series: The Presence of the Past If we can, for a moment, adjust our archetypal telescope and zoom out to a wide-angle historical perspective, we can see that our moment in history is taking place in the aftermath of three great conjunctions involving the three intersecting cycles of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto-the "ambassadors of the galaxy," as Dane Rudhyar evocatively described them. We are, of course, living in a time when new celestial bodies at the outskirts of our solar system are being discovered at
Papers by Christina Van Note