Papers by Chowdhury Kibria
Journal of Business Research, 2001
Abstract: One major trend in the global economy in recent years has been the accelerated movement... more Abstract: One major trend in the global economy in recent years has been the accelerated movement toward regional economic integration. Among the various possible levels of economic integration SAPTA is at the very beginning stage. The main objective of ...

BIISS Journal Vol. 41 No. 1 January 2020: 87-106, 2020
One of the major goals of the seventh five-year plan of Bangladesh is to achieve gender equality ... more One of the major goals of the seventh five-year plan of Bangladesh is to achieve gender equality and women's empowerment in all spheres of life. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on gender equality and women's empowerment also have several specific targets which include, inter alia, that women should have full and effective participation at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life. This paper analyzes the impact of inclusive financing through microcredit programs in empowering rural women in Bangladesh. The paper uses survey data collected from 128 women of Gazipur district by using structured questionnaire during May-June 2019. The empirical result reveals that only 46 percent of the respondent women have a reasonable level of empowerment and among them, 54 percent are covered by microcredit programs. The study also finds that factor like the use of inclusive financing by self is significantly associated with women empowerment. The paper also reveals that borrowers have significantly higher levels of empowerment than non-borrowers. Moreover, it has been indicated that, among the demographic factors of the women, the total income of a respondent family is very important for women's empowerment. For policy implications, it therefore imperative to provide microcredit to rural women and to monitor them regularly to ensure the use of this money by self in productive sectors.. This will make them more likely to have higher levels of empowerment.

Journal of Business Research, Volume 11, , 2009
Policy makers at both government and non-government levels agree and emphasize on increased local... more Policy makers at both government and non-government levels agree and emphasize on increased local and foreign investment in the industrial sector of Bangladesh for ensuring accelerating economic growth. For an investor willing to invest in an industry, it is essential, prior to making an investment decision, to have an understanding of the existing condition of the industry. The main objective of the study is to carry out an analysis of the industry of steel re-rolling mills of Bangladesh producing steel rebars (rod). this study focuses on studying supply and demand situations in three major divisional headquarters of Bangladesh namely, Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet, as these locations mark the significant portion of the entire consumption of rebar in Bangladesh. Data for the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. This paper, based on secondary and primary data, attempts to bridge an information gap for an investor willing to invest in this sector.

Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics, Volume 6, No 2, 2016
Transportation modeling is a technique that is used to way out the shipping of supplies from a nu... more Transportation modeling is a technique that is used to way out the shipping of supplies from a number of sources to a number of destinations as well as to minimize the total shipment cost. This kind of problem is known as transportation problem (TP). Solution procedure of TP plays a vital role in operation research for its wide application in real world. In the solution procedure of a TP, finding an initial basic feasible solution (IBFS) is necessary to obtain the optimal solution. Least Cost Method (LCM) is one such procedure which is based on cost cells. This solution procedure starts with allocating as much shipments as possible to the cell with the smallest unit cost cell. In this paper we propose an effective improvement of LCM in the solution procedure to obtain a better IBFS for the TPs. To verify the performance of the proposed method, a comparative study is also carried out. Simulation results show that Improved Least Cost Method (iLCM) yields better IBFS in 80% cases than LCM.

The Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research, Volume 20, 2019
The present study attempts to identify the implication of pecking order theory and static trade-o... more The present study attempts to identify the implication of pecking order theory and static trade-off theory in capital structure decisions of pharmaceuticals companies in Bangladesh. In this regard, along with some previously studied firm-specific and macroeconomic factors, the present study incorporated financial distress cost and non-debt tax shield into the model, which appears to make the study more compelling in the context of Bangladesh. The dataset used by this paper covers a period of 2013-2018 with 20 pharmaceutical and chemical companies in Bangladesh, including some new companies and excluding some previously studied companies. The study examined the same set of macroeconomic variables which includes GDP growth, inflation, interest rate and stock market development, while addressing five firm-specific factors such as debt coverage, growth of total assets, firm size, non-debt tax shields, and cost of financial distress. The present study used a modified model through including two relatively less addressed firm-specific variables, namely, financial distress cost and non-debt tax shield and excluding three firm specific variables, namely, liquidity, tangibility, and profitability studied earlier. Upon conducting different confirmatory tests, the present study found fixed effect model with Driscoll-Kraay standard error estimates to be the best model explaining the capital structure decisions. The study revealed a positive association of leverage with GDP growth and interest rate, providing evidence in favor of pecking order theory suggesting that firms should go for debt financing to reduce asymmetric information costs of raising capital. However, the study indicated a negative association of leverage with inflation and stock market development, supporting the evidence of static trade-off theory stipulating that firms should issue shares in raising funds to minimize bankruptcy costs. Static trade-off theory is also corroborated by the positive association of leverage with firm size, meaning that large firms are likely to reduce bankruptcy costs through diversifying their businesses. Although results suggest suitability of both static trade-off theory and pecking theory in analyzing capital structure decisions, the empirical findings from the present study claim that static trade-off theory seems to be more dominant than pecking order theory in explaining capital structure choices.
World Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 6. No. 3. September 2016. Pp. 100 – 112, 2016
This research paper investigates the impact of informal and formal recognition on motivation and ... more This research paper investigates the impact of informal and formal recognition on motivation and performance, by taking into account the feedback of front-line supervisors of SMEs at Dhaka city. The regression analysis results show that informal recognition has significant relationship with employee motivation and performance of the frontline employees of Food and Boutique shops of Dhaka city. Formal recognitions do not have any relationship with frontline employee motivation, but it has relationship with frontline employee performance. The paired samples t-test results show that though both informal and formal recognition influences improvement in time efficiency of employee performance; extent of improvement is greater in case of informal recognition.

Jaipuria International Journal of Management Research (July-December, 2018), 4(2), 02, 2018
The primary objective of this research was to identify
factors influencing store selection choice... more The primary objective of this research was to identify
factors influencing store selection choices among apparel
consumers of Bashundhara City, the second largest
shopping mall of Bangladesh, Dhaka. In this competitive
era, retailers, particularly apparel retailers struggle to
attract customers to select their stores. Knowledge about
factors influencing store selection can help them make
decisions that could improve their strategies for making
customers select their stores. Primary data were used for
this study and were collected from shoppers of the
apparel stores. A total of 141 shoppers were interviewed
for this study over a 3 week period. A structured
questionnaire was developed for collecting data. The
questionnaire was pretested in the same study area before
collecting data for use in the study. Respondents were
selected through mall intercept approach and all of them
were selected from the same apparel market. Exploratory
factor analysis was used to identify factors influencing
store choice. Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.893 showing
a good level of internal consistency. In the KMO test, value of 0.815 indicated that data were suitable for factor
analysis. Bartlett's test result rejected the null hypothesis
as p-value<0.05. Seven factors were identified which
influence the store choice of apparel consumers. Findings
of the study could be used by marketers of apparel stores
to increase the patronage levels in their stores by
accelerating the seven factors (identified by this study)
like- in-store induced appeal, store appeal, store location,
sales assistance, store convenience and store

BIISS JOURNAL, VOL. 37, NO. 1, January 2016: 67-84, 2016
Theory of change as a research tool is adopted considerably to comprehend the socio-economic chan... more Theory of change as a research tool is adopted considerably to comprehend the socio-economic changes resulted from development interventions. The main objective is to understand whether, to what extent and in which areas the interventions have brought significant changes. Bangladesh is widely known as a ‘social laboratory’ where thousands of programmes and projects are being implemented to bring about positive economic and social changes. In the present study, ‘theory of change’ has been operationalised for assessing
Empowerment of the Poor through Integrated Agriculture (EPIA) programme adopting quantitative method in the implementation area. The empirical findings suggest that the EPIA programme has brought about significant changes among its beneficiaries located at Bauphal upazila in Patuakhali district which is a backward coastal area of Bangladesh. The results reveal that considerably positive changes took place in income and asset building of the beneficiaries in a quite short period of time in a rural coastal area where the problems of multiple natural hazards like cyclone and salinity are recurrent phenomenon. The positive outcomes and lessons can be learnt through further
in-depth study in the programme area, scaled up and replicated widely in other backward areas of the country through necessary customisation.
Jaipuria International Journal of Management Research July-December, 2016 • Issue 02, 2016
This paper examined the relationship between
independent variables like switching cost, corporate... more This paper examined the relationship between
independent variables like switching cost, corporate
image, trust and dependent variable like customer
loyalty. The study design involved survey of 3G
technology users with a sample size of 150 respondents.
Results of this study, which was conducted on 3G
technology users, show strong association of the three
variables, namely, trust, switching cost, and corporate
image with the dependent variable, customer loyalty.
However, the study found that corporate image reflects
more association with customer loyalty than the other two
variables. The study is useful in identifying the variables
that affect customer loyalty most when it is possible that
the variable affecting most varies with the change of
Papers by Chowdhury Kibria
factors influencing store selection choices among apparel
consumers of Bashundhara City, the second largest
shopping mall of Bangladesh, Dhaka. In this competitive
era, retailers, particularly apparel retailers struggle to
attract customers to select their stores. Knowledge about
factors influencing store selection can help them make
decisions that could improve their strategies for making
customers select their stores. Primary data were used for
this study and were collected from shoppers of the
apparel stores. A total of 141 shoppers were interviewed
for this study over a 3 week period. A structured
questionnaire was developed for collecting data. The
questionnaire was pretested in the same study area before
collecting data for use in the study. Respondents were
selected through mall intercept approach and all of them
were selected from the same apparel market. Exploratory
factor analysis was used to identify factors influencing
store choice. Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.893 showing
a good level of internal consistency. In the KMO test, value of 0.815 indicated that data were suitable for factor
analysis. Bartlett's test result rejected the null hypothesis
as p-value<0.05. Seven factors were identified which
influence the store choice of apparel consumers. Findings
of the study could be used by marketers of apparel stores
to increase the patronage levels in their stores by
accelerating the seven factors (identified by this study)
like- in-store induced appeal, store appeal, store location,
sales assistance, store convenience and store
Empowerment of the Poor through Integrated Agriculture (EPIA) programme adopting quantitative method in the implementation area. The empirical findings suggest that the EPIA programme has brought about significant changes among its beneficiaries located at Bauphal upazila in Patuakhali district which is a backward coastal area of Bangladesh. The results reveal that considerably positive changes took place in income and asset building of the beneficiaries in a quite short period of time in a rural coastal area where the problems of multiple natural hazards like cyclone and salinity are recurrent phenomenon. The positive outcomes and lessons can be learnt through further
in-depth study in the programme area, scaled up and replicated widely in other backward areas of the country through necessary customisation.
independent variables like switching cost, corporate
image, trust and dependent variable like customer
loyalty. The study design involved survey of 3G
technology users with a sample size of 150 respondents.
Results of this study, which was conducted on 3G
technology users, show strong association of the three
variables, namely, trust, switching cost, and corporate
image with the dependent variable, customer loyalty.
However, the study found that corporate image reflects
more association with customer loyalty than the other two
variables. The study is useful in identifying the variables
that affect customer loyalty most when it is possible that
the variable affecting most varies with the change of
factors influencing store selection choices among apparel
consumers of Bashundhara City, the second largest
shopping mall of Bangladesh, Dhaka. In this competitive
era, retailers, particularly apparel retailers struggle to
attract customers to select their stores. Knowledge about
factors influencing store selection can help them make
decisions that could improve their strategies for making
customers select their stores. Primary data were used for
this study and were collected from shoppers of the
apparel stores. A total of 141 shoppers were interviewed
for this study over a 3 week period. A structured
questionnaire was developed for collecting data. The
questionnaire was pretested in the same study area before
collecting data for use in the study. Respondents were
selected through mall intercept approach and all of them
were selected from the same apparel market. Exploratory
factor analysis was used to identify factors influencing
store choice. Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.893 showing
a good level of internal consistency. In the KMO test, value of 0.815 indicated that data were suitable for factor
analysis. Bartlett's test result rejected the null hypothesis
as p-value<0.05. Seven factors were identified which
influence the store choice of apparel consumers. Findings
of the study could be used by marketers of apparel stores
to increase the patronage levels in their stores by
accelerating the seven factors (identified by this study)
like- in-store induced appeal, store appeal, store location,
sales assistance, store convenience and store
Empowerment of the Poor through Integrated Agriculture (EPIA) programme adopting quantitative method in the implementation area. The empirical findings suggest that the EPIA programme has brought about significant changes among its beneficiaries located at Bauphal upazila in Patuakhali district which is a backward coastal area of Bangladesh. The results reveal that considerably positive changes took place in income and asset building of the beneficiaries in a quite short period of time in a rural coastal area where the problems of multiple natural hazards like cyclone and salinity are recurrent phenomenon. The positive outcomes and lessons can be learnt through further
in-depth study in the programme area, scaled up and replicated widely in other backward areas of the country through necessary customisation.
independent variables like switching cost, corporate
image, trust and dependent variable like customer
loyalty. The study design involved survey of 3G
technology users with a sample size of 150 respondents.
Results of this study, which was conducted on 3G
technology users, show strong association of the three
variables, namely, trust, switching cost, and corporate
image with the dependent variable, customer loyalty.
However, the study found that corporate image reflects
more association with customer loyalty than the other two
variables. The study is useful in identifying the variables
that affect customer loyalty most when it is possible that
the variable affecting most varies with the change of