Journal of Government and Political Issues
This article discusses one of the basic concepts in political science and international relations... more This article discusses one of the basic concepts in political science and international relations, namely realism. As a perspective often used to analyze various political phenomena, it is essential to re-understand the concept of realism itself as a whole. This article attempts to provide a clear picture of what realism is meant and explain the history of realism from various realism thinkers. This article reviews the realism concept of 4 characters, namely Thucydides, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Morgenthau. This article explains that each thinker has their arguments for explaining realism. Hopefully, this article can provide readers with a complete understanding of realism as a concept or perspective often used in political science.

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Mar 5, 2022
Purpose: This article examines state of the art or the most recent achievements of Para-diplomacy... more Purpose: This article examines state of the art or the most recent achievements of Para-diplomacy research in international relations. For this reason, the systematic mapping studies (SMS) and the bibliometric analysis VOS Viewer carried out stared at articles from 1984 to 2020, as comparison bibliographic articles from countries in the Scopus database. Methods: Preliminary analysis was conducted from systematic mapping studies followed by bibliometrics of publication content in the Scopus database. A total of 175 documents met the criteria for inclusion, starting in 1984, and the dominant author from Europe in journal Scopus Q1 and other well-known international journals. The data from the search results are then descriptively analyzed based on the journal-title, author, co-author, year of publication country, affiliation, keywords, journal /publication name. Results: Researchers from American countries were more productive than Europe and fewer in Asia from 1984 to 2021. As far as paper European document quality is concerned, American governments have significantly more author quality than Asian countries. Conclusion: Although fewer Para-diplomacy articles are published by researchers from Asian countries than Europe and America, this is a challenge for Asian researchers. The increase in the number of publications over the last ten years has shown that the turmoil of sub-state actors in Asian countries has begun to consider implementing regional Para-diplomacy. This is due to a strong push for regional progress to open wide-ranging cooperation, either directly or indirectly, with other countries/regions to strengthen the objectives of state sovereignty.
Journal of Diplomacy and International Studies, Oct 27, 2019

Journal of Diplomacy and International Studies, Oct 10, 2018
This study aimed to analyze the strategy of increasing food security and self-reliance through th... more This study aimed to analyze the strategy of increasing food security and self-reliance through the Riau province of processed products sago as a substitute for food diversification. By leveraging the leading sectors in the region , it is expected to be a major driving force in improving both regional and national economy, as well export competitiveness in the global market. This paper getting its samples by gathering data from questionnaires conducted on SMEs and sago industry in the islands of Meranti. It also apply the SWOT analysis and measurement of product competitiveness through diamond porter to determine the potential of the processed products of sago. Moreover , to strengthen the sharpness of analysis, such direct observation in the form of unstructured interviews and gather relevant literature will be performed. The authors find new strategies in providing solutions to improve food security and self-reliance through the optimization of processed products of sago. Meeting the needs of the region in the consumption of basic materials requires another alternative to avoid product shortages and increase the potential of the region in developing the seed sector. The result is the increase of processed products of sago and to make it a superior product that can compete in national and global markets.

The International Conference on ASEAN 2019, 2019
The main question in this research is to seek whether a new civilization who has better and more ... more The main question in this research is to seek whether a new civilization who has better and more prosperous can be embody in the Southeast Asian region, especially in Indonesia. Problems that arising from the non-traditional security concept are attractive to international relations researchers because the presence of refugees who are non-state actors can threaten the stability of security in a region, whether it threatens the country at majority or threatens the security of the people whose face it directly. The arrival of refugees often has implications for the emergence of economic, social, environmental and health problems for host countries. Through a concept called open regionalism, which is a regionalism that has no consensus on the nature, membership or purpose of this threat to Indonesia as a "Quintessential Transit Country. Therefore, improving the quality and developing institutional functions must be carried out by Indonesia, especially in controlling bureaucratic procedures and increasing legal certainty. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. However, this research also uses some quantitative data such as statistical data tables, graphs and quantitative graphs on the scale development of figures from an empirical phenomenon. Based on this explanation, the main mission of this research is to find out whether the profits obtained by the government when receiving foreign refugees in their area.

Abstrak Isu politik lingkungan, khususnya hal-hal yang terkait dengan persoalan dan tantangan yan... more Abstrak Isu politik lingkungan, khususnya hal-hal yang terkait dengan persoalan dan tantangan yang dihadapi Convention on International Trade in Endagered of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) dalam menjaga kelestarian alam dan keragaman binatang langka yang ada di dunia. Lewat metode kualitatif dengan data sekunder, serta teori hukum internasional yang dipakai dalam mengidentifikasi legalisasi pasal-pasal perundangan CITES, adapun ukuran yang dipakai mengacu pada: pengidentifikasian permasalahan yang ada bersifat global dan lintas batas, yang diterapkan dalam skala nasional. Dalam hal ini, perspektif-perspektif yang bersifat lebih ramah pada lingkungan hidup, seperti ekologis yang banyak digunakan oleh Non-Govermental Organization (NGO’s) seharusnya lebih banyak dikedepankan. Kata Kunci : Politik Lingkungan, Legalisasi, konvensi, implementasi, lingkungan hidup Abstract Political environment issue, particularly related to problematic and the challenges of Convention on International Trade...

Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah kajian yang menganalisa mengenai kerjasama pemerintah Indonesia d... more Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah kajian yang menganalisa mengenai kerjasama pemerintah Indonesia dan Singapura dalam penetapan kawasan Special Economic Zone di wilayah Batam Bintan dan Karimun. Secara geografis wilayah Batam, Bintan dan Karimun sangat dekat dengan Singapura yang memiliki perekonomian yang sangat maju, oleh karena itu pemerintah Indonesia menyepakati kerjasama kawasan spesial ekonomi dengan Singapura yang bertujuan untuk memajukan perekonomian wilayah perbatasan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang diartikan sebagai proses pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan melukiskan keadaan subyek dan obyek penelitian pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau bagaimana adanya. Lokasi penelitian berada di wilayah Batam, Bintan dan Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Penulis mengumpulkan data-data penelitian dari beberapa buku, ensiklopedia, jurnal, media massa beberapa situs media internet lainnya...

This study analyzes the factors that contributed to forestry conflicts in Pelalawan Regency, Riau... more This study analyzes the factors that contributed to forestry conflicts in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Forestry sector conflict is common in Indonesia. One of them is in Pelalawan Regency, one of the districts in Riau Province where there are many conflicts between the community and the company. The conflict is the result of the operation of many Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) companies in the Pelalawan Regency. Many of the HTI Company's concession areas overlap with land claimed by communities for generations. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Qualitative research with Case Studies can provide sharper and deeper data access. The real cause of the emergence of conflict can be easily traced by looking at it from the historical and sociological aspects. This aspect can tell about the root of the conflict which then becomes exploded later on. In general, two frictions occur in cases of conflict in the community. This happens between the local community and the migrant community. As an entity that relies on forest resources to meet their daily needs, local people also naturally feel disturbed by the presence of the Industrial Plantation Forest Concession Company (HPHTI), which not only plunders their forests but also brings a new community, the migrants. Local people who have rarely interacted with migrants have naturally become resistant to the presence of new people, which is certainly a new culture. In the Pelalawan district itself, the majority of migrants come from Java Island. On the one hand, the migrant community, in general, has started to become established economically because their income as an HPHTI company employee is promising in terms of income. Coupled with certain skills that make them able to "be creative" in increasing the coffers of his income. This unequal economic condition causes social jealousy. Local people feel colonized in their area. The company's presence has been nothing but a nuisance to them.

Tulisan ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kaum generasi muda di Indonesia me... more Tulisan ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kaum generasi muda di Indonesia menjadi pelaku dari LGBT (lesbi, gay, biseksual, dan transgender) yang secara budaya dan asas norma budaya, perilaku penyimpangan LGBT ini sangat bertentangan sekali dengan bangsa Indonesia. Perkembangan LGBT merupakan sebuah fenomena yang memunculkan banyak sekali kontrovesi yang berupa pro dan kontra dari berbagai Negara. maraknya LGBT ini utamanya berkembang dari budaya barat yang secara terang-terangan telah melegalitaskan komunitas LGBT ini di negaranya dan disahkan dalam undang-undang nasional Negara mereka. Namun berbeda halnya dengan wilayah Indonesia yang menganut budaya ketimuran yang sangat menjujung tinggi nilai-nilai kebudayaan yang berdasarkan pada asas keagamaan, karena pada prinsipnya perilaku LGBT ini sangat bertentangan dengan nilai agama manapun. Perkembangan LGBT saat ini tidak hanya pada Negara-negara wilayah barat saja, namun telah memasuki tatanan global yang telah ...
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity, 2019

Jurnal Mandala Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, 2020
Indonesia is one of the Refugee Transit Countries and one of the largest in Asia. This situation ... more Indonesia is one of the Refugee Transit Countries and one of the largest in Asia. This situation also implies that Indonesia has other responsibilities to protect both its citizens and refugees. However, due to its position as a transit country, Indonesia, unlike final destination countries, does not have an obligation to protect refugees entirely. The purpose of this research is to analyze Indonesia's acceptance of refugees and the challenges it faces. The acceptance of refugees as a transit country and not a final destination for refugees will threaten Indonesia's economic, social, security and other sectors. The number of refugees in Indonesia and their continued detention is still increasing. This study utilizes the norm life cycle theory to determine the Indonesian reasons for accepting refugees. It collects information from focus group discussions or an in-depth interview with some of the NGOs in Pekanbaru, and library research, using qualitative method. Indonesia was ...

Frequency of International Relations (FETRIAN), 2020
A major problem with this research is the arrival of refugee in Indonesia as a human security iss... more A major problem with this research is the arrival of refugee in Indonesia as a human security issue because this issue stems from the non-traditional concept of security that attracts international relations researchers, because of the presence of refugee from abroad without any regulation and explaining that refugees can threaten the stability of regional security. The arrival of refugees has implications on economic, social, environmental, and health problems for the host country. There was an immense amount of debate about the possibility of states adopting extraterritorial approaches to asylum processing and refugee protection, and about such policies’ compatibility with international refugee and human rights law. De-territorialize refugee protection and of UNHCR’s strategy in the evolving consultations. The issues of who, why, and how to protect refugees pose a series of normative challenges that can only be addressed by recognizing the dynamic nature of refugee protection toda...
Jurnal Transnasional, May 23, 2013

Andalas Journal of International Studies, 2020
The Southeast Asian region has an area of around 4.4 million KM2 and is known as the "Golden Tria... more The Southeast Asian region has an area of around 4.4 million KM2 and is known as the "Golden Triangle" narcotics production area on the border of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar. One of the destination countries for smuggling narcotics in the Southeast Asian region is Indonesia and Riau Province is one of the gateways for the illegal entry of narcotics from other countries, especially Malaysia. This paper aims to analyze the modus operandi of transnational crime in narcotics smuggling in the border regions of Riau and Malaysia. This paper uses a qualitative method using interviews with research informants. The results of this study indicate that the modus operandi of narcotics smuggling in the border regions of Indonesia and Malaysia is carried out by sea along the coastline of the border provinces of Riau and Malaysia. Narcotics are neatly wrapped and installed GPS devices then smuggled at night by using the services of fishermen as a courier. This seawater smuggling route was chosen due to several factors, namely: the proximity of the territorial waters, the number of unofficial or illegal ports, the lack of surveillance patrols along the water area and the professionalism of law enforcement officers in the border region. A B S T R A K Kawasan Asia Tenggara memiliki luas area sekitar 4,4 juta KM2 dan dikenal sebagai wilayah produksi narkotika "Golden Triangle" yang berada di perbatasan Thailand, Laos dan Myanmar. Salah satu negara tujuan penyelundupan narkotika di kawasan Asia Tenggara adalah Indonesia dan Provinsi Riau merupakan salah satu pintu gerbang masuknya narkotika secara ilegal dari negara lain terutama Malaysia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis modus operandi kejahatan transnasional penyelundupan narkotika di wilayah perbatasan Riau dan Malaysia. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara kepada informan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modus operandi penyelundupan narkotika di wilayah perbatasan Indonesia dan Malaysia dilakukan dengan menggunakan jalur laut disepanjang garis Pantai perbatasan Provinsi Riau dan Malaysia. Narkotika dibungkus rapi dan dipasang alat GPS selanjutnya diselundupkan pada malam hari dengan memanfaatkan jasa nelayan sebagai kurir. Jalur penyelundupan perairan laut ini dipilih dikarenakan beberapa faktor yaitu: jarak wilayah perairan yang dekat, banyaknya pelabuhan tidak resmi atau ilegal, minimnya patroli pengawasan di sepanjang wilayah perairan serta faktor profesionalitas aparat penegak hukum di wilayah perbatasan.