Automation and Autonomous System, 2015
This latest Technology LI-FI describes transmission of “data through illumination” taking the fib... more This latest Technology LI-FI describes transmission of “data through illumination” taking the fibre out of fibre optic by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. It’s the same idea band behind infrared remote controls but far more powerful. Harald Haas says his invention, which he calls D-LIGHT, can produce data rates faster than 10 Megabits per second, which is speedier than your average broadband connection. It envisions a future where data for laptops, smart phones, and tablets is transmitted through the light in a room. And security would be snap – if you can’t see the light, you can’t access the data.
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2018
This paper presents a single band E-shaped micro strip patch antenna with Defective Ground Struct... more This paper presents a single band E-shaped micro strip patch antenna with Defective Ground Structures (DGS). The overall dimension of the antenna is (32*31.5*1.64) mm. The antenna produces bandwidth ranges from (2.3 to 2.5) GHz, which supports ISM band application. It provides reflection coefficient about-32dB. The antenna is designed using FR4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4. The various parameters like Reflection coefficient, VSWR, Directivity, and radiation pattern are obtained. The antenna is simulated using EM simulator.
Now a day’s women security plays a vital role in the society. The number of attacks have been inc... more Now a day’s women security plays a vital role in the society. The number of attacks have been increased on women.And it is the responsibility of everyone to protect them from such incidents. To accomplish this, we have proposed this women security system. This system is a portable wrist band will perform voice recognition and image capturing continuously in real time. When the system recognizes the voice help me continuously then captures the image of the attacker who has attacked. It will automatically send a mail containing the images and location details to the women’s parents and police department.

In the past years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained increasing attention from both the... more In the past years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have gained increasing attention from both the research community and actual users. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used in variety of fields which includes environmental, healthcare, military, biological and other commercial applications. The critical aspects to face concern “how to reduce the energy consumption of nodes” and sensor nodes are generally batterypowered devices so that the network lifetime can be extended to reasonable times. However, we conducted that first break down the energy consumption for the components of a typical sensor node i.e. discussion of the main directions to energy conservation in WSNs. We present a systematic and comprehensive taxonomy of the energy conservation schemes that are subsequently discussed in depth. A technique for energy efficient data acquisition special attention has been devoted to promising solutions that have not yet obtained a wide attention in the literature.

Digitalization floods massive amounts of structured and unstructured data through different syste... more Digitalization floods massive amounts of structured and unstructured data through different systems and applications known as "Big Data" today. Social networks, server logs, transactions, search engines, ERP applications, PDAs, sensors and other devices are continuously generating huge amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data as a part of their job. This data become more precious than any other and used to assess the future business requirements through analytics. This is a very big opportunity for business entrepreneurs to extract the great knowledge from Big Data to improve their decision making accuracy over emerging business trends. Recent researches were introduced many Big Data analytic mechanisms to analyze the huge unstructured data in terms of searching for valuable business information. Henceforth the data volume and data format inconvenience previous analytics were having scalability and load balancing issues over Big Data processing. In this paper, we introduced Scalable and Flexible Big Data Analytic Framework (SFBAF) architecture for Big Data processing and knowledge extraction. Implementation of this framework addresses the problems of data extraction, data transformation, mapping, analytics performance and result accuracy at design level. Case studies will explain and compare the results of our approach with existing analytic mechanisms in detail.

Generating the more efficient dynamic test cases became a challenging task, which improvises the ... more Generating the more efficient dynamic test cases became a challenging task, which improvises the test result accuracy while testing a software application. Metamorphic Testing (MT) has emerged as successful and proven methodology to alleviate the design of complex test oracles in software testing since last decade. Generating the follow-up test cases is the featured advantage of Metamorphic Testing to reveal the hidden bug information from underlying software applications. But earlier research scholars of Metamorphic Testing were used the traditional follow-up test case generation strategies, which are suffering from inadequate or no training data set which leads to inefficient test case generation. Because of this limitation, MT is unable to reach the expected performance in testing of a software application. In this paper, we introduced a Successive Test Case Generation (STCG) Algorithm in the area of Metamorphic Testing to generate the efficient follow-up test cases to identify t...
Metamorphic Testing is an attribute relations based testing, used to mitigate the test oracle pro... more Metamorphic Testing is an attribute relations based testing, used to mitigate the test oracle problem in testing complex non-testable programs. MTAF stands for Metamorphic Testing Automation Framework, introduced to eliminate the human intervention in creating test cases, mapping the relations, executing the statements and identifying the errors from input programs. MTAF is especially designed to address the test oracle problem of two most popular non-testable program domains are Multi Precision Arithmetic (MPA) and Graph Theory (GT) applications. In this paper, the researcher explains the results of conducted experiments and identified bug information with MTAF. Several Multi Precision Arithmetic and Graph Theory related hidden bugs are discussed in this paper to show the performance of MTAF.

Today Smart Mobile Devices (PDA’s) are playing a vital role in connectivity and information excha... more Today Smart Mobile Devices (PDA’s) are playing a vital role in connectivity and information exchange among the people. Advanced hardware components of PDA are supporting the high amount of Data Transfers to satisfy the user needs. These improvements are allowing the smart mobile users to transfer the videos, images, sounds and other multimedia content through wireless ad-hoc networks. Unstable network routing causes to, redesign the routing frequently till completion of the initiated data transfer. Network Life Time is an essential characteristic while initiating the high amount of data transfer among the mobile nodes. There are several wireless routing protocols have been introduced in this area for energy efficiency, reliable routing and scalable Data Transfers. All these protocols are suffering from network rerouting problem due to the life time uncertainty of network. In this paper, we proposed a novel mobile ad-hoc network routing protocol as Energy-Aware Trustable Multi-hop Ro...

Metamorphic Testing (MT) has been arrived as a better alternative in the area of testing to allev... more Metamorphic Testing (MT) has been arrived as a better alternative in the area of testing to alleviate the complex test oracle problem. MT transforms the general attribute relations as Metamorphic Relations to ensure the correctness of test output (expectation) and to generate the follow-up test cases for hidden bug detection. Test Automation is a prominent testing technique to minimize the test execution time, cost, resources and improves the test result accuracy. As on many testing methodologies have been introduced the test automation for their excellence, but MT is still suffering to introduce complete automation due to some problems are: Selection of compatible base test suite, Availability and Applicability analysis of MRs, Automatic MT Execution and follow-up test cases generation. In this paper we introduced a generic framework as Metamorphic Testing Automation Framework (MTAF) to address the above specified problems in automation of MT. Our framework is an integrated environ...

To support multimedia services with different Quality of Services (QoS) and bandwidth requirement... more To support multimedia services with different Quality of Services (QoS) and bandwidth requirements is current aim in the wireless networks. To enhance network performance is important in effective management of limited resources. Access Service Network Gateway (ASN GW) relocation is the process of changing the traffic‟s Anchor Point (AP) from one GW to another which is independent of Mobile Station‟s (MS‟s) Link Layer (LL) handover. The existing standardsdo not specify when the ASN GW relocation has to be performed, buthave details about the ASN relocation procedures. The proposed system combines gateway relocation and Admission Control to determine when to perform ASN GW relocation, as relocation is closely related to Admission Control. This novel Bandwidth based Admission Control (BAC) Scheme considers the size of requests from each MS rather than taking the number of MSs as a whole. Hence the mobility management, which refers the IEEE 802.16e, scheme minimizes the packet loss, ne...
2015 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering, 2015
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015
5th Annual International Conferences on Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies (ICT 2014) and Computer Science Education: Innovation & Technology (CSEIT 2014), 2014
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014