Papers by African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research

African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research Vol 5(2) 2024, 2024
Oil pollution is undoubtedly one potential consequence of industries at large, and oil pollution ... more Oil pollution is undoubtedly one potential consequence of industries at large, and oil pollution and contamination occurs in countries around the world. However, only a few research have examined the deleterious effect of diesel oil on plant anatomy. Therefore, the major objectives include: to determine the impacts of diesel oil on the growth parameters, physiology and the anatomical features of Zea mays L. Experimental plots were treated with four different percentage of diesel oil (4.64mg/kg, 35.91mg/kg, 48.39mg/kg, 65.89mg/kg and 67.64mg/kg) and compared to control plots (where no oil was applied). The effect of the treatment (diesel oil) on the growth parameters (leaf area, number of leaves, plant height and plant biomass) and anatomical features (lower epidermis) were investigated at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after planting. Results of this experiment showed that for the parameters studied (leaf area, number of leaves and plant biomass), the values obtained for the treatments were reduced compared to the control, thereby establishing that diesel oil had a negative impact on Z. mays. Also, the diesel oil impacted some of the Physiological characters (plant biomass and chlorophyll content) and the anatomical features (stomata length and epidermal cell length). Hence, it is advised that Z. mays should be grown on soils with little or no diesel content to enable optimum growth and development of the plant. Further analysis should be carried out to ascertain the effect of diesel oil on other anatomical features (root and petiole) of Z. mays for future research and decision making for sustainable agro-ecosystem.
Keywords: Ze Mays, Diesel Oil, Soil, Epidermal, Biomass.

African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research Vol 5(1) 2023, 2023
The complex and cost effective nature of process rig plants remain a matter of concern toward imp... more The complex and cost effective nature of process rig plants remain a matter of concern toward improving the operations and minimizing costs to bearest standard. Maintaining the unit operational equipments and replacing nonfunctional ones is another subject of concern in this research work. Minimizing rig plant hazards to near zero is the crux of the subject matter. There are several measures from the literatures; however, the adopted methods used here are (i) questionnaire for sifting hazards, (ii) assessing the various types of drilling fluids, (iii) characterization of drilling fluids and (iv) evaluating the risk potential and alertness in drilling rig plants. The hazard and operability, HAZOP risk assessment tools show that all the barriers or controllers may fail to guide the formation fluid invasion into the wellbore (kick) leading to blowout. The consequence of a failed control blowout is fire, explosion, fatal loss of lives, and environmental pollution. The significance of this research work is to improve on the safety of rigged plant on the basis of a risk assessment and preparedness response in the case of emergency.

African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research Vol 5(1) 2023, 2023
In this study, the thin layer modelling and analysis of drying characteristics of curry leaves (M... more In this study, the thin layer modelling and analysis of drying characteristics of curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) has been studied in an electric convective dryer with constant air mass flow rate of 0.0636 kg/s and temperatures 50 o C, 60 o C and 70 o C. Twelve thin layer drying models were tested for its suitability to describe the drying characteristics of curry leaves. Based on the statistical parameters, the Modified Henderson and Pabis model was selected for predicting the drying characteristics of curry leaves. This model was seen to have the highest average R-squared and Adjusted R-squared values of 0.9982 and 0.996 respectively, and the lowest average SSE, Chi-squared values and Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) values of 0.005332, 0.0006 and 0.02315 respectively. The moisture diffusivity of samples was evaluated at temperatures of 50 o C, and 70 o C respectively. The activation energy was also evaluated to be 82.26KJ/mol. It was observed that the drying rate was faster at 70 0 C and gave the best quality of dried curry leave. Further research is needed for the actual commercialization of the locally dried curry leave. INTRODUCTION Curry leaves, scientifically known as Murraya koenigii Spreng, belong to the Rutaceae family. The plant is grown in tropical and subtropical regions. It is known to Indian by the name of 'sweet neem'. Curry leaves are natural flavoring agents with a number of health benefits. It makes food both healthy and tasty along with pleasing aroma. Curry leaves have anti-diabetic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and hepato-protective (capability to protect liver damage) properties, (Gupta S, Prakash J, 2009). The main nutrients found in curry leaves are carbohydrates (18.7gm), energy (108 Kcal), fiber (6.4gm), protein (6.1 gm), fat (1gm), calcium (830mg) and minerals (4 gm). Curry leaves can be used in either fresh or dried form as an ingredient in the

African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research Vol 5(1) 2023, 2023
Over the years, drilling for oil and gas is a high-risk and challenging venture. Despite the unce... more Over the years, drilling for oil and gas is a high-risk and challenging venture. Despite the uncertainty and the problem associated with the drilling operations, wells are being drilled every day. To overcome these problems, the drilling mud engineers must prepare for these challenges to meet the expected revenue and the time allocated for a particular drilling job. A practical test was conducted at a temperature of 120 o F and an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi to determine the effects of seawater and cement slurry contaminant on drilling water and non-water-based drilling mud. The results of the sea water contaminant on water-based mud shows that there is slight increase in the plastic viscosities from 27cP to 30cP, yield point from 14 Ib/100ft 2 to 18 Ib/100ft 2 , while the results of the cement contaminant of oil-based mud of 10 grams to 50 grams show plastic viscosities increase from 24cP to 25c and yield point decrease from 12 Ib/100ft 2 to 8 Ib/100ft 2 respectively. The presence of other contaminants in the drilling mud reduces the properties as well and in turn affects the rate of penetration and its performance, and poses serious drilling problems. Based on the practical conducted and analysis of results obtained, It is recommended that a mud program should be designed to gives provision for correction of suspected or expected contaminant(s) beforehand and basic knowledge of the drilling mud chemistry must be known to effectively supervise the contaminants control and mud must be properly treated to prevent the destruction of subsurface equipment.

Research and development remains the stem in technology improvement in the modern world. Therefor... more Research and development remains the stem in technology improvement in the modern world. Therefore an effort on studies to improve the paint products is imperative because there is the need to re-evaluate the content parameters of its constituted material elements. The suitable methods adopted in this research work are (i) preparation of organic pigments for paint production, (ii) production of emulsion paint using different grades of PVC, (iii) characterization of the paint produced and (iv) comparison of the properties of the of the formulated emulsion paint with the ASTM standard. The experimental results show that there was appropriate and consistent ration between the pigment volume concentration and the binder during the paint formulation and it also shows that viscosity increased with increase in PVC. Further studies reveal that additional pigment and the porosity of the paint increases, resulting in good deeper colour and good opacity for the paints formulated and moderate drying. The paints produced were found to have excellent viscosity which implies good flow properties. The effect of porosity (%) in respect of pigment volume concentration was stable from stage 1 to 4, having values of 167-620cP with the porosity ranging from 0-64.28%. While a drastic increase at point 4, with a progressive increase from 4 to 9. For all the drying time scale, there was steady increase progressively from the inception to the last stage of the calibrations. These evaluations occur for all the drying time durations, with the value ranges from 7.80-39.80 minutes.

African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research, 2023
A study of the role of sustainable local content policy in human capacity development in Nigeria'... more A study of the role of sustainable local content policy in human capacity development in Nigeria's oil and gas industry-case for the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF, the Fund) was carried out to find solutions to three fundamental questions: a) "to what extent has PTDF contributed towards achieving human capacity development in Nigeria" b) "to what extent has PTDF intervention impacted the oil and gas industry in the last ten years in Nigeria" and c) "how sustainable is local content policy under the present PTDF mandate in Nigeria". This research was predicated on the skills gap audit report (2018-2023) of the Fund as a baseline study while leveraging on the secondary data sets of the PTDF trio-capacity development strategies from 2011-2021. The research was formulated on both descriptive and analytical statistics methods based on the industry need assessment. A comparative analysis of the Skills Gap Audit (SGA) and Secondary Data Sets (SDS) was carried out using arithmetic mean and deviation from the assumed mean of the unclassified data. The results established that more key performance indicators were captured in the SDS (mean of 23.04 and deviation of 0.4) against the imputed values in the SGA (mean 4.52 and deviation of 0.5 respectively). The implication therefore is that PTDF has contributed more significantly in human capacity development programmes than indicated in the Skills Gap Audit (SGA) report. However, challenging indicators could be turned into opportunities for the Fund if the extant law is amended to broaden the frontiers of investment-divestment strategies through public-private partnership for sustainable local content policy of the Fund. This research is useful for policy formulation and decision-making on local content in Nigeria. This research have the potential to also support both creators and evaluators of indices and parameters used in measuring and evaluating the quality of human capacity development programmes and its impact on the growth of the petroleum industry.

African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research, 2023
This study presents analytical evidence on the provenance and environment of deposition of the Ma... more This study presents analytical evidence on the provenance and environment of deposition of the Maastrichtian Ajali Sandstone Formation outcropping in Idah based on its textural and petrographic characteristics. The aim is to evaluate its depositional mechanisms, paleoclimate, provenance, and depositional environment. Granulometric analysis and thin section petrography were carried out on sediment samples from outcrop sections along the western flank of River Niger. The granulometric studies reveal the dominance of coarse to medium-grained (0.62 to 1.54φ) and moderately to poorly sorted sandstone (0.88-1.20φ). The sandstones are strongly coarsely skewed with an average mesokurtic value of 1.03φ. Linear Discriminant Function (LDF) for environmental discrimination reveals a dominance of Beach and shallow agitated marine (subtidal) environments in Y1 and Y2. At the same time, Y3 indicates an interplay of shallow marine and fluvio-deltaic environments. Results indicate high dominance of quartz minerals (73%) and an absence of feldspar minerals, indicating high compositional maturity. These results suggest that the fluvio-deltaic sediments of the Ajali Sandstone in Idah were sourced from the northeast-trending Santonian Okigwe-Abakaliki anticlinorium and the Precambrian Cameroun Mountains.

July 2022 Edition
Simplified predictive models developed to determine sustainable local content policy and human ca... more Simplified predictive models developed to determine sustainable local content policy and human capacity development in the Nigeria’s oil and gas industry was carried out using secondary data from the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) within ten years. The research was formulated on both descriptive and analytical statistical methods for the prediction of the expected capacity development value at optimum conditions based on critical industry need assessment and audit report between 2018 -2023 - a baseline study and the secondary data sets from PTDF trio-capacity development strategies from 2011 – 2021. From equations 2.1 – 2.11, it was established that challenging weaknesses could be turned into opportunities for the Fund. A comparative analysis of the Skills Gap Audit (SGA) and Simplified Predictive Models (SPM) was carried out using arithmetic mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient from the assumed mean of the unclassified data. Tables 2.1 - 4.5 and Figure...

Gas pipeline network and indeed gas infrastructures in the industry are liken to arteries and vei... more Gas pipeline network and indeed gas infrastructures in the industry are liken to arteries and veins of the body. Blood circulation in the body systems travels through arteries and veins while gas resource travel through network of pipes for industrial and domestic purposes. Nigerian dependency on oil in the last 50years, has been characterised with reserves depletion and infrastructural decays. Therefore, the urgent intervention for Gas Domestication Project cannot be over emphasised. There are endless investment opportunities that abound in the natural gas sector of the Nigerian petroleum industry. At present, the annual gas production in Nigeria is about 2000 BSFC which is remarkable for an oil dominated economy (Figures 1, 2 and 3). Therefore, the initiatives for sustainable gas domestication projects such as the Calabar-Umuahia-Ajaokuta (CUA) and the Ajaokuta-Abuja-Kano (AAK) are laudable in terms of boosting economic resources for future investments. The rapid quests for industrial development of the country necessitate the conceptualization of the Trans Nigerian Gas Pipeline Projects. The project was divided into two segments the Calabar-Umuahia-Ajaokuta (CUA) trunk and the Ajaokuta-Abuja-Kaduna-Kano (AAK) trunk line respectively. The CUA is a 681km, 56" underground single-phase pipeline while the AAK is a 585km, 56" underground single-phase pipeline respectively. The spur lines were design to withstand maximum of 24"and minimum of 22"respectively. The entire project cycle from conceptualization, design and completion were undertaken within two years with about eighty-five (85%) per cent Nigerian Content. The Nigerian engineers and scientists in collaboration with the consultants, deliver the project on schedule (Table 1). The implementation strategy was predicated on the utilization of Critical Path Method (CPM) and Site Man-hour and Cost Control (SMAC) approach for project scheduling, monitoring and evaluation as well as cost control activities all through the duration,(Equations 1-6). Risk determination and safety checks were carried out at each stage for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Front End Engineering Design (FEED), Detailed Engineering Design (DEED), Hazop and Hazid Safety processes, Helicopter Overfly and Right of way Mapping, Cost and Constructability Review and Invitation To Bid (ITB) documentation etc were scheduled and completed. Timely completion of the engineering design and documentation of the project was fundamental to the procurement and construction of the pipeline network. Procurement and construction work schedule are expected to increase industrial development of the country. Efficient gas utilization through gas to power projects, industrial parks along the gas pipeline routes is also affected. This study is expedient in the actual analysis and review of the initial engineering design and safety codes with a view to ensuring compliance with industry standards. The study is also significant as reference material for the actualization of the vision of designing and constructing a world class Trans-Nigerian gas pipeline projects. It will also serve asa reference material for administrators and decision makers on effective deployment and management of resources on gas pipeline projects in Nigeria.

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
Simplified predictive models were developed to determine sustainable local content policy and hum... more Simplified predictive models were developed to determine sustainable local content policy and human capacity development in the Nigeria’s oil and gas industry was carried out using secondary data from the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) within ten years. The research was formulated on both descriptive and analytical statistical methods for the prediction of the expected capacity development value at optimum conditions based on critical industry need assessment and audit report between 2018 -2023 - a baseline study and the secondary data sets from PTDF trio-capacity development strategies from 2011 – 2021. From equations 2.1 – 2.11, it was established that challenging weaknesses could be turned into opportunities for the Fund. A comparative analysis of the Skills Gap Audit (SGA) and Simplified Predictive Models (SPM) was carried out using arithmetic mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient from the assumed mean of the unclassified data. Tables 2.1 - 4.5 and Figures 2.1 and 2.6 are reference commonality data sets. The results established that more key performance indicators were captured in the SPM models (mean of 23.04 and deviation of 0.4) against the imputed values in the SGA, (mean 4.52 and deviation of 0.5) respectively. This research is useful for policy formulation and decision-making on local content policy formulations and capacity development programmes in Nigeria.
Keywords: Predictive models, Local Content, policy, Human Capacity, Oil and Gas.

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
The energy potentials of briquettes produced from a mixture of rice husk and saw dust have been i... more The energy potentials of briquettes produced from a mixture of rice husk and saw dust have been investigated from the physic-chemical properties under strict laboratory analysis using the compression and dewatering methods. The parameters indicated that briquettes from rice husk and saw dust using cassava starch as binders, are reddish brown while briquettes from rice husk and saw dust with gum Arabic are dark brown in colours. Furthermore, the moisture content of briquettes from rice husk and cassava starch is lower compared to that from saw dust and cassava starch (Table 1 and 2). Under intense pressure, briquettes from rice husk and cassava starch burn at 40oC in 3minutes, while rice husk with gum Arabic burn at 54oC in 3minutes. At the ratio of 50 – 50, briquettes with gum Arabic as binders is the best in calorific values at 0.694g/sec (Table 5). Saw dust has high thermal efficiency than rice husk while starch is more combustible than gum arabic. Equations 1 and 2 are determinants in the weight measurement processes and the ratio of materials for the right proportion of rice husk and saw dust with the different binders at different times. The moisture contents and burning rates of these briquettes are fundamental to the determinations of the energy potentials as alternative renewable energy source in Nigeria, equation 2. Briquettes produced from rice husk and saw dust is compatible with fuel needs in the rural areas and makes good biomass fuel as alternative energy sources if properly harness for both domestic and industrial use. This paper therefore, is useful for policy decisions on renewable energy industrialization, energy diversification and agro-economics for environmental preservation in Nigeria.
Keywords: Briquettes, Renewable Energy, Saw dust, Rice Husk, Gum Arabic.

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
Sediments are important in the geochemical cycles of marine and estuarine ecosystems with the abi... more Sediments are important in the geochemical cycles of marine and estuarine ecosystems with the ability to influence ecological processes and inhabiting biota. This study evaluated sediment particle sizes of the Lagos Harbour and inland water system with a view to determine their diversity and influence on heavy metal levels. Samples were collected using Van veen grabs, viz; dry season 2013 (DS-1), wet season 2013 (WS) and dry season 2014 (DS-2) for a period of 18 months in the Lagos Lagoon and inland water system. The sediments collected were analysed according to the British Standard (BS 1377-2, 1990) at the instrument Physical Geography Laboratory, University of Portsmouth. The mean clay, silt, course and sand were found to be 6.67± 4.51, 6.0 ± 3.0, 9.17± 3.25 and 0.37 ± 3.06 respectively. The particle size in relation with total metals/metalloids concentration in the sediment revealed positive correlation with significant differences (p<0.05) between clay and Fe (r = 0.391*), clay and Pb (r = 0.40*). While the particle size in relation and recoverable metals/metalloids concentration in the sediment revealed positive correlation with significant differences (p<0.05) between clay and Mn (r = 0.416*), silt and Mn (r = 0.414*). The particle size in relation with bioavailable metals/metalloids concentration in the sediment revealed positive correlation with were significant differences (p<0.05) between silt and Pb (r = 0.426*). This implies that the widespread dredging of the lagoon sediments and artisanal sand mining has had its toll on the structural integrity of the substratum. The strong correlation between the finer particle sizes with total, recoverable and bioavailable fractions of Fe-Mn-Pb in the sediment samples is notable and implies increased chances of retention of pollutants in the sediment matrix.
Keywords: Evaluation Techniques, Inland-Lagoons, Sediment texture, Heavy metal/metalloid, Marine pollution

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
Pollution of aquatic environments in the Niger Delta remains a major source of food chain contami... more Pollution of aquatic environments in the Niger Delta remains a major source of food chain contamination. In this study, the concentrations of some trace metals and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in biota were determined. Standard laboratory and environmental techniques were employed in sampling and analysis of samples. Periwinkle samples were collected from Borokiri, Kaa, Okrika and Eagle Island rivers. The concentrations of PCBs were determined using gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) while trace metals were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential techniques. The results of the study showed that concentrations of PCBs in the periwinkle ranged from 0.95 – 0.98 mg/kg. Trace metals concentrations (mg/kg) in periwinkle ranged as 0.848- 9.719, 4.325-6.115, 5.917-9.013, 4.369-7.395, 0.619-1.462, 3.712-5.653 and 2.911-5.614 for Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ba, Pb and Ni respectively. While the concentrations of the PCB were within regulatory limits; those of trace metals were all more than the permissible limits by World Health Organization (WHO). It is necessary to consistently monitor the levels of these pollutants in the rivers as they can contaminate the food chain thereby inducing toxicities in humans.
Keywords: Polychlorinated biphenyls, trace metals concentrations, food chain, contamination.

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
Biotechnological advances for the past decades have provided new surfactant production technologi... more Biotechnological advances for the past decades have provided new surfactant production technologies. Surface active substances (biosurfactants) produced by fermentative processes have proven to be a safer and sustainable alternative to many synthetic molecules. Biosurfactants are a promising substitute due to their synthesis potential by a wide variety of microorganisms. They are a highly diverse group of structures, such as glycolipids, lipopeptides, polysaccharide-protein complexes, phospholipids, fatty acids, and neutral lipids. This diversity promotes many advantages compared to synthetic surfactants, thereby making biosurfactants a suitable choice for technological advances associated with sustainable development. Such advantages include fermentative production viability using renewable resources, effectiveness in small concentrations even under extreme conditions, selective and specific potential for several applications, lower toxicity, higher biodegradability, and better stability to physicochemical variations. Despite these benefits enumerated, they are not widely used because of the high production costs. Hence, finding cost-effective substrates is imperative to making biosurfactants an economically competitive product against synthetic surfactants. In this review, inexpensive and renewable substrates that can be used for biosurfactants production are discussed. Also, biosurfactants and their potential use in bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminants, and effectiveness in bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminants compared to synthetic surfactants are reviewed.
Keywords: Biosurfactants, Hydrocarbon degradation, Bioremediation, Environment.

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
The Anambra Basin contains oil and gas producing reservoirs in the southeastern part of Nigeria. ... more The Anambra Basin contains oil and gas producing reservoirs in the southeastern part of Nigeria. Two-dimensional (2-D) modeling, using data from three (3) exploration wells has been carried out to assess the maturity, timing, and distribution of hydrocarbon generation in the Anambra Basin. This current study focuses on two sources in Anambra Basin namely; Coniacian Agwu and Nkporo source rocks. The results of models generated indicate that the onset of hydrocarbon generation from Awgu source rock started in the area of deepest subsidence during the late Campanian (77.30Ma). Awgu source rock in the model has a present-day transformation ratio of about 60-65%. This range indicates that the Awgu source rock has sufficient generation for hydrocarbon expulsion to occur. Nkporo source rock was equally observed to have capacity for hydrocarbon generation, but the generation was insufficient for expulsion because it has lower transformation ratio (<10%). Migrated hydrocarbon from the Coniacian Awgu source rock must have accumulated as oil and gas pools within the Coniacian Agbani and upper Campanian Owelli Sandstone. The discovery of gas in the Coniacian Agbani sandstone of Amansiodo-1, Akukwa-2, and Nzam-1 wells indicates the existence of petroleum traps in Cretaceous beds of the Anambra Basin.
Keywords: Two dimensional modelling, Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, Anambra basin, Transformation ratio, Awgu and Nkporo shales

Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
This research work uses gravimetric analysis for corrosion tests performed to determine the weigh... more This research work uses gravimetric analysis for corrosion tests performed to determine the weight loss and corrosion extent on carbon steel and glass reinforced epoxy (GRE) specimens. Comparative results for both specimens are analysed to justify the use of glass reinforced epoxy pipe as an effective control measure for the corrosion of oil pipelines used for the transportation of hydrocarbon products. The values obtained from the experiment are used to develop regression model which can be helpful to predict the corrosion extents on both materials within the test composition. Coefficient of determination is explored to ascertain the reliability of the regression models. The results obtained indicated that 99 percent of the original uncertainty has been explained by the regression models. From the experimental results, glass reinforced epoxy test specimens had better resistant to corrosion than carbon steel test specimens which makes it attractive alternative to the conventional carbon steel pipe for the transportation of hydrocarbon products in the Niger Delta of Nigeria.
Keywords: Carbon steel, Corrosion extent, Gravimetric analysis, GRE, Regression models
Volume 3 of 2, July , 2022
This paper reports a compressive study on the utilization of rice husk (RH) as an important agro ... more This paper reports a compressive study on the utilization of rice husk (RH) as an important agro waste and reinforcement for composites fabrication. It also reports in details, a review of the physical and mechanical properties of RH composites and it intensively highlighted the knowledge gaps that need to be filled in the respective research areas. Furthermore, it discusses the potential of RH composites to be used in photonics, construction materials, and automotive and furniture applications, based on their strength and thermal characteristics. It also revealed that, extensive efforts can make rice husk a material for sustainable development since it has the potential to reduce greenhouse emissions, reduces material costs and abundantly affordable.
Keywords: Rice Husk, Composites, Matrix, Reinforcement

Volume 3 of 1, January , 2022
Euphorbia heterophylla (EH) is a well-known Africa medicinal plant, which has been used in the Af... more Euphorbia heterophylla (EH) is a well-known Africa medicinal plant, which has been used in the African traditional medicine for the treatment of various human ailments including tumours and cancers. Previous phytochemical screening of E. hetrophylla has detected many flavonoids, terpenoids and sterols (Okeniyi et al., 2012: Silva et al., 2019). Seven compounds were isolated from the different fractions of EH including three biflavonoids (Cupressuflavone, Quecertin and Quercitrin) and four diterpenes (13-epicupressic acid, imbricatholic acid, 3α-hydroxy sandaracopimaric acid and β− hydroxysandaracopimaric acid). All the compounds were tested for their cytotoxicity against the A549 cell lines and compared with the anticancer standard etoposide. Cupressuflavone and 13-epicupressic acid showed the highest cytotoxicity against human lung cancer cells lines (A549) with IC50 values of 58 and 73μM respectively. The current findings support the traditional use of EH for the treatment of tumours and other cancer related diseases. It is suggested that the cytotoxic activity revealed in the polar MeOH fractions was due to the presence of cytotoxic bioflavonoids and the cytotoxicity observed with the non-polar fractions of E. heterophylla root were contributed by various cytotoxic terpenes.
Keywords: Euphorbia heterophylla, bioflavonoids, terpenoids, Cupressuflavone, 13-epicupressic acid, Cytotoxicity

Volume 3 of 1, January , 2022
This research was carried out based on the need for creating a digitalized environmental resource... more This research was carried out based on the need for creating a digitalized environmental resource database for Ogoni (comprising its four Local Government Area of Eleme, Khana, Tai and Gokana in Rivers State, Nigeria). Leveraging on the Engaged techniques in monitoring oil spill Remediation management. The research was proposed towards monitoring Remediation with various degrees of impact resulting from oil spill contamination within the study area, through the knowledge of spill sources, contaminated area, degree of impact and sizes, from which a viable database is built. List of the impacted 64 UNEP facts sheets sites, list of 12 sites undergoing Remedial work, spill investigation area and their reference GPS coordinates as provided by HYPREP was analysed using the Geographical Information Systems. collected dataset was analysed using ArcGIS 10.5 as imported in Geographical Information Systems environment, suffer was used in producing maps and contour. Indications from result shows that each impacted site, has an associated source with the contour showing point of high and low impact of contamination. The research has therefore conclusively shown the effective use of Geographical Information Systems, in creating a spatial database in monitoring and modelling oil spill trend for the purpose Remediation putting in place adequate Remediation Management System in the study area. I recommend that Remediation Management System maps covering study area be consistently made available and accessed when needed for upward review.
Key worlds: Oil Spill, Remediation, Environmental Pollution, Ogoni clean-up.

Volume 3 of 1, January , 2022
The research focuses on the evaluation of geomechanical parameters for sand prediction in APOGEE,... more The research focuses on the evaluation of geomechanical parameters for sand prediction in APOGEE, offshore Nigeria. Depletion of reservoir, increased water- cut, reservoir ageing, poor completion and poor reservoir management all causes sand production. Sand production increases the cost of maintenance of a well, leads to well shut in and jeopardizes the safety of worker. Four wells were evaluated using geomechanical parameters and well logs data (sonic log, Gamma ray, density, resistivity, and neutron log). Furthermore, six reservoirs were identified (reservoir 1- 6) and correlated across the five wells. Shear and compressive wave travel time from the sonic log were obtained and were used to estimate geomechanical parameters (both elastic and inelastic). The estimated geomehcanical parameters includes Poison ratio, Young modulus, Bulk modulus, UCS and pore pressure. Four methods were used to evaluate the sand potential and they include: B-index, Schlumberger index, Bulk modulus, Compression ratio and combined ratio. The analysis revealed a strong linear relationship between UCS and porosity with a regression coefficient correlation between 1 and 0. 98. This research shows the studied reservoirs falls below the threshold pressure for sand production. Comparing the four methods, the ratio of Shear modulus to the bulk compressibility ratio (G/Cb) method predicted the highest potential for sand production. This research therefore validates that reservoirs in APOGEE field is highly unconsolidated.
Keywords: Poison ratio, Young modulus, Bulk modulus, UCS and Pore pressure and Sand control.
Papers by African Journal of Engineering and Environment Research
Keywords: Ze Mays, Diesel Oil, Soil, Epidermal, Biomass.
Keywords: Predictive models, Local Content, policy, Human Capacity, Oil and Gas.
Keywords: Briquettes, Renewable Energy, Saw dust, Rice Husk, Gum Arabic.
Keywords: Evaluation Techniques, Inland-Lagoons, Sediment texture, Heavy metal/metalloid, Marine pollution
Keywords: Polychlorinated biphenyls, trace metals concentrations, food chain, contamination.
Keywords: Biosurfactants, Hydrocarbon degradation, Bioremediation, Environment.
Keywords: Two dimensional modelling, Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, Anambra basin, Transformation ratio, Awgu and Nkporo shales
Keywords: Carbon steel, Corrosion extent, Gravimetric analysis, GRE, Regression models
Keywords: Rice Husk, Composites, Matrix, Reinforcement
Keywords: Euphorbia heterophylla, bioflavonoids, terpenoids, Cupressuflavone, 13-epicupressic acid, Cytotoxicity
Key worlds: Oil Spill, Remediation, Environmental Pollution, Ogoni clean-up.
Keywords: Poison ratio, Young modulus, Bulk modulus, UCS and Pore pressure and Sand control.
Keywords: Ze Mays, Diesel Oil, Soil, Epidermal, Biomass.
Keywords: Predictive models, Local Content, policy, Human Capacity, Oil and Gas.
Keywords: Briquettes, Renewable Energy, Saw dust, Rice Husk, Gum Arabic.
Keywords: Evaluation Techniques, Inland-Lagoons, Sediment texture, Heavy metal/metalloid, Marine pollution
Keywords: Polychlorinated biphenyls, trace metals concentrations, food chain, contamination.
Keywords: Biosurfactants, Hydrocarbon degradation, Bioremediation, Environment.
Keywords: Two dimensional modelling, Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, Anambra basin, Transformation ratio, Awgu and Nkporo shales
Keywords: Carbon steel, Corrosion extent, Gravimetric analysis, GRE, Regression models
Keywords: Rice Husk, Composites, Matrix, Reinforcement
Keywords: Euphorbia heterophylla, bioflavonoids, terpenoids, Cupressuflavone, 13-epicupressic acid, Cytotoxicity
Key worlds: Oil Spill, Remediation, Environmental Pollution, Ogoni clean-up.
Keywords: Poison ratio, Young modulus, Bulk modulus, UCS and Pore pressure and Sand control.