Papers by Claudio Acioly jr.

Elsevier eBooks, 2012
This article explores informal housing development and procurement modalities in the developing w... more This article explores informal housing development and procurement modalities in the developing world, outlining how houses get produced and by whom. While housing modes in the developing world are traditionally divided into binary formal–informal categories, this article structures developer modalities by situating them along a ‘formality continuum’, from informal to formal, with hybrid modes in the middle. Using this continuum this article outlines three informal developer modes: unauthorised owner-occupier self-build of incremental housing in slums and informal settlements; unauthorised land subdivision, typically on the periphery of cities; and rental property, both small-scale households and large-scale commercial landlords. Each modality is discussed with a focus on the underlying process, activities, and actors involved. It is these informal and mostly unplanned housing modalities that constitute the dominant residential development approach in cities in developing countries today.
Claudio Acioly Jr. is an ar chi tect and ur ban plan ner with pro fes sional ex pe ri ence from B... more Claudio Acioly Jr. is an ar chi tect and ur ban plan ner with pro fes sional ex pe ri ence from Brazil, The Neth er lands and Guinea-Bissau. He has writ ten two books on selfhelp hous ing and neigh bour hood up grad ing. In 1992, he earned his Mas ters de gree in De sign, Planning and Man age ment of Build ings and the Built En vi ron ment at the Fac ulty of Ar chi tec ture, Delft Uni ver sity of Tech nol ogy, The Neth er lands.
International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who

textabstractThis report is addressed to professionals and urban practitioners who are interested ... more textabstractThis report is addressed to professionals and urban practitioners who are interested in participatory planning processes and in the establishment of organised priority setting mechanisms and decision-making involving government and communities on the allocation of public investments. Those who work in the public sector or with public policies at the local government level will benefit from the findings of the research particularly if their interest lies on the establishment of government-community management of public funds. The findings of the research will be instrumental for NGO’s and CBO’s that are engaged in partnerships with local governments. The primary objective of the research is to analyse and describe the experience of the municipality of Santo Andre with participatory budgeting hereinafter called OP ( Orcamento Participativo) depicted from interviews and observations of key actors and stakeholders directly involved in the OP, and from the analysis of interna...
This chapter illustrates the street-led citywide slum upgrading approach as the strategy to achie... more This chapter illustrates the street-led citywide slum upgrading approach as the strategy to achieve the social and spatial inclusion of slums and their residents into the city where they are located. The street-led approach draws on the area-based plan, the urban layout design and the street networks. It is argued that this is an incremental development strategy to achieve physical and spatial integration of slums into the nearby district and the city as whole. The practical examples of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo show the vigorous results of the approach in achieving greater spatial connectivity and physical integration but also unveil the challenges to incorporate slum dwellers into the city social, economic, institutional and city management environment.

El programa de Apoyo para la Implementacion de los Planes Nacionales de Accion SINPA (Support for... more El programa de Apoyo para la Implementacion de los Planes Nacionales de Accion SINPA (Support for Implementation of National Plans of Action) surge para dar cumplimiento a las politicas y directrices proclamadas durante la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos - HABITAT II (Estambul 1996) (UNCHS 1997) en tres ciudades de diferentes paises. En Bolivia, SINPA materializa el fortalecimiento del Gobierno Municipal de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, ciudad tropical prometedora y de grandes contrastes (motor del desarrollo economico, concentra los mayores indices de pobreza absoluta del pais), se rige por un convenio suscrito entre el gobierno municipal el Instituto de Estudios de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano IHS (Holanda) y dos universidades locales. El pais de fuerte tradicion centralista y con bajo nivel de relacionamiento y articulacion entre los estamentos politico y civil, introduce a partir de 1994 drasticas reformas al Estado una de las cuales es la descentral...

Brasilia represents a turning point in the history of town planning and it is undoubtedly the mos... more Brasilia represents a turning point in the history of town planning and it is undoubtedly the most expressive example of a city in which the paradigms of the CIAMs-International Congresses of Modern Architecture were implemented to their fullest extent. The Plano Piloto of Brasilia is the only 20th century urban area, that was elected as a patrimony of humanity by UNESCO. The city experienced a rapid development but after thirty-two years since it was officially inaugurated, it presents features similar to other metropolises in the Developing World: high rates of population growth, housing shortage, squatter settlements, urban struggles, inappropriate public policies etc. In this paper, the author makes a critical review of the development of the city, emphasizing low income housing policies, stressing the conflicts of the planning process with emerging social-political movements of residents. Theoretical parameters and development premises of the new Brazilian capital are analyzed. It is argued that these parameters have decisively influenced further urban policies of the government, which created a series of constraints on the urban poor. The text provides evidence that a critical housing shortage has accompanied the development of Brasilia and that it is directly associated with restrictive public policies towards land, housing, infrastructure and employment. BRASILIA, FROM CONCEPT TO METROPOLIS: a critique from the perspective of low income housing policies.
El presente articulo es un resumen de la conferencia magistral realizada en el III Congreso Inter... more El presente articulo es un resumen de la conferencia magistral realizada en el III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad, el dia 21 de Junio de 2018, organizado por el Instituto de Investigacion de Vivienda y Habitat (INVIHAB), junto a la Maestria en Gestion y Desarrollo Habitacional, ambos de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseno, de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. La presentacion es parte de la cooperacion del Instituto con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos, ONU-Habitat, en el marco del Programa de Cooperacion con Universidades, UN-Habitat UNI, en el ambito de las actividades organizadas por el ‘Hub Genero’ de UNI
Urbanization and informal land development Forecasts of the United Nations indicate that in 20 ye... more Urbanization and informal land development Forecasts of the United Nations indicate that in 20 years half of the developing world’s population will be living in cities. It also indicates that cities are growing at a rate of 60 million inhabitants per year that is equivalent to a country of the size of Egypt, Turkey or Thailand. The noticeable phenomenon is the increase in the number of cities with a population between 1 and 5 million inhabitants, from nearly 200 to more than 600.
Third World Planning Review, 1993
Third World Planning Review, 1994
... 1990: Governor Roriz is nominated a minister in the federal government and resigns a few hour... more ... 1990: Governor Roriz is nominated a minister in the federal government and resigns a few hoursafter taking office in order to run for governor of Brasilia. 1990: (November) J. Roriz is elected governor of Brasilia in the city's first election, with more than 50 per cent of the votes. ...
The paper makes a brief review of the UDHA legislation. The Urban Development and Housing Act, en... more The paper makes a brief review of the UDHA legislation. The Urban Development and Housing Act, enacted in 1992, established the framework and relations between different actors in the Philippines' Housing Sector when addressing the housing needs of the poor. Basically the law helps in providing protection for informal settlements and setting procedures against evictions; it gives provisions for local
Papers by Claudio Acioly jr.